Legendary Armaments are some of the most powerful Weapons that you can find in Elden Ring. To unlock the Legendary Armaments trophy and achievement, you need to find the 9 Base Game Legendary Weapons listed below:
(Note: If you've collected all the weapons but game still didn't grant you the achievement, try loading and unloading all the weapons into the chest.)

All Nine Legendary Weapons available in Elden Ring's Base Game

  1. Ruins Greatsword: Defended by the Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight in Redmane Castle.
  2. Eclipse Shotel: Left as an offering to the sun in the Church of The Eclipse, Castle Sol.
  3. Grafted Blade Greatsword: Stolen by the Leonine Misbegotten of Castle Morne.
  4. Sword of Night and Flame: Hidden in the Caria Manor.
  5. Marais Executioner's Sword: Defiled and wielded by Elemer of the Briar, Bell Bearing Hunter and lord of The Shaded Castle.
  6. Dark Moon Greatsword: Bestowed upon the consort of Ranni at the Moonlight Altar.
  7. Devourer's Scepter: Held by Recusant Bernahl. Defeat him in Farum Azula.
  8. Golden Order Greatsword: Taken by the Misbegotten Crusader to the Cave of the Forlorn.
  9. Bolt of Gransax: Embedded into a fragment of Ancient Dragon Gransax's spear in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
    • Warning: This weapon can't be collected if the player progresses the story beyond Crumbling Farum Azula.


While the following weapons also have the Legendary quality, they do not contribute to the Legendary Armaments trophy:

Additional Legendary Armaments in Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree

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    • Anonymous

      Hopefully grafted blade greatsword is removed from the 9 legendaries and replaced by the godslayer's greatsword. They are meant to be lore significant and gbgs is everything but.

      • Anonymous

        Didn't have the achievement even if i have all the weapon (triple check i swear) and i did all the "fix" everyone tried (dropping and using the chest) nothing worked... Is the NG+1 locking the achievement? Because i Miss the Bolt on the NG 0 like a dumbass

        • Anonymous

          You don’t need to wait until Bernahl shows up in Farum Azula to get the Devourer’s Scepter. If you haven’t gone to Volcano Manor yet, you can fight him at the Warmaster’s Shack in Limgrave, although doing so will lock you out of the Raging Wolf set

          • Anonymous

            I have all the Legendary Weapons but it is not counting the achievement *shrug*
            Before anyone says anything, yes I double checked.

            • Anonymous

              damn i just beat maliketh 10 minutes ago and after that looked up the legendary weapons. shucks gonna get bolt of granax in my second run then

              • Anonymous

                Here is a list I would count for the DLC Legendary Armaments. These are:
                Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
                Sword of Light/Sword of Night
                Velvet Sword of St. Trina
                Igon's Greatbow (Just cuz. You know why...)

                • Anonymous

                  DLC weapons? Euporia, Sword of Light, Sword of Dark, and probably some other weapons I forgot should be accounted for!

                  • Anonymous

                    I managed to find a new legendary weapon from the DLC. A twinblade called Euponia. But fromsoft never adds achievements for dlc or includes the new stuff in old achievements (until a remaster anyway) so you don’t need to get it for the achievement. But it’s still cool they added one

                    • Anonymous

                      Why is the black knife not a legendary weapon it is literally the reason the entire ****ing story happens

                      • Anonymous

                        Pretty weird that Godslayer's Greatsword has the legendary frame and sound when you pick it up but isn't requiered for this achievement

                        • Anonymous

                          is anyone here willing to offer their Grafted Blade Greatsword? I am willing for a decent trade, i want my last achievement

                          • Anonymous

                            i got black knife and i had the yellow background and legendary weapon sound effect but it doesnt say its a legendary on this list,why?

                            • Anonymous

                              6/9 of these are swords, i guess it makes sense but i wish there was some more variety with the weapon types

                              • Anonymous

                                So there is one straight sword on this list (requires 24 INT and 24 FTH ), while there are 3 greatswords and one colossal sword.

                                Well balanced, FromSoft.

                                • Anonymous

                                  So the black blade, which was used to slay Godwyn and pretty much kickstarted the events of the game, isn’t legendary, but the sword that looks like a giant pine cone makes the list. Aight then

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Of course I miss the Bolt of Gransax on my character... So I'm gonna have to do it on another (I'm saving this character for the dlc)

                                    • Anonymous

                                      How on earth is the Eclipse Shotel legendary, but the Godslayer's Greatsword, which literally has the god killing powers of the black flame, is not?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        What always tripped me out about the Sword of Night and Flame is that it's one of the most powerful weapons in the game, yet it's not locked behind a questline or even a key item and it's the only legendary armament where you don't even have to fight a single enemy to get it.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          The Eclipse Shotel weapon can be found at the following location:

                                          Castle Sol: Found at the altar of the church in the southeast section of the castle.
                                          Not in a chest

                                          • Anonymous

                                            "The Eclipse Shotel weapon can be found at the following location: Castle Sol: Found at the altar of the church in the southeast section of the castle." Not in a chest.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I think the achievement is bugged, I picked up the Claymore in Castle Morne and did not get the achievement

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Why doesnt Black Knife count as one? (You need to kill the Black Knife Assassin in front of Sainted Heros Grave)

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Ranking from Worst-to-Best imo:

                                                  9.) Eclipse Shotel - (This thing is a joke. Death Blight only works in PvP and is next to impossible to reliably proc)
                                                  8.) Devourer's Scepter - (Weapon skill is meh in PvE, completely worthless in PvP as it's slow and very easy to dodge/punish)
                                                  7.) Grafted Blade GS - (Weapon skill is just odd, unsure what they were going for as attack/defense gain is negligible.)
                                                  6.) Golden Order GS - (Holy damage is terrible to begin with, overall damage is ok but the weapon skill takes eons to wind up leaving you open)
                                                  5.) Marais Executioner's Sword - (Very good weapon skill that can be buffed even further with several talismans, though fairly predictable in PvP.)
                                                  4.) Ruins Greatsword - (Awesome in PvE, charged L2's are great and a very powerful weapon skill though tricky to land in PvP outside of luck.)
                                                  3.) Sword of Night and Flame - (Both weapon skills do insane damage on a well-built character w/ appropriate talismans, though the triple split damage is a mixed bag.)
                                                  2.) Bolt of Gransax - (Granddaddy of one-shots, buffed by so many different things it feels illegal to use at max power. Power in simplicity.)
                                                  1.) Dark Moon GS - (This thing is god-like in PvE. S tier damage, builds up frostbite and the buffed L2's are legendary. Viable enough in PvP. Iconic weapon.)

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Can I still get this achievement if the items are on different characters? Or does it all need to be on one guy like in ds3?

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I swear I picked up a weapon that gave off the legendary glow all the others do, but I can't remember the blasted weapons name.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        For getting the achievement on PS, does it count over multiple playthroughs? I.e. one playthrough has GOGS but bc of goldmask ending has no DMGS

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          What about the black knife. when i collected it it pooped up wiyth a gold backround and the legendary pickup sound went

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            The trophy glitched out for me, I had all legendary weapons in my chest so it did not trigger. I moved the weapons in to my own inventory and then the trophy popped on my screen

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              If you really don’t want to do volcano manor quest line for some reason, you can kill Bernal at the start of the game for the scepter

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Very bad design choice to make only some of the weapons that have a golden glow on the banner and a legendary item noise when collected a legendary armament.. should’ve either given them a unique color and sound upon obtaining or made Godslayer Greatsword and black knife legendary armaments as well to avoid confusion. Half the comments in here are people saying Godslayer and black knife are legendary armaments and the other half are people correcting them

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  One thing I’ll never understand is why mogh’s sacred spear and the freaking GODSLAYER greatsword aren’t legendary armaments. Also the blasphemous blade feels much more legendary than the devourers scepter as it is quite possibly the strongest pve weapon in the entire game and the signature weapon of Rykard. And why do the misbegotten seem to have like half of the legendary armaments.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    there is a fork in the kitchen room in Stormveil Castle that is missing from this list, it's a really well made fork, I think the game devs missed it because it's pretty legendary tbh

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I haven't played it since the end of last year, 2022, but the godslayer greatsword and the black knife were absolutely not legendary weapons. ALL of them have "one of the legendary weapons" in their description. Regardless of what idiots would have you believe.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Don't mean to sound sarcastic or anything but after reading the comments, kind of surprised that some people are unsure of what weapons are legendary or not. If you read the description for each weapon it tells if it's legendary or not. It will say something like "One of the Legendary armaments" or something like that. By no means am I am Elden Ring master, but seems pretty straight forward on what is/isn't legendary. I wasn't sure how many weapons were legend, so wanted to check before I went on a wild goose chase.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          what's missing is the black knife and godslayer greatsword (colossal weapon). If someone can edit that in, please do. Also if you still dont get it, try leaving the items and picking them back up. It worked for me.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I can personally attest that the Godslayer's Greatsword counts as a Legendary Armament as well as the Black Knife
                                                                            I had picked up the Ruins GS, Golden Order GS, Eclipse Shotel, Darkmoon GS, Devourer's Scepter, Grafted GS, Marais Executioner's Sword, Godslayer's GS and Black Knife. I missed the Gransax's Bolt on my first playthrough and I didn't even find the SoNaF until my third playthough

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I have all the legendary armaments but no trophy. Tried the following workarounds:

                                                                              - Dropping & picking back up
                                                                              - Stashing & retrieving from chest
                                                                              - Equipping & unequipping
                                                                              - Upgrading all at least once
                                                                              -Even tried collecting a couple of them again on NG+

                                                                              Very frustrating :( if anyone has any other suggestions I could try it would be much appreciated.

                                                                              I think my save is perma bugged so I'll have to start a new save and get my friend to drop them all?

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                If you miss one, you can put the ones you have in the chest before NG+ so you don’t have to re-collect them

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Complete trash that you can "MISS" an item like that. I'm not going through the game a 4th time just to pick up a weapon and get a platinum trophy. 3/10 Trophy List, from soft. Tbh your trophy lists besides Bloodborne & Sekiro are garbage due to the "multiplayer items" & "missable items"

                                                                                  • Missable and multiplayer trophies are disgusting... I'll have to replay the game once more just for a weapon and the specific weapon sucks... Pfff
                                                                                    At least the three endings can be "cheesed" , what a bore... Zzz

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      It's honestly disappointing that the list of Legendary Armaments is lacking in diversity. Literally 4 Greatswords, 3 Swords of which one is curved, a spear and a Great Hammer.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Is the black knife also legendary, like I just got it but it isn’t on this list. I heard someone say apparently that there are two types of legendary but I’m confused

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I'm going to post a quick review of how many weapons on this list would actually be legendary, taking into account both lore, uniqueness and viability.

                                                                                          1. ruins great sword- semi-unique gravity abilities but there's already a few weapons that have that gimmick, as well as a whole school of sorcery. Maybe ledgendary. Mysterious great sword that fell from the heavens with odd powers is certainly enough to be of some local pride at least, especially as it relates to the local demigod.

                                                                                          2.Elcipse shotel- A proper object of worship, VERY important to castle sol and likely the surrounding area. More unique powers than the ruins greatsword in inflicting death blight. I'd say that this is definitely Legendary weapon, even if it sucks ass as actual weapon.

                                                                                          3. Grafted blade Greatsword. In-lore, very important to castle morne and it's commander, Edgar. Effective as a weapon. Game of thrones reference. I'm not sure how far it's fame would reach, but I reckon everyone who knows of castle morne knows of the grafted great-sword and it's tale. Definitely legendary.

                                                                                          4.Sword of night and flame. Highly unique sword hailing back to before Raya Lucaria was even established. and fairly powerful as a weapon to boot. Legendary treasure of the Carian family, no question about it. Important both in it's craftsmanship and historical meaning.

                                                                                          5.Maris Executioner's sword- Ehhh, maybe. This sword was from house Marias, and executed a great many people, but it's cool cattle skills were only added after it was stolen, and House Marias was a sickly one, so it likely didn't see battle before it's theft. Similar to the eclipse shotel as more of a badge of office than an actual weapon, and doubtful that it's renown spread very far outside of the shaded castle. If the game took place a little later, it might well be known as the Briar sword or the bell bearing hunter's sword.

                                                                                          6. Dark moon Greatsword- Weirdly enough, I don't think anyone outside Ranni's inner circle knows about this weapon. It's Ranni's wedding sword, and I'm willing to assume that if she was married before it would have come up, so we're probably among the first people to ever lay eyes upon it. If you're going for the age of night ending, this sword's legend is yours to create.

                                                                                          7. Devourer's scepter. Another "local legend" sort of weapon, not too different from the ruins greatsword. However Rykard's visions and even current form are something the volcano manor keeps very hush-hush. Of massive importance to volcano manor, probably purposely kept unknown outside of that.

                                                                                          8. Golden order greatsword. This one is weird- Radagon uses a hammer when we fight him, and this sword is found lost in an ice cave, in the possession of a misbegotten that Radagon or his heirs would never have given the sword to. I don't know if this was ever actually wielded by Radagon, or how it even ended up in the forbidden lands in the first place (remember, Godfrey killed the fire giants, not Radagon.) Probably not well-known in this age if there's no-one talking about it anymore.

                                                                                          9. Bolt of gransax. The spear wielded by the giant dragon that still lies upon the capitol? The only time the great golden capitol Lyndell was ever breached? The weapon whose weapon art is basically just "delete"?. Yeah, people heard about this. People heard about this one a lot. Lots of legends about this one.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            What is the difference between these and regular legendaries? Did fromsoft wanted to introduce a 3rd tier and got bored?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Incredible how every legendary weapon seems to either require Intelligence, Faith or Arcane. If you are playing a full STR playthrough, you can't enjoy using them!

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                ?? I have them all but not the achievement?
                                                                                                got the last one (Devourer's Scepter) today but nothing. and I am pretty sure I had Internet. So steam was active

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  If I already have some of the legendary weapons and go into new game plus do I have to get all the weapons over agian or collect the ones I’m missing

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    bloodhound fang and blasphemous blade should be honorary legendary weapons. they absolutely blow up everything

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Correction for the Eclipse Shotel. It is not located in a chest, it is located on an alter in one of the last rooms of the castle before reaching Commander Oneil.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        It would be cool if we can pay Smithing master Hewg to empty the swords from round table, after that everytime we get one of those weapons we got to smack it in the middle of the table as a an achievement display

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          seems like you sometimes need to move the legendary wepons to the chest to get the trophy. worked for me at least (PS5)

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