Sword of Night

sword of night katana elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 110
Mag 33
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 43
Mag 35
Fire 27
Ligt 27
Holy 27
Boost 30
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str -
Dex C
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 11
Dex 20
Katana SlashPierce
Witching Hour Slash FP 21
Wgt. 6.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45)

Sword of Night is a Katana in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Katana in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Sword of Night scales  with Dexterity and is a good Weapon for DEX Builds. This comes with the skill, Witching Hour Slash which is an unblockable slash attack that infuses the dark of night on the blade.


Sword of an all-consuming, bottomless black that devours even the light that shines upon it. Wielded by Jolán, Swordhand of Night. The blade of the sword is only semicorporeal, and thus cannot be guarded against completely.


Where to Find Sword of Night in Elden Ring

The Sword of Night weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Sword of Night Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Witching Hour Slash
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
  • Sword of Night can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
  • This weapon has a sickle-like anti-block modifier: light attacks ignore 40% damage negation from blocks; heavy and charged attacks ignore more. It is the only katana to possess this.
  • This weapon has the same R2 chain as the Serpentbone Blade
  • As of Patch 1.12, removed INT 13 requirement
  • NOTE: Patch 1.13 Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks of all Katanas (in PVP)
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Sword of Night


Sword of Night Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Sword of Night Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 110 33 - - - 42 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 30 15
Standard +1 125 37 - - - 46 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 30.3 15
Standard +2 141 42 - - - 50 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 30.6 15
Standard +3 157 47 - - - 54 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 30.9 15
Standard +4 173 52 - - - 58 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 31.2 15
Standard +5 189 56 - - - 63 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 31.5 15
Standard +6 205 61 - - - 67 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 31.8 15
Standard +7 221 66 - - - 71 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 32.1 15
Standard +8 237 71 - - - 75 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 32.4 15
Standard +9 253 76 - - - 79 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 32.7 15
Standard +10 269 80 - - - 84 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 43 35 27 27 27 33 15




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    • Anonymous

      Ngl I wish the swing trails for normal attacks were all black like they are on the weapon art, that'd be fcking metal

      • Anonymous

        I'm glad this katana didn't live up to inherit the reputation of Skillveil and Rivers of Mash. At least I don't see people complaining about it like they do about other katanas anywhere

        • Anonymous

          heres what you can call your katana

          Void Blade, Edger, Edge Blade, Frayed Blade, Dark Drift, Vanta Blade, Vantablack Blade, Nightana, Verginator, Weebing Hour Blade, Anime Blade, Black Blade, Temu Hand of Melania, Wall’s Bane, Shield Breakanator, No Flame, Sword of Flame, Brrr Blade, Sigma Sword, 2D Woman Blade and Katanight With 0 Zero Flame.

          • Anonymous

            if you dont want to main this because it isnt good here a couple reasons why you should!

            1: Offhand the claws of night. The claws of night are one of the most broken weapons it also scales with pure dex and if you have this sword you almost certainly have the claws, AND the claws are medium ranged crazy AR and insane dps

            2: It can make you better at the game! If you dont care about that, use it with a mimic tear but getting better is very important, it may not be fun dying a bunch but it’s really fun when you get good!

            3: It gets better. Okay so first of all, it has a true combo which can be used against humanoid enemies its unblockable so against knights it broken, the true combo can be used in pvp so if you’re around level 125-150 you can BULLY people. Second of all it’s a katana, which has bleed, hits really fast and is chargeable meaning with a multi hit bleed build it can actually go from “meh” to “actually not bad!”

            TL;DR edgelord, cool, use it.

            • Anonymous

              Is it supposed to one shot 60 vigor in pvp? Or is that something all these dlc weapons are supposed to do :( gotta use it at just +5 to have a duel longer than 30 seconds

              • Magic AR is too low, even with 85 DEX (80 + millicent's prosthesis) it barely reaches 169, which makes it quite bad for higher NGs as it gets destroyed by defense. Should have a bit higher magic AR in exchange for a bit lower physical AR to solve that.

                • Anonymous

                  I don't care if it's stupid AF to implement, you should only be able to use this sword at night for the giga laughs

                  • Anonymous

                    with a 60 dex 16 str character sword of night has more AR than hand of malenia.
                    probably the fastest katana concidering the ash of war and its moveset heavy attack moveset

                    • Anonymous

                      This is my pick for most fun katana. Really fun comboing between the ash of war and double swipe heavy attack, mixing up charged/uncharged versions based on what you're fighting. Actually a very in-depth weapon if you give it some thought, also looks SICK!!!!!!!!

                      • Anonymous

                        I'm both relieved and surprised that this doesn't seem to have caught on and become overused in the way that Moonveil or Rivers did, I guess cause can't can't really spam the L2 against bosses. And the true combo in PvP is slick.

                        • Anonymous

                          According to a build planner, the magic portion of damage scales with dex. If that's actually a thing that's quite unique, even if not very consequential

                          • Anonymous

                            Can't block with shield against this. Got it. Can I parry Sword of Night normal attacks and AoW? I tried the other day but it was either lag or unparryable

                            • Anonymous

                              -scales purely off dex
                              -split damage with 0 faith/int requirements or scaling
                              -black katana with aow thst releases alot of slashes

                              yup welcome back frayed blade

                              • Anonymous

                                Haven't had the chance to try this out since the patch yet, but since the R2 got sped up to frame 16 it should theoretically always true combo off of the AoW now. Before it required pretty tight connections to land.

                                • Anonymous

                                  There is absolutely nothing and I mean NOTHING wrong with wielding this in full night armor and being an "edge lord". It looks cool, is cool, and that's what matters.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Me: Oh! A Sword of Night? Must be a good Straight Sword!

                                    In game: Katana. And you won't be able to see the blade, cause it's blended in the black background.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Right so I really wanna use this but the B scaling at +10 is really putting me off, anyone got a good build for this?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        1- Press and hold L2
                                        2- take a deep breath
                                        3- release L2

                                        • Anonymous

                                          This was a great way to sober up after my "take-a-shot-every-time-the-loot-is-an-incantation-or-a-weapon-with-faith-scaling" drinking game.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Shard of Alexander
                                            Godfrey Icon
                                            Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
                                            Millicent's Prosthesis

                                            Thorny Cracked Tear
                                            Bloodsucking Cracked Tear

                                            Thank me later

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Whoever put the black background for the pitch black weapon was definitely onto something or on something…

                                              • Anonymous

                                                To clarify why this weapon has Dex magic scaling. It has been a long tradition for FromSoft/Souls games to have a fantastical blade associated with the Dark such as the Frayed blade from Dark souls 3. However to give it scaling with magic we need to note that this is new. In Elden Ring dexterity is more similar to arcane where it is the only other attribute to scaling somber weapons with both elemental and physical damage due to being "advanced armaments". In fact dexterity is the only attribute that has both elemental scaling and physical scaling on the same weapon for both infusible weapons and unique weapons. This is assisted by dexterity already being associated with the staff of loss (however not scaling with it) This helps distinguish dexterity from other attributes rather than being a weaker version of strength,

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  You are not using the fully charged ash for 80-90% of the time in pve and 90-99% in pvp (You'll realize how much it's ash will let you down as I hit with a cold pot across your goofy face. Every. Single. Time.). The uncharged option does insignificant damage and you won't have your precious multi-hit buff by the time the ash finally executes the attack, this true after the ash as well because it has a painfully long recovery interval. The katana is very short, but I guess those snotty-nose congested, sword "enthusiasts" aren't complaining. All it has going for it is it's AR. Yet, that kind of AR is wasted on a non-buffable and comically short katana with a consistently disappointing ash of war. Stop using this weapon if you want to be respected by any experienced soulsborne pvper.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Why does this katana have magic damage but doesn’t scale with INT? I don’t understand; I am confused as f

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Yeah of course all the Night weapons scale with Dex, it's not like they do magic damage or they're used by a mage's servants or the concept of night is heavily linked with magic in this game, yeah you're right Miyazaki Dex builds didn't have nearly enough new weapons, Int builds having a single new weapon to their name in the entire DLC is enough for them

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I was pleasantly surprised at how balanced and tasteful this was for a weebstick myself, the AoW is super useful and fun without being OP and it's TONS of fun to fight against, something literally all other katanas lack besides the meteoric and ice lightning ones IMO. Of course that pleasant surprise was completely overshadowed by the unpleasant surprise that is Great Katanas, seeing as they make almost all regular Greatswords damn close to obsolete in almost any build. They make the Claymore specifically totally inferior, and any advantages you get from any other Greatsword will always involve giving up superior damage, range, and move set (With the exception of the Knight's/ Banished Knight's/ Inseparable GS, which have a wonderful moveset, and the new Lizard GS, which has a projectile attack and therefore tons of range). Then they went ahead and overshadowed that UNPLEASANT surprise with the absolute travesty that is Backhand Blades. At least Great Katanas ONLY overshadow MOST Great Swords, and they're not even really overpowered in the sense that you can't deal with them, just in the sense that they overshadow so many other weapons. Threy should just give aslight buff to Great Swords instead of Nerfing the Great Katanas. Backhand blades, on the other hand, overshadow ALL daggers, Straightswords, Curvedswords, Axes, Hammers, Thrusting Swords in most cases, Katanas in most cases, Claws (except Claws of Night which are in their own league for being completely broken headshot machines STILL after THREE PATCHES), Fists (Except the Pata which, also pretty dang broken) and Twinblades. I probably missed some too.
                                                        But still as I mentioned in parentheses above, bad as Backhand Blades are, don't even frickin get me started on the actually overpowered as all SH*T counterpart to the Sword of Night, the Claws of Night. I have countered Backhand blades successfully a hundred times at this point, mostly due to people who use them in PvP being braindead, but regardless of Brain-deadness I've never beaten anyone who just spams the Claws of Knight skill at long range. They stagger you out of freaking ENDURE ffs. Maybe a shield would work actually just thought of that

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          the blade icon is so dark i genuinely forget if i have it slotted or not whenever i two hand another weapon

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            The blade is so dark...

                                                            It completely camouflages on the background of this site!

                                                            If only I could do it in the game too...

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The weird black smoke/fire effect should be slightly stronger, kinda like it is when you activate the weapon art. As it currently is, the outline of the blade is too defined and it just looks like a regular sword coated in ink.
                                                              It looks amazing on the item picture, sadly the 3d model doesn't live up to it.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Dual wielding this weapon is absolutely disgusting in pvp. If you get proficient enough with the AoW roll catch and get the follow up light attack you can roll catch off of THAT too if you're good enough at timing. Absolutely filthy.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Not sure how, but someone was able to 1-shot me from full health (60 vigor + Erdtree's Favor +2) by hitting me once out of hitstun then doing some combo that stunlocked me to death.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Very easy to counter cuz even if it can combo lock you, the timing is right enough to back step or Poke spam them night sworders to death

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      This sword is obnoxious to play against. It feels like the hitbox is significantly bigger than it looks and you're kinda combo locked for the duration.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Am I bad or can the uncharged r2 continuously roll catch in pvp? Some loser spammed ansbach bow wa with sleep arrows and kept spamming this weapons skill. I literally could not dodge the last swing no matter how well I timed my dodge.

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