Sword of Light

sword of light elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 93
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 93
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 26
Mag 15
Fire 15
Ligt 15
Holy 42
Boost 31
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
Dex E
Fai E
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 14
Dex 11
Fai 24
Straight Sword Standard/Pierce
Light FP 30
Wgt. 4.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Sword of Light is a Straight Sword in Elden Ring. It is a Straight Sword introduced in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Sword of Light scales primarily with StrengthDexterity, and Faith and has a counterpart called the Sword of Darkness. Straight swords in general can be used with good speed and power. While this straight sword, comes with 93 holy damage.


Sword of light, pulled from its stone scabbard at an altar. From the quick of the root, unswerving rays of light intersect and reflect to give the silver blade form.


Where to Find Sword of Light in Elden Ring

The Sword of Light weapon can be found at the following location:

  • Obtained by acquiring the Stone-Sheathed Sword or Sword of Darkness (see below):
  • You can get Stone-Sheathed Sword at one of the 3 Altar locations: Fog Rift Catacombs (on top of the 3 trap platforms and run to the furthest right corner), Ruins of Unte (flowery courtyard), or Ancient Ruins of Rauh (on a tower connected by invisible floor). Once acquired, the altar from which the sword is acquired will become inert, and the sword can then be transformed into the Sword of Darkness or Sword of Light at one of the 2 other Altars.
    • It is recommended to acquire the Stone-Sheathed Sword from the Fog Rift Catacombs, as the labyrinthine nature of the dungeon makes it ill-suited for repeated visits should players wish to change the Sword to either its light or dark variants.


Elden Ring Sword of Light Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Light
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
  • Sword of Light can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
  • The Skill of this weapon grants a buff to all sources of Holy Damage by 20%
  • The Sword of Light can be freely converted to the Sword of Darkness and vice versa upon visiting the appropriate altar.
  • An upgraded Sword of Light will retain its levels if converted into the Sword of Darkness, e.g. a +10 Sword of Light will be converted into a +10 Sword of Darkness.
  • When +10 with 80 strength and 24 faith it has an attack rating (AR) of 641, skewing towards physical damage. When hybridized with strength/faith at 50 it has 639 AR split almost down the middle. When going dexterity/faith (50/50) it has an AR of 611, also split down the middle. Going pure faith (80 faith) nets 584 AR or 589 (99 faith). With 20 strength, 50 dexterity and 50 faith it has an AR of 625. These numbers are assuming builds in the 145 to 160 range. 
  • NOTE: Patch 1.13 Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks of all Straight Swords (in PVP)


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Sword of Light

  • Videos for the Sword of Light Coming Soon


Sword of Light Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Sword of Light Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 93 - - - 93 47 D E - E - - 26 15 15 15 42 31 15
Standard +1 106 - - - 106 51 D E - E - - 26 15 15 15 42 31.31 15
Standard +2 119 - - - 119 56 D E - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 31.62 15
Standard +3 133 - - - 133 61 D E - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 31.93 15
Standard +4 146 - - - 146 65 D D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 32.24 15
Standard +5 160 - - - 160 70 D D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 32.55 15
Standard +6 173 - - - 173 75 D D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 32.86 15
Standard +7 187 - - - 187 79 D D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 33.17 15
Standard +8 200 - - - 200 84 D D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 33.48 15
Standard +9 214 - - - 214 89 C D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 33.79 15
Standard +10 227 - - - 227 94 C D - D - - 26 15 15 15 42 34.1 15




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    • Anonymous

      Lowly Tarnished will look at a sword that shoots laser beams in multiple directions and say "Meh, it's a buffing tool at best". My brother in Marika where is your joy and whimsy

      • Anonymous

        “Raise thy sword by the light...
        and head to the place where the sword's light gathers...
        There, thou shalt find the colossi thou art to defeat.” — Dormin

        • Anonymous

          Light = self buff = better for solo.
          Dark = defense shred = better for co-op/summoning.
          Kinda' ironic when you think about it.

          • Anonymous

            Should I powerstance light and dark on ng+ for a ying yang type build? Light and dark combo? Anyone got armor ideas for that?

            • Anonymous

              this kind of reminds me of the sword from Shadow of the Colossus, especially with the light based power and all

              • Anonymous

                For those of you wondering, the buff lasts for approximately 1 minute, I timed it myself, and it stacks with all other buffs, as it’s a player based buff, once again tested myself with every kind of buff I had access to in my NG+ 5 save file, tested on the 2 golems outside of the grand lift of dectus.

                • Anonymous

                  Can someone explain to me why power-stancing this with the Coded Sword isn't a good build? I get that it doesn't do as much damage as using the AoW, then swapping it out I'm sure, but power-stanced short swords have a solid moveset, and not having to juggle your weapons around to reapply the buff seems worth it to me. Genuinely asking a question here, not trying to be contrary.

                  • Anonymous

                    thanks for gutting this thing's potential as anything other than a buff-casting tool
                    a 20% holy damage body buff is nice, but screw you Miyazaki

                    • Anonymous

                      One of the best looking weapons in the game. I'd prefer if the scaling was reversed like D in str and C in faith, but I'll keep it anyway. The buff is pretty cool too

                      • Anonymous

                        Man I'd main this if the scaling in fth was just a little less pathetic ...it's a beautiful weapon, just why miyazaki!!!!

                        • Anonymous

                          Coolest Straight Sword in the game, unfortunate that they gave it the worst weapon art in the game. The only use of this weapon is to buff yourself and it's really sad because it's such a beautiful weapon that had so much potential

                          • Anonymous

                            Despite scaling, the base damage is high enough that it is still higher than most infusable sword with sacred infusion. The skill takes 1000 years to cast so you are not reapplying this in a boss fight easily when you are solo. There is no special moveset for this. This is just a standard holy sword that buff you 20% holy damage once in a while. Best usage for this weapon is using it to buff your holy damage source. Coded sword get benefits from this quite a lot.
                            Biggest point is it look beautiful. Probably top 1 or 2 of the best look straight sword, right next to Miquellan Knight Sword.

                            • Anonymous

                              I have both Sword of Light and Darkness. Used Darkness for the debuff then switched to Sword of Light and used Light. The damage was ridiculous and I haven't even optimized this build.

                              Seems like under the right circumstances, dual wielding these could result in nuclear explosion levels of damage.

                              • Anonymous

                                Oh miyazaki. Grant me this one wish. Please make the secret weapon with a special unlock weapon and designed around light, NOT HAVE A D SCALING IN FAITH

                                • Anonymous

                                  Is anyone else having issues with the buff? I will activate it, wait for about 40 seconds(buff lasts for a minute, btw), and try to re activate it, but it will end the buff instead of resetting the timer.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This is not a bad weapon, but I feel like the lasers need to beam more closely to the locked on target, or have some kind of tracking.

                                    Using this skill is kind of risky in PVP. If you fire it off, you are stuck in the animation and beams do not follow the target at all.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      WA is easier to pull off than you think and the buff is nothing to sneeze at either. This + golden vow on a str/faith build can get really good damage. As a straight sword believer, my faith has been rewarded.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        24 faith requirement and only a D in faith? Was this weapon left unfinished? Why doesn't this have AT LEAST a low B in faith

                                        • It's visually more pleasant for me than SoD, and the WA is very impressive and satisfying. It could be really good for big enemies, if worked honestly, but FS doesn't want honest damage from this and alike.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Really hoping they come back to this and the Sword of Darkness to change the scaling. We've already seen they are willing to change the scaling up quite a bit with the Carian Sorcery Sword, and even in DS3 with Sunlight Straight Sword which went from a quality weapon to a pure faith weapon back then. Just take some scaling away from strength and give it to Faith. These have the potential to be the coolest pure Faith weapons, but they need the scaling to back them up.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Just a small thing I noticed; this sword looks a lot like the starting sword from Shadow of the Colossus, and just like it SotC it reflects light, Miyazaki is a fan of Ico, so he likely has played SotC. Not guaranteed by any means but it could be a small reference

                                              • Anonymous

                                                You should be able to combine the 2 swords into 1 to get an AoW that can do both AoWs. Like the Lothric and Lorian sword(s).

                                                Just don’t make it a greatsword… better yet make it a paired weapon.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Light buff + Last Rites buff seems nice, since one is a body and the other an aura buff. 20% boost to holy damage, and the flat 25 bonus from Last Rites followed up with Golden Land/Shadow Land, and/or Elden Stars. Haven't got the sword yet to try it, but seems pretty awesome in my head. Curious is the Light buff increases Last Rites damage also.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Surprisingly low scaling with faith for how "legendary" the method for obtaining it is... and considering it's name...

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      stacked this with holy shrouding tear then powerstanced it with coded sword and started landing over 1200 damage on jumping attacks, what the ****

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        If only Gideon the all hearing except for anything to do with the dlc had one and started spamming incantations

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Why is the sword of LIGHT, used for rituals, covered in LIGHT, only have a D scaling in faith. What the actual ****

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            With a sword that is clearly so focused on Holy rituals, really a shame this thing only gets D in FTH on either form. I guess though that the main purpose is clearly the Holy Buff/Debuff that either sword gives to you or the enemy with the AoW.

                                                            Sure, you get roughly ~60 more AR if you dedicate STR to it, but only going with base Fth or gnough for Golden Vow really doesn't take advantage of the AoW buff of that Sweeeet +20% Holy damage, which would likely help balance out the AR loss from only have 14 STR, and unlike Sword of Dark you don't actually have to hit the opponent with the AoW because Light is a self-buff.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The weapon itself may seem somewhat meh, but the AoW hits like a truck if you pop it at cose range.

                                                              Been coopping the two Death Knights and even with three people, this thing's AoW stunlocks him, flinching him each tick, and I regularly stance break them with it.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                As of my testing at the Albinauric Genocide Route - 7/14/24

                                                                The weapon art holy damage buff stacks with Golden Vow (as expected)

                                                                What was unexpected is that after casting vow, and then using the weapon art, and then swapping off the weapon to a second Golden order seal - the buff remained. I'm not sure how that's happening, but I welcome the extra holy damage.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Great weapon but the ash of war got some problems: it's multihit that takes way too many time to fire off, so on pve is hard to land the hits, on pvp it's impossible (because of a bug holy damage buffs also don't work on pvp). It's counterpart has a single hit aow so it's easier to land on pve and pvp (you still be opened to be hit on pve but won't be backstabed on pvp since aow covers your back) also the damage debuff doesn't overlap with any other buff you may have so you're in for more damage potential all in all they should buff light aow and this sword is one of the best looking in the game

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Don't forget that any holy type ashes of war don't get any damage buff from shard of alexander or godfrey icon in pvp.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Considering as a Strength build you're likely going to have 25 faith ANYWAY to cast Golden Vow, the Faith requirement on this is pretty moot. Just use it to cast the Ash of War, get the Light buff, then go ham with something that does holy damage. My recommendation, the Erdtree Greatshield. It's a LOT of fun doing 2k-3k damage to enemies in a single counter.
                                                                      Plus it's an alright straightsword in it's own right

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Why tf is the altar at Ruins of Unte asking me if I want to raise it to the dark even though I tried it at both morning and noon?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I love the idea of this weapon art in theory. A buff that also has an offensive component to make people back off and let you buff mid-battle. Unfortunately in practice, it is absolute dog-water. You are locked into an animation for 30 years, one which says "please backstab me" to other players, and "please combo me to death in 2 seconds" to PvE bosses. The only safe way to use this weapon art is outside of combat, which makes the whole idea of it pretty pointless. Cool looking sword though.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed Just to get it all out what's in my head And I... I'm feelin', a little peculiar And so I wake in the morning and I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high, and I scream from the top of my lungs What's going on? And I say, hey ye yaae yae yaa, hey ye yaae yaae I said hey! What's going on? And I say, hey ye yaae yae yaa, hey ye yaae yaae I said hey! What's going ooooon? [Spoken] AND HE TRIES oh my god do I try I try all the time, in this institution [Spoken] AND HE PRAYS! Oh my god do I pray! I pray every single day [Spoken] MNYAAAAH!! For a revolution! WHOOOO! And I say, hey ye yaae yae yaa, hey ye yaae yaae I said hey! What's going on? And I say, hey ye yaae yae yaa, hey ye yaae yaae I said hey! Learn how to hide your feelings hey ye yaae yae yaa, heeey ye yaae, yaae yaae yaaeeh I said hey! What's going on? YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH...

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I wish this weapons WA was similar to Lothrics Holy Sword. Theres too many of these Holy weapons with hoops to jump through to do damage and not many that are just good utilities. Give it a unique stance, make light fire off a quick railgun, make heavy do a wave or pulse. That way the WA can be "useful and do damage" and not be "flashy but weak"

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I'm here to add to the fire: this should be a faith weapon, not a str weapon. The stone sheath sword already scales primarily strength, so what's the point?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I highly recommend trying bothe Sword of Light and it's twin (Sword of Darkness) when you Ng+. SoL increase holy damage with its AoW and SoD decreases enemies resistance against holy damage allowing you to deal +20% on top of using Haligtear(+15), Sacred Scorpion(+15), and maybe a Golden Vow(+15-20% I don't remember) easily puts them both at 1,000 AR at plus ten AS STRAIGHT SWORDS, incredibly powerful hopefully won't get nerfed but also super stylish and cool weapon combo, it feels like both of them were supposed to be a pair/obtainble in the same playthrough with how much they synergize togeather!

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Using a high level character with equal stat spread, this weapon (with the light buff) appears to be scoring critical hits on larger than the Executioners Axe with Cragblade.

                                                                                    Str: 80
                                                                                    Dex: 80
                                                                                    Int: 80
                                                                                    Faith: 80
                                                                                    Arcane: 10

                                                                                    Sword of Light+10: ~8500
                                                                                    Executioners Quality Greataxe+25: ~7700

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      You can turn the Sword of Light into the Sword of Light if you go to one of the other altars. Not confirmed but it probably works the other way as well

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Head to the Ruins of Rauh, there's an area with scarlet rott and in it is a wide open room filled with kindred of rot, there's an invisible platform beyond the room that leads to a tower. There you will find the ability to turn the sword to light if you regret getting the sword of dark.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          oohhh… you’re supposed to use a hefty pot to get in there? i just glitch jumped my way into those places with torrent. ha!

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Does anybody have any clue what "from the quick of the root" means? When I google it I literally only get the weapon description lmfao

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              This weapons scaling is similar to Miquellas Knight Sword… it’s totally usable on a mainly faith dex build but even better with str. People complaining haven’t even used it. Every weapon doesn’t need A scaling. The Coded Sword exists for pure faith builds

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                "The altar area is only accessible after using a Hefty Furnace Pot and throwing it at the head of the deactivated Furnace Golem that blocks the entrance so that it moves away." you can jump back of castle with a horse to the inside

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I was able to turn the Stone Sword into the Darkness version, then later on after finding another shrine I turned the Darkness version INTO the Light version. Not sure if you can just switch it back at will but I strictly used the Dark version to become the Light, not the stone. Just thought that was worth pointing out.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I tested the buff it gives (What I used was "Warrior jar shard" witch did increase damage, "+9 Sword of light" and "+9 Sword of darkness") the sword of darkness skill did 835 damage to a shielding limgrave enemy, and then I rested to respawn him and used the Light skill before getting to him to get the buff, then the Darkness skill did 1003 damage, to the same enemy while shielding, so it is roughly a 15% increase in damage but it would probably stack with darkness if something got hit with darkness 1st as it lowers holy resistance as it says on it's wiki

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      if you ever want to change the sword of light into the sword of dark ore vice versa it is possible by just visiting the altar that you want to change the word into respectively

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Can you please explain where the invisible walkway is to get to the alter in the tower near Viaduct Minor Tower site of grace? And please use NSEW directions. They help out a whole lot. Thank you.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Pretty cool looking sword, fancy ash of war, bizarre scaling choice. If they manage to fix that it'd be a fantastic pairing for a faith build rather than just fine.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            If anyone wants to use both Sword of Light and Sword of Dark add me, PSN LionelNietszche

                                                                                                            They are apparently droppable so just backup your save first and we’ll drop each other which ever one the other doesn’t have.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              If anyone wants to dupe it to get light and dark my PSN is LionelNietszche

                                                                                                              Just backup your save first! Add me if you have questions or wanna do it

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                amazing sword thats ruined by not being able to change its ash of war. seriously in what scenario are you gonna use that ash of war in combat, dogshit

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  There's 3 altars in the game, the one at unte ruins, the one at rauh ruins, and the one in the fog rift catacombs, depending on which altar you pick up the stone sword at, the other two become light and dark. For example, I picked up the stone sword at unte, the one in rauh is light, and the one in fog rift is dark.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    When i first stepped into this area i got heavy shadow of the colossus vibe's, finding this sword was like "yep that's SOTC inspired"

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      I'm unsure how I feel about the Sword of Light as a buffing weapon. It's a Straight Sword so it's moveset is great and the AoW damage is nice however the AoW is a Body buff which will make it overwrite common Body buffs like Howl of Shabriri or Flame, Grant Me Strength. In the case of pure Holy damage builds it is a nice option to have over using Howl of Shabriri to boost damage since while you lose 5% damage you aren't taking 30% more damage but as soon as any other damage type comes into play that gap in damage boosts widens.

                                                                                                                      I do like its AoW much more than the Sword of Darkness though which is a shame because the debuff the Sword of Darkness give is probably more useful to builds that want to pump out as much Holy damage as possible but getting the debuff on the enemy feels like ass because of how long it takes for that swords AoW to start.

                                                                                                                      I feel if the Sword of Light matched Howl of Shabriri's numbers and buffed Holy damage by 25% or worked like Flame, Grant me Strength with a 20% Physical + Holy Buff this weapon would be far better. I still quite like it though as a pure Holy damage buff alternative it just has room to be better without being busted, especially with how bad of a reputation Holy damage has in this game.

                                                                                                                      Oh and since everyone else has posted about it I'll make the obligatory hate post that it's pretty stupid that a Holy damage boosting weapon only has a D scaling in Faith but gets a C in Strength....

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Alright, I just got to the Altar in Unte Ruins, and it is dark and giving me the prompt to make the Sword of Darkness. For some reason, I cannot open replies right now to check why I have a Dark Alter instead of a Light Alter there, so I did some digging and investigating on my own.

                                                                                                                        I first checked the Altar at nighttime, but then I went back to the Sight of Grace without reloading the area and set the time to Day and checked the Altar again - still Dark. I then fast-traveled back to the grace to reload the area and still at day time checked the Altar again, and it was still Dark.

                                                                                                                        I then decided to check some other sources online and different sources show screenshots of different Altar States in the same Location, so I think there is some way to change if you have a Light Altar or a Dark Altar at a given location. If I had to guess what Light/Dark related thing I might have done that may have set my Unte Ruins Altar to Dark mode is that I killed the Furnace Golem blocking the gate into the ruins before interacting with the Altar. Maybe I had "snuffed out the nearby light" of the Golem and that turned it Dark.

                                                                                                                        Unfortunately, I did not back up a save to check the Altar's state before I killed the Golem, as I only noticed the Altar was there after I had put down the Golem. I may need to verify this on a future playthough.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          oh good, another holy damage buff that probably won't work in pvp cause they never fixed the holy damage bug

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            You don't need to kill the furnace golem. Just go left at the golem and then follow the area. Then when you get to the rot area face the stairs out and ride that way. After some pests the altar area is there over an invisible bridge.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Sword of Light, ash of war increases holy damage done BUT it scales D in faith...

                                                                                                                              My disappointment is immeasurable, and my pure faith build is ruined.

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