Ancient Ruins of Rauh (Rauh Ruins) is a Location in Elden Ring. The Ancient Ruins of Rauh region are added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, located north of Gravesite Plain, west of Scadu Atlus. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]


These giant ruins are flooded, overgrown, and split into two by a chasm. To the southwest is the Church of the Bud, overlooking the tower of shadow.


Ancient Ruins of Rauh Map & Map Fragments

From the Shadow Keep, West Rampart - Site of Grace, head west and enter through the small archway on the right side of the bridge. Ride Torrent here as you sprint past the enemies. Once you reach the other side, look for the spiral stairs, and then use the elevator to reach the Ancient Ruins of Rauh.

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(See our Shadow of the Erdtree Game Progress Route page for more info.)


Ancient Ruins of Rauh Dungeon Maps

Rauh Ancient Ruins, East

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Rauh Ancient Ruins, West 

ancient ruins of rauh west dungeon legacy map elden ring sote wiki quide 300px


Elden Ring Ancient Ruins of Rauh Sites of Grace & Sub-Locations

Sites of Grace


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Ancient Ruins of Rauh Video Walkthrough



All NPCs and Merchants in Rauh Ruins


All Items in Elden Ring's Rauh Ruins Zone


Elden Ring Rauh Ruins Creatures, Enemies and Bosses


Ancient Ruins of Rauh Guide

To access this area, you need to unlock the West Rampart - Site of Grace in Shadow Keep. If you haven't unlocked this section, please see Shadow Keep or the Shadow of the Erdtree Walkthrough for the full walkthrough on how to reach the area.

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From the Site of Grace, enter through the small archway on the right side of the bridge. It is recommended to ride Torrent here as you cross the bridge so you can move faster and loot as you travel. There will be giant bats on this bridge but you will move fast enough and they shouldn't be able to reach you. You will find bootable corpses here, the first one to the left which is a Smithing Stone [3]. Up ahead, you can loot more 3x Beast Liver, 3x Beast Blood, Smithing Stone [4], 5x Redflesh Mushroom, 8x Thin Beast Bones, and a Somber Smithing Stone [2].

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At the other end of this bridge, you will encounter a Fire Knight wearing a red cloak. It wields dual daggers and can cast fire magic and will drop Salza's Hood and Rain of Fire upon defeating it.

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Go inside the building behind the enemy you just defeated and take the Somber Smithing Stone [8] from the corpse on the corner. Take the spiral stairs next to it and you will reach an elevator at the top. This will take you to a new gate and then, interact with the Viaduct Minor Tower - Site of Grace here.

Exploring the Southern Area

  • The southern area of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh covers exploring the parts near the Site of Grace. This includes the area below you that is accessible via the elevator in the small pond. 

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Go through the archway and go to the right side. Stick to the wall and go ride past the thick greenery here. You will go around this building and at the back, you can pick up the Golden Horn Tender. Go back the same way you came from, return to the entrance side, and head southeast past the small pond. You can see some boar creatures hanging out here and go behind this tree. Look for the corpse lying on top of a stone slab and pick up the Spirit Calculus. Then, use the elevator to go down to the lower level.

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As you go down, face the southwest direction so you are ready for the Bloodfiend waiting here. Then, follow the path behind it where a group of Bloodfiends is gathered. This can be difficult since you are outnumbered, but if you have a magic build, you can use Adula's Moonblade to effectively take out the group. After fighting them, you can pick up Somber Smithing Stone [8] from the corpse behind the group. From here, face the southwest direction and exit through the small hole. Go to the right side and go past the bloodfiend. There's a corpse near the edge and you can pick up 8x Thin Beast Bones from it. 

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Now look behind you; you should be facing southeast here and go towards the edge and jump down on the steps below you. Look to your right and fight the lesser Golden Hippopotamus. This looks just like the boss at the Main Entrance of Shadow Keep but this one has a smaller health pool. It can also pull off the same moves just like the boss version. Upon defeating it, it will drop a Scadutree Fragment. You are now done with this section. Return to the Site of Grace and continue exploring the eastern area through the felled tree.

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Eastern Section

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Upon exiting the archway, face the western direction and go through the collapsed tree. Follow the path ahead where you will see small creatures and make a right to to enter the building marked by these 2 standing lanterns. This area is filled with Shadow Undead and there are variations of them. Others are hunched on the ground, while there are some walking around carrying a jar. Take note that some of these enemies carry an important item. If you see them glimmering in the dark, eliminate them to take their item.

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As you enter, go to your immediate right and climb up the overgrown roots. Head towards the northeast and turn left behind the pillar to pick up the Somber Smithing Stone [9] from the edge of this root. Go around this area and return to the entrance side and eliminate the Shadowpot. This one is carrying a Revered Spirit Ash and a Silver Horn Tender. Pick it up later after you fight the lesser Curseblade Labirith. This behaves similarly to the boss but has a lesser health pool. After defeating these enemies, face the northeast where you see this tall door.

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Don't enter through the door yet, instead turn left and you will see this burning cauldron. You can pick up theFire Spritestoneon the right side of this cauldron. Then, return to the door but make sure to defeat the nearby enemies here so they can't interrupt you. Open up the door and head down the steps. You will be fighting a Giant Scorpion here, then turn left where you will fight more of these Giant Scorpions. You can pick up the Shadow Realm Rune [5] just past this lit stone.

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After picking up this item, look behind you and attack this illusory wall. Go inside and pick up the Bondstone and Antiquity Scholar's Cookbook (2). Leave this area and turn right to progress. Go down the steps where a group of shadow enemies are gathered. Pay attention to the glimmering one carrying a jar and make sure to eliminate them to get 3x Spirit Calculus from them. You can also pick up a Broken Rune in front of this square hole to the southeast. (Take note of this location because you will be coming back here later)

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Go through this square hole and once you reach the other side, you will be fighting more Giant Scorpions. Watch out for the ones hiding and sleeping on the ceiling. They will attack you as you approach this loot on the corner. Go up the stones and take the Somber Smithing Stone (6) from the corpse here. Exit this area and turn right. Look for this glimmering enemy carrying a jar and defeat it. It will drop a Scadutree Fragment and Golden Horn Tender.

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Then, look behind you and face the northeast direction. You will be able to see this lesser Curseblade Labirith on the second pillar. This one refuses to go down unless you go near it so you can just use range attacks to defeat it without getting damaged. After killing it, walk in front of you and pick up the 5x Throwing Dagger on the next alcove.

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From the last alcove, turn right, then left. You will be facing a group of shadow enemies and a Spider Scorpion here. Make sure to take them out before you continue exploring here. Loot the corpse here to get Glass Shard. Continue up ahead and turn right to this room where you see a scorpion suspended in the air. You can see multiple corpses on the ground with loot on them but you need to eliminate this enemy first. Try not to the aggro of the Giant Scorpion on the other by doing ranged attacks. After doing so, pick up the x2 Sliver of Meat, x3 Scorpion Liver, and Spider Scorpion Ashes.

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Head to the next area filled with white flowers and defeat the Giant Scorpions here. You can also pick up 2x Dewgem from the corpse here. Then, return to the other side of the square hole that you entered earlier. Trace your steps and return to the area where the shadow enemies are gathered. Open the door here facing southwest, then, take the 5x Rauh Burrow from the corpse to your right.

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Follow this path until you reach this Spiritspring with surrounding nails. You can jump down here while riding Torrent and you will not be damaged. Face the southeast direction and go to the very end of this path. Pick up the Shadow Realm Rune (6) behind the Spiritspring. Don't go up the spiritspring and head back towards the area where you came from.

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Turn right behind the 3rd pillar, and then go up the thick roots to pick up the Fine Crucible Feather Talisman. Then, head southwest and exit through the small archway at the end. Turn left and you will see an item on the top of the first archway to your left. Behind it, you can use the overgrown branch to climb this arch and then pickup the Shadow Realm Rune (7) from the corpse. Continue riding southeast and you will reach the outdoor area.

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When this enemy comes into view, don't try to take its aggro right away. You want to be able to reach the nearby Site of Grace here by walking only on the right side. Stick to the edge on your right and you will see Miquella's Cross here near the edge. The Rauh Ancient Ruins, East - Site of Grace is on your right and you can pick up an Ancient Ruins Cross Message and Scadutree Fragment on the ground near the cross.

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From the Site of Grace, face northeast and go towards the pillar here. Walk over the edge to find an item near the waterfall. Pick up the Ash of War: Dryleaf Whirlwind here. Then, return to the enemy that you saw earlier. This Lesser Crucible Knight will drop Devonia's Hammer and Crucible Hammer-Helm upon defeating it.

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After defeating this enemy, cross the bridge facing southwest. There's a Furnace Golem at the other end of this bridge and it will start attacking you as you jump down. There are also shadow enemies along the way and you can pick up 4x Dewgem and 2x Flight Pinion. Then, jump down to the right side here. Ride up ahead but make sure to sprint so you can safely reach the covered area here. Then, go past the Furnace Golem, and don't fight it for now. The Rauh Ancient Ruins, West - Site of Grace is in the area behind it so you want to get the checkpoint first.

The Western Section Part 1

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From the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West - Site of Grace, go down the ramp and fight the Furnace Golem. It will drop the Crimson-Sapping Cracked Tear and a Furnace Visage upon defeating it.

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After fighting the Furnace Golem, teleport to the Site that you had just activated. Face the southwest direction and go toward the double archway. There are different Shadow Undead here, like shadow mage and shadow hound. Eliminate them as you go and go up the stairs to the right. You can pick up a 6x Kukri on the steps and Whiteflesh Mushroom from the enemies.

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Go up the steps, then, go to the right side and eliminate the glimmering Shadowpot. It will drop x3 Spirit Calculus and a Rauh Burrow. Then, defeat the 2 Shadow Mages here. At the center of this map, there's a Lesser Curseblade Labirith. This one uses death spells and is just as dangerous as the boss version. On the northwest side, there's an altar where shadow enemies are worshipping. Go towards it and pick up the Scadutree Fragment.

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Then, explore towards south and then turn right. Make sure to pick up the Rauh Burrow and 2x Spiritgrave Stone along the way. Then, use the elevator at the end of this path that will take you to the stone pillar section. Go to the left then jump down on the stone pillar below you. Try to land on the widest portion here and follow the steps and land on the area below you. Carefully walk here and try not to fall off the map. Walk forward, and jump to your right at the lower level.

This should take you to a level where, if you look behind, you will see a corpse behind you and pick up the Four-Toed Fowl Foot from the corpse.

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Return to your last location and then jump between the gaps while riding Torrent. Keep following the steps here and then face southeast to where you see the edge of a building. Jump towards the left side and eliminate the 2 enemies holding a candlestick standing in front of the steps here. 

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Face the building and go towards the square hole to the left, then turn left again to reach the chest. You can get the Talisman of All Crucibles inside.

The Grand Stairway Section

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While facing the chest, exit through the square hole to your right. Use the elevator to go up, and you can already see the Ancient Ruins, Grand Stairway - Site of Grace from the top. Walk towards it and activate it. 

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Face the northwest direction, jump down the stairs, and then turn right to get loot. Stick to the wall to your right and then go to the very edge here to pick up a Spirit Calculus from a corpse. Then, return to the grand stairway where you see the archer version of the Golem Warrior. You can go up the ramp behind it and take it out. This enemy is weak to heavy attacks so make sure to take full advantage of its weakness. 

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Go down the broken bridge here and cross towards the northeast. Near the end of this bridge, you will find a corpse in the middle and you can take a Shadow Realm Rune (7) from it. Then, jump down on the right side. There's a Divine Beast Dancing Lion field boss here, and it's up to you if you want to fight it but you can run away from it by jumping down on the northeastern platform. This disables the fight and the boss will not chase you.

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There's an elite enemy in the middle of the pool. This one wields a dual curved sword. Go up the ramp on the left side to pick up 2x Beast Bones. Then, go to the area behind the boss to pick up Verdigris Discus. Continue exploring the southern area here to pick up a Redflesh Mushroom from a corpse next to a pillar. This is your last stop in the Grand Stairway section and you will now return to the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West - Site of Grace.

The Western Section Part 2

  • This covers the rest of the exploration of the western section where you will be invaded by an NPC.

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From the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West - Site of Grace, face the southwest section and climb up the stairs to the left. This is the same area that you explore earlier but instead of going to the left section, you will head northwest towards the outdoor area. Head straight into the gazebo in front of you and you can pick up the Revered Spirit Ash on this altar. Watch out for the enemy nearby but since you are riding Torrent, you can just outrun them.

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Continue exploring the path behind this gazebo and make sure to pick up this Rauh Burrow on the wall. Take note of the location on your left because you will be returning here later. For now, continue ahead and jump down on the platform behind this stone.

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Go to the bottom of the steps and head northeast. You will find hounds inflicted with Scarlet rot here and you can pick up Golden Horn Tender from this corpse in the middle. There's a Bloodfiend here in the middle of this section but it's up to you if you want to fight it. You can get 5x Sacred Bloody Flesh if you want to fight it. Continue traveling north where you will encounter another Bloodfiend, then turn left where more enemies are waiting. Take out the hounds and bloodfiends here for a chance to get Beast Blood and a piece of the bloodfiend's gear, like Bloodfiend's Fork

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On the upper area, while facing northwest, you will see this glimmering Shadowpot. To go there, you need to head to jump down on the area below it. Summon Torrent and try to land on the highest part here to minimize your fall damage. The elevator is right here when you go down, but before that,m make sure to head to the area on the northeast. This area is protected by giant flies so you need to eliminate them first.

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Take the Somber Smithing Stone (1) from the corpse lying on the stone. After doing so, head east where you see the Pink Flwoerbloom. Go towards it and then pick up the Aspects of the Crucible: Bloom. Now, return to where you jumped down and take the elevator to go up. On the top level, you will reach the Shadowpot. This one drops a Revered Spirit Ash and you can eliminate the nearby enemies to get a Redflesh Mushroom and Silver Horn Tender.

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This is your last stop in this area and you will now be returning to the area that we mentioned that you will be coming back to. Jump down on the same ledge that you are facing as you approached the loot, then look behind this pillar and you will see a corpse here. Take the 3x Knot Resin from it then go up the stairs.

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Turn right where you will be facing scarlet rot-inflicted enemies. There's a scarlet version of Lesser Kindred of Rot (Pests) here, be careful of them because they can deal a high amount of damage when you get struck by them.

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Go to the northwest arch and pick up the Dappled White Cured Meat. To your right, there are more pest enemies here. There's a large group of them in the next section and try to cheese them as much as you can. If you have any ranged or magic attacks, make use of them to eliminate them before they get near you. You can obtain these items from the ground here: x3 Immunizing Cured Meat, x4 Fly Mold, and Smithing Stone (2). After fighting them, exit through the archway on the left side. Look on the stack of stones to your right and you will see a corpse here. You can pick up the Greater Potentate's Cookbook (9) from it.

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Face the tower to the northeast and walk straight towards it. This is the Unseen Bridge that connects the main building to this tower. Cross to the other side and pick up the Stone-Sheathed Sword. If you already have that weapon from one of the other altars, then this is where you can convert the Sword into either the Sword of Light or Sword of Darkness.

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Go back to the main building the same way you got here and then continue exploring by going to the left past the room. Then, turn right to use the elevator that will take you to the upper level. There are more pest enemies here at the top and you will see the stairs in the middle. Just take note of these areas for now because you will be returning here later.

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First, turn your attention to the nearest enemy standing next to the archway then go out to the area outside. Go past the gazebo and look at the corpse in the middle of the water. Go towards it and then pick up the Divine Bird Feathers.

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The elite enemy here will be aggro-ed upon picking up the item. Take your time as you deal with it and use the pillars of the gazebo to defend yourself against some of its attacks. After fighting it, go up the ramp and go to the edge. You will see the clusters of stones that unlock a Spiritspring after destroying it. 

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Jump towards the Spiritspring, then use it again to reach the area on the other side. Go to the right side and walk to the area behind the thick pillar and go around it to pick up x2 Beast Horn from the corpse. Then, go up the stairs that you saw earlier and open the chest at the top to get Mottled Necklace +2. Use the Spiritspring again to return to the other side. Head back inside where you used the elevator and then turn left.

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Fight the pests that you will come across here and then turn right at the end. You can pick up the Pest-Thread Spears next to the wall on your right side. Go around this area and get ready for a fight before you head up the stairs. As you approach the top section, Hornsent will invade you. This is potentially a long walk back if you didn't activate the Spiritspring beforehand, but if you have been following this walkthrough, you will have a faster way of reaching this area in case you die. 

The Spiritspring is located just northwest of the Site of Grace, in the pool area. Defeating Hornsent here will reward you with the following items:


Elden Ring Rauh Ruins Maps and Notes

[other maps go here]



All Elden Ring Locations
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Gelmir)  ♦  Minor Erdtree (Weeping Peninsula)  ♦  Minor Erdtree Catacombs  ♦  Minor Erdtree Church  ♦  Mirage Rise  ♦  Mistwood  ♦  Mistwood Ruins  ♦  Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum  ♦  Moonfolk Ruins  ♦  Moonlight Altar  ♦  Morne Tunnel  ♦  Mountaintops of the Giants  ♦  Mt Gelmir  ♦  Murkwater Catacombs  ♦  Murkwater Cave  ♦  Night's Sacred Ground  ♦  Nokron, Eternal City  ♦  Nokstella, Eternal City  ♦  Old Altus Tunnel  ♦  Oridys's Rise  ♦  Perfumer's Grotto  ♦  Perfumer's Ruins  ♦  Purified Ruins  ♦  Ranni's Rise  ♦  Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel  ♦  Redmane Castle  ♦  Renna's Rise  ♦  Revenger's Shack  ♦  Ringleader's Evergaol  ♦  Road's End Catacombs  ♦  Rose Church  ♦  Roundtable Hold  ♦  Royal Grave Evergaol  ♦  Ruin-Strewn Precipice  ♦  Ruined Forge of Starfall Past  ♦  Ruined Forge Starfall Past  ♦  Sainted Hero's Grave  ♦  Scadutree Base  ♦  Sealed Tunnel  ♦  Second Church of Marika  ♦  Seethewater Cave  ♦  Sellia Crystal Tunnel  ♦  Sellia Evergaol  ♦  Sellia Gateway  ♦  Sellia Hideaway  ♦  Sellia, Town of Sorcery  ♦  Seluvis's Rise  ♦  Shack of the Lofty  ♦  Shack of the Rotting  ♦  Siofra Aqueduct  ♦  Siofra River  ♦  Siofra River Well  ♦  Slumbering Wolfs Shack  ♦  Smoldering Church  ♦  Spiritspring  ♦  Stillwater Cave  ♦  Stormcaller Church  ♦  Stormfoot Catacombs  ♦  Stormgate  ♦  Stormhill  ♦  Stormveil Castle  ♦  stranded graveyard  ♦  Street of Sages Ruins  ♦  Subterranean Shunning-Grounds  ♦  Summonwater Village  ♦  Swamp Lookout Tower  ♦  Swamp of Aeonia  ♦  Temple Quarter  ♦  Testu's Rise  ♦  The Four Belfries  ♦  The Shaded Castle  ♦  Third Church of Marika  ♦  Tombsward Catacombs  ♦  Tombsward Cave  ♦  Tombsward Ruins  ♦  Tower of Return  ♦  Uhl Palace Ruins  ♦  Unsightly Catacombs  ♦  Village of Flies  ♦  Village of the Albinaurics  ♦  Village Windmill Pasture  ♦  Volcano Cave  ♦  Walking Mausoleum  ♦  Weeping Peninsula  ♦  West Windmill Pasture  ♦  Windmill Village  ♦  Witchbane Ruins  ♦  Woodfolk Ruins  ♦  Writheblood Ruins  ♦  Wyndham Catacombs  ♦  Wyndham Ruins  ♦  Yelough Anix Ruins  ♦  Zamor Ruins

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    • Anonymous

      I don't understand why there's so few summoning pools in this area. I didn't much care for playing through it solo but really enjoy helping out in coop here. They devs clearly designed it so you don't get softlocked in coop since there's lots of doors and passages you can take to get around on foot instead of jumping down the spirit spring holes with Torrent, and there's lots of flask refills. Problem is Rauh is huge so when a host or phantom dies they'll either have to backtrack to the beginning or wait for a resummon at either boss arena which is kinda lame imho.

      • I love this area because you can't just recklessly rushing in to complete all the stuff there. You gotta observe the environment, the (tough) enemies, and also because this place is the spot where we can loot one of the most potent talismans in the game: Fine Crucible Feather. It's really fun to use it both for defense (dodging backward) and also offense (reverse backstep to backstab) and dodge-counter (after a backstep). Shame it's kinda a late-game item. It would be fun as a lower level and kicking ass (even in PvP) using that method. You don't even need a huge colossal or long-ass poking stick, just outsmart and humiliate them with your spacing and timing skills.

        • Anonymous

          Why does everyone hates this area? This place is so beautiful I never need to go outside anymore. I can finally sit in front of my pc while chainsmoking in the Ancient Ruins of Rauh for the rest of my life

          • Anonymous

            why does every single hallway look the same. why are there like 50 dead ends. why is there absolutely no flow or logic to the design and correct route. absolute nightmare hell world when you're stoned, felt like i would never get out of here

            • Anonymous

              Surprised not many people like this place, it’s probably my favourite place in the DLC that’s not a dungeon. Yeah, **** the curseblades though

              • Anonymous

                For anyone in my situation, if you just reached Scadu Altus and went through the way gate to reach the divine bird warrior and Verdigris Discus, there is nowhere else to go. Your only option is to warp out.

                I thought I was perhaps missing a grace or path or something, but no, it's just like the other Belfry warps in the main game.

                • Anonymous

                  God I hate this area Tedious. Goes on forever. All looks the same. Just a big boring maze disguised as pretty gardens.

                  • Anonymous

                    I haven't been able to find anything anywhere on how to beat Hornsent when he invades you. I'm playing an INT build and he completely wrecks me as soon as he gets close. I've tried my handy boulder toss spell and Adula's Ice Blade and Comet and he always eventually lunges at me from a mile away and stunlocks me. I had no problem with the Fire Knight on the bridge. But I cannot figure out how to hit this fast guy.

                    • Anonymous

                      If you liked the Leyndell Sewers you will probably love this maze. If you hated the Leyndell Sewers, you will despise this even more. It's aesthetically rich, but extremely repetitive and tedious to explore. Rewards are few and far between.

                      • Anonymous

                        For everyone's knowledge the top of Raugh Ruins (top with the trees where it's the north part of the map to the right of the ravina rea) is inaccessible. Same thing with the back of Midra's Manse. Likely cut content

                        • Anonymous

                          i will always support fromsoft.. however, the DLC doesn't hit the way the main game does. im aware they're in a no-win position (maybe not, actually.. but whatever) but some of these zones are going out of their way to be confusing without a payoff.

                          • Anonymous

                            Lore wise & looks wise it's arguably the best area in the entire dlc. Gameplay wise I'd rather have a stroke than explore this area again.

                            • Anonymous

                              Massive rural Ireland vibes. Moss and ivy growing over the old ruins. The green and yellow trees and grass. The only inaccuracy is the actually nice weather and clear sky

                              • Anonymous

                                The existence of this place is the biggest lore reveal in the game. Actually brilliant visual storytelling if you've taken the time to look around the map of the main game.

                                • Anonymous

                                  The DLC equivalent of the Mountaintops of the Giants. Probably the last place you reach before the real end-game begins, you go there in order to burn a special tree, allowing you access to the final legacy dungeon (that also reaches even higher into the sky) and final boss. It’s also the highest point in the game vertically, while being big it’s still fairly linear. However it’s let down by its reuse of enemies and lack of new ones.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    there's no second spirit spring for me!! there's the rocks in circular pattern but there's not a spirit spring to unlock in there.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      The fire knight at the end of the bridge sucks. If you have enough faith, protection of erdtree and blessing of the erdtree are super helpful against him if you're like me and didn't realize you could ride Torrent over the bridge.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        They're not "lesser Curseblade Labirith" they're curseblades. Labirith was the named individual curseblade that was a dungeon boss and Meera is the name of the curseblade you can summon, the rest are unnamed curseblades.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Elden Ring players want the entire game to be a flat plane with a flagpole at the end that you shoot with a magic laser beam for 99999 damage with a message saying "you win" and then you get the staff of Cookieclickerion the Drooling that gives you 999999 damage for the next flagpole

                                          • Anonymous

                                            probably an unpopular opinion but I think this is probably the worst area in the DLC: tons of reused enemies, all the corridors look the same, not really much loot that's worthwhile, and the entire area is a giant maze that keeps looping back on itself. sure there's a few things hidden behind illusory walls or on rafters tucked away, but there's even more situations where you find a series of pillars you can jump across or a tucked away corner that either have nothing or a somber smithing stone +4. this was a problem with other areas of the DLC, but it's really amped up to 11 here... at a certain point I stopped trying to explore as much because I knew there wouldn't be anything worthwhile. I was so extremely bored running through this area and it appears miyazaki was as well since he tried to put a poison swamp on top of it to spice things up (it didn't help much)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The Furnace Golem here can be used for fast rune farming along the bridge. He will always start with a flame tornado and kill everything on the bridge. If you wait too long while hiding far behind the pillars after his first attack, he might try to walk the bridge and fall off the cliff.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                what if fromsoft said:here is this beautiful ancient ruins from a lost civilisation and is where the saint of the bud resides
                                                also fromsoft:NO UNIQUE ENEMIES here is the 400th dog and shadow man

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Kind of felt like playing a Metroid game, exploring the ruins of a lost civilization which are being reclaimed by nature.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    On one hand, one of the most beautiful areas they made, the greenery in contrast to the grey clouds and black castles make it feel like such a breath of fresh air.. this is then ruined by the fact that WHERE THE HELL DO I GO?!?!?!

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Easily the most aesthetically pleasing area between the DLC and the base game. It's a bit complicated to get around sure, but that adds to the charm and discovery. Lots of hidden stuff here, and if you don't feel like taking a long route to unlock the spirit spring, just use Margits Shackle on it. Some of the enemies are a bit on the annoying side but not to the point of being oppressive though the curseblade room with the bouncing fireballs is pushing it. Take your time here and you'll be fine.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Unpopular opinion, but this was my favorite area in the game. It reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus, which Miyazaki on record has said was deeply influential for him as a designer. Rauh is like a mix of open map + legacy dungeon, which I think could point toward the future of where FROM is headed if they continue with open world games (I actually hope they don't continue with open world).

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Its amazing that they saved the ONLY blue sky we will ever get to see in this game for this area. It really makes an impact when you walk out the door and your jaw just drops at the fact that youre realizing this is the first time youve ever seen a clear sky in this game.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            A very cool and unique location that looks beautyful and refreshing. I really wanted to see a lush jungle-like area in a FromSoftare game for a while.
                                                            Too bad there was 0 new enemy types around and 90% of the ones we had were just the ash zombies anyways. Pretty sure the only unique content (outside the boss ofc) was that one crucible knight with a hammer. It was entertaining to get through the place but I kinda feel like it's a bit of a wasted space.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Between this and the "Jagged Peak map fragment" I'm tired of this expansion's tactic of baiting you into thinking that the map fragment is in the region you're exploring but it's instead in some unrelated region bordering the location you're exploring. By the time you figure it out and grab the map fragment you've explored 90% of the location anyway making the map basically pointless.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I see some comments here about how this area is beautiful.

                                                                While the outside places really do look stunning (the place you reach from the scadu atlus portal gace me a "hell yeah" moment ) its really a shame how most of the rest are just samey looking indoor areas. There are even some big areas in the map that have nothing on the surface, really a weirdly missed opportunity,

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  One of the few "F-you" moments I had in this dlc were when I rode past on of those ascetic chakram guys only to encounter a bird warrior, which I made a hard turn to avoid. I was then crouched in some foliage formulating a plan when a golem archers arrow from outta nowhere floors me. This is my favorite area in the game, but that was just cheap lol

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Wanted to get the knight’s lightning spear as soon as possible, so after I defeated Rellana, I immediately look for the teleporter. I thought I can get to that scorpion catacombs. I got stuck at this remote island instead. Sad me

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      The heavy presence of crucible lore, alongside the general vibe of this place, gives off the impression that this is where life began. Or, at least a remnant of the earliest forms of life in this story.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        This layout is way too confusing, I honestly don't care about the whole verticality bit of the DLC. I just wanna beat up people man

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          well, i was exploring around the grand staircase grace site, i went down the staircase as you do. And it led to a second dancing lion boss fight which gives you an incantation called Divine Beast Tornado and it also led to small drop off area which had the Verdigris Discus talisman.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            This page is missing “Ash of War: Bloom”, found by heading right on the staircase up to the furnace golem. Leads to a scorpion area, but past that are some miranda flowers around the item on the ground.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Possible the best area FromSoft has designed. Not only is it gorgeous (daytime or nighttime), but there are so many little secrets tucked away throughout. Talismans, a few armor pieces, weapons, incantations, ashes of war, tons of crucible lore/pieces. Took me hours to finish exploring, and I really enjoyed the boss fight. So in love with this expansion

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                To get the map for this area you need to go to Ruth Base. To access the area go to the Moorth Ruins grace. Head to the lake just to the northeast. There is a cave that will take you where you want to go.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Mottled Necklace +2 can be found by taking the spring up to the platform next to the rot area and is found in a chest up the staircase.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I want to personally bleed Miyazaki of every drop of his blood for that single stretch of these ruins filled with bleed water and Kindred of Rot, and then have him walk through it while a bunch of people shoot at him with BB guns. See how he likes it.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      This place is so beautiful and edenic. The architecture matches with the ruin strewn precipice and other blackstone ruins in places like caelid or the mountaintops. The lands between was once a paradise...

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Took me about two hours of exploring to find a way down lol. All you need to do is jump and land on some pillars, and go through a cave, and you go to next grace.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Is there ny way to get to the top green plateau area?
                                                                                          Its like a big empty area on the map, I wonder if you can get there...

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            I got sent to this area with a waygate unlocked with an imbued sword key. How do I get out without just leaping to my death?

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