Magma Blade is a Curved Sword in Elden Ring. The Magma Blade scales primarily with Strength and Faith, with reduced scaling in Dexterity, and is a good Weapon for characters who prioritise strength and want to deal additional Fire damage while benefitting from the swift curved sword move set.
Curved sword with a blade fashioned from the lava of Mt. Gelmir.
An armament of the man-serpents, impossible for a human to have made.
Deals fire damage.
Where to Find Magma Blade in Elden Ring
The Magma Blade weapon can be found at the following location:
- Possible drop from Man-Serpent enemies wielding the orange glowing Magma Blade at Volcano Manor. [Elden Ring Map Link]
- Two of the Serpents can be easily accessed by going up the wooden elevator outside of the building to the North of the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace: one enemy down the hallway, the other through the first archway to the right.
Elden Ring Magma Blade Notes & Tips
- Weapon Skill: Magma Shower
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
- Cannot be enchanted with Magic nor boosted by Consumables
- Magma Blade can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
- Sell Value:
- Base drop rate is 1% (at 100 Discovery).
- Scales with Strength better than Faith: 45/45 Str/Fth equals 608 AR (376 Phys, 231 Fire), 80/16 Str/Fth equals 619 AR (432 Phys, 185 Fire), and 9/80 Str/Fth equals 536 AR (280 Phys, 254 Fire).
- This weapon is very often used on a pure Strength build with just enough Faith to use it, however another devastating strategy is to prioritize Faith and make liberal use of the ranged lava on the weapon art.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.08, poise damage has been reduced, but only for PVP.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below. Additionally, the running attack speed, first attack speed of straight sword has increased. The attack recovery time has also decreased.
- NOTE: Patch 1.13 Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks of all Curved Swords (in PVP)
Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Magma Blade
Magma Blade PVP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring
Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.
One-Handed Attacks
- 1H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 135/67.5/67.5/67.5/67.5/135
- 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 270/270
- 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 270+540/270+540
- 1H R1 Jumping: 202.5
- 1H R2 Jumping: 540
Two-Handed Attacks
- 2H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 175.5/87.5/87.5/87.5/87.5/175.5
- 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 297/297
- 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 297+594/297+594
- 2H R1 Jumping: 263.25
- 2H R2 Jumping: 594
Magma Blade Upgrades in Elden Ring
Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.
Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.
Attack Power | Stat Scaling | Passive Effects | Damage Reduction (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Magma Blade | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Sta | Str | Dex | Int | Fai | Arc | Any | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Bst | Rst |
Standard | 96 | - | 62 | - | - | 49 | D | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 27 | 11 |
Standard +1 | 109 | - | 70 | - | - | 53 | D | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 27.27 | 11 |
Standard +2 | 123 | - | 79 | - | - | 58 | D | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 27.54 | 11 |
Standard +3 | 137 | - | 88 | - | - | 63 | D | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 27.81 | 11 |
Standard +4 | 151 | - | 97 | - | - | 68 | D | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 28.08 | 11 |
Standard +5 | 165 | - | 106 | - | - | 73 | C | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 28.35 | 11 |
Standard +6 | 179 | - | 115 | - | - | 78 | C | D | - | D | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 28.62 | 11 |
Standard +7 | 193 | - | 124 | - | - | 83 | C | D | - | C | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 28.89 | 11 |
Standard +8 | 207 | - | 133 | - | - | 88 | C | D | - | C | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 29.16 | 11 |
Standard +9 | 221 | - | 142 | - | - | 93 | C | D | - | C | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 29.43 | 11 |
Standard +10 | 235 | - | 151 | - | - | 98 | C | D | - | C | - | - | 44 | 30 | 44 | 30 | 30 | 29.7 | 11 |
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
i fram 2 hour 36 minute just drop 1 and i have 260k runes :) 424 Discovery i fine
- Anonymous
Farming for two of these hurt my soul but it was worth it, powerstanced magma blades were my go-to for faith for a long time
- Anonymous
drop chance is much lower than 1% took about 300 to get one and another 290 to get the second I hate those stupid lizards
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
6 shields, 200,000 runes, and 2 Black Dumplings (twice as rare) and no magma blade. It's much much lower than 1% rarity.
- Anonymous
Would be worth it if the skill had some it is, I get stunned out of it by a frickin soldier. Not worth the farm tbh
- Anonymous
Farming this hurts more than receiving a seedbed curse. I was a happy man before.
- Anonymous
farmed for 1 hour... lots of volcanic stone then killed the 1st and got the blade. then killed the 2nd serpent and got the blade again. unbelievable
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If you hate yourself do the following: Farm for two Magma Blades and then after 3 hours finally get the second one and ALT + F4 the game immediately cause you're so tired of playing, and then realize you ****ed up and have to do it for 3 more hours cause it didn't save :D
- Anonymous
Farmed 2 of these in less than an hour by killing the 2 Man Serpents up the Temple of Eiglay tower. I also got a dumpling and 3 shields to drop while farming, so I guess the odds were in my favor tonight with rare drops.
- Anonymous
Took me a little over two hours to get 2 of those (arcane mask, arcane buff from the misbegotten sword and consumable buff)
Holy **** those babies absolutely ****ing SLAP
Insane ash of war stance damage, and cool to dual wield.
I wear this on my side as my secondary weapon. I don't use it, I just wear it as a status symbol so other players know I'm better than they are
- Anonymous
I was farming this and the Black Dumpling for hours on another save only to now tell myself alright, time to farm this again. I was mentally prepared and all only for both to be dropped after only a couple runs. Which once again makes me think that as soon as you start a world, your RNG is fixed. I swear this is some Pokémon Gold/Silver RNG. I wonder how many people know what i'm talking about. Oh well... Back to farming. Gelmir Staff is still missing.
- Anonymous
I swear Miyazaki-kun and those snakes hate me.
It's literally 1500h played and I NEVER GOT THIS
- Anonymous
This Curve Sword is God Tier! If you're running STR/FTH then it's easily pairable with any other Curved Swords within your Build.
The running powerstance attack of this Blade melts HP and easily roll catch someone on pvp.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Tip: remember to send the elevator back down after riding up to save the time of waiting after pulling the lever. Got mine on like the 10th kill ever, 240~ discovery.
- Anonymous
Guys i got 2 blades in like 30 mins with 265 discovery, sending my luck to you all !
- Anonymous
Got about 100 000 runes, 5 bucklers and 0 blades. Decided to do one more run and get one bucker and this.
- Anonymous
I'll trade someone a near infinite amount of volcanic **** rock for just one of these.
- Anonymous
I’d rather these weapons be both farmable and also a guaranteed drop from a single enemy. That way, if you want two, you only gotta farm one, not to mention it’s less of a soul-draining grind.
- Anonymous
Seems like I'll have to go get myself a lottery ticket. Some guy wanted a magma blade for his Obsidian Lamina... got it in the first try. Yay!
It's skill is an absolute stance damage demon if only for the fact you can rapidly chain it
- Anonymous
Welp... It seems like this sword is 100% harder to acquire than the Noble Slender Sword...
- Anonymous
I want to use it for the first time in a pure faith flame build. Is it worth the grind for it even if I won't invest in str more than like 20?
- Anonymous
one of the few somber smithing stone weapons with low strength requirements that you can get relatively early. imo not a bad choice early on for a dex/faith build if you're tossing your standard smithing stones into the finger seal. Eventually you will want to swap it for a weapon with better dex or faith scaling but not bad in the early game for something that's pretty good and easy to upgrade
- Anonymous
According to the percentages, you have about 1 in 100 chance to get it. Not sure if this helps.
- Anonymous
apparantely it works on the skill but would talisman of the dread (increases magma damage ) work on the attacks
Been farming for volcano stones but I keep getting this dumb sword. I have 9 of them now =(
- Anonymous
My washed friend got 4 to drop in 1 hour of farming. I KNOW YOU SEE THIS ALEX
- Anonymous
After hours and hours of farming and millions of volcanic rocks i killed this snake Guy and in the moment he fell to the ground i knew before i pressed y that this is the Magma Blade. And so it was...a better feeling than beating Malenia the First time. And Now i use my Magma Wyrm Scalesword or Blasphemous Blade.
- Anonymous
Another weapon I had completely missed in my previous 10+ playthroughs. Only came across this one after reading about the talisman of the dread. Got one fairly quickly and been running around the DLC with Serpentgods curved sword on my left hand and Magma blade on my right. For talismans I've been using dread, rotten sword, fire scorpion and alternating between claw, crusade, alexanders and ritual sword (since I'm constantly getting HP back due to Serpentgods on my left). It's pretty fun and the damage output from Magma blade seems especially high. The giant Miranda flowers go down very fast and I bet this would work well against avatars and tree spirits.
- Anonymous
Farmed two of these for my faith build, optimized my route best I could. Stone of Gurranq with cinquedea in the other hand could quickly, reliably two-shot from a distance, even with silver tear mask. Had to free-aim the stone to kill the albinauric but I got used to it, if I messed up I could just stunlock him with the cinquedea. Set up my talismans for dps and discovery: silver scarab, marika's soreseal, radagon icon, ritual sword. Each run took about a minute, so at two kills per minute and 200 discovery (≈2% drop chance) expected time per drop is 25 min. Overall it took me a little over an hour, skill looks cool, looking forward to using them in DLC.
- Anonymous
I ended up with a bunch of these, because my dumb ass thought the lizard at the end of the corridor will drop his fire whip.
- Anonymous
farming this is like the equivalent of getting a lobotomy.
- Anonymous
grinded a full hour for one, took a break until the next day. got it first try. why me? why did i have to be the "oho unlucky and then instantly lucky" joke story
- Anonymous
Got one drop on my 3rd kill. Wanted to read about it and found all these comments about how rare the drop it. *puts it into storage forever*
- Anonymous
Does dread talisman increase the damage of all attacks with this? Would be neat
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
At 330 discovery it took me almost 2 hours... lame. However, the running attack on these is nuts. It shreds, and also goes into the Magma skill seamlessly. Light weight too even with 2 of them. Obviously jumping attacks a really good too.
- Anonymous
I find that items drop more easily if you perform a "counter" attack on kill. Not sure if it helps.
Kill them when they have started an attack animation, things seem to drop easier. I got 2 blades in 1 hour.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
197 Discovery, farmed for half a million runes and still no blade. Game really hates me
- Anonymous
After 3 hours, I got 2 of them back to back. I hate this game
- Anonymous
Dual wield it, go minimum requirements in faith and dex and put your extra points in str. At 10 str a jump attack deals 1453 dmg, at 60 str it deals 1829 (because it hits 4 times). Best weight to dmg ratio in game. Use raptors black feathers and claw talisman for ~20% more dmg
- Anonymous
I'm only two silver feet away from eating my own to boost my item discovery.
- Anonymous
got 2 after about 50,000 runes of farming; killing the two snake bois and the creepy crawly dude. Was using 'mask of confidence', 'marikas scarseal' and Godricks Great Rune, Arcane at 73 before items and rune arc
- Anonymous
I've posted on here before about how much I love this weapon, however imagine how broken a black flame/magma version of this would've been! Oh well.
- Anonymous
Does dancer of ranah set buff AOW? Also, does magma buffing talisman buff only ground magma of AOW, or the whole AOW?
- Anonymous
Been farming this weapon for a bit, got one but want two. Got 9 arcane and no discovery buffs. I played a lot of Runescape so endless grinds are second nature to me now lol. Not sweating it.
- Anonymous
At least now I have enough Volcanic Stone to last a lifetime...
- Anonymous
It might not have the lowest drop chance of all weapons, but the scarcity of the enemies who drop it and the amount of time that the optimal farming route takes make this easily the most miserable farm in the game.
- Anonymous
I was pushing myself for 3 hours trying to kill the godskin noble so i could farm this weapon. Got this badboy on my first kill... well worth it
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
First time I've built around this weapon specifically and idk if it's because of the Dread talisman or if it was always this good but the lava puddles do an extra Spinning Slash's worth of damage all on their own. Absolutely love this weapon.
Also, close enough, welcome back Demon's Scar
- Anonymous
What are the new best talismans to pair with this weapon? With the new talisman of the dread, I straight up have no idea what to put with my duel Magma blades. I’ve got Rotten winged sword insignia, Millicent’s prosthesis, Fire Scorpion charm, Talisman of the Dread, and Alexander’s Warrior shard. There’s also Two headed turtle and Dragoncrest greatshield for support.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Got one in 30 minutes of farming the Eiglay two. Didnt even respec just base 30 arcane, silver scarab, marika's scarseal, outer god's heirloom and silver tear mask. 230 total discovery.
- Anonymous
Hope your math is wrong because I needed 17 shields and 60 hot rocks before I could get this ****er
- Anonymous
I understand not wanting to cheat past an enemy. but if i want to make a build in this game im not gonna spend hours farming for a single weapon or two... just get grand merchant off nexus and spawn them in. Its not like farming is part of the core gameplay or anything. even with max item discovery its a *****
- Anonymous
I got like six magma blades on my first kill.
No, you can't see them. I'm storing them in Canada.
- Anonymous
I found my first magma blade after two days of farming,the second one after like 30/35 minutes(45 arcane with silver scarab and silver mask)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's weird it scales with strength and faith since Stat requirements you need more base dex than strength with a base strength requirement at 9 while dex is 15 base requirement and 16 base faith stat
- Anonymous
literally got one first kill, that’s my luck for the rest of my life used up
- Anonymous
The most garabage drop rate in the entire game. 313 item disovery and 2 hours later I have 4 black dumplings which is supposed to have lower drop rate on paper. This thing does NOT have 1% drop chance more like 0,01%. If you want to farm for this, just don´t, it is not worth it. I am losing my sanity.
- Anonymous
So I've been playing around with builds I've never tried. Currently working on a death sorcery build mixed with this and wing of astel. Not sure how it would handle PvP, but the PvE has been enjoyable
- Anonymous
I farmed two of these and within an hour I was off handing a Scavenger's Cold Curved Sword. Two of these is nice.. for enemies not weak to fire. I got a lot more miles out of a diverse dual wield (Chilling Mist AOW is really nice). Sure the bleeds and frost don't proc as much as an ARC build, but these two paired together cut through pretty much everything in the late game.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Just got one on my runback to the jumping puzzle, I think it's a sign :D
- Anonymous
My worst grind to date. Over 150 (probably closer to 200) kills with 23% discovery to get one drop, and I’m still trying to get a second.
- Anonymous
Cool asf but after getting it, need to say imo it's not worth the grind.
- Anonymous
Just found 2 magma blades with 3 kills, what are the odds?????
- Anonymous
It took awhile but I now have enough volcanic stone to build a volcanic empire! (It's worth it to get two swords and dual wield)
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
2 hours and hundreds of kills later with my 274 discovery I finally got what I thought to be a troll. Seriously... 1% drop rate? That is just not true lol
- Anonymous
99 arcane and silver scarab and the consumable that boosts discovery (used until it ran out) it took about an hour to get two of these. Annoying farm but not the silver knights ds3 level.
Dual wielding on a multi hit jumping attack build is bonkers too!
- Anonymous
I farmed two of those for fashion and damage and had to grind for half an hour so its not that bad
- Anonymous
Hello my name is Magma Blade. Im a Curved Sword thats made of lava and i can slash and burn enemies to death my skill may look simple but its insanely powerful. but im extremely hard to get but if you get me and use me your gonna destroy everything in your path
- Anonymous
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My girlfriend was extremely lucky playing on her account. I was watching her fight these snake men, and I kid you not! She got it to drop on the very first one she killed! Mind blown, she didn’t have to farm at all, i was jealous af.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I really wish this could be the coded sword for fire damage
- Anonymous
Good thing I used cheat engine instead of farming for these things they're pretty mid
- Anonymous
I just came here to say I was eventually going to farm for this but hadn’t gotten around to it and then while screwing around in duels trying to do a self destruct type build someone dropped me 2 +10s so maybe god does exist or maybe look like you’re in desperate need of help during a duel and people will pity you…
- Anonymous
not sure if this is helpful but i'll just share it.
Its best to have a ranged attack to kill the snake thats straight ahead when you exit the elevator so you dont have to run back and forth to the elevator. to tell if the snake drops a item you will see blue dust instead of yellow dust when you kill them that way you dont have to run to check if he drops a item and run to kill the other snake that is on the right door of the elevator.
i wish everyone farming this weapon the best of luck im praying for y'all dw.
- Anonymous
Exhausting to farming for this weapon cause of that stupid elevator ive spent more time on that elevator than actually fighting the snake men
- Anonymous
I got this with only 999 discovery and a a cheated drop rate of 100% on my first kill! This is so unexspected!
- Anonymous
Of course it dropped for me on one attempt with a character that will never use it.