Oil-Soaked Tear

oil soaked tear crystal tear elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Type Crystal Tear
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Coats nearby enemies with oil in mixed physick

Oil-Soaked Tear is a Crystal Tear in Elden Ring. Oil-Soaked Tear is a brand new Crystal Tear in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLCCrystal Tears can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick to enhance its effect.


A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages, where the scattered sap of the Scadutree pools deep within the furnace golems. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily causes the imbiber to break out in an oily sweat, soaking nearby enemies in oil. Oil-soaked enemies are highly susceptible to fire damage.


Where to find Oil-Soaked Tear


Elden Ring Oil-Soaked Tear Notes & Tips

  • Increases the Fire Dmg dealt to enemies by 20%.
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • At sites of grace, you can mix two crystal tears in the Flask of Wondrous Physick.
  • This will allow you to create elixirs with various custom effects.
  • Notes and player tips go here

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    • Anonymous

      Does this affect bosses? If so, with this and Flame-shrouding Cracked Tear, you could absolutely murder Scadutree Avatar

      • To be honest? In PvP Invasions, you'd be better of chucking an Oil Pot, which gives a 50% boost, has a longer application range, and most importantly isn't a Crystal Tear. I'd rather run the Bloodsucking Cracked Tear over this, if the goal is maximizing burst damage.

        • Anonymous

          What's the difference between this and the flame-shrouding cracked tear? One simply increases YOUR fire dmg OUTPUT by 20%, while the other increases ENEMY fire dmg INTAKE by 20%, but you ALSO need to be close to them AND it lasts 1/3 of the duration. Am I missing something?

          • Anonymous

            Wanna go for a flashy yet extremely unpractical build? Try this:

            -Get the Serpent Flail and upgrade it to +10 (works even better with 2 of these but it would require you to either go NG+/duplicate it/have a friend give you theirs).
            -Equip the Fire Scorpion Charm, Shard of Alexander, Claw Talisman, and Ritual Sword Talisman.
            -Locate your target.
            -Drink your Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear + Oil-Soaked Tear flask.
            -Use your weapon art (if using 2 flails, in order to have both buffed from the WA, first use it on your left hand flail, then switch back to dual wielding and use WA normally to ignite the right hand flail).
            -Use a heavy (or double) jumping attack.
            -Enjoy the 4000+ damage.

            The damage this does is pretty insane for faith/dex or faith/strength builds, however it takes an absurdly long time to set up and the WA buffs disappear after each heavy/jumping attack. However it looks cool as f*ck being able to bonk enemies with two flails that explode on impact, and even though you wouldn't wanna use this specific weapon combo for like 90% of the game, it works incredibly well as an initiator move against most bosses (since all these buffs don't go away upon entering fog gates).

            • Anonymous

              Not that Fire builds needed to do yet another 20% bonus damage, but here it is.
              Point blank a dude with Takers flame buffed by this, cracked flame, Fire scorpion, and FGMS, youll incinerate his ****ing ancestors.

              • Anonymous

                step 1: get to hoarah loux phase 2.

                step 2: go bare fisted and naked.

                step 3: oil yourself up.

                congrats you can now oil wrestle in elden ring!!

                step 4: learn how to play one-handed.

                • Anonymous

                  I'm really glad they added this, if there's one thing fire builds were missing it was stackable buffs to fire damage.

                  • Anonymous

                    If this tear did not drop from the furnace golem you had to wake up/activate, check a little bit to the east of the ruins, a second one woke up for me, and that was the one that dropped the tear for me.

                    • Anonymous

                      Lasts for 1 minute. Gives you -20% fire negation, but people within touching distance take 20% more fire damage too from a weaker "oiled" effect. Each attack you do will have boosted fire damage as long as you're hugging the enemy/boss.

                      However, there seems to be a slight delay in how fast an enemy can have the weakened oiled effect again. I tested using catch flame as it's a fast and spammable fire source. 3 out of 4 hits done consecutively received the bonus damage. It's safe to say any attacks slower than catch flame will always have the oiled status ready.

                      In a nutshell, its a fire cracked tear that only lasts 1 minute, requires melee range, and makes you weaker to fire too. On its own, very bad. Stacked with flame cracked tear? Very Good! Heavy Fire/Flame/Incantation builds will be very Happy I believe.

                      It would be nice if they buffed it to not be a straight up inferior fire tear, but the fact that you basically have 2 sources of 20% bonus fire damage I doubt they would. Maybe at least make it 3 minutes or the range at which oil is applied to enemies larger.

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