Dancing Blade of Ranah

dancing blade of ranah elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 88
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 37
Mag 28
Fire 29
Ligt 29
Holy 27
Boost 20
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str -
Dex B
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 9
Dex 20
Curved Sword Slash
Unending Dance FP 2
Wgt. 3.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Dancing Blade of Ranah is a paired Curved Sword in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Curved Sword in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Dancing Blade of Ranah scales primarily with Dexterity and is a good Weapon for Dexterity Builds that attack rapidly. This weapon comes with the Unending Dance Skill which lets you slash repeatedly until you drain your stamina.


Decorative swords ablaze with impassioned red. A pair of weapons made to be wielded in both hands. Used by the dancers of Ranah. Strikes enemies with a dancing assault when executing a strong attack.


Where to Find Dancing Blade of Ranah in Elden Ring

The Dancing Blade of Ranah weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Dancing Blade of Ranah Notes & Tips


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Dancing Blade of Ranah






Dancing Blade of Ranah Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dancing Blade of Ranah Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 88 - - - - 40 - B - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 20 10
Standard +1 100 - - - - 44 - B - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 20.2 10
Standard +2 113 - - - - 48 - B - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 20.4 10
Standard +3 126 - - - - 52 - B - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 20.6 10
Standard +4 139 - - - - 56 - B - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 20.8 10
Standard +5 151 - - - - 60 - B - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 21 10
Standard +6 164 - - - - 64 - A - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 21.2 10
Standard +7 177 - - - - 68 - A - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 21.4 10
Standard +8 190 - - - - 72 - A - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 21.6 10
Standard +9 202 - - - - 76 - A - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 21.8 10
Standard +10 215 - - - - 80 - A - - - - 37 28 29 29 27 22 10



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    • Anonymous

      Bloodhound Fang is somber and can be buffed (that thing even has innate bleed). I really wish this could also be buffed, would be so cool... sad it cannot

      • Anonymous

        I personally fail to see why people love this weapon so much. The basic attacks damage is awful, the heavy attacks are more flashy then actually viable, and the weapon could deal some decent damage but any enemy that has even a slight amount of poise (which is a lot of them) will just slap you out of it instantly. I thought I was sleeping on this thing from what comments had to say about it but just using 2 basic scimitars can out dps it in most cases and they can be buffed.

        • Anonymous

          To my surprise, it's incredibly effective against Furnace Golems. Pack up some multihit talismans/tear and just spam dance one leg after another. Stuns surprisingly quickly, and then once the golem falls hit the face with the dance for a few seconds before critting. Shouldn't get back up.

          Aside of that yeah, probably the best pure dex weapon in the game.

          • Anonymous

            This is perfect. With 65 dex, this destroy everything without needing bleed or infinite buffs. And the moveset is stylish.

            • Anonymous

              Absolutely nukes Midra. Was trying with my usual dex build (godskin peeler + eleonora's poleblade) and struggling to find good windows to chip away. The R1 on this is so fast and spammable I forgot to use the L2. Killed first try with these, don't underestimate them.

              • Anonymous

                Extremely solid weapon on a pure dex build if you're not wanting to use stamding Heavy Attacks. Honestly, those weird heavy attacks are the only weakness of the weapon. Slap on Thorny Tear, Mil's Prosthesis, Rotten Wing, and just go to town. Punish stance breaks when you get them with the AoW (jump heavies are great for that, much better than standing heavies) and you can end up dealing tens of thousands of damage in a heartbeat in NG+ cycles.

                • Anonymous

                  I had to stop myself from using this weapon because it was melting everything and making the DLC far too easy lol

                  • Anonymous

                    Have in mind, this is only more viable if you use ironjars, which are disguntingly annoying to farm. You can stack big armor with big poise and look weird (which breaks the point of having it for style), but most attacks from medium enemies will break you out of the skill.

                    • Anonymous

                      Genuinely confused why you can't buffed with elements. It's pure physical damage and no special properties

                      • you can melt anything that's not particularly resistant to slash in just a few seconds. of course, you'd have to pop an elixir... but it's cool. great PvE weapon, really fun to use. benefits well from Godskin talisman.

                        another cool thing is that you can dodge incoming attacks if you use the skill while not locked on. I danced around mohg and melted him with one full stamina bar (I did 36k~ damage)

                        probably not very good for PvP, but still great!

                        • Anonymous

                          You can dance
                          U can jive
                          Having the time of your life
                          See that girl watch that scene digging the dancing queennnnn <33
                          ~ the same commenter from above

                          • Anonymous

                            Took out most bosses in about 20 seconds with talismans that increase power with successive attacks and Rakasha armour. Used heavy chess pieces for poise

                            • Anonymous

                              the only thing that could make this melt enemies faster is bleed, or being able to buffed like the bloodhound fang lol

                              • Anonymous

                                Dressing as Malenia, standing on a scenic mountainside, and holding the L2 for at least 90 seconds unlocks the Elden Ring: The Musical hidden ending for the base game.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Dance like no one is watching weapon art + ironjar aromatic + leaden hardtear + blood sucking or thorny cracked tear + rotten wing sword or millys prosthesis + godskin swaddling cloth + (optional) Melania's great rune =

                                  Saturday Night Fever tarnished, unstoppable on the dance floor. Is it still considered a beat down if it's choreographed? Find out today!

                                  • Fun fact: If you deplete all your blue juice and then hold down the AoW you can dance forever. You can dance across the lands between like the tarnished twink you are

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Melee Comet Azur but cheaper, cooler, less situational, higher damaging, requires less setup and probably a bunch of other stuff. S tier pve weapon

                                      • This weapon has an interesting use case. It's pure dex, so you can split a decently leveled build between dex and either faith or int. Sorceries and incantations can pick up for the slack as far as poise damage and damage resistance goes - spam your poise wrecking spell/incantation of choice, chug a physique when they're about to break, break them, then lay the damage on hard with the Ash of War. Are there better options? Yes, but none of them look quite this fabulous.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Aesthetically this weapon is just wow, the fact that it's a unique weapon with Dance moveset too, and there are options to make the AoW more powerfull. But damn, the AoW is soooo slow imo.

                                          If the moveset was faster, i'll probably play this in an entire run, but yeah, definitly too slow, it's a shame.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            i dont see anyone commenting on the one-handed moveset on these, it has unique lights and heavies (which might make it good to one-hand considering the light combo comes out incredibly fast)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Picked Ranah, Enemies Glarin', Lost before I'm done! Not carin', feet flarin', spin until I've won! I'm farming while they're cryin'! Grabbing every rune in sight, and if they do get in my way...I'm gonna make em die!! SPIN TO WIN! TILL THEY DIE! IF YA SPIN THEY WILL CRY! SPIN TO WIN! ACE EM' ALL! JUST ONE L2 AND THEY'll FALL!!! (The real ones know)

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Dancing is what this do. Dancing's when I attack you. Dancing ‘till stamina runs low. Dancing's finger but whole.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  when someone manages to trigger the normal walking animation combined with the ash of war - absolutely terrifying, run

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    My thoughts on this: Yes it can do high damage but it's just generally worse than powerstanced bandits in every way
                                                    the ash can get boosted by the armor set
                                                    -can't get infused/buffed so less versatility in build making
                                                    -no ash of war options
                                                    -less range than bandits
                                                    -needs full armor set to get the full benefit
                                                    -high commitment attack that locks you into an animation that doesn't stagger big enemies neither has hyper armor, so you're likely to get punished for using it

                                                    So basically big numbers /= better. Hope this helps

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I was a fighting a hippo in the open world and I did a bleed proc with the dancing blades of ranah somehow? I have no idea how that happened, since they don't show that they can bleed and also I clearly not only saw the visual indication of a bleed proc but also the additional damage that comes with bleed. Can someone explain this?

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Combine with Godskin Swaddling cloth and Ironjar. Boost def and poise.

                                                        You can now dance and heal forever.

                                                        These weapons seem to trigger "Successive hits" faster than normal.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Absolutely devestating with consecutive attack buffs and general buffs, but make sure you have either ironjar aromatic or lots of poise to get in more than 2 hits

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Rakshasa's set + power within physick + bloodboil + golden vow + consecutive attack buffs etc = melted Mohg and Fire Giant in literal seconds on ng+

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Ranah set, these, blue dancer charm, alexander shard, rotten winged sword, milly's prosthesis. The damage you can get out if you can hold the L2 for a few seconds is crazy.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Another case of "these weapons are amazing, as you understand them"

                                                                Honestly there's not single boss these weapons don't melt, while dancing.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Cool weapon, the ability is fun but I can't help feel but these would be better and more fitting thematically and as a moveset as backhand blades, I ended up going back to those for my dancer build

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Very enjoyable cos-play build. Went in with a pure Dex char, found this sword and the dress, added blue dancer, Millicents, double turtle and shard of Alex. Never looked back.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Black Flame Tornado on Elden Beast? Never heard of that. All my homies dance on him. In all seriousness, the consecutive attack talismans/tear, Shard of Alexander, Blue Dancer Charm, and the armor set make this an absolute monster in PvE. I have been cooping on RadaBeast and once Elden Beast starts spewing that fire at the beginning say bye-bye to 13k health in seconds. Goated weapon, mileage may vary on bosses with less free openings.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Pairs extremely well with the blue dancer charm. Keep your equip load under 15 and you will absolutely demolish bosses. Golden vow, blue dancer charm, rot sword talisman, millicents prosthesis, Alexander jar shard will make the weapon art do insane damage. Very good for pure dex glass canon.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          only scales with Dex, only gets to A scaling, no ashes of war, no buffs. lower AR than keen flowing curved sword, which was already not the strongest curved sword. weapon skill requires poise, set that buffs its damage does not provide. sigh. I still love it

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Those with Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Millicent's Prosthesis (80 DEX with it) and Claw Talisman destroyed every boss I encountered. The jump light Attack is really strong.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Don't bother with the armor set. 10% is nice but you won't be able to do anything from a single hit. I'm using the Fire Knight Chest and Legs, with the Gauntlets of Solitude and Divine Beast Head. Sitting at 53 poise without the talisman.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                If you wanna turn yourself into an unstoppable blender equip your multi-hit talismans, Alex's Shard, the Ranah set, Infinite Stamina + Multi-hit Tears and pop an Ironjar Aromatic.
                                                                                Just don't try it on Ancient Dragons!

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  These things are getting nerfed, aren't they? (Not suggesting it, but just assuming) Absolutely disgusting damage with all the multihit things on, shard of alexander, etc haha, and assuming you have a ridiculous amount of fp, behold, the lord of the dance.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    From why you gotta do flowing curved sword like this. Literally just better in every way except for customizable aow

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      If you hold down the weapon art ability and walk in a direction, sometimes it causes your legs to remain still, but your upper body will continue to spin around. It's... interesting to watch.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Absolutely disgusting weapon, with 90dex + wing and prosthesis (and "fire" buff) i manage to land 2k dmg PER HIT on mesmer, absolutely destroyed his ass

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          i love this so much but using it in ng+++++ is so frustrating because they do not stagger to save your life and you just get stream rolled through your attacks. combined with the armor that boosts it, you will look very cool and beautiful while dying.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Dancers curved swords from DS3 except actually good and no split damage, and the weapon art is actually usable and the r1s and r2s are actually usable and-

                                                                                            From learned from thier mistakes.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              The AoW on this is great in the right circumstances, but don't sleep on the jumping light attack.

                                                                                              Two double slashes super fast - four hits in an instant. The burst damage is nutty, and procs the rotten sword insignia right away. Great for if you cant find time to get the dance started or as an opener on approach.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Man, if only i had the hyperarmor that the enemies that use this have. They keep going "blades of mercy" on my ass.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  The dancer Set Buffs the AoW only and the value is 10% for the complete Set. But as a glass cannon without Poise/Armor its hard to maintain the Dance AoW. Soldiers can be chain stunned but Knights delete you.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Not sure if it's just on pc, but there's a weird bug where while using the skill, the animation can break and your legs keep facing forward but your upper body keeps twisting

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      This thing is pure enjoyment with a dex build, just get enough poise and hold L2 with all the attack power talismans

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        This sweet baby has A Dex scaling at +10, barely consumes fp for the dance skill, dance is endless and you'll look amazing on it

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