Dragon Towershield

dragon towershield greatshield elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 115
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 100
Mag 61
Fire 67
Ligt 55
Holy 64
Boost 69
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 30
Greatshield Strike
Shield Bash FP 10
Wgt. 17.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive None

Dragon Towershield is a Greatshield in Elden Ring. The Dragon Towershield is a Shield that scales primarily with Strength. Greatshields weigh a decent amount and provide the best protection in the game. Greatshields provide a greater value of blocking and protecting oneself from enemy and boss attacks, but greatly increases the weight and reduces the player's mobility. This type of shield works best at reducing damage or guarding instead of parrying.


Tower shield engraved with a dragon, symbol of protection. Heavy even among greatshields, it possesses exceptional guarding ability

The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock.


Where to Find the Dragon Towershield in Elden Ring

The Dragon Towershield can be found at the following location:

  • From the Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace in Crumbling Farum Azula, drop down and go down the ladder to the south. Continue all the way to the south until reach an open area where a lightning dragon is or was. To the southeast is a small gazebo and just north of the gazebo is an area you can drop down to. Drop all the way down to the northeast until you reach a building. Progress through the building and go up the ladder outside. At the east edge of this area is a chest containing the Dragon Towershield, guarded by a Banished Knight. [Map Link] Video Location


Elden Ring Dragon Towershield Notes & Tips

  • Shield Skill: Shield Bash.
  • This shield can be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can be buffed by defensive Magic or Consumables
  • The Dragon Towershield can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px100
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below.
  • Other notes and player tips go here

Dragon Towershield can be modified by Ashes of War. Click below for a list of all possible Ashes of War that can be applied to the greatshield.

See usable Ashes of War (click to reveal)



Dragon Towershield PvP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring

Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.

One-Handed Attacks

  • 1H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 222/111/120/--/--/--
  • 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 360/360
  • 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1080/1080
  • 1H Running R2: 240
  • 1H R1 Jumping: 222
  • 1h R2 Jumping: 720

Two-Handed Attacks

  • 2H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 288/144/156/--/--/--
  • 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 396/396
  • 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1188/1188
  • 2H R1 Jumping: 288
  • 2h R2 Jumping: 792


Dragon Towershield Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.


max upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
standard upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
heavy upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
keen upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
quality upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
fire upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
flame weapon upgrade elden ring wiki guide 30px
lightning upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
sacred upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
magic upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
cold upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
poison upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
blood upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
occult upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30


Dragon Towershield Max Upgrades

Overview table for all upgrades at max level. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Std+25 281 - - - - 166 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 77.28 32
Hvy+25 260 - - - - 166 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 55 75.9 32
Keen+25 260 - - - - 166 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32
Qua+25 227 - - - - 166 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32
Fire+25 188 - 188 - - 166 D E - - - - 95 57.95 83.75 63.25 60.8 69 30.4
Flame+25 222 - 222 - - 166 D - - D - - 95 57.95 83.75 63.25 60.8 69 30.4
Lit+25 193 - - 193 - 166 E D - - - - 95 57.95 77.05 68.75 60.8 69 30.4
Sac+25 222 - - - 222 166 D - - D - - 95 70.15 63.65 52.25 80 69 30.4
Mag+25 222 222 - - - 166 E - D - - - 95 76.25 63.65 52.25 73.6 69 30.4
Col+25 199 160 - - - 166 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(153) 95 70.15 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Poi+25 238 - - - - 166 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(138) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Blood+25 238 - - - - 166 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(120) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Occ+25 249 - - - - 166 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32

Dragon Towershield standard Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 115 - - - - 83 D - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69 32
Standard +1 121 - - - - 86 D - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Standard +2 128 - - - - 89 D - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Standard +3 135 - - - - 92 D - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Standard +4 141 - - - - 96 D - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Standard +5 148 - - - - 99 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Standard +6 155 - - - - 102 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Standard +7 161 - - - - 106 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Standard +8 168 - - - - 109 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Standard +9 175 - - - - 112 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Standard +10 181 - - - - 116 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Standard +11 188 - - - - 119 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Standard +12 195 - - - - 122 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Standard +13 201 - - - - 126 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Standard +14 208 - - - - 129 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Standard +15 215 - - - - 132 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Standard +16 221 - - - - 136 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Standard +17 228 - - - - 139 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Standard +18 235 - - - - 142 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Standard +19 241 - - - - 146 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Standard +20 248 - - - - 149 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32
Standard +21 255 - - - - 152 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32
Standard +22 261 - - - - 156 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 76.59 32
Standard +23 268 - - - - 159 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 76.59 32
Standard +24 275 - - - - 162 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 76.59 32
Standard +25 281 - - - - 166 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 77.28 32


Dragon Towershield Heavy Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Heavy Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Heavy 105 - - - - 83 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69 32
Heavy +1 111 - - - - 86 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Heavy +2 117 - - - - 89 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Heavy +3 124 - - - - 92 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Heavy +4 130 - - - - 96 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Heavy +5 136 - - - - 99 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Heavy +6 142 - - - - 102 C - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Heavy +7 148 - - - - 106 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Heavy +8 155 - - - - 109 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Heavy +9 161 - - - - 112 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Heavy +10 167 - - - - 116 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Heavy +11 173 - - - - 119 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Heavy +12 180 - - - - 122 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Heavy +13 186 - - - - 126 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Heavy +14 192 - - - - 129 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Heavy +15 198 - - - - 132 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Heavy +16 204 - - - - 136 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Heavy +17 211 - - - - 139 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Heavy +18 217 - - - - 142 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Heavy +19 223 - - - - 146 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Heavy +20 229 - - - - 149 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Heavy +21 235 - - - - 152 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Heavy +22 242 - - - - 156 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Heavy +23 248 - - - - 159 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Heavy +24 254 - - - - 162 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Heavy +25 260 - - - - 166 B - - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32

Dragon Towershield Keen Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Keen Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Keen 105 - - - - 83 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69 32
Keen +1 111 - - - - 86 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Keen +2 117 - - - - 89 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Keen +3 124 - - - - 92 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Keen +4 130 - - - - 96 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Keen +5 136 - - - - 99 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Keen +6 142 - - - - 102 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Keen +7 148 - - - - 106 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Keen +8 155 - - - - 109 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Keen +9 161 - - - - 112 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Keen +10 167 - - - - 116 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Keen +11 173 - - - - 119 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Keen +12 180 - - - - 122 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Keen +13 186 - - - - 126 E C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Keen +14 192 - - - - 129 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Keen +15 198 - - - - 132 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Keen +16 204 - - - - 136 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Keen +17 211 - - - - 139 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Keen +18 217 - - - - 142 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Keen +19 223 - - - - 146 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Keen +20 229 - - - - 149 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Keen +21 235 - - - - 152 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Keen +22 242 - - - - 156 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Keen +23 248 - - - - 159 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Keen +24 254 - - - - 162 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Keen +25 260 - - - - 166 E B - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32

Dragon Towershield Quality Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Quality Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Quality 99 - - - - 83 D D - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69 32
Quality +1 105 - - - - 86 D D - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Quality +2 110 - - - - 89 D D - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Quality +3 115 - - - - 92 D D - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Quality +4 120 - - - - 96 D D - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Quality +5 125 - - - - 99 D D - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Quality +6 130 - - - - 102 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Quality +7 135 - - - - 106 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Quality +8 140 - - - - 109 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Quality +9 145 - - - - 112 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Quality +10 150 - - - - 116 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Quality +11 156 - - - - 119 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Quality +12 161 - - - - 122 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Quality +13 166 - - - - 126 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Quality +14 171 - - - - 129 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Quality +15 176 - - - - 132 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Quality +16 181 - - - - 136 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Quality +17 186 - - - - 139 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Quality +18 191 - - - - 142 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Quality +19 196 - - - - 146 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Quality +20 202 - - - - 149 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Quality +21 207 - - - - 152 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Quality +22 212 - - - - 156 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Quality +23 217 - - - - 159 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Quality +24 222 - - - - 162 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Quality +25 227 - - - - 166 C C - - - - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32

Dragon Towershield Fire Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Fire Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Fire 88 - 88 - - 83 D E - - - - 95 57.95 77.05 57.75 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +1 92 - 92 - - 86 D E - - - - 95 57.95 77.05 57.75 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +2 96 - 96 - - 89 D E - - - - 95 57.95 77.72 58.3 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +3 100 - 100 - - 92 D E - - - - 95 57.95 77.72 58.3 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +4 104 - 104 - - 96 D E - - - - 95 57.95 78.39 58.85 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +5 108 - 108 - - 99 D E - - - - 95 57.95 78.39 58.85 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +6 112 - 112 - - 102 D E - - - - 95 57.95 79.06 59.4 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +7 116 - 116 - - 106 D E - - - - 95 57.95 79.06 59.4 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +8 120 - 120 - - 109 D E - - - - 95 57.95 79.73 59.95 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +9 124 - 124 - - 112 D E - - - - 95 57.95 79.73 59.95 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +10 128 - 128 - - 116 D E - - - - 95 57.95 80.4 60.5 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +11 132 - 132 - - 119 D E - - - - 95 57.95 80.4 60.5 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +12 136 - 136 - - 122 D E - - - - 95 57.95 81.07 61.05 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +13 140 - 140 - - 126 D E - - - - 95 57.95 81.07 61.05 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +14 144 - 144 - - 129 D E - - - - 95 57.95 81.07 61.05 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +15 148 - 148 - - 132 D E - - - - 95 57.95 81.74 61.6 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +16 152 - 152 - - 136 D E - - - - 95 57.95 81.74 61.6 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +17 156 - 156 - - 139 D E - - - - 95 57.95 81.74 61.6 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +18 160 - 160 - - 142 D E - - - - 95 57.95 82.41 62.15 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +19 164 - 164 - - 146 D E - - - - 95 57.95 82.41 62.15 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +20 168 - 168 - - 149 D E - - - - 95 57.95 82.41 62.15 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +21 172 - 172 - - 152 D E - - - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +22 176 - 176 - - 156 D E - - - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +23 180 - 180 - - 159 D E - - - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +24 184 - 184 - - 162 D E - - - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Fire +25 188 - 188 - - 166 D E - - - - 95 57.95 83.75 63.25 60.8 69 30.4

Dragon Towershield Flame Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Flame Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Flame 94 - 94 - - 83 E - - E - - 95 57.95 77.05 57.75 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +1 99 - 99 - - 86 E - - E - - 95 57.95 77.05 57.75 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +2 104 - 104 - - 89 E - - D - - 95 57.95 77.72 58.3 60.8 69 30.4
Flame+3 109 - 109 - - 92 E - - D - - 95 57.95 77.72 58.3 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +4 114 - 114 - - 96 E - - D - - 95 57.95 78.39 58.85 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +5 119 - 119 - - 99 E - - D - - 95 57.95 78.39 58.85 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +6 124 - 124 - - 102 E - - D - - 95 57.95 79.06 59.4 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +7 130 - 130 - - 106 E - - D - - 95 57.95 79.06 59.4 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +8 135 - 135 - - 109 E - - D - - 95 57.95 79.73 59.95 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +9 140 - 140 - - 112 D - - D - - 95 57.95 79.73 59.95 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +10 145 - 145 - - 116 D - - D - - 95 57.95 80.4 60.5 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +11 150 - 150 - - 119 D - - D - - 95 57.95 80.4 60.5 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +12 155 - 155 - - 122 D - - D - - 95 57.95 81.07 61.05 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +13 160 - 160 - - 126 D - - D - - 95 57.95 81.07 61.05 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +14 165 - 165 - - 129 D - - D - - 95 57.95 81.07 61.05 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +15 170 - 170 - - 132 D - - D - - 95 57.95 81.74 61.6 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +16 176 - 176 - - 136 D - - D - - 95 57.95 81.74 61.6 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +17 181 - 181 - - 139 D - - D - - 95 57.95 81.74 61.6 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +18 186 - 186 - - 142 D - - D - - 95 57.95 82.41 62.15 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +19 191 - 191 - - 146 D - - D - - 95 57.95 82.41 62.15 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +20 196 - 196 - - 149 D - - D - - 95 57.95 82.41 62.15 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +21 201 - 201 - - 152 D - - D - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +22 206 - 206 - - 156 D - - D - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +23 211 - 211 - - 159 D - - D - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +24 216 - 216 - - 162 D - - D - - 95 57.95 83.08 62.7 60.8 69 30.4
Flame +25 222 - 222 - - 166 D - - D - - 95 57.95 83.75 63.25 60.8 69 30.4

Dragon Towershield Lightning Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Lightning Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Lightning 88 - - 88 - 83 E D - - - - 95 57.95 70.35 63.25 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +1 92 - - 92 - 86 E D - - - - 95 57.95 70.35 63.25 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +2 97 - - 97 - 89 E D - - - - 95 57.95 71.02 63.8 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +3 101 - - 101 - 92 E D - - - - 95 57.95 71.02 63.8 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +4 105 - - 105 - 96 E D - - - - 95 57.95 71.69 64.35 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +5 109 - - 109 - 99 E D - - - - 95 57.95 71.69 64.35 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +6 113 - - 113 - 102 E D - - - - 95 57.95 72.36 64.9 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +7 118 - - 118 - 106 E D - - - - 95 57.95 72.36 64.9 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +8 122 - - 122 - 109 E D - - - - 95 57.95 73.03 65.45 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +9 126 - - 126 - 112 E D - - - - 95 57.95 73.03 65.45 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +10 130 - - 130 - 116 E D - - - - 95 57.95 73.7 66 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +11 134 - - 134 - 119 E D - - - - 95 57.95 73.7 66 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +12 138 - - 138 - 122 E D - - - - 95 57.95 74.37 66.55 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +13 143 - - 143 - 126 E D - - - - 95 57.95 74.37 66.55 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +14 147 - - 147 - 129 E D - - - - 95 57.95 74.37 66.55 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +15 151 - - 151 - 132 E D - - - - 95 57.95 75.04 67.1 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +16 155 - - 155 - 136 E D - - - - 95 57.95 75.04 67.1 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +17 159 - - 159 - 139 E D - - - - 95 57.95 75.04 67.1 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +18 163 - - 163 - 142 E D - - - - 95 57.95 75.71 67.65 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +19 168 - - 168 - 146 E D - - - - 95 57.95 75.71 67.65 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +20 172 - - 172 - 149 E D - - - - 95 57.95 75.71 67.65 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +21 176 - - 176 - 152 E D - - - - 95 57.95 76.38 68.2 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +22 180 - - 180 - 156 E D - - - - 95 57.95 76.38 68.2 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +23 184 - - 184 - 159 E D - - - - 95 57.95 76.38 68.2 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +24 188 - - 188 - 162 E D - - - - 95 57.95 76.38 68.2 60.8 69 30.4
Lightning +25 193 - - 193 - 166 E D - - - - 95 57.95 77.05 68.75 60.8 69 30.4

Dragon Towershield Sacred Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Sacred Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Sacred 83 - - - 83 83 E - - E - - 95 64.05 63.65 52.25 73.6 69 30.4
Sacred +1 88 - - - 88 86 E - - E - - 95 64.05 63.65 52.25 73.6 69 30.4
Sacred +2 94 - - - 94 89 E - - D - - 95 64.66 63.65 52.25 74.24 69 30.4
Sacred +3 99 - - - 99 92 E - - D - - 95 64.66 63.65 52.25 74.24 69 30.4
Sacred +4 105 - - - 105 96 E - - D - - 95 65.27 63.65 52.25 74.88 69 30.4
Sacred +5 111 - - - 111 99 E - - D - - 95 65.27 63.65 52.25 74.88 69 30.4
Sacred +6 116 - - - 116 102 E - - D - - 95 65.88 63.65 52.25 75.52 69 30.4
Sacred +7 122 - - - 122 106 D - - D - - 95 65.88 63.65 52.25 75.52 69 30.4
Sacred +8 127 - - - 127 109 D - - D - - 95 66.49 63.65 52.25 76.16 69 30.4
Sacred +9 133 - - - 133 112 D - - D - - 95 66.49 63.65 52.25 76.16 69 30.4
Sacred +10 138 - - - 138 116 D - - D - - 95 67.1 63.65 52.25 76.8 69 30.4
Sacred +11 144 - - - 144 119 D - - D - - 95 67.1 63.65 52.25 76.8 69 30.4
Sacred +12 149 - - - 149 122 D - - D - - 95 67.71 63.65 52.25 77.44 69 30.4
Sacred +13 155 - - - 155 126 D - - D - - 95 67.71 63.65 52.25 77.44 69 30.4
Sacred +14 160 - - - 160 129 D - - D - - 95 67.71 63.65 52.25 77.44 69 30.4
Sacred +15 166 - - - 166 132 D - - D - - 95 68.32 63.65 52.25 78.08 69 30.4
Sacred +16 172 - - - 172 136 D - - D - - 95 68.32 63.65 52.25 78.08 69 30.4
Sacred +17 177 - - - 177 139 D - - D - - 95 68.32 63.65 52.25 78.08 69 30.4
Sacred +18 183 - - - 183 142 D - - D - - 95 68.93 63.65 52.25 78.72 69 30.4
Sacred +19 188 - - - 188 146 D - - D - - 95 68.93 63.65 52.25 78.72 69 30.4
Sacred +20 194 - - - 194 149 D - - D - - 95 68.93 63.65 52.25 78.72 69 30.4
Sacred +21 199 - - - 199 152 D - - D - - 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 79.36 69 30.4
Sacred +22 205 - - - 205 156 D - - D - - 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 79.36 69 30.4
Sacred +23 210 - - - 210 159 D - - D - - 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 79.36 69 30.4
Sacred +24 216 - - - 216 162 D - - D - - 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 79.36 69 30.4
Sacred +25 222 - - - 222 166 D - - D - - 95 70.15 63.65 52.25 80 69 30.4

Dragon Towershield Magic Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Magic Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Magic 83 83 - - - 83 E - E - - - 95 70.15 63.65 52.25 67.2 69 30.4
Magic +1 88 88 - - - 86 E - E - - - 95 70.15 63.65 52.25 67.2 69 30.4
Magic +2 94 94 - - - 89 E - E - - - 95 70.76 63.65 52.25 67.84 69 30.4
Magic +3 99 99 - - - 92 E - E - - - 95 70.76 63.65 52.25 67.84 69 30.4
Magic +4 105 105 - - - 96 E - D - - - 95 71.37 63.65 52.25 68.48 69 30.4
Magic +5 111 111 - - - 99 E - D - - - 95 71.37 63.65 52.25 68.48 69 30.4
Magic +6 116 116 - - - 102 E - D - - - 95 71.98 63.65 52.25 69.12 69 30.4
Magic +7 122 122 - - - 106 E - D - - - 95 71.98 63.65 52.25 69.12 69 30.4
Magic +8 127 127 - - - 109 E - D - - - 95 72.59 63.65 52.25 69.76 69 30.4
Magic +9 133 133 - - - 112 E - D - - - 95 72.59 63.65 52.25 69.76 69 30.4
Magic +10 138 138 - - - 116 E - D - - - 95 73.2 63.65 52.25 70.4 69 30.4
Magic +11 144 144 - - - 119 E - D - - - 95 73.2 63.65 52.25 70.4 69 30.4
Magic +12 149 149 - - - 122 E - D - - - 95 73.81 63.65 52.25 71.04 69 30.4
Magic +13 155 155 - - - 126 E - D - - - 95 73.81 63.65 52.25 71.04 69 30.4
Magic +14 160 160 - - - 129 E - D - - - 95 73.81 63.65 52.25 71.04 69 30.4
Magic +15 166 166 - - - 132 E - D - - - 95 74.42 63.65 52.25 71.68 69 30.4
Magic +16 172 172 - - - 136 E - D - - - 95 74.42 63.65 52.25 71.68 69 30.4
Magic +17 177 177 - - - 139 E - D - - - 95 74.42 63.65 52.25 71.68 69 30.4
Magic +18 183 183 - - - 142 E - D - - - 95 75.03 63.65 52.25 72.32 69 30.4
Magic +19 188 188 - - - 146 E - D - - - 95 75.03 63.65 52.25 72.32 69 30.4
Magic +20 194 194 - - - 149 E - D - - - 95 75.03 63.65 52.25 72.32 69 30.4
Magic +21 199 199 - - - 152 E - D - - - 95 75.64 63.65 52.25 72.96 69 30.4
Magic +22 205 205 - - - 156 E - D - - - 95 75.64 63.65 52.25 72.96 69 30.4
Magic +23 210 210 - - - 159 E - D - - - 95 75.64 63.65 52.25 72.96 69 30.4
Magic +24 216 216 - - - 162 E - D - - - 95 75.64 63.65 52.25 72.96 69 30.4
Magic +25 222 222 - - - 166 E - D - - - 95 76.25 63.65 52.25 73.6 69 30.4

Dragon Towershield Cold Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Cold Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Cold 94 75 - - - 83 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 95 64.05 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +1 98 79 - - - 86 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(98) 95 64.05 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +2 102 82 - - - 89 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(100) 95 64.66 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +3 107 85 - - - 92 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 95 64.66 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +4 111 89 - - - 96 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 95 65.27 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +5 115 92 - - - 99 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(107) 95 65.27 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +6 119 95 - - - 102 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(109) 95 65.88 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +7 123 99 - - - 106 C - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(111) 95 65.88 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +8 128 102 - - - 109 C - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(114) 95 66.49 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +9 132 106 - - - 112 C - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(116) 95 66.49 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +10 136 109 - - - 116 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(118) 95 66.49 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +11 140 112 - - - 119 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(121) 95 67.1 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +12 144 116 - - - 122 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(123) 95 67.1 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +13 149 119 - - - 126 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(125) 95 67.1 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +14 153 122 - - - 129 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(127) 95 67.71 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +15 157 126 - - - 132 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(130) 95 67.71 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +16 161 129 - - - 136 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(132) 95 68.32 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +17 166 133 - - - 139 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(134) 95 68.32 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +18 170 136 - - - 142 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(137) 95 68.32 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +19 174 139 - - - 146 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(139) 95 68.93 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +20 178 143 - - - 149 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(141) 95 68.93 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +21 182 146 - - - 152 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(143) 95 68.93 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +22 187 150 - - - 156 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(146) 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +23 191 153 - - - 159 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(148) 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +24 195 156 - - - 162 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(150) 95 69.54 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Cold +25 199 160 - - - 166 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(153) 95 70.15 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4

Dragon Towershield Poison Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Poison Affinity Ashes of War.

Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via the Arcane Stat. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Your own Arcane Scaling will alter the number while inside the game. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Poison 94 - - - - 83 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +1 100 - - - - 86 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(97) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +2 105 - - - - 89 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(99) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +3 111 - - - - 92 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(101) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +4 117 - - - - 96 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +5 123 - - - - 99 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(104) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +6 128 - - - - 102 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(106) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +7 134 - - - - 106 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(107) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +8 140 - - - - 109 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(109) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +9 146 - - - - 112 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(111) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +10 152 - - - - 116 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(112) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +11 157 - - - - 119 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(114) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +12 163 - - - - 122 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(116) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +13 169 - - - - 126 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(117) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +14 175 - - - - 129 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(119) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +15 180 - - - - 132 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(121) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +16 186 - - - - 136 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(122) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +17 192 - - - - 139 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(124) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +18 198 - - - - 142 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(126) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +19 204 - - - - 146 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(127) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +20 209 - - - - 149 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(129) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +21 215 - - - - 152 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(131) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +22 221 - - - - 156 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(132) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +23 227 - - - - 159 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(134) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +24 232 - - - - 162 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(136) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32
Poison +25 238 - - - - 166 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(138) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 32

Dragon Towershield Blood Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Blood Affinity Ashes of War.

Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via the Arcane Stat. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Your own Arcane Scaling will alter the number while inside the game. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Blood 94 - - - - 83 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(83) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +1 100 - - - - 86 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(84) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +2 105 - - - - 89 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(85) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +3 111 - - - - 92 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(87) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +4 117 - - - - 96 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(88) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +5 123 - - - - 99 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(90) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +6 128 - - - - 102 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(91) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +7 134 - - - - 106 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(93) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +8 140 - - - - 109 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(94) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +9 146 - - - - 112 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +10 152 - - - - 116 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(97) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +11 157 - - - - 119 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(99) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +12 163 - - - - 122 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(100) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +13 169 - - - - 126 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +14 175 - - - - 129 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(103) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +15 180 - - - - 132 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +16 186 - - - - 136 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(106) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +17 192 - - - - 139 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(108) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +18 198 - - - - 142 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(109) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +19 204 - - - - 146 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(111) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +20 209 - - - - 149 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(112) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +21 215 - - - - 152 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(114) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +22 221 - - - - 156 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(115) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +23 227 - - - - 159 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(117) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +24 232 - - - - 162 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(118) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4
Blood +25 238 - - - - 166 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(120) 95 57.95 63.65 52.25 60.8 69 30.4


Dragon Towershield Occult Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Occult Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dragon Towershield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Occult 99 - - - - 83 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 69 32
Occult +1 105 - - - - 86 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Occult +2 111 - - - - 89 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 69.69 32
Occult +3 117 - - - - 92 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Occult +4 123 - - - - 96 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 70.38 32
Occult +5 129 - - - - 99 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Occult +6 135 - - - - 102 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 71.07 32
Occult +7 141 - - - - 106 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Occult +8 147 - - - - 109 D - - - D - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Occult +9 153 - - - - 112 D - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 71.76 32
Occult +10 159 - - - - 116 D - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Occult +11 165 - - - - 119 D - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Occult +12 171 - - - - 122 D - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 72.45 32
Occult +13 177 - - - - 126 D - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Occult +14 183 - - - - 129 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Occult +15 189 - - - - 132 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 73.14 32
Occult +16 195 - - - - 136 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Occult +17 201 - - - - 139 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Occult +18 207 - - - - 142 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 73.83 32
Occult +19 213 - - - - 146 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Occult +20 219 - - - - 149 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Occult +21 225 - - - - 152 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 74.52 32
Occult +22 231 - - - - 156 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Occult +23 237 - - - - 159 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Occult +24 243 - - - - 162 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 75.21 32
Occult +25 249 - - - - 166 C - - - C - 100 61 67 55 64 75.9 32





Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      Obviously the stats fall behind some of the best shields in the game, but not by TOO much, and in return, the strength requirement is only 30, much lower than all the competition.

      Conveniently, the Manor Towershield is an early game great shield with the same 30 strength requirement, so you can use that one until you find this one.

      • Anonymous

        If you're having problems with Messmer, seriously consider this greatshield, fire-infused. It will domesticate him.

        • Anonymous

          Personally I think this shield is a top-tier choice to head into the DLC with. When deciding on a shield for SOTE, I was looking for something that a) could replace its AOW since I like spamming my right-hand ash b) had 100% physical def c) had as high guard boost as possible d) didn't need to be farmed.
          With these criteria, this shield was the winner for me. The only one that statistically beats it and checks these boxes is the Fingerprint, but it demands prohibitive strength and weight. Golden and Haligtree have comparable stats, but require tedious farming. Dragon Towershield has excellent all-around stats, manageable weight, and the main complaint with it, how late in the game it's found, isn't really an issue if you're headed to the DLC. It's served me well so far, and with fire affinity it lets you tank Messmer and Midra like it's nothing.

          • Anonymous

            This shield helped me beat Messmer it has insane fire absorption and generally a great choice, albeit heavy as f!ck

            • Anonymous

              Unaltered Banished Knight Helm/Armor. Veteran's Gauntlets/Greaves. Bolt of Gransax. Dragon Towershield.

              Boltdrake Knight.

              • Anonymous

                and the reason this is in the game when the dragonclaw shield is available way earlier, has better lightning defense and is way more in your way from a required boss to beat the rest of the game if you don't go through deeproot is?

                • Anonymous

                  750 hours of playtime and ive never even known the area this is in even existed this game never ceases to amaze me

                  • Anonymous

                    The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock.

                    COULD be a Attack on Titan reference.

                    • Anonymous

                      and the point of using this when you have the dragonclaw shield which has better defenses and close enough weight is?

                      • Anonymous

                        An extremely stylish shield that goes with a lot of sets and is only really outperformed by Fingerprint, Golden, Haligtree and Visage Shields but only barely by all but Fingerprint and Visage can't get No Skill so is a pain to use in boss fights

                        • Anonymous

                          There are TWO Banished Knights on the rooftop, btw. Almost got completely wrecked by the second one because the guide only mentions one. Very nice guide, thank you.

                          • Anonymous

                            It seems like the ancient dragons protecting their lord as a wall of living rock is the one piece of lore they bothered to write about the dragons

                            • Anonymous

                              The second-best "Standard" Shield that also includes Shield Bash as a skill, only behind Fingerprint Shield in terms of Guard Boost.

                              Compared to Fingerprint Shield, it requires way less Strength requirement (30 vs 48), and also boasts a 100% DMG negation. The Guard Boost is also good at 77.

                              It might be found late in the game when someone might have already found Fingerprint but that doesn't take away its usage. It also weighs less than Fingerprint so you also need less equip stat requirements for it. And the design is also very "Standard" with a somewhat cool Dragon design as well.

                              Overall a 9/10 Shield. Loses a single point only because it's found so late in the game. Or else everything about it is superb.

                              • Anonymous

                                Phew, that was a long way to go for this thing. Although I do love the shield it can be a little annoying to get to (Which I suspect is the aim of placing it there). I was rather surprised to know that this is another one of those Items I was missing in my collection for quite sometime. Glad to see it's there though, even if other Greatshields out perform it.

                                • Anonymous

                                  For an endgame item this is disappointing. Put another 5 on all resistances and I may get out of bed for it.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Thanks for forgetting to mention the other knight and the freaking hawk and that he kicks you off the ladder!

                                    • Feels very mediocre for how late you get it compared to the other towershields that have nearly identical stats. Perhaps a higher lighting block then most shields would have been fitting

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Honestly I think I'd take this over the golden greatshield if you aren't going to invest super heavy into strength. 1 less guard boost in exchange for 4 less STR requirement and 0.5 more weight? You also get more magic and fire resist, while having slightly less light/holy resist, which are far less frequently dealt with anyway. Toss 1 of those saved points into endurance and you've more than made up for the extra weight with 3 points to spare. It might not be as "fashion souls" as the golden greatshield, but still.

                                        77 guard boost x 1.1 (Greatshield Talisman) = 84.7 (vs 85.8 for golden) guard boost for 30STR. Not too bad for those that want to save a few points in their builds for some sexy greatshield blocking action!

                                        • Anonymous

                                          FYI - If you take out the first knight and the bird and wait at the base of the ladder, the second knights falls down it right in front of you for ez first hits.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Stationary dragon?
                                            I've fought him numerous times in different locations and when I ran up to him he straight up attacked me till he died and have me a somber dragon smith stone.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The description of where this item sits, is not just misleading but straight up false on top of being frustrating misinformation. See Updooted comment for actual location.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Here's how I found it. From the Dragon Temple Rooftop grace point, run towards the dragon. You will eventually notice a gazebo with a legendary smithing stone behind the dragon. Turn left right before the gazebo and you will notice a series of platforms leading down. Follow the path and you will come across a banished knight and a bird, and an open area with a ladder. Once up the ladder, turn left and you will see a banished knight in front of a chest.

                                                • found at Crumbling Farum Azula, to the stationary dragon's right over a ledge, near the Pillar drop down a series of ledges to a lower building, it's in a chest after the first set of stairs guarded by a Knight.
                                                  (The "stationary dragon" referring to the one that strikes red lightning at you while you approach it, in the area with a lot of birds past the Dragon Temple Rooftop Grace.)

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