Gazing Finger

gazing finger colossal weapon elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 133
Mag 86
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 66
Mag 50
Fire 38
Ligt 38
Holy 38
Boost 46
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str C
Int D
Fai E
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 20
Dex 8
Int 20
Fai 14
Colossal Weapon Strike
Kowtower's Resentment FP 31
Wgt. 15 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Gazing Finger is a Colossal Weapon in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Colossal Weapon in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Gazing Finger scales primarily with StrengthIntelligence and Faith and can be obtained after trading the Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers at the Roundtable Hold. This has the Kowtower's Resentment skill that lets you slam the weapon down and causes a holy explosion.


The head of Metyr, the finger-mother, wielded as a weapon without modification.

From within the center of the fingerprint that wrinkles the creature's foremost protrusion, a tiny wart-like eye gazes vacantly into the beyond.


Where to Find Gazing Finger in Elden Ring

The Gazing Finger weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Gazing Finger Notes & Tips


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Gazing Finger

Metyr, Mother of Fingers Boss Video Guide





Gazing Finger Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Gazing Finger Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 133 86 - - - 95 C - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 46 23
Standard +1 152 98 - - - 104 C - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 46.46 23
Standard +2 171 110 - - - 114 C - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 46.92 23
Standard +3 190 123 - - - 123 C - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 47.38 23
Standard +4 210 135 - - - 133 C - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 47.84 23
Standard +5 229 148 - - - 142 B - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 48.3 23
Standard +6 248 160 - - - 152 B - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 48.76 23
Standard +7 267 173 - - - 161 B - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 49.22 23
Standard +8 287 185 - - - 171 B - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 49.68 23
Standard +9 306 198 - - - 180 B - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 50.14 23
Standard +10 325 210 - - - 190 B - D E - - 66 50 38 38 38 50.6 23



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    • Anonymous

      Y'know, I just noticed that the specific fingerprint design surrounding Metyr's eye looks a helluva lot like the Blackflame Incantations sigil. Huh.

      • Anonymous

        Great for bullying low level hosts with that weapon art. Perfectly sets them up for hefty rot pot on the wake up ;)

        • Anonymous

          So, this is the culprit of making a stone slab, which was used as a tomb to become the Fingerprint Great Shield...

          • Anonymous

            Sometimes I find useful in PvP:

            CR1 -> uncharged R2 is a roll catch that does insane damage with 2H Talisman, easily 1500-1600.

            CR1 -> crystal dart headshot -> uncharged AoW is a true combo

            Free aiming the ash behind you is an option to counter quickstep backstab cheese. You can change the trajectory of the slam after you begin the animation so a lot of people will go for the quickstep assuming you're locked on and get caught.

            After landing the ash you have a lot of follow ups. In an invasion you can heal, or just use the ash again depending on the terrain. If you're running a Str/Int or bonk caster build there are multiple solid spell set ups, my favourite is vortex of putrescence into cherishing fingers. Charged blades of stone works well too.

            Gravity stone fans are a great tool to catch people with the ash from a distance.

            • Anonymous

              pretty underrated for pvp, does a lot of damage even without accounting for scaling, the heavy is a rollcatch and can even hit the best players, and the ash is absolutely insane.

              • Anonymous

                I got destroyed in the arena by some guy named "Metyr's gigolo" using this thing lmao, 2 shot me with 60 vigor and heavy armour.

                • Anonymous

                  its funny that she is still alive just without a body and the explenation for the weapon art is that every time you lower it she gets pissed

                  • Anonymous

                    Always worth noting that this weapons attacks consume less stamina than other colossals.

                    Honestly Str/Int build with this, a Waves of Darkness Greatsword, and some spells made for probably the easiest invasion experience I've had in this game.

                    • Anonymous

                      If I had a nickel for every colossal weapon in this dlc that's the severed head of a boss, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

                      • Anonymous

                        Weapon would have been so much better within the Great Hammer family. We never got a remembrance great hammer and due to this being a lighter colossal anyway to me that says it perhaps should have went there instead of being stuck in colossal town

                        • Anonymous

                          The R2's are not the same as the Great Club and Sunflower. Similar, yes, but the animations are definitely different.

                          • Anonymous

                            So we literally just chop off this creep's finger-head with a still-living eyeball on it, and get it angry enough that it barfs out holy radiation like a fricking GOD SWORD does.


                            • Anonymous

                              This is great into people who mindlessly abuse hyper armour on weapons like Rakshasa, just hit L2 as soon as they do anything and win the trade.

                              Also the hitbox on the wave travels farther and lingers longer than the animation implies. Really nasty in invasions.

                              • Anonymous

                                "From within the center of the fingerprint that wrinkles the creature's foremost protrusion, a tiny wart-like eye gazes vacantly into the beyond"

                                *Zooms in on finger*

                                ..... Well I don't like THAT...

                                • Anonymous

                                  Best colossal in PvP by quite a considerable margin. The skill seriously might be the best trade tool in the game, good damage, combos into itself if uncharged (you can charge to try and roll catch too) and knocks the opponent into the air giving you a ton of time to heal or cast something like vortex of putrescence. Definitely shines more in the 150-200 range where you have more levels to work with but since the initial slam scales with AR even at minimum faith this can do serious damage.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Wielding this with the Fingerprint Stone Shield, Fingerprint set, and the Finger Seal for my Mike Ehrmantraut cosplay

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Miyazaki was feeling particularly evil when he made the AoW ONLY scale with Faith, and then hid this fact by making the Faith scaling an E.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Ok, So don't sleep on this weapon. It's complicated scaling makes it expensive to invest in, and is definitely only viable in the end-game, but this is an incredible weapon in PVE and PVP. The L2 and the R2 share the same overhead slam, but have different followups that can trick your opponent. First off, the L2 hits 3 times: on the slam down, on the ash of war's effect, and again on the recovery when picking up the weapon. If you catch someone with all three, it can be a one-hit KO.

                                        However, most people will catch on to this after a few slams and will start trying to flank you during your wind up. This is when you switch to your R2. The R2 has that same long wind-up (which can be a hinderance sometimes), but the R2 tracks after the wind up. So what happens is someone moves to flank you, thinking you're doing the Ash of War, and then WHAM! You suddenly spin and smack them with a heavy that can will chop off more than 75% of most Tarnished's health bars. Some folk with low vigor can be one shot be the R2.

                                        If someone is pressuring you too much and its hard to get the with this weapon's long wind-ups, try using the rolling R1, its a very quick slam with a very short range, but it will make people think twice about trying to get up in your business.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          After experimenting with this a bit, my opinion of this has changed from "mediocre weapon" to "good weapon held back by confusing design choices" that I feel could be easily addressed. The scaling is garbage in relation to the minimum stat requirements and what the stats actually scale. The Strength scaling only affects the Physical damage of the Weapon which makes sense, but Intelligence only affects the damage of the Weapon and NOT the Skill since it does Holy damage (for some reason, this isn't a "Golden Order Seal" kind of situation where the damage could scale with both Intelligence and Faith) while Faith affects both the Weapon AND Skill damage, but has a much lower scaling value than Intelligence. If you swapped the Intelligence and Faith minimum requirements and scaling values on this weapon, it would be way better.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Amazing in invasions for baiting people into a small area where they can't run behind you to counter it. If they are gonna run behind you, you can free aim it as well to try and catch them. As others have said the damage is great. The AoW knocks people into the air and is great for setting up other spells and abilities.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Say what you will about the damage and scaling, the weapon skill and poise damage this thing brings to the table is really good for being the lowest str colossal weapon in the game.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Holy, magic, physical, AOE, CC, range, it has a LOT of versatility packaged together for the stat requirements. Honestly, my favorite weapon right now.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  its a giant finger why do you need intelligence? who asked for that feature, not even a worthwhile weapon, ontop of that and pretty much never do the requirements get tweaked in patches

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    this and the anvil greathammer have annoyingly convoluted stat requirements and scaling... but they're also both really cool weapons.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      "mEtYr DoEsN'T DiE ShE jUsT TeLePOrTs AwAy"

                                                      "yeah sure anyway here's her ****ing severed head on a stick, enjoy"

                                                      • Finally the perfect str/int weapon! Thanks Miyazaki!

                                                        What's that? A 14 faith req? Oh well we muscle mages have made do with wor–What's that? D int scaling?? Surely it affects physical and not just the measly base magic damage... it doesn't???

                                                        Oh Miyazaki, whyyy

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          fitting that the r2 looks like you're holding the weapon to you face in solemn prayer since hitting anyone with this immediately puts the fear of god in them

                                                          • Primarily a Strength weapon, requires 20 Intelligence which has a much lower influence on the damage on this weapon, and the Ash of War only scale with your Faith which has an even lower influence on the damage of the weapon itself. What a bizarrely designed weapon, it's frankly confusing, I have a hard time imagining anyone on the development team designing it this way on purpose, it's not intuitive and honestly kind of mediocre as a result of these design decisions. As far as good weapons to use on an Int + Fath builds, this update as a whole was kind of a letdown, what we got where a haphazard mishmash of Frenzy Flame weapons, the Smithscript weapons (which tend to be better on a specific build rather than a hybrid build), and this thing. It's usable, but not what I would call amazing, you'd be better of reaching the minimum requires for Int (20) and Faith (14) and then investing until you reach 54 Strength, then two-hand it. Put the rest of your points into Vigor (until 60) and Endurance (until you reach your desired amount to wear your desired Armor and Talismans) for the best results.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The description says it scales with STR, DEX, and Faith, but then it shows below that it scales with STR, INT, and Faith. So which is it?

                                                              Assuming it does scale with INT, what does increasing INT improve? The weapon damage, the weapon art damage, both? One more than the other?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                An STR/FAI weapon that requires 20 INT that has basically the same AoW as the Sacred Relic Sword but weaker… right. Why in the hell would anyone use this other than for a finger themed meme build?

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  What a waste of a weapon. Scales with Str and Int best, but the AOW scales on faith? Why does everything in the DLC use faith. The one time I went with a character with Int instead of faith and I miss out on every f'n weapon in the DLC

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    why does it say without modification in the item description, is it like the twin princes greatsword or is there a way tk change the weapon

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      AR scales with STR:

                                                                      20 STR: 686
                                                                      40 STR: 789
                                                                      60 STR: 864
                                                                      80 STR: 927
                                                                      Increase from 20 to 40: 103
                                                                      Increase from 40 to 60: 75
                                                                      Increase from 60 to 80: 63

                                                                      Is it worth going beyond 40-60? I'm not sure.

                                                                      Now about the AoW wave. The wave itself only scales with Faith, but I don't see a reason to invest in Faith.
                                                                      Uncharged wave:

                                                                      20 Fth: 1397
                                                                      40 Fth: 1482
                                                                      80 Fth: 1546
                                                                      With this scaling, I don't see a reason to go beyond the requirements needed for the incantations you plan to use.
                                                                      INT scales minimally.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        In an interview Miyazaki stated that the inspiration behind this weapon was a quaint memory of finding a similar weapon in his mother’s dresser.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Why does a rememberance boss weapon have such bad scaling and why does it's worst scaling stat effect the ash of war. Why do they keep doing this. I hope they do something to fix it because a boss that's supposed to be this significant should get better than whatever they are doing here.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            The wave on this weapon's Ash of War scales off of its Faith stat and deals a hidden 3rd damage type (Holy), so if you're trying to minmax the wave's damage, ignore Intelligence after 20 and dip into Faith to buff the damage of the wave. This will not affect the weapon's normal attacking damage so strike a nice medium between Strength and Faith to get the most out of it

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Shard only buffs the direct hit of the weapon art. The shockwave, which is much more important, is not buffed.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                according to my testing (literally just testing different attacks before and after consuming different knot tears) the wave portion of the skill is only influenced by faith

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  The R2's made me expect Fume Ultra Greatsword with block frames doing attack with the way it holds it front of you, but no.
                                                                                  IS there anything to that?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Just go full str with Alex Shard and 2h talisman, this thing absolutely smashes, gives nearly infinite poise during weapon art animation

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      wish this would've scaled better with the int and fth than the str, all the new int/fth weapons in the DLC get horrible scaling and i would've loved for this to be the exception.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        please keep overlooking this, us str/int builds were robbed by gross faith build overcompensation this dlc so we'll need all the w's we can get

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          A weapon for a weird quality type build. Recommend 54 strength, 41 int, and 25 faith. 16 for both mind and endurance. You can cast well with the staff of the great beyond and the weapon’s AR is like 960 when 2 handed

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            This thing……my god the dmg is unholy

                                                                                            55 str and dipping mainly into int, 800-900 dmg, I hv become the pvp fingerer

                                                                                            • This has a unique heavy attack animation, but essentially the same damage and downswing. The animation puts it right in front of your face and vertical, as opposed to just off to the side and vertical.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Is this serviceable on a int/fth sorcery build? Planning to go 32int-58fth with the finger catalyst and get the base stats required to wield the weapon. It's about 700 ar

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  So apparently the aow does holy damage despite being a STR/INT weapon. That means you get a version of the sacred relic sword that needs to be charged to have the same amount of range. I don’t think they really thought through most of these remembrance weapons tbh

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Hey kid named finger! If that's your real name. Congratulations on passing the Ohio state bar. You are the greatest legal mind I've ever known. Oh and, when you get into the court room, maybe don't shout 'THE ONE PIECE! THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!'. You're gonna scare away your clients. Maybe just keep that to yourself. Oh and as your old pal chuck says: 'Have some more chicken, have some more pie. It doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried!' Have a happy monday, Better Call Saul day!

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      BEHOLD!!! THE FORBIDDEN FINGER OF RESENTMENT!!! THE TWO AND THREE FINGERS EVEN FEAR IT!!! THE ONE FINGER TO RULE THEM ALL!!! THE MIDDLE FINGER!!!

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        It seems the wave damage doesn't get buffed by Shard of Alexander, only the initial hit. Is this intended?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          The scaling on the page is wrong. This has Strength C, Int D, and Faith E. There is no Dex scaling, and there is Int scaling.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            If I have a dime every time fromsoft made a weapon that’s a finger I would have two dimes which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Thing smacks very hard. Skill can endlessly juggle things in the air. 10/10 would juggle Leda and her goons/ random invaders again. If not using it for the knockup or aoe use something else. Gets slightly out damaged.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                so youre telling me im forcing an eldrich horror to bow and using its resentment to cause the ground to explode? thats metal as ****, absolute peak

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  forcing the decapitated head of an eldritch horror to bow, using its resentment as a destructive power? absolute peak

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