Coded Sword is a Straight Sword in Elden Ring. The Coded Sword scales exclusively with Faith and is a potent Weapon for dealing Holy damage. Updated to Patch 1.08.
Hidden sword once granted to the Tarnished of the Roundtable
by the Two Fingers. A formless cipher comprises its blade, which
deals holy damage no shield can repel. Champions would gather
at the Roundtable Hold in days long past, when the Two Fingers
were masters of oration, their flesh yet full of vigor.
Where to Find Coded Sword in Elden Ring
The Coded Sword weapon can be found at the following location:
- Found in upstairs throne room of Fortified Manor, Leyndell Royal Capital. From Fortified Manor, 1st Floor site of grace, head outside the building, turn right, climb the stable roofs to the right and re-enter the second floor of the Fortified Manor. Head towards the Round Table room, and the Coded Sword is on the throne of the Throne Room southwest of the Round Table. [Elden Ring Map Link] Video Location
- This weapon must be acquired before defeating Maliketh, the Black Blade, as it is not accessible in Leyndell, Ashen Capital.
Elden Ring Coded Sword Notes & Tips
- Weapon Skill: Unblockable Blade.
- Cannot be infused with Ashes of War
- Cannot be enchanted with Magic nor boosted with Consumables.
- The Coded Sword is resilient to "weapon bounce" commonly experienced by other small armaments when attacking into shields, or certain enemies (eg. Miners). This allows the weapon to excel with one-handed use in situations where other armaments would demand a two-handed approach. The ability to attack uninterrupted into an enemy's block plays into the weapon's overall "unblockable" theme, with its unblockable weapon skill, and pure Holy damage.
- Due to its damage being purely Holy, the Coded Sword benefits greatly from the Sacred Scorpion Charm. It does not deal Standard or Pierce damage in any way despite its ingame description.
- Sell Value:
- The sword's shape, appearance, and purely Holy damage, as well as the effect that it "turns off" when sheathed, might be a reference to the Sunblade, a magical weapon from the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop RPG.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.07, FP consumption has been reduced from 25 to 18.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.08, Straight Swords poise damage has been reduced only on PVP.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below. Additionally, the running attack speed, first attack speed and speed of guard counter of straight sword has increased. The attack recovery time has also decreased.
- NOTE: Patch 1.13 Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks of all Straight Swords (in PVP)
- Other notes and player tips go here
Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Coded Sword
Coded Sword PvP Poise Damage in Elden Ring
Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.
One-Handed Attacks
- 1H R1 (1/2/3/4/5 Attacks): 5/5/5/5/10
- 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 10/10
- 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 30/30
- 1H R1 Jumping: 7.5
- 1H R2 Jumping: 20
Two-Handed Attacks
- 2H R1 (1/2/3/4/5 Attacks): 6.5/6.5/6.5/6.5/13
- 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 11/11
- 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 33/33
- 2H R1 Jumping: 9.75
- 2h R2 Jumping: 22
Coded Sword Upgrades in Elden Ring
Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.
Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.
Attack Power | Stat Scaling | Passive Effects | Damage Reduction (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Coded Sword | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Sta | Str | Dex | Int | Fai | Arc | Any | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Bst | Rst |
Standard | - | - | - | - | 85 | 38 | - | - | - | B | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 27 | 13 |
Standard +1 | - | - | - | - | 97 | 41 | - | - | - | B | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 27.27 | 13 |
Standard +2 | - | - | - | - | 109 | 45 | - | - | - | B | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 27.54 | 13 |
Standard +3 | - | - | - | - | 121 | 49 | - | - | - | B | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 27.81 | 13 |
Standard +4 | - | - | - | - | 134 | 53 | - | - | - | B | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 28.08 | 13 |
Standard +5 | - | - | - | - | 146 | 57 | - | - | - | B | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 28.35 | 13 |
Standard +6 | - | - | - | - | 158 | 60 | - | - | - | A | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 28.62 | 13 |
Standard +7 | - | - | - | - | 171 | 64 | - | - | - | A | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 28.89 | 13 |
Standard +8 | - | - | - | - | 183 | 68 | - | - | - | A | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 29.16 | 13 |
Standard +9 | - | - | - | - | 195 | 72 | - | - | - | A | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 29.43 | 13 |
Standard +10 | - | - | - | - | 208 | 76 | - | - | - | A | - | - | 13 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 58 | 29.7 | 13 |
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
A comment below talks about Coded Sword's poor critical damage. This initially turned me off from this weapon as I personally hate swapping weapons just for a crit. And you'll be doing A LOT of crits with this weapon as the ash does 36 friggin' poise damage and is fast + wide.
I've since come around back to this weapon. Upon doing the math, assuming a FAI build and minimum DEX investment for Misericorde, from 56 FAI and beyond is when Coded Sword's poise and backstab start to outdamage Sacred/FA Misericorde. This doesn't take into account resistances or the way the game handles split damage, just AR.
tl;dr Coded Sword's crit starts to get good at 56 FAI, and surpasses Misericorde.
- Anonymous
I know holy is bad against half the final boss gauntlet but if I wrong warp into leyndell and get this at the start of the game for a casual playthrough will it be good? Never used a straightsword past limgrave before
- Anonymous
Coded Sword is an absolute joke in PVE. There are better tools that deal pure physical damage in PVP, too. In PVE, it is the second longest straight sword and Noble's Slender Sword is the longest. Coded Sword has 208 base holy damage and no physical and gets 356 additional damage from levelling faith to 99. The Noble's Sacred or Flame Art Sword has 192 physical and either 192 holy or fire at base. This is already 70% of what Coded Sword is capable of with a better damage type as holy is garbage without any investment. If you upgrade your faith to 99, it will have an ar of 589AR and this is fairly low for a straight sword. The Broadsword needs 34 faith to surpass the coded sword but is slightly shorter and at 99 faith, it has over 20% more in damage than Coded Sword at 641 ar, which outperforms the coded sword even with the sacred scorpion charm. Never use this as a main weapon. Use it as a tool for shields and for exploring where enemies have less holy resistance. This is very bad against bosses for the obvious reasons. It can be good as a main weapon on a pure faith build that wants to invest into incantations as a primary source of damage since incantations can suck against shielded opponents, not including discus of light, which is also holy damage.
- Anonymous
I’ve always found split damage a problem and after two years of pvp, coded sword has noticeably better damage against meta players than a mace with sacred blade. And the r2 comes out faster with more poise dmg. And the L2 hits often in pvp against people who under estimate the weapon and we’re playing the range game. Pretty sure the L2 true combos into an r1 as well.
- Anonymous
Star wars enjoyers, consider adding some int to your lightsaber build for discus of light. Now you can saber throw. :D
- Anonymous
I want so bad for this sword to be good for general use
it's so cool and it's a good scaling pure faith sword, but it has such a low base damage on account of being pure faith with below average holy damage
even at 40 faith a un-infused lordsworn's straight sword will do significantly more damage, and a sacred, or better yet flame art does often a bit under twice the damage per swing on account of also doing physical damage
not to mention the critical attacks on this weapon are abysmal, around 400~ damage when other sacred/flame-art weapons do 1200~ at 40 faith
the scaling rating is good but it seems like you'd need around 80 faith for it to actually be more powerful than a generic sacred straight sword, and by the time you have that much faith most of the enemies you are fighting will probably be resistant to holy damage anyways so doing pure holy damage ends up being a negative even though you don't have to worry about split damage
the only real advantages this has in the majority of situations are it's slightly above average reach, slightly lower weight and it's busted as hell ash of war which is admittedly insanely good for PvE (incredibly predictable in pvp though, but the reach can catch people off-guard)
it's good for enemies that are specifically weak to holy damage, it shreds cemetary shades but overall you're better just using a sacred or flame art weapon for most encounters, it's a very cool weapon and the weapon art is great for bullying minibosses and stance breaking proper bosses because of the high poise and stance damage it deals, and good for clearing large groups of weak but bunched up enemies
- Anonymous
I want so bad for this sword to be good for general use
it's so cool and it's a good scaling pure faith sword, but it has such a low base damage on account of being pure faith with below average holy damage
even at 40 faith a un-infused lordsworn's straight sword will do significantly more damage, and a sacred, or better yet flame art does often a bit under twice the damage per swing on account of also doing physical damage
not to mention the critical attacks on this weapon are abysmal, around 400~ damage when other sacred/flame-art weapons do 1200~ at 40 faith
the scaling rating is good but it seems like you'd need around 80 faith for it to actually be more powerful than a generic sacred straight sword, and by the time you have that much faith most of the enemies you are fighting will probably be resistant to holy damage anyways so doing pure holy damage ends up being a negative even though you don't have to worry about split damage
the only real advantages this has in the majority of situations are it's slightly above average reach, slightly lower weight and it's busted as hell ash of war which is admittedly insanely good for PvE (incredibly predictable in pvp though, but the reach can catch people off-guard)
it's good for enemies that are specifically weak to holy damage, it shreds cemetary shades but overall you're better just using a sacred or flame art weapon for most encounters, it's a very cool weapon and the weapon art is great for bullying minibosses and stance breaking proper bosses because of the high poise and stance damage it deals, and good for clearing large groups of weak but bunched up enemies
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This thing just melts Consort Radahn. You can kill him in like a minute with basic buffs (golden vow + sword of light + holy tear flask).
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Actually good vs Elden Beast, ash of war to quickly stagger it, then pest thread spam
- Anonymous
There are real people in this thread who thought that my previous comment 09 Apr 2024 meant that switching weapons isn't a mechanic in this game. They really thought I was telling them to use this thing against the Holy-resistant endgame bosses.
A to Z ahh reasoning
- Anonymous
Philosophy: sticks and stones can break my bones, but words never hurt
Coded Sword: I beg to differ
- Anonymous
In my experience holy damage is bad because end bosses have very high holy damage negation but I’ve never used this. Is it good against end boss?(elden beast)
- Anonymous
the AoW of this should've been just like the one from the ringed knight sword in ds3, i always feel that 1 swing is just not enough yk
- Anonymous
Was my weapon first timing beating PCR b/c that quick long range aow was a great option for the narrow punishment windows
- Anonymous
Was pretty useful against final boss 1st phase since he has 0 holy resistance
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I always thought holy was so bad and this weapon would then be bad as well. After countless hours in the game I tried it as a backup in my flame build, and man this weapon is so good, but most of all it's just beautiful. Not even using holy buffs and it still hits hard
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
ultimate challenge run: use this at level 1, without meeting the requirements, against elden beast
- Anonymous
I have a bad feeling this weapon will get the Envoy Longhorn treatment. The AoW is very nice, fast with deceptive range, it can be a good roll tester/catcher. Holy resistance will knock a bit of damage off but it won't be that noticeable, just like the Envoy Longhorn. Enjoy it as it is now, the hammer is coming.
- Anonymous
It's really funny how you can spot a Redditor invader a mile off by the way that they always use whatever weapon has been recently featured in a highly upvoted post on the Elden Ring subreddit.
Someone made a post about this weapon a couple of days ago, and suddenly the copycat NPC army are all dropping their Euporias and switching to Coded Swords.
I wonder which weapon Reddit will tell them to use next?
- Anonymous
Probably one of, if not the singular coolest looking straight sword you can get your hands on in the entire game.
The fact that this thing is quite literally a lightsaber you can turn on and off by two handing your offhand weapon is genuinely crazy.
And compared to most of the other really cool looking weapons you'll find in your adventures, this sword is highly functional too at the point it easily earned a solid spot in the overall top 10 best weapons in game.
If you should ever feel to give the pure faith caster play style a go, this weapon is a must to have from early game all the way up to end game.
Yes, we know that this thing is locked behind the late game content, but if you plsy online you can easily exploit invaders to activate the Leyndell sacred bridge elevator for you already really early on.
- Anonymous
It has an odd visual glitch if used in the left hand, using any ash of war on the right handed weapon will cause the hilt of your coded sword to go on your hip but the “blade” still floats above your hand. This is most easily seen with the square off ash of war as you can stand and look for as long as you want
- Anonymous
It’s all fun and games until death becomes his blade once more
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You'd expect a sword that's 100% Holy damage to really struggle as you progress through the game.
Luckily, Coded Sword's stats are absurd; it's just fine even against Holy-resistant enemies, and exceptionally lethal against those who are weak to it. The AoW also does a lot of Poise damage, so you'll be staggering enemies frequently.
- Anonymous
Dlc really was a blessing with Holy damage as a whole.
If you’re a holy enjoyer then get this sword, it’ll pretty much be your best friend in the dlc, a lot of things weak to holy even a lot of main bosses.
Base game still kinda meh on holy but luckily sword of light/dark helps a lot
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Actual beast of a weapon
I just beat God skin noble with it, doing absolute chunks of damage, and he resists holy!
This thing is great. It does so much damage that holy negation means nothing besides a few cases.
- Anonymous
4 cast of AOW stagger almost everything and very quick. You can even cast this right when enemies stagger and still get riposte . The normal moveset is good because it is a straight sword. The damageis quite ok as well even vs resist boss except the final boss of the game. This is pure faith with no str scale so you don't really need to two hand this weapon and free to use whatever lefthand. It is also very light (lightest straight sword) so you have more equipload on armor or something else like backup weapon. I used this for the entire dlc as faith caster and it feel very nice to use.
Buff you should have for this: sword of light, golden vow, holy sacred tears, sacred scorpion, alexander shard. And staff of the all knowing for 10% holy debuff. You can also use 2 hand talismans but not really advise. Rather using radagon icon or something buff you spell
- Anonymous
Beat Gaius with this while only using only the ash of war. The range on that thing is pretty good!
- Anonymous
Interesting how this would be the de-facto best weapon in the game if 90% of the enemies didn't have some form of holy resist.
I'm not complaining tho, still Top 5 even with that being the case lol!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
612 holy attack power @ 80 faith w/ the Sacred Scorpion Charm.
- Anonymous
The ash is amazing against Messmer, does good damage and can break his stance easily if you keep up the pressure and punish his combos
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
so is the sword good? I hear the ash is pretty good but is the sword itself good? I want to make a pure faith build and want to know if I should use this sword or if I'm better off looking for a better option.
- Anonymous
Thought always based on the description shields wont work until i got parried by an encounter in Arena with this weapon. Thanks for the lecture
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's over Maliketh, I have the high ground!
You underestimate my power!
Dont try it!
*gets one shot by Maliketh air spin combo*
- Anonymous
Ash is easy mode. If Maliketh and Marika didnt have 80 holy resist I could probally beat them with this with my eyes closed.
- Anonymous
This is cool.
But it would be infinitely cooler if the aow was something likecthe RKSS from ds3.
Also a red lightning version of it would be dope. Faith builds could definitely use a lightning dmg melee option.
- Anonymous
Would you like to just not do damage to the endgame bosses?
- Anonymous
I'm going to say this would make a terrible toothbrush. This assumes you're using Root Resin as a paste, mind you.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Is this thing what makes that blin blin blin sound I always hear hosts make when I co-op at low level?
- Anonymous
The SoNaF has 51 more AR at base stats than this does at max faith lol. Even funnier, is +10 coded sword with 99 faith does less damage than +0 base attribute SoNaF against Radagon. It does less damage than a +0 Full Moon Crossbow with just enough attributes to wield with any bolt.
- Anonymous
Item IDs: 2110000: Coded Sword, 21130000:Cipher Pata. Decipher in Octal you get this 退 in decimal ㈰. Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意): 辶 (“move”) + 夊 (“walk”) + 日 (“sun”) – to walk away from the sun, to retreat. The sword is found in the fortified manor in elden ring. Tarnished archaeologist formulated a theory about Godfrey and the fortified manor. Interestingly it could relate to an era of the sun and those who walked away from it. Multiple lore breadcrumbs around.
- Anonymous
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"
*draws coded sword*
"Thats cute."
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The sadness of not getting this sword before turning the capital to ash and realising you have to do two more complete NG cycles to get two of them.
- Anonymous
Did you ever hear the tragedy of queen Marika the eternal?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
The codes on the sword say ''don't use this trash L2 L2 spamming weapon and use ever brilliant PKCS instead'' -PKCS Pope
- Anonymous
i kept reading this weapon sucks but, i swear, at 70-80 faith it's the best weapon i've ever used in a souls game and it complements incantation so well, completely fixing a caster's weaknesses.
all this not because of the weapon itself, but because of its skill, which is insane. it deals very high damage, it reaches very far and covers an 180 degrees angle and it stops anything but the most obese enemies. it's extremely easy to hit even multiple enemies before they can reach you, break their poise and very often killing them in 1 hit.
it also goes through blocks, so it shits on anything but bosses and giant enemies
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Plss I can gave me special sword just add me my name in roblox is rainBOB you si !
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I killed Maliketh can someone give this to me if you a spare one pls
- Anonymous
I killed Maliketh can someone give this to me if you a spare one pls
- Anonymous
Imagine if you could change this to a fire sword some way...
- Anonymous
Honestly if you think about it this sword is rather goated. Think about cipher pata and this. No dex, no strength. You can 99 Faith and use any miracle under the sun while putting everything else into fp and stamina. This is the most simplistic weapon in the game in my opinion and honestly anything immune to holy can get blasted by fire, lightning, magical cold breath and everything you do is maxed out. Honestly if you were just trying to beat the game and get the absolute most out of NG or a stat build... this and pata are kinda op because you dont need to balance stats anymore. You only have one stat and it's unblockable to boot. Really puts into perspective how overpowered single stat weapons backed up by spells and incantations are, granted if you wanted to use such a weapon more heavily it will be lacking in not maxing two or three stats but who cares when you have holy, fire, lightning, bleed and physical all sitting in storage for any situation with incantations. All those faith memes honestly amounted to something.
- Anonymous
Weapon that can beat a annoying poise shield user sign me up!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's kind of annoying how enemies can still do guard-counters from this thing "hitting" their shields, despite the whole premise of it being 'no shield for you'. That little detail alone often sees me ditch it in favour of things that can / already do have the Kick AoW on them instead, when it comes to getting rid of enemies who love their shields a little too much.
Feel like the sole Faith scaling cripples this weapon lategame and NG+ onwards. Once you hard cap at 564 AR at 99 faith you can’t level damage any further, so there’s no reason not to use a different weapon outside of the cool AOW.
- Anonymous
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It hurts for me that this sword doesn't stop skeletons reviving despite BEING HOLY DAMAGE
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You need one in each hand to crack the code, but once you do, it says "dark sword"
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
It pains me that such an awesome sword is mostly dual wielded by the most pathetic people you'll ever encounter.
- Anonymous
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In PvE It’s not bad but falls off hard against the endgame bosses. In PvP it is an excellent weapon for faith builds. Also it’s just straight up a lightsaber so I’m gonna be using this for sure.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Wish the blade was either longer, or looked less transparent, also wish it had a cooler skill, I could definitely see this being used in faith builds
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I think I broke everything. RL150 103 poise light roll dual wielding these with 55 fai. Here's the build: vagabond, 55 vig 73 end 55 fai, erdtree favor+2, two fingers heirloom, bull goats talesman, great jar arsenal, haligtree knight helm, tree sentinel chest, godskin noble bracers, and bull goat legs. Dual wield this thing for exactly 500 ar a piece, have erdtree seal and cipher pata. You can also swap these out for two sacred blade erdsteel daggers, r2 into l1 true combos. If they eat holyproof liver, switch to dual flame art cane swords, same weight as coded swords. This is simply unfair. You can also switch to a cleanrot sword and rickety shield with golden parry, or short spear for it's glorious r2. Anything adding up to 5 weight works just fine. This build is gross.
- Anonymous
The blade seems to glitch to your character's arm while wielding it in the offhand and performing your main hand ash of war
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Let's get this straight. Warped axe gets an S scale on heavy, but both cipher Pata which are PURE HOLY weapons like quite literally, only go A Rating? Make it make sense. these things are supposed to be the faith build versions of carian slicer and greatsword.
- Anonymous
Love this sword. As a blue ring hunter, I come in casting spells and the invader darts towards me, all "kill the caster" mode, then I pull out this sword and wreck their world
- Anonymous
People. Its a lightsaber left by ancient Jedi. Get the lore correct.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
They really dropped the ball with not making a 3rd holy scripture weapon like a Coded Greatsword or Cipher Glaive with 40 fai requirement. Only having the Coded Sword at 20 fai and Cipher Pata at 30 fai just seems, idk, unfinished and not enough. They're the only pure elemental weapons in the whole game, and they are so cool, but they just don't feel fleshed-out enough by themselves.
- Anonymous
I keep Lords Divine Fortification slotted because of you people. You are also the kind of people who’ll jump attack my emote and then run circles for 2 minutes when losing until I finally let you erdtree heal. I actually think healing is valid but you use it in the slimiest and least interesting method. If healing was blocked in coliseum you’d still run away for 2 minutes just to get back less than ~240hp from blessed dew talisman. Slime.
The ash of war of the sword only deal 30 stance damage not 36. It need to be updated so people dont get confuse. Many people don't look at the data thus never know that the info is wrong.
The 36 stance damage is from Ciper Pata version (same name but different).