Verdigris Greatshield is a Greatshield in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Greatshield in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Verdigris Greatshield is a Shield that scales primarily with Strength. Greatshields weigh a decent amount and provide the best protection in the game. Greatshields provide a greater value of blocking and protecting oneself from enemy and boss attacks but greatly increases the weight and reduces the player's mobility. This type of shield works best at reducing damage or guarding instead of parrying.
Greatshield made of the unusual metal known as verdigris. Boasts greater guard capacity than damage negation. To the extent that the shield will continue to protect its target even if its bearer should die.
Where to Find Verdigris Greatshield in Elden Ring
Moore drops Verdigris Greatshield wherever he's killed, which can be:
- If you kill a Forager Brood Pest, Moore will invade you and will drop this when killed
- If you tell Moore "Remain sad forever", you can find this on his corpse by the Forager Brood Pest north of the Church of the Crusade [Map Link]
- If you tell Moore "Put it behind you", you can find this on his corpse after fighting him as part of the Leda and Allies Boss fight [Map Link] [Video Link]
Elden Ring Verdigris Greatshield Notes & Tips
- Weapon Skill: Moore's Charge
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
- Can be buffed by defensive Magic or Consumables
- Verdigris Greatshield can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
- At +10, has 90 Guard Boost, the highest of any shield in the game.
- Compared to the Fingerprint Shield, the Verdigris Greatshield is lighter by one point, and has 4 points higher Guard Boost. However, the Fingerprint Shield has higher non-physical resistances, and can be customized with any Ash of War.
- Both greatshields only have tier 2 toughness, unlike the Ant's Skull Plate.
Videos in Elden Ring for Verdigris Greatshield
- Videos for the Verdigris Greatshield Coming Soon
Verdigris Greatshield Upgrades in Elden Ring
Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.
Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.
Attack Power | Stat Scaling | Passive Effects | Damage Reduction (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Verdigris Greatshield | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Sta | Str | Dex | Int | Fai | Arc | Any | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Bst | Rst |
Standard | 194 | - | - | - | - | 128 | D | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 82 | 34 |
Standard +1 | 212 | - | - | - | - | 136 | D | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 82.82 | 34 |
Standard +2 | 230 | - | - | - | - | 145 | D | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 83.64 | 34 |
Standard +3 | 247 | - | - | - | - | 154 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 84.46 | 34 |
Standard +4 | 265 | - | - | - | - | 162 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 85.28 | 34 |
Standard +5 | 283 | - | - | - | - | 171 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 86.1 | 34 |
Standard +6 | 301 | - | - | - | - | 179 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 86.92 | 34 |
Standard +7 | 319 | - | - | - | - | 188 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 87.74 | 34 |
Standard +8 | 336 | - | - | - | - | 196 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 88.56 | 34 |
Standard +9 | 354 | - | - | - | - | 205 | C | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 89.38 | 34 |
Standard +10 | 372 | - | - | - | - | 214 | B | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | 72 | 74 | 67 | 68 | 90.2 | 34 |
- Anonymous
Worst shield to fight against in pvp, especially if they have a thrusting sword
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Used to be almost every greatshield could get these stats with talismans and Scholars shield. Then Fromsoft takes that away from us and gives us the ugliest greatshield that just does what the former used to do. Why?
It's like nerfing bleed all across the board and then giving us a second Rivers of Blood that performs like the old Rivers used to.
- Anonymous
I can confirm this thing is absolutely unbreakable in the best way, even on NG+7 at +9, this thing STILL stumps the DLC's final boss attacks including phase 2's spam, a third of my health per hit in comparison to a 10th of my stamina without an optimized tank's stats, absolute unit of a Greatshield.
- Anonymous
It's pretty fun throwing merchants and other friendly npcs around with the ash of war because it doesn't aggro them
- Anonymous
Thank you moore, for allowing me to beat the most bs boss ever.
Next playthrough, you will survive forever
- Anonymous
I love this great shield. I love that the ultimate boss of Elden Ring, at the end of the DLC, a game of aggressive bosses and rewarding aggressive players, is a boss so utterly countered by a strategy of just using a great shield and thrusting weapon. It's poetic.
- Anonymous
This should be removed from the game, makes DLC final boss way too easy
> to the extent that the shield will continue to protect its target even if its bearer should die
tf does that mean?
- Anonymous
Idk why people talk about the Fingerprint against Radahn when this is just better.
- Anonymous
Did some cursory testing between Verdigris+25 w/ Scholar's Shield and Fingerprint+25 w/ Barricade Shield. The difference in stamina saved felt negligible, with the Fingerprint+25 edging out if the Tier 4 hardness meant cancelling a long enough (usually 3+) attack combo. Bear in mind that Scholar's Shield has a longer cast time but also lasts 5 times longer than Barricade Shield.
Hate how low the character holds this thing. Looks like he has it on the ground.
- Anonymous
Amazing for PvP. Even if it causes you to fat roll. With high enough stamina you can essentially tank infinite hits.
- Anonymous
It's nice to have the highest Guard Boost shield not be as ugly as the Fingerprint Stone Shield, but it's also annoying its Ash of War is locked.
- Anonymous
Omg this thing goes nuts on RL1 as a 2handed weapon. No rune arc or grafted sword necessary to equip. Just need str tear, +5 str helm, starscourge and radagon talisman.
2 handing it makes the stamina drain very very manageable and as a weapon it hits like a truck. Deflect tear and guard counters are nuts.
Invincible backstep and dash attacks
All while achieving a medium roll… even got some room to throw in some raksasha pieces or a Leda chest pc for more dmg
- Anonymous
Omg this thing goes nuts on RL1 as a 2handed weapon. No rune arc or grafted sword necessary to equip. Just need str tear, +5 str helm, starscourge and radagon talisman.
2 handing it makes the stamina drain very very manageable and as a weapon it hits like a truck. Deflect tear and guard counters are nuts.
Invincible backstep and dash attacks
All while achieving a medium roll… even got some room to throw in some raksasha pieces or a Leda chest pc for more dmg
- Anonymous
Why use Wrath from Afar when you are the Wrath, and you bring it right to their face? Even though the Ash does 0 damage, my brain makes the happy chemical everytime I launch a for off a cliff or flatten an annoying enemy for my followup of choice. Best guard boost, excellent defense and nice fashion as well? Easy pick for my Greatshield using Strength Chad. Added bonus, pop on the Blessed Blue Dew Talismans for nearly infinite ash of war usage so long as you're not spamming it constantly.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It might be too OP if you could change the ash of war, but I wish it would at least be hard set to no ash of war so I don't have to switch to two-handing whenever I want to do something more interesting.
- Anonymous
Verdegris likely either refers patinaed copper (a.k.a. green oxodized copper such as on the Statue of Liberty) or to a specific mushroom, the blue-green stropharia a.k.a. verdigris agaric a.k.a. Stropharia aeruginosa.
I'm not sure if the metallic definition lines up perfectly considering that this has better stats than the shield explicitly made from steel, but the mushroom thing actually somewhat does considering Moore's association with the Forager Brood/Kindred of Rot.
- Anonymous
is this buffable? I mean like shield grease or scholar shield
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Am I the only one since patch 1.12.3 this shield does 0 damage ??
- Anonymous
you have to talk to more after breaking miquella's seal and make him leave. if not he won't be part of leda's invasion.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Ever since I got Moore's armor set ive been tanking all the bosses! Love the armor set, thanks Michael Zaki
All I hear is the scraping noise you hear when you use a thrusting attack while holding a shield... and the nectar-coated words of an aspiring God.
- Anonymous
ffs, this one is also 100 poise, does fromsoftware know how their own poise works? Bull goat and Verdigris should reach 101 by default, whats the point of these armors if the only way to get to 101 is with the bull goat talisman, these two armors would be great to free the talisman spot. Is it capped at 100 so the bull goat talisman isnt useless with these? how about better implementing your mechanic instead of handicapping the 2 heaviest sets from?
- Anonymous
I beat the final boss of the DLC using this while at RL 80. I used the Bloodfiends bloody fork or whatever at +17. 40 vigor, 29 endurance, 45 strength (Use str talisman for the 49 req) and 13 arcane. Hero base class and all other stats were default. I had all 14 flasks allocated to healing, no fp. You can essentially stand and bang with him, but you absolutely need to learn his moves to know when you can let your guard down to regen stamina. If he guard breaks you, you will die. I used the shield talisman, golden braid, great jar arsenal, and favor+2. Just had basic knight armor and commoner head band altered.
This was the only way I found I could beat him while staying in my preferred PvP bracket. Took hours, but that bleed is your friend. If you're going to use mimic tear, wait until second phase!
One thing to note here is that although the Guard Boost is best in game, this is a Somberstone weapon, and thus can't have the 'No Skill' Ash of War put on it. As a consequence you can't use a mainhand weapon ash of war without swapping the shield away or two-handing your mainhand weapon and losing the ability to block temporarily. Also the negations are just worse across the board compared to Fingerprint. Pretty drippy shield, but sadly lacking in usable utility imo.
- Anonymous
Does more dmg then a finger print shield but it can't be infused with lightning for instance.
- Anonymous
Can this reach 100 Guard boost with the Greatshield Talisman?
- Anonymous
So I can't find anywhere but can this reach 100 guard boost like Fingerprint use to with the talisman or did they change the talisman as well when they nerfed Fingerprint?
I have it at +9 and not sure I want to waste the somber smithing stone on a shield that has less elemental resistant across the board and can't change weapon skill if it's just going to take me from 96% stamina reduction to 99% or something.
Figured if it did there would be videos and guides all about it and I've seen no one say that and no video show it can.
- Anonymous
This+Antspur rapier and any boss becomes a cake walk. With the exception of Malenia.
- Anonymous
Can't advance in Moore's questline so the shield is unobtainable
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The only thing fingerprint shield does better is that its AOW can be changed. Meaning, you can put no skill on it and have your main hand weapons AOW instead. Made a mistake a couple of times and dying because i kept ending up using moore's charge instead of my main hand AOW sigh
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So I've been using this two handed for the last couple of days, and I was really confused by the comments about the weapon art doing no damage since mine was doing about 1700 on the fast version and a lot more on the held. It was a slow, but really useful weapon art and this shield was one of the most fun weapons in the DLC for me.
Thing is, I've been playing offline on PS5 and sleep mode meant the game never closed so it never updated the calibration. After reading those comments I went online, which updated to calibration 1.12.1 and now it does literally zero. It's a huge shame, this thing was one of the most fun weapons of the DLC for me.
- Anonymous
standard 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 82 guard
+1 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 82 guard
+2 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 83 guard
+3 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 84 guard
+4 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 85 guard
+5 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 86 guard
+6 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 86 guard
+7 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 87 guard
+8 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 88 guard
+9 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 89 guard
+10 82phys, 72mag, 74 fire, 67 light, 68 holy 90 guard
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
People don't understand how much better this is compared to fingerprint. The higher the guard boost is, the even greater returns.
-If fingerprint shield has 86 guard boost, you take 14% stamina damage, which would be 140 from an attack that drains 1000 stamina
-If verdigris shield had 90 guard boost, you take 10% stamina damage, which would be 100 from an attack that drains 1000 stamina
This is equivalent to taking a massive 29% less stamina damage compared to the old king, fingerprint greatshield.
it's over fingerprint bros.
- Anonymous
Somber stones, so can't use AOW on right hand weapon hard pass
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I think the Moore's Charge attack is bugged on this thing? From the description it just seems like a more FP expensive Shield Crash that ends with a non-damaging shock-wave, but the entire charge does no damage. Bummer.
- Anonymous
Finally, no more rough slab of stone. We are well and truly saved.
If this wiki's numbers are true, then this thing is now both the highest guard boost shield in the game, beating out the fingerprint shield, as well as having the highest raw damage out of all great shields now, beating out the visage shield.
Certain Great shield attacks have guard points on them; I wonder if this thing will be strong enough to compete with more orthodox weapons in upfront damage?
If you’re going to cheese Radahn, do it right. infuse the black steel greatshield with sacred and you get ~96% holy damage reduction. Throw barricade on there and use the guard boost talisman. Works better than verdigris at that point. As far as I know the only attacks you can’t turn into chip damage with this setup are the gravity magic/meteor as well as the one where Radahn plummets into the arena at 30% health.