Grace Mimic

grace mimic elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Light shows the path, but without order
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling

FP Cost -

Grace Mimic is a Multiplayer Item and Consumable in Elden Ring. Multiplayer Items allow players to interact with each other in various ways, including leaving messages for other players to read, co-operative gameplay and competitive gameplay like PVP.


A fetish indicating the guidance of grace.
Craftable item.

Similar to grace, this fetish draws rays guiding the way, only without any sense of order.

Useful as a last resort for those who have lost their way, or for use by those who believe that unrefined guidance will lead to truer encounters.


Where to find Grace Mimic in Elden Ring

Shadow of the Erdtree


Base Game

commoner mimic's grace guides elden ring wiki 600px


Elden Ring Grace Mimic Crafting Guide

To craft Grace Mimic you need the Missionary's Cookbook [2] as well as the following Crafting Materials:


Elden Ring Grace Mimic Notes & Tips

  • Creates a fake Site of Grace on the ground, the Grace also produces a guidance light that points in a random direction.
  • Cannot be interacted with once placed. Can be useful for invaders in PVP.
  • You can hold up to 99 Grace Mimic.
  • You can store up to 600 Grace Mimic.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 10 Runes




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    • Anonymous

      After watching Doc's ER stream, they could have made this a very useful yet sparse item in the game by making serve as a "tac insert" of an item. Long runback to a boss from the nearest real grace? Throw one of these down in front of the boss fog. Keep getting killed in a dungeon at one particular spot and don't want to go through so many enemies again just to get to same place you keep dying? Throw this down at your discretion.

      Again, it would have to be as rare as a rune arc for it to be effective and not spammy. Or maybe crafted with a couple rare items. Otherwise, this item is so useless, literally.

      • Anonymous

        hmmm... best use for this item? to make some cute screenshot scene with a fake grace maybe? you ever just wander in the lands between and think "wow, this spot sure you have been nice for a site of grace... the view is beautiful!" so you just put one of these down, do a sitting emote, and boom, you're living out your fantasy. amazing!

        • Anonymous

          Why not make this a portable sort item menu similar to the grace while in multiplayer? So i can take out serpent hunter when random host just summon me at Rykard boss room, ofc not allowed in combat, like it's currently useless for such attractive item

          • Anonymous

            This can be a great PvP item as a host too. There are a lot of graces around the game and putting one in a convincing spot can serve as a coy mechanism to fake them out too, such as leaving one down and using the sit/rest emote.

            • Anonymous

              Great if you invade a host exploring a new area and you can get in front of them. Place this down near a hiding spot and ambush the host with a backstab or any other high damaging skills.

              • Anonymous

                The idea that it's a PvP item is ridiculous. When you're invaded, you can't sit at a site of grace. Enemy invaders can't see grace directing them to a site of grace.

                What function could this possibly serve under *any* PvP scenario, even farfetched? It would accomplish literally nothing ever.

                • Anonymous

                  It really could have been a great group pvp item. I think they should have given it some special healing properties. Like if a summoned player interacts with it, it will recover their hp/fp or perhaps allowing the recovery of some flasks. The ladder could be used for PVE also if anyone could interact with it. That's what I think they should have done with it anyway.

                  • Anonymous

                    It does NOT point randomly. Idk why people are saying that. It points to a nearby site of grace, though not necessarily the closest one and does not discriminate between discovered/undiscovered. It also utilizes both above ground and underground maps simultaneously, which is where I think people are getting the idea that it's random.

                    • Anonymous

                      you can use both this and Mimic Veil to fool invaders, but i think the Veil can do a better job than a fake bonfire. meta troll invaders these days are dumber than trolls.

                      • Anonymous

                        ... I have +200 hours in this game and I always thought this was suppose to point to the nearest grace undiscovered and was simply bugged. What a weird and pointless item.

                        • Anonymous

                          they point you towards a nearby objective (I assume just radius based since it says no order)- they give off the same "guiding grace", the piss swirls that guide us at graces

                          • Anonymous

                            I think a “Return To Grace” item would have been better. You know, like a homeward bone where you can teleport to a site of grace when you’re in a spot or situation you cannot fast travel and not lose your runes.

                            Also an effective farming item.

                            • Anonymous

                              for the longest time I thought that when you placed this it would point you in the direction of the nearest actual grace. would have made sense given the description. how disappointing.

                              • Anonymous

                                Absolutely useless, never once have I witnessed a single person brain-dead enough to fall for this outside of very low level invading.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I don’t see how this is useful as an ambush. Why would you try to head to a grace if you’ve been invaded you can’t rest?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I don’t see how this is useful as an ambush. Why would you try to head to a grace if you’ve been invaded you can’t rest?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I don’t get how this is useful in PVP when it looks like a grace site that has already been activated. It’s pointing in one direction when I used it in my game. I see this and I’ll think “wait a minute I never touched a grace site here, it’s my first time here!”, “I know there isn’t grace here. I’ve been here before.” or “That that invader must be nearby.”

                                      • Anonymous

                                        In parts of the game where... let's say you're not certain where the walkway is, you can drop these in front of you like you would rainbow stones. Keep in mind that Grace mimics differ slightly as they do NOT work as a death-fall test like rainbow stones would.

                                        Then again I only used these because i ran out of ruin fragments...

                                        • These are such a nasty tool to have in the arsenal as an invader, I love it. Only complaint is they last for such a short time before disappearing which greatly limits their usefulness.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I hope they update this so that hosts can use it and it grabs them showing it's true body as they get chomped on

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Wish it would work like the message (showed up in other players' world). Would've been great for some laughs and giggles

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Gostoc gives you one. Follow the 'shortcut.' He is cowering in the corner of the first floor, under the stairs, where the first guy with the big axe was. If you talk to him, he gives you a Grace Mimic. I climbed the tower to the top before climbing the ladder and accidentally found him there, so not 100% sure at what point he shows up and what point he stops showing up, but he does disappear after he gives it to you and you go back again.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  thanks for putting in the work guys. i have 48 of them and figured i'd see what they do. it pointed to a wall so i looked it up. rando direction i thought maybe it points to the exit in a cave or something. i'll try it out regardless. like the binding mark for a certain boss. it does nothing unless in the presence of the boss.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I'm not finding the commoner in stormveil I am at the place in the picture but the commoner is not there. So I guess that grace mimic isn't available to me. I guess it is a good thing those grace mimics are a joke item just like the glass shards

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Place it down and it will lead you to somewhere interesting... or not. Can also be used to confuse invaders or cooperators.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        they point in random directions, (possibly pointing at specific items or places) "Useful as a last resort for those who have lost their way, or for use
                                                        by those who believe that unrefined guidance will lead to truer encounters."

                                                        its for when youre bored or a little lost. its really that simple. still more useful than glass shard, if you dont know which way to go, this item will pick a random direction for you.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Great for trolling. Help someone in their world. Rush into the next room, place one down and see their dispair growing, while they try to activate the grace as next checkpoint.

                                                          The fact, that patches sells those items has a deeper meaning

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            From testing I've done these seem to point in a completely random direction, and not a random site of grace as some people think. I was able to get multiple pointing out into random locations in the ocean/ships/clouds. I confirmed they were not pointing to underground locations either.

                                                            So either the DLC is already there and multiple landmasses exist we haven't seen yet, or they're just random.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              It's a joke item for placing on the ground so it points a light beam in a random direction for you to follow. It's entirely useless unless you're wandering around at random and can't decide which way to go next.

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