Firespark Perfume Bottle

firespark perfume bottle perfume bottles elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 0
Mag 0
Fire 110
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 21.0
Mag 29.0
Fire 65.0
Ligt 26.0
Holy 23.0
Boost 15
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str -
Dex C
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 3
Dex 14
Perfume Bottle Standard
Kick FP -
Wgt. 1.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Firespark Perfume Bottle is a Perfume Bottle in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Perfume Bottle in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Firespark Perfume Bottle scales exclusively with Dexterity and is a good Weapon for high Fire Damage and pure DEX Builds.


Perfume bottle remade into a weapon by perfumers of the realm of shadow. Attacks release perfumed powder, producing sparks of fire. The crusade was a violent purge, and the perfumers were not called there to heal.


Where to Find Firespark Perfume Bottle in Elden Ring

The Firespark Perfume Bottle weapon can be found at the following location:



Elden Ring Firespark Perfume Bottle Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Kick
  • This weapon cannot be infused, but can change Ashes of War
  • Firespark Perfume Bottle can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
  • Being a pure fire weapon that scales solely off of Dexterity can make this a useful weapon for adding elemental variety to pure dexterity builds.




Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Firespark Perfume Bottle


Firespark Perfume Bottle Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Firespark Perfume Bottle Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard - - 110 - - 42 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15 10
Standard +1 - - 116 - - 43 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15.15 10
Standard +2 - - 122 - - 45 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15.3 10
Standard +3 - - 129 - - 47 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15.45 10
Standard +4 - - 135 - - 48 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15.45 10
Standard +5 - - 141 - - 50 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15.75 10
Standard +6 - - 148 - - 52 - C - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 15.9 10
Standard +7 - - 154 - - 53 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.05 10
Standard +8 - - 161 - - 55 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.2 10
Standard +9 - - 167 - - 57 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.35 10
Standard +10 - - 173 - - 58 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.5 10
Standard +11 - - 180 - - 60 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.65 10
Standard +12 - - 186 - - 62 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.8 10
Standard +13 - - 192 - - 63 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 16.95 10
Standard +14 - - 199 - - 65 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.1 10
Standard +15 - - 205 - - 67 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.25 10
Standard +16 - - 212 - - 68 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.4 10
Standard +17 - - 218 - - 70 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.4 10
Standard +18 - - 224 - - 72 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.55 10
Standard +19 - - 231 - - 73 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.55 10
Standard +20 - - 237 - - 75 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.7 10
Standard +21 - - 243 - - 77 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.7 10
Standard +22 - - 250 - - 78 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.7 10
Standard +23 - - 256 - - 80 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.85 10
Standard +24 - - 263 - - 82 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 17.85 10
Standard +25 - - 269 - - 84 - B - - - - 21 29 65 26 23 18 10



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    • Anonymous

      Fun little thing I found, if you use the Chilling Perfume bottle (or any other way to proc Frostbite) and proc the Frostbite effect, this will remove it and you can proc Frostbite again for more damage.

      • Anonymous

        Really good utility offhand weapon. Fire damage to stun or proc special interaction on some enemies. Very light weight. Can use raptor and mobility ashes on it.

        • Anonymous

          It's a shame the scaling can be changed to something else. The weapon looks fun but I don't have much dex on my build.

          • Anonymous

            I fought someone in the arena using this, are there hidden combos on it? I was getting oneshot by the guy despite having heavy armor and 60 vigor.

            Dude sat in the corner, and once I got close, whipped around to hit me with a literal river of sparks.

            • Anonymous

              tried on the last boss with 87 dex and rolling sparks, still couldn't beat it

              But on other enemies oooooooo

              • Anonymous

                I'm using this as offhand on my 80 dex lvl 138 build and it has 560 AR, on players it does about 300-400 damage depending on their armor and general PvE enemies does about 600-800+ which is pretty good, and the range/hitbox is pretty generous for what it is.

                10/10 offhand weapon IMO.

                • Anonymous

                  These are amazing VS large bosses, spam that running attack and grill them alive.
                  And if you really wanna push the damage on these things, try wearing the Perfume and Fire Scorpion talismans + Fire Crystal Tear + Flame, Grant Me Strength. Enjoy!

                  • Anonymous

                    If you are holding sprint while standing in neutral (not moving) and then hold your heavy attack you do a back step and an attack which is pretty cool. Needs further testing to see if the Fine Crucible Feather Talisman affects the back step from this attack.

                    (all perfume bottles have this attack I just clicked on this one because it was at the top of the list)

                    • Anonymous

                      The whole weapon class currently doesn't work with multihit talismans.

                      Hopefully FS patches this in the future.

                      • Anonymous

                        DMG Dex
                        +1 116 C
                        +2 122 C
                        +3 129 C
                        +4 135 C
                        +5 141 C
                        +6 148 C
                        +7 154 B Guard Boost 16
                        +8 161 B
                        +9 167 B
                        +10 173 B
                        +11 180 B
                        +12 186 B
                        +13 192 B
                        +14 199 B Guard Boost 17
                        +15 205 B
                        +16 212 B
                        +17 218 B
                        +18 224 B
                        +19 231 B
                        +20 237 B
                        +21 243 B
                        +22 250 B
                        +23 256 B
                        +24 263 B
                        +25 269 B Guard Boost 18

                        • Anonymous

                          Don't mistake this for the Tear Flasks, you hear me? I know in the heat of battle things get crazy. I once got attacked by an eagle with swords on its feet. Anyway, be careful with the perfumes as the burns from scalding hot oil going down your throat isn't going to heal that flesh wound. Just be safe.

                          • Anonymous

                            There is at least one Ash of War for this. Rolling Sparks, near the Shadow Keep Furnace Golem up a hill to the East flying Scarab

                            • Anonymous

                              It actually does have an AOW that you can put onto it. I've only found 1 so far, but "Wall of Sparks" is found somewhere in thye game and can be added to it...

                              • Anonymous

                                "The crusade was a violent purge, and the perfumers were not called there to heal" this was so unnecessarily badass holy

                                • Anonymous

                                  Not sure if it's bugged, but I'm not noticing winged sword talismans are working on this weapon. Kinda unfortunate.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    hoping a fromsoft intern was feeling generous and snuck a drop chance in for the perfumers in the base game

                                    • Anonymous

                                      with these at +16 and 99 dex and 30 str, i was doing 205 to the albunarics in the palace approach site of grace. with the perfumer's talisman they did 246, so they do get buffed by the talisman. have fun with these, they get bloodhound step

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I’d use this if I got a pet crucible knight or leonine misbegotten like the real perfumers… ehhh? Ehh?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          It seems like this and the Lightning perfume bottle does damage purely of that type, which is amazing. There hasn’t been many non-modded weapons that deal only one type of elemental damage, so this could go really well with scorpion talismans and physicks.

                                          • In the recent Red Bull Gaming event the Firespark bottle had a B scaling in Dex at +25 non-infused, and the Lightning Perfume Bottle had a C scaling in both Dex and Faith at +25 non-infused.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              i was originally excited for the hand to hand but if melee weapons and the firespark scale with dex then a dex/arc melee perfume i think would be fun

                                              • Anonymous

                                                With the consumable spark aromatic scaling of STR (D) / DEX (A), my early prediction is that this one will be a primarily DEX weapon. Curious to see if the Perfumer's Talisman scales damage of this weapon class as a whole as well.

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