Fog Rift Catacombs

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Large underground catacombs infested with foes.

Fog Rift Catacombs is a Location in Elden Ring, added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Fog Rift Catacombs are found in the southeast Rauh Ruins region.


Fog Rift Catacombs Map

From the Castle Front Site of Grace, head northwest and go past the small group of army stationed under a wooden scaffolding. Continue on the path behind them and follow the trail of gravestones along the way. As you head further, you will see 2 lit braziers marking the entrance to the Fog Rift Catacombs. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]

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Fog Rift Catacombs Dungeon Map

fog rift catacombs dungeon map elden ring wiki guide 300px


All NPCs and Merchants in Fog Rift Catacombs

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All Items in Elden Ring's Fog Rift Catacombs

Equipment and Magic


Unique, Ashes and Keys


Elden Ring Fog Rift Catacombs Creatures, Enemies, and Bosses

Field Bosses and Bosses


Fog Rift Catacombs Walkthrough


ER Shadow of the Erdtree Fog Rift Catacombs Walkthrough Video Guide


 ER Shadow of the Erdtree Death Knight Boss Guide


Fog Rift Catacombs is located west of the Church of Crusade and north of Fog Rift Fort. The entrance of the catacombs leads to an elevator that goes down. You'll immediately find the Fog Rift Catacombs Site of Grace and a tunnel path straight ahead. Head through the tunnel entrance and prepare yourself for an Imp that will ambush you. At the upper right side of the room is a corpse holding a Grave Glovewort [1].

1 entrance fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px 2 groveglovewort fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

After retrieving that item, turn left through another tunnel entrance which leads to a large open room. Upon exiting the tunnel, immediately turn left towards a safe spot because half of the room is rigged with a spike trap that descends from above. Wait for it to come down, and once it goes up, immediately run to the other side where a Lion Head Goblin is waiting for you. Take out the Goblin and head straight to the next tunnel entrance leading to a large hallway. Turn right and head straight towards the stairs going down, but before heading down, pick up the Yellow Fulgurbloom to your left.

3 yellow fulgurbloom fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

After collecting the plant, head down the stairs and turn right into another tunnel in the catacombs. You'll see a corpse that gives you the Ancient Dragon Knight's Cookbook [1] along with a Yellow Fulgurbloom plant. Head back to where you turned right earlier, and this time, turn left down another set of stairs. This will lead you to what looks like a dead-end ledge, but wait a few seconds for the spike trap from earlier to fall down. Once it falls, hop on top of it, and it will lead you to a secret platform with a Lion Head Goblin, a corpse that gives you x3 Knot Resin, and a Yellow Fulgurbloom plant.

4 yellow fulgurbloom plant lizard greatsword and ancient dragon knights cookbook fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px 5 knot resin and yellow fulgurbloom fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

After looting the platform, hop on the spike trap again, but don't go back yet. Instead, wait for the spike trap to take you back up again, and this time, look for a tunnel entrance to the left that you can drop onto. Once you enter the tunnel and the room, turn left again until you cross a bridge and a set of stairs going up. Here, you'll encounter Messmer Soldiers guarding a room. Head inside the room after defeating the Messmer Soldiers, and you'll face a Black Knight. Defeat the Black Knight, then pick up the Great Ghost Glovewort. Go outside the room, then turn left to jump on top of a spiked platform, then go through a hallway. Follow the pathway and you will find the Black Knight Commander Andreas summon at the end.

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Make your way back to where you first saw the spike area from a ledge. Instead of hopping back on, wait for it to drop and go up. Then immediately drop down and enter the tunnel entrance behind you. The small room here contains a Yellow Fulgurbloom. Inside the room on the left side is a ladder going up. Head up the ladder and follow the tunnel path with three Yellow Fulgurblooms.

7 fulgurplant and ladder with three fulgur fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

After looting the plants, walk to the right and drop down to the area from earlier where you saw the spike trap. Drop down again and stand at the tunnel entrance behind you from earlier. Wait for the spike trap to drop, then immediately run to the other side where a set of stairs goes down. Here, you'll find a corpse that gives you x2 Dragonbolt Grease.

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Head down the stairs to find another elevator that goes further down. Upon reaching the ground, head straight towards a room with two Lion Head Goblins and loot the corpse and plant under the stairs to get x4 Rada Fruit and a Yellow Fulgurbloom. From under the stairs, head straight towards the tunnel entrance on the other side of the room, but loot two more Yellow Fulgurblooms to the left.

9 radafruit and fulgurbloom fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px 10 yellow fulgurbloom fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px 10.5 yellow fulgurbloom fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

Inside the small room, clear out the two enemies and loot the corpse on the upper right for a Grave Glovewort [2]. After looting the corpse, head out of the room and turn right towards another tunnel entrance with stairs going further down. This leads to an open hallway with spike traps covering half of the hallway. Just as before, run to the left towards a safe space and wait for the spike trap to drop. Once it drops, hug the wall and run straight until you see a hole to the left where you can drop down into what appears to be a sewage area. Once you land in the sewage, head straight for the tunnel entrance ahead and loot the corpse for a Ghost Glovewort [4].

11 grave glovewort fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

On the left side of the first sewage room is an entrance to another room. Enter and turn left towards another room containing five Yellow Fulgurblooms and a corpse that drops an Electrocharge. Exit that room, turn left towards a ladder going up. Climb the ladder and drop down from the platform to find yourself near the hallway spike trap from earlier. Wait for the spike trap to drop, and once it does, run towards the other end of the hallway. Get to the second safe spot to the left, past the hole you dropped into earlier, and loot the corpse there to get a Glass Shard. Wait for the spike trap to drop again, then run towards the stairs leading to a casket above that you can loot for a Shadow Realm Rune [3].

12 glass shard fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px 13 shadow realm rune fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px

Once you're done looting, stay on the ledge of the platform you're standing on in front. Wait for the spike trap to drop, and you'll see a small square space on the side of the spike trap that you can hop onto. Hop onto the square platform and let the spike trap raise you to a secret platform above with a chest containing the Ash of War: Blinkbolt. After looting, hop on top of the spike trap again and run to the other side until you see a small platform to the right to drop onto. You'll see an altar that changes the Stone-Sheathed Sword to the Sword of Darkness.

To the left is a ladder going down. This ladder leads to a secret room with a corpse that gives you a Ghost Glovewort [5]. Loot it, then immediately look to the left to see another hole to drop into. This hole will drop you back to a safe spot from the hallway spike trap from earlier. Wait for the spike trap to drop, and once it does, run to the other side this time instead of the platform from earlier. Be careful in the safe area here as it connects to another spike trap area.

Wait for the spike trap on the other side to drop, then cross towards a tunnel entrance. Loot the corpse in the middle first for a Broken Rune. Head through the tunnel entrance to find another elevator that goes down. Drop here and head straight until you reach the yellow mist that leads to the Death Knight boss. For a comprehensive boss guide on the Death Knight, you may go to this page.

14 broken rune fog rift catacombs visualaid elden ring wiki guide min 300px death knight




Elden Ring Fog Rift Catacombs Gallery and Notes

  • There are no illusory walls in this dungeon.


[other images go here]



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    • Anonymous

      So heads up for anyone going through this and any other catacombs with the spike traps, be weary when you try and jump on top of them, if you time it wrong then your basically f**ked as you will be glitched into the spike trap with no way out, doing constant double tab damage to you instead one spike of damage.

      • Anonymous

        My first playthrough I had a greatshield and heavy armor. I missed a bunch of the secrets (was playing blind), but I made it through without too much trouble (also used summons for boss). 2nd char was a caster build with light armor, no shield, and less vigor (still around 45). Had to respec to use a shield and this place was still aggravating. Might skip it on future playthroughs tbh. Or come back with higher scadu. +3 health talisman is nice, but there's enough other good talismans (like resistances, fap ring, damage boosters, gold scarab, etc) that I could justify not using it.

        • Anonymous

          "Take out the Goblin and head straight to the next tunnel entrance leading to a large hallway. Turn right and head straight towards the stairs going down, but before heading down, pick up the Yellow Fulgurbloom to your left"
          There's a death sorcerer that will ambush you on the bridge when you entered the hallway.

          "After collecting the plant, head down the stairs and turn right into another tunnel in the catacombs."
          There's a big mouth imp waiting for you once you headed down.

          "After looting the platform, hop on the spike trap again, but don't go back yet. Instead, wait for the spike trap to take you back up again, and this time, look for a tunnel entrance to the left that you can drop onto."
          South side of the platform, there's another death sorcerer right in that room. Also would like to mention there is one additional soldier in black knight room.

          "Head down the stairs to find another elevator that goes further down. Upon reaching the ground, head straight towards a room with two Lion Head Goblins and loot the corpse and plant under the stairs to get x4 Rada Fruit and a Yellow Fulgurbloom. "
          Four, there are four. 1 visible just left when you entered the room, 1 also visible at the bottom of the stairs. 2 hiding under the stairs, one of them may aggro when you go down.

          "From under the stairs, head straight towards the tunnel entrance on the other side of the room, but loot two more Yellow Fulgurblooms to the left."
          That room has one death sorcerer visible from the outside, and a lion head imp will drop down as you approach the entrance, loot is glovewart(2) 100% not worth.

          "After looting the corpse, head out of the room and turn right towards another tunnel entrance with stairs going further down. This leads to an open hallway with spike traps covering half of the hallway. Just as before, run to the left towards a safe space and wait for the spike trap to drop."
          3 enemies at the other end of the large hall are visible, but there're actually two more hanging on the wall that will drop down when you are near. In addition, one lion head hidden will drop down when you enter the first safe spot.

          "To the left is a ladder going down. This ladder leads to a secret room with a corpse that gives you a Ghost Glovewort [5]"
          Two imps in that room, one hiding to the left of the entrance, one will drop down when you enter. Walk up the spike platform again will be easier.

          • Anonymous

            Catacombs were the worst part of main game. I clear them simply because had to 100%. Was really hoping there were none of these mini nonsense in DLC. And it just has to be more imps.

            • Anonymous

              At least they put a stake at the bottom of the second elevator... because if I had to run through the entire beginning again every single time I die to mage spam or spikes, I'd give up on this dungeon

              • Anonymous

                I appreciate that whoever wrote this entry decided to call the Imps "goblins." I've got something those little cannon faced buggers can gobble.

                • Anonymous

                  there is a mistake in this entry. The Lizard Greatsword is not located as an item that can be picked up off the ground. It has to be farmed from the imp enemies.
                  The picture in walkthrough that points to the Ancient Dragon's Knight Cookbook shows you an arrow where the Lizard Greatsword should be located, however the creator of this walkthrough got lucky and the sword dropped from the imp enemy, which is located where the arrow points.
                  In my game, the imp did not drop the sword and thus it is not located in that room.

                  • Anonymous

                    I actually missed that sword that you get running the entire length of the spike trap where you kill the mage and jump into that space in that same trap at the end of the long hallway just before you go fight the Death Knight.
                    So I ran the entire dungeon again just to get it…. it’s not so bad when you know where to go.

                    • Anonymous

                      Today i visited with my second character. I explored the whole thing, collected all items, descended the second elevator, approached the boss room, only to find no boss at all and the little spring to return to the surface there for me.
                      I checked my inventory and the axes were there, marked as new items but not present in the "new items" tab.
                      What the heck is going on?

                      • Anonymous

                        I lost 1mil runes thanks to one of those bazooka fire ball imps. First time I’d actually lost everything in the DLC. A minor inconvenience, but still…bloody buggers.

                        • Anonymous

                          Perhaps the most stressful dungeon I've been through so far. Still very fun including the boss. Ended up with 2 lizard greatswords by the time I finished somehow.

                          • Anonymous

                            black knight commander ashes are here as well, jump on spike platform by black knight and messmer soldiers

                            • Anonymous

                              You forgot the Blinkbolt AoW, to get it you must jump into the small chamber of the falling giant spike trap, just in front of the coffin where you pick up a shadow realm rune [3]

                              • Anonymous

                                Did they spend half the DLC making this dungeon? Because holy crap it just refused to end and any road that looked like it was the way forward, was in fact just another secret. I just wanted the boss after all that time and barely having any flask charges left and finally reaching the boss at the end where it's placed almost like a secret in itself it just started pissing me off.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I don't understand why they went so hard on the "catacombs"-style dungeons in the DLC. It's like it's they brainstormed how to make something the least fun possible

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I found like 2 of the hidden things and thought myself smart only to learn theres like 3 more lol. This dungeon is such bliss

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Are those spellcaster enemies supposed to be Inquisitors? They don't look anything like the spirit ash ones.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        You forgot the Black Knight Commander Ashes. Someone needs to edit this correctly, so no one has to backtrack.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Be aware that the are "Lionhead Imps" and "Bigmouth Imps" in this dungeon. There are zero "Goblins," even though the author of this guide says "Goblin," six times. Ignore that, they're Imps.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Lizard Greatsword is a drop, not a found item. Also, does anyone know how to get to where the first cannoneer was, when it was on the upper ledge?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              First catacomb I found and played thru on the DLC. Love the scale and design of the place. Came here to check did I find everything. Everything else but I have to go back since didn't have the guts to drop in the hole in the triple spike room. Was sure it's was put there as a trap.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Within the Fourth Paragraph of this guide, after defeating the Messmer Soldiers guarding the Great Ghost Glovewart and before you jump down from the ledge with the falling Spike Platform, jump on it and go through a hallway. Follow the pathway and you will find a Spirt Ashe for Black Knight Commander Andreas at the end.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  been trying to farm for the mages drip in this dungeon but to no avail so far. drop rate must be abysmally low.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Does anyone know the name of the Sorcerer enemies that appear here?
                                                    They use a unique sorcery that I haven't seen before

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I combed every inch of this place. I Killed every enemy & found every item. Invading here is going to be crazy.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Fall through the hole on the left side of the room where the big spike crash down. You'll know when you see it, it's the second slot you can hide in.

                                                        It will not be in the first room with the big spikes.

                                                        Once you're down there there is a spell, electrocharge you can get that is not listed here yet.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          a couple of things are missing:
                                                          Ash of War: Blinkbolt (fall down in the giant hall with 3 spiky ceilings)
                                                          Black Knight Commander Andreas
                                                          Stone-Sheathed Sword (a straight sword with strike damage type)

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            There is also Stone-Sheathed Sword, just get on top of the 3 trap platforms and run to the furthest right corner, there will be chest waiting for you

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              In the trap room right before the boss if you run all the way to the other side and kill the mage, wait a moment for the trap to drop again and theres a hole youll have to be quick and jump into itll bring you up to a hidden area up top and the blinkbolt ash of war is there and if you stay on top of the traps and run to the other side theres another area where you can get the stone sheathed sword

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Catacomb has Black Knight Commander Andreas spirit ash in a secret area. Ride the top of the traps up repeatedly to find.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  How u get to that one platform where you first encountered canon imp? Is there a illusionary wall or hidden platform or something??

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Am i tripping or the new imp is actually a plant vs zombies reference

                                                                    the moment i saw an imp with a cannon that resembles peashooter is the moment that it clicked on me, and a sunflower imp? Like cmon now

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      If you fall at the caster + trap part (the second left "safe" zone) you can also get the Electrocharge incantation, 30 Faith. "One of the incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult" pretty cool imo

                                                                    Load more
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