Fire Knight's Shortsword

fire knights shortsword elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 75
Mag 0
Fire 22
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 110
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 32
Mag 18
Fire 31
Ligt 18
Holy 18
Boost 15
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
Dex D 
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 8
Dex 13 
Fai 12
Dagger Slash/ Pierce
Quickstep FP 3
Wgt. 2.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Fire Knight's Shortsword is a Dagger in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Dagger in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Fire Knight's Shortsword scales primarily with StrengthDexterity and Faith and is a good Weapon for Fire-based builds. This can be dropped by the Fire Knights and comes with the Quickstep skill.


Shortsword used by the Fire Knights. A slender blade that undulates like fire. Blessed with a flame incantation. Further flame imbuement will amplify the effect and greatly increase the armament's power.


Where to Find Fire Knight's Shortsword in Elden Ring

The Fire Knight's Shortsword weapon can be found at the following location:

  • Has a 4.0% chance to drop by Fire Knights wielding this weapon in Shadow Keep
  • Can be farmed by dropping down and killing the Fire Knight below the Storehouse, Loft site of Grace and the Fire Knight just east of the Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace. [Map Link]


Elden Ring Fire Knight's Shortsword Notes & Tips

The Fire Knight Shortsword can be infused with Ashes of War. Click below for a list of all possible Ashes of War that can be applied to the dagger.

See usable Ashes of War (click to reveal)

All Affinities

Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Fire, and Flame Art

Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, and Sacred

Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Magic, and Cold

Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Poison, Blood, and Occult



Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Fire Knight's Shortsword

  •  Videos for the Fire Knight's Shortsword Coming Soon.


Fire Knight's Shortsword Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.


max upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
standard upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
heavy upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
keen upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
quality upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
fire upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
flame weapon upgrade elden ring wiki guide 30px
lightning upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
sacred upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
magic upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
cold upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
poison upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
blood upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
occult upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30


Fire Knight's Shortsword Max Upgrades

Overview table for all upgrades at max level. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Std+25 183 - 53 - - 56 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 18 10
Hvy+25 148 - 42 - - 56 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10
Keen+25 148 - 42 - - 56 D A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10
Qua+25 129 - 36 - - 56 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10
Fire+25 107 - 136 - - 56 C D - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.75 20.7 17.1 15 9.5
Flame+25 126 - 160 - - 56 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.75 20.7 17.1 15 9.5
Lit+25 109 - 31 109 - 56 D B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.65 22.5 17.1 15 9.5
Sac+25 126 - 36 - 126 56 E E - B - - 30.4 20.7 29.45 17.1 22.5 15 9.5
Mag+25 126 126 36 - - 56 E E A D - - 30.4 22.5 29.45 17.1 20.7 15 9.5
Col+25 113 97 32 - - 56 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 30.4 20.7 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Poi+25 135 - 38 - - 56 D B - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Blood+25 135 - 38 - - 56 D B - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Occ+25 141 - 40 - - 56 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10

Fire Knight's Shortsword standard Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 75 - 22 - - 28 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15 10
Standard +1 79 - 23 - - 29 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Standard +2 83 - 24 - - 30 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Standard +3 88 - 25 - - 31 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Standard +4 92 - 27 - - 32 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Standard +5 96 - 28 - - 33 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Standard +6 101 - 29 - - 34 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Standard +7 105 - 30 - - 35 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Standard +8 109 - 32 - - 36 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Standard +9 114 - 33 - - 38 D D - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Standard +10 118 - 34 - - 39 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10
Standard +11 122 - 36 - - 40 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.65 10
Standard +12 127 - 37 - - 41 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.8 10
Standard +13 131 - 38 - - 42 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.95 10
Standard +14 135 - 39 - - 43 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.1 10
Standard +15 140 - 41 - - 44 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.25 10
Standard +16 144 - 42 - - 45 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.4 10
Standard +17 148 - 43 - - 47 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.4 10
Standard +18 153 - 44 - - 48 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.55 10
Standard +19 157 - 46 - - 49 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.55 10
Standard +20 162 - 47 - - 50 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.7 10
Standard +21 166 - 48 - - 51 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.7 10
Standard +22 170 - 50 - - 52 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.7 10
Standard +23 175 - 51 - - 53 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.85 10
Standard +24 179 - 52 - - 54 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 17.85 10
Standard +25 183 - 53 - - 56 D C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 18 10


Fire Knight's Shortsword Heavy Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Heavy Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Heavy 59 - 17 - - 28 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15 10
Heavy +1 63 - 18 - - 29 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Heavy +2 66 - 19 - - 30 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Heavy +3 70 - 20 - - 31 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Heavy +4 73 - 21 - - 32 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Heavy +5 77 - 22 - - 33 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Heavy +6 81 - 23 - - 34 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Heavy +7 84 - 24 - - 35 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Heavy +8 88 - 25 - - 36 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Heavy +9 91 - 26 - - 38 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Heavy +10 95 - 27 - - 39 B - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Heavy +11 98 - 28 - - 40 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Heavy +12 102 - 29 - - 41 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Heavy +13 105 - 30 - - 42 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Heavy +14 109 - 31 - - 43 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Heavy +15 112 - 32 - - 44 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Heavy +16 116 - 33 - - 45 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Heavy +17 119 - 34 - - 47 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Heavy +18 123 - 35 - - 48 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Heavy +19 126 - 36 - - 49 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Heavy +20 130 - 37 - - 50 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Heavy +21 133 - 38 - - 51 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Heavy +22 137 - 39 - - 52 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Heavy +23 140 - 40 - - 53 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Heavy +24 144 - 41 - - 54 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Heavy +25 148 - 42 - - 56 A - - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10

Fire Knight's Shortsword Keen Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Keen Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Keen 59 - 17 - - 28 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15 10
Keen +1 63 - 18 - - 29 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Keen +2 66 - 19 - - 30 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Keen +3 70 - 20 - - 31 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Keen +4 73 - 21 - - 32 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Keen +5 77 - 22 - - 33 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Keen +6 81 - 23 - - 34 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Keen +7 84 - 24 - - 35 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Keen +8 88 - 25 - - 36 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Keen +9 91 - 26 - - 38 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Keen +10 95 - 27 - - 39 E B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Keen +11 98 - 28 - - 40 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Keen +12 102 - 29 - - 41 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Keen +13 105 - 30 - - 42 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Keen +14 109 - 31 - - 43 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Keen +15 112 - 32 - - 44 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Keen +16 116 - 33 - - 45 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Keen +17 119 - 34 - - 47 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Keen +18 123 - 35 - - 48 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Keen +19 126 - 36 - - 49 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Keen +20 130 - 37 - - 50 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Keen +21 133 - 38 - - 51 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Keen +22 137 - 39 - - 52 E A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Keen +23 140 - 40 - - 53 D A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Keen +24 144 - 41 - - 54 D A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Keen +25 148 - 42 - - 56 D A - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10

Fire Knight's Shortsword Quality Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Quality Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Quality 56 - 16 - - 28 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15 10
Quality +1 59 - 17 - - 29 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Quality +2 62 - 17 - - 30 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Quality +3 65 - 18 - - 31 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Quality +4 68 - 19 - - 32 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Quality +5 71 - 20 - - 33 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Quality +6 74 - 21 - - 34 C C - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Quality +7 76 - 21 - - 35 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Quality +8 79 - 22 - - 36 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Quality +9 82 - 23 - - 38 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Quality +10 85 - 24 - - 39 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Quality +11 88 - 25 - - 40 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Quality +12 91 - 26 - - 41 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Quality +13 94 - 26 - - 42 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Quality +14 97 - 27 - - 43 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Quality +15 100 - 28 - - 44 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Quality +16 103 - 29 - - 45 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Quality +17 105 - 30 - - 47 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Quality +18 108 - 31 - - 48 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Quality +19 111 - 31 - - 49 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Quality +20 114 - 32 - - 50 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Quality +21 117 - 33 - - 51 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Quality +22 120 - 34 - - 52 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Quality +23 123 - 35 - - 53 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Quality +24 126 - 36 - - 54 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Quality +25 129 - 36 - - 56 B B - D - - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10

Fire Knight's Shortsword Fire Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Fire Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Fire 50 - 64 - - 28 D E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.65 18.9 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +1 52 - 66 - - 29 D E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.65 18.9 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +2 54 - 69 - - 30 D E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.96 19.08 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +3 57 - 72 - - 31 D E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.96 19.08 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +4 59 - 75 - - 32 D E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.96 19.08 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +5 61 - 78 - - 33 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 36.27 19.26 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +6 64 - 81 - - 34 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 36.58 19.44 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +7 66 - 84 - - 35 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 36.58 19.44 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +8 68 - 87 - - 36 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 36.89 19.62 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +9 70 - 89 - - 38 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 36.89 19.62 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +10 73 - 92 - - 39 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.2 19.8 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +11 75 - 95 - - 40 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.2 19.8 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +12 77 - 98 - - 41 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.51 19.98 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +13 79 - 101 - - 42 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.51 19.98 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +14 82 - 104 - - 43 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.51 19.98 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +15 84 - 107 - - 44 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.82 20.16 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +16 86 - 110 - - 45 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.82 20.16 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +17 88 - 112 - - 47 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 37.82 20.16 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +18 91 - 115 - - 48 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.13 20.34 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +19 93 - 118 - - 49 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.13 20.34 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +20 95 - 121 - - 50 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.13 20.34 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +21 98 - 124 - - 51 C E - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +22 100 - 127 - - 52 C D - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +23 102 - 130 - - 53 C D - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +24 104 - 133 - - 54 C D - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Fire +25 107 - 136 - - 56 C D - D - - 30.4 17.1 38.75 20.7 17.1 15 9.5

Fire Knight's Shortsword Flame Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Flame Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Flame 53 - 68 - - 28 E E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.65 18.9 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +1 56 - 71 - - 29 E E - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.65 18.9 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +2 59 - 75 - - 30 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 35.96 19.08 17.1 15 9.5
Flame+3 62 - 79 - - 31 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 35.96 19.08 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +4 65 - 82 - - 32 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 35.96 19.08 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +5 68 - 86 - - 33 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 36.27 19.26 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +6 70 - 90 - - 34 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 36.58 19.44 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +7 73 - 93 - - 35 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 36.58 19.44 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +8 76 - 97 - - 36 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 36.89 19.62 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +9 79 - 101 - - 38 E E - C - - 30.4 17.1 36.89 19.62 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +10 82 - 104 - - 39 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.2 19.8 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +11 85 - 108 - - 40 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.2 19.8 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +12 88 - 112 - - 41 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.51 19.98 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +13 91 - 115 - - 42 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.51 19.98 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +14 94 - 119 - - 43 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.51 19.98 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +15 97 - 123 - - 44 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.82 20.16 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +16 99 - 126 - - 45 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.82 20.16 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +17 102 - 130 - - 47 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 37.82 20.16 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +18 105 - 134 - - 48 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.13 20.34 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +19 108 - 137 - - 49 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.13 20.34 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +20 111 - 141 - - 50 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.13 20.34 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +21 114 - 145 - - 51 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +22 117 - 148 - - 52 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +23 120 - 152 - - 53 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +24 123 - 156 - - 54 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.44 20.52 17.1 15 9.5
Flame +25 126 - 160 - - 56 E E - B - - 30.4 17.1 38.75 20.7 17.1 15 9.5

Fire Knight's Shortsword Lightning Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Lightning Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Lightning 50 - 14 50 - 28 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 32.55 20.7 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +1 52 - 15 52 - 29 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 32.55 20.7 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +2 55 - 15 55 - 30 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 32.86 20.88 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +3 57 - 16 57 - 31 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 32.86 20.88 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +4 59 - 17 59 - 32 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 32.86 20.88 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +5 62 - 17 62 - 33 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 33.17 21.06 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +6 64 - 18 64 - 34 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 33.48 21.24 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +7 66 - 19 66 - 35 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 33.48 21.24 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +8 69 - 19 69 - 36 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 33.79 21.42 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +9 71 - 20 71 - 38 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 33.79 21.42 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +10 74 - 21 74 - 39 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.1 21.6 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +11 76 - 21 76 - 40 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.1 21.6 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +12 78 - 22 78 - 41 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.41 21.78 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +13 81 - 23 81 - 42 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.41 21.78 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +14 83 - 23 83 - 43 E C - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.41 21.78 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +15 85 - 24 85 - 44 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.72 21.96 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +16 88 - 25 88 - 45 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.72 21.96 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +17 90 - 25 90 - 47 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 34.72 21.96 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +18 93 - 26 93 - 48 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.03 22.14 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +19 95 - 27 95 - 49 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.03 22.14 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +20 97 - 27 97 - 50 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.03 22.14 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +21 100 - 28 100 - 51 E B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.34 22.32 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +22 102 - 29 102 - 52 D B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.34 22.32 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +23 104 - 29 104 - 53 D B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.34 22.32 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +24 107 - 30 107 - 54 D B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.34 22.32 17.1 15 9.5
Lightning +25 109 - 31 109 - 56 D B - D - - 30.4 17.1 35.65 22.5 17.1 15 9.5

Fire Knight's Shortsword Sacred Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Sacred Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Sacred 47 - 13 - 47 28 E E - C - - 30.4 18.9 29.45 17.1 20.7 15 9.5
Sacred +1 50 - 14 - 50 29 E E - C - - 30.4 18.9 29.45 17.1 20.7 15 9.5
Sacred +2 53 - 15 - 53 30 E E - C - - 30.4 19.08 29.45 17.1 20.88 15 9.5
Sacred +3 56 - 16 - 56 31 E E - C - - 30.4 19.08 29.45 17.1 20.88 15 9.5
Sacred +4 59 - 17 - 59 32 E E - C - - 30.4 19.08 29.45 17.1 20.88 15 9.5
Sacred +5 63 - 18 - 63 33 E E - C - - 30.4 19.26 29.45 17.1 21.06 15 9.5
Sacred +6 66 - 18 - 66 34 E E - C - - 30.4 19.44 29.45 17.1 21.24 15 9.5
Sacred +7 69 - 19 - 69 35 E E - C - - 30.4 19.44 29.45 17.1 21.24 15 9.5
Sacred +8 72 - 20 - 72 36 E E - B - - 30.4 19.62 29.45 17.1 21.42 15 9.5
Sacred +9 75 - 21 - 75 38 E E - B - - 30.4 19.62 29.45 17.1 21.42 15 9.5
Sacred +10 78 - 22 - 78 39 E E - B - - 30.4 19.8 29.45 17.1 21.6 15 9.5
Sacred +11 81 - 23 - 81 40 E E - B - - 30.4 19.8 29.45 17.1 21.6 15 9.5
Sacred +12 85 - 24 - 85 41 E E - B - - 30.4 19.98 29.45 17.1 21.78 15 9.5
Sacred +13 88 - 25 - 88 42 E E - B - - 30.4 19.98 29.45 17.1 21.78 15 9.5
Sacred +14 91 - 26 - 91 43 E E - B - - 30.4 19.98 29.45 17.1 21.78 15 9.5
Sacred +15 94 - 27 - 94 44 E E - B - - 30.4 20.16 29.45 17.1 21.96 15 9.5
Sacred +16 97 - 27 - 97 45 E E - B - - 30.4 20.16 29.45 17.1 21.96 15 9.5
Sacred +17 100 - 28 - 100 47 E E - B - - 30.4 20.16 29.45 17.1 21.96 15 9.5
Sacred +18 103 - 29 - 103 48 E E - B - - 30.4 20.34 29.45 17.1 22.14 15 9.5
Sacred +19 107 - 30 - 107 49 E E - B - - 30.4 20.34 29.45 17.1 22.14 15 9.5
Sacred +20 110 - 31 - 110 50 E E - B - - 30.4 20.34 29.45 17.1 22.14 15 9.5
Sacred +21 113 - 32 - 113 51 E E - B - - 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 22.32 15 9.5
Sacred +22 116 - 33 - 116 52 E E - B - - 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 22.32 15 9.5
Sacred +23 119 - 34 - 119 53 E E - B - - 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 22.32 15 9.5
Sacred +24 122 - 35 - 122 54 E E - B - - 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 22.32 15 9.5
Sacred +25 126 - 36 - 126 56 E E - B - - 30.4 20.7 29.45 17.1 22.5 15 9.5

Fire Knight's Shortsword Magic Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Magic Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Magic 47 47 13 - - 28 E E C D - - 30.4 20.7 29.45 17.1 18.9 15 9.5
Magic +1 50 50 14 - - 29 E E C D - - 30.4 20.7 29.45 17.1 18.9 15 9.5
Magic +2 53 53 15 - - 30 E E C D - - 30.4 20.88 29.45 17.1 19.08 15 9.5
Magic +3 56 56 16 - - 31 E E C D - - 30.4 20.88 29.45 17.1 19.08 15 9.5
Magic +4 59 59 17 - - 32 E E C D - - 30.4 20.88 29.45 17.1 19.08 15 9.5
Magic +5 63 63 18 - - 33 E E C D - - 30.4 21.06 29.45 17.1 19.26 15 9.5
Magic +6 66 66 18 - - 34 E E C D - - 30.4 21.24 29.45 17.1 19.44 15 9.5
Magic +7 69 69 19 - - 35 E E C D - - 30.4 21.24 29.45 17.1 19.44 15 9.5
Magic +8 72 72 20 - - 36 E E B D - - 30.4 21.42 29.45 17.1 19.62 15 9.5
Magic +9 75 75 21 - - 38 E E B D - - 30.4 21.42 29.45 17.1 19.62 15 9.5
Magic +10 78 78 22 - - 39 E E B D - - 30.4 21.6 29.45 17.1 19.8 15 9.5
Magic +11 81 81 23 - - 40 E E B D - - 30.4 21.6 29.45 17.1 19.8 15 9.5
Magic +12 85 85 24 - - 41 E E B D - - 30.4 21.78 29.45 17.1 19.98 15 9.5
Magic +13 88 88 25 - - 42 E E B D - - 30.4 21.78 29.45 17.1 19.98 15 9.5
Magic +14 91 91 26 - - 43 E E B D - - 30.4 21.78 29.45 17.1 19.98 15 9.5
Magic +15 94 94 27 - - 44 E E B D - - 30.4 21.96 29.45 17.1 20.16 15 9.5
Magic +16 97 97 27 - - 45 E E B D - - 30.4 21.96 29.45 17.1 20.16 15 9.5
Magic +17 100 100 28 - - 47 E E B D - - 30.4 21.96 29.45 17.1 20.16 15 9.5
Magic +18 103 103 29 - - 48 E E B D - - 30.4 22.14 29.45 17.1 20.34 15 9.5
Magic +19 107 107 30 - - 49 E E B D - - 30.4 22.14 29.45 17.1 20.34 15 9.5
Magic +20 110 110 31 - - 50 E E B D - - 30.4 22.14 29.45 17.1 20.34 15 9.5
Magic +21 113 113 32 - - 51 E E B D - - 30.4 22.32 29.45 17.1 20.52 15 9.5
Magic +22 116 116 33 - - 52 E E B D - - 30.4 22.32 29.45 17.1 20.52 15 9.5
Magic +23 119 119 34 - - 53 E E B D - - 30.4 22.32 29.45 17.1 20.52 15 9.5
Magic +24 122 122 35 - - 54 E E B D - - 30.4 22.32 29.45 17.1 20.52 15 9.5
Magic +25 126 126 36 - - 56 E E A D - - 30.4 22.5 29.45 17.1 20.7 15 9.5

Fire Knight's Shortsword Cold Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Cold Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Cold 53 45 15 - - 28 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(66) 30.4 18.9 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +1 55 47 15 - - 29 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(67) 30.4 18.9 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +2 58 50 16 - - 30 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(69) 30.4 19.08 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +3 60 52 17 - - 31 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(70) 30.4 19.08 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +4 63 54 18 - - 32 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(72) 30.4 19.08 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +5 65 56 18 - - 33 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(73) 30.4 19.26 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +6 67 58 19 - - 34 D D C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(75) 30.4 19.44 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +7 70 60 20 - - 35 D C C D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(77) 30.4 19.44 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +8 72 62 20 - - 36 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(78) 30.4 19.62 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +9 75 64 21 - - 38 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(80) 30.4 19.62 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +10 77 66 22 - - 39 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(81) 30.4 19.62 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +11 79 68 22 - - 40 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(83) 30.4 19.8 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +12 82 70 23 - - 41 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(85) 30.4 19.8 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +13 84 72 24 - - 42 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(86) 30.4 19.8 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +14 87 74 24 - - 43 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(88) 30.4 19.98 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +15 89 76 25 - - 44 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(89) 30.4 19.98 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +16 91 78 26 - - 45 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(91) 30.4 20.16 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +17 94 80 26 - - 47 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(92) 30.4 20.16 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +18 96 82 27 - - 48 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(94) 30.4 20.16 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +19 99 84 28 - - 49 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 30.4 20.34 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +20 101 86 28 - - 50 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(97) 30.4 20.34 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +21 103 88 29 - - 51 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(99) 30.4 20.34 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +22 106 91 30 - - 52 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(100) 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +23 108 93 31 - - 53 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +24 111 95 31 - - 54 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(104) 30.4 20.52 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Cold +25 113 97 32 - - 56 D C B D - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 30.4 20.7 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5

Fire Knight's Shortsword Poison Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Poison Affinity Ashes of War.

Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via the Arcane Stat. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Your own Arcane Scaling will alter the number while inside the game. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Poison 53 - 15 - - 28 D D - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(66) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +1 56 - 16 - - 29 D D - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(67) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +2 60 - 17 - - 30 D D - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(68) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +3 63 - 18 - - 31 D D - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(69) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +4 66 - 19 - - 32 D D - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(70) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +5 69 - 19 - - 33 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(71) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +6 73 - 20 - - 34 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(73) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +7 76 - 21 - - 35 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(74) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +8 79 - 22 - - 36 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(75) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +9 83 - 23 - - 38 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(76) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +10 86 - 24 - - 39 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(77) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +11 89 - 25 - - 40 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(79) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +12 92 - 26 - - 41 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(80) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +13 96 - 27 - - 42 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(81) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +14 99 - 28 - - 43 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +15 102 - 29 - - 44 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(83) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +16 105 - 30 - - 45 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(85) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +17 109 - 31 - - 47 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(86) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +18 112 - 32 - - 48 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(87) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +19 115 - 33 - - 49 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(88) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +20 119 - 34 - - 50 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(89) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +21 122 - 34 - - 51 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(90) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +22 125 - 35 - - 52 D C - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(92) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +23 128 - 36 - - 53 D B - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(93) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +24 132 - 37 - - 54 D B - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(94) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10
Poison +25 135 - 38 - - 56 D B - D D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 10

Fire Knight's Shortsword Blood Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Blood Affinity Ashes of War.

Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via the Arcane Stat. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Your own Arcane Scaling will alter the number while inside the game. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Blood 53 - 15 - - 28 D D - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(57) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +1 56 - 16 - - 29 D D - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(58) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +2 60 - 17 - - 30 D D - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(59) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +3 63 - 18 - - 31 D D - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(60) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +4 66 - 19 - - 32 D D - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(61) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +5 69 - 19 - - 33 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(62) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +6 73 - 20 - - 34 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(63) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +7 76 - 21 - - 35 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(64) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +8 79 - 22 - - 36 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(65) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +9 83 - 23 - - 38 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(66) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +10 86 - 24 - - 39 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(67) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +11 89 - 25 - - 40 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(68) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +12 92 - 26 - - 41 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(69) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +13 96 - 27 - - 42 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(70) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +14 99 - 28 - - 43 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(71) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +15 102 - 29 - - 44 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(72) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +16 105 - 30 - - 45 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(73) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +17 109 - 31 - - 47 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(74) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +18 112 - 32 - - 48 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(75) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +19 115 - 33 - - 49 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(76) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +20 119 - 34 - - 50 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(77) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +21 122 - 34 - - 51 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(78) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +22 125 - 35 - - 52 D C - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(79) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +23 128 - 36 - - 53 D B - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(80) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +24 132 - 37 - - 54 D B - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(81) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5
Blood +25 135 - 38 - - 56 D B - D D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 30.4 17.1 29.45 17.1 17.1 15 9.5


Fire Knight's Shortsword Occult Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Occult Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Fire Knight's Shortsword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Occult 56 - 16 - - 28 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15 10
Occult +1 60 - 17 - - 29 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Occult +2 63 - 18 - - 30 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.15 10
Occult +3 66 - 19 - - 31 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Occult +4 70 - 20 - - 32 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.3 10
Occult +5 73 - 21 - - 33 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Occult +6 77 - 22 - - 34 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.45 10
Occult +7 80 - 23 - - 35 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Occult +8 83 - 23 - - 36 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Occult +9 87 - 24 - - 38 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.6 10
Occult +10 90 - 25 - - 39 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Occult +11 94 - 26 - - 40 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Occult +12 97 - 27 - - 41 E E - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.75 10
Occult +13 100 - 28 - - 42 E D - E B - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Occult +14 104 - 29 - - 43 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Occult +15 107 - 30 - - 44 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 15.9 10
Occult +16 111 - 31 - - 45 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Occult +17 114 - 32 - - 47 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Occult +18 117 - 33 - - 48 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.05 10
Occult +19 121 - 34 - - 49 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Occult +20 124 - 35 - - 50 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Occult +21 128 - 36 - - 51 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.2 10
Occult +22 131 - 37 - - 52 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Occult +23 134 - 38 - - 53 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Occult +24 138 - 39 - - 54 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.35 10
Occult +25 141 - 40 - - 56 E D - E A - 32 18 31 18 18 16.5 10





Elden Ring Daggers
Black Knife  ♦  Blade of Calling  ♦  Bloodstained Dagger  ♦  Celebrant's Sickle  ♦  Cinquedea  ♦  Crystal Knife  ♦  Dagger  ♦  Erdsteel Dagger  ♦  Glintstone Kris  ♦  Great Knife  ♦  Ivory Sickle  ♦  Main-gauche  ♦  Misericorde  ♦  Parrying Dagger  ♦  Reduvia  ♦  Scorpion's Stinger  ♦  Wakizashi


Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • I accidentally found out by myself that it has A-scaling heavy for my STR build. I use it off-hand to parry and my main is misericorde (Carian Sovereignty, Storm Blade, etc). It's very good against NPCs enemies and medium ones (esp ones that can be backstabbed). I can parry, I can backstep and backstab, and playing around with the shooting from distance Ash. It's really fun.

      • Anonymous

        I wish we got an Ash of War that thematically was made for these, similar to how we got Flame Skewer and Flame Spear which are obviously designed for the Fire Knight/Queelign's Greatswords respectively. Something like a fire version of the Blood Blade arc projectile would have been cool, making these into a Flame Art version of Reduvia.

        • Anonymous

          really fun with an offhand Wakizashi - since it is not considered a dagger for powerstancing purposes with katanas, you keep the fast neutral L1 - only real downside with using this setup is the lack of the powerstanced dagger roll/crouch attack

          • Anonymous

            Its disappointing how badly designed this weapon is, it seems the only "good" daggers in the DLC is the throwing ones

            • Anonymous

              Does anyone know if the Church district fire knights drop this dagger? They do wield it but they are a different enemy type. I haven't had any luck yet.

              • Anonymous

                This works really well with bleed, the fire tear adds alot to this and bloodflame incantations benefit as well. (bloodsucking tear is great as well if you wanna do blood tax) With 40 dex and radagon talisman and 49 arcane and 34 faith it hits. You can follow the Ansbach incantation into the R2 combo, and follow it up with Sword dance ash because of its length and get off a bloodflame talon if need be. It's very good for a bleed/fire build.

                • Anonymous

                  farmed at the back section grace for an hour+ with no drop. moved to the seventh floor grace and got it with the first kill. continued to farm him for the next hour and no drop... nice

                  • Anonymous

                    Unfortunately, this is outclassed by the Erdsteel Dagger as that deals *pure Physical damage alongside its native Faith scaling;* meaning that while Flame Art infused, each point in Faith will yield better returns in AR in both Physical and Fire damage

                    • Anonymous

                      Heard this have the same moveset as the erdsteel dagger. Checked on a 69 fth build and it does almost 100 ar less than erdsteel. Is this longer at least?

                      • Anonymous

                        Why do the fire knights wielding the daggers deal so much damage, if being aggressive wasn't enough. A poise weapon or long range magic seems to be the optimal way to deal with them.

                        • Anonymous

                          A scaling when magic infused but B scaling with flame art, does fromsoft even think about half of the idiotic stuff they do?

                          • Anonymous

                            Unfortunately, cold infusing it doesn't seem to make it reset frostbite. Unless my testing is just messed up somehow, it doesn't work for some reason.

                            • Anonymous

                              This somehow gets an INT scaling of 1.41 on Magic Affinity. That's more than the Dark Moon GS, and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

                              • Anonymous

                                How long is this thing? Is it the longest? Or main gauche? I don’t have it yet I’m trying to farm this still!

                                • Anonymous

                                  i just offhand parry with this thing to go as a set with my fire knight *colossal*sword :)

                                  the style is unmatched. fashion souls 4lyf

                                  • Anonymous

                                    >fire knight greatsword
                                    >colossal sword

                                    >fire knight shortsword

                                    If the fire knight sword existed it would be a light greatsword

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I just calculated the Frostbuild everyone is thinking about. Let's just say it's lucky to be in the DLC. The optimal Starteclass is the goddamn Wretch.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Man I so hoped this was the stylish straightsword we were gonna get this DLC. Instead its a mid dagger and we got zero cool straightswords.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Storehouse, Seventh Floor - Godfrey Icon - Shard of Alexander - Bolt of Gransax +9 at out, get on the bridge...hit him with 2 or 3 weapon art shots, he falls over after each one. Or lightning Misericorde parry's if you wanna learn with those.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Farming this rn for days and still haven’t got it. I got 4-8 copies of each and every fire knight armour set piece, and about a combined 70 smithing stone 7s and 8s before this weapon.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I prefer Spiked Caestus than this DAGGER for total AR, even when Flame Art infused and while using Flaming Strike. The shorter reach does not mean much to me, especially when I can still bleed the target.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Just make it cold and pair it with a blood dagger. Simple frost+bleed with fire damage reset. This is only if you like chunks of hp loss on enemies, other builds are more powerful.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Can confirm, fire spear +, dagger infused with chilling mist blood is great, this thing shreds tru anything pvp and pve, just wish the flame art would last longer, regardless of what damage it says, it nearly doubles with flame art

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Best weapon to use with purely Int/Fth scaling ashes of war casting. Will deal the most damage with things like Glintblade Phalanx, Carian Sovereignty, Frost Stomps, Flame Spear, and Sacred Blade.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      The letter scaling is a little wonky with this one. Magic infuse gets an A letter grade with Int, and the data shows it has a of scaling 141. It gets a B grade in Fth with Sacred infuse, but again, it's scaling is 138. I guess a 3 point scaling changes it from a B to an A? Kinda silly, since it's the numeric value that matters when calculating damage, not the letter. Also weird that it gets only 126 in Fth with Flame Art despite being inherently a fire weapon. Ah well. It still gets the highest damage out of any infusable weapons with purely Int/Fth scaling AoWs. If you spam Sacred Blade or Flame Spear, this is the weapon to do it with.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Probably the quickest way to farm this is from Storehouse seventh floor grace. Just pass the bridge and there is one Knight to kill. Took me less then 10mins to get 2 of them at 256 item discovery.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Yo guys I’ve got an idea for a build, first get one of these and make it bleed, put it in your off hand, then get another one, put that in your off hand and then make it frost and you get fire, and then get another one and made it bleed and put it in your normal hand and the frost on your proc bleed and off hand, and then bleed fire and slept fire main hand, and then do make it bleed for reset on your, and then have another dagger before frost, and then it will fire and enjoy guys

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            At 80 faith and near minimum wielding requirements with flame art infusion, compared to a flame art Erdsteel Dagger, the Fire Knight's Shortsword has about 80 less total AR but has 71 more fire AR. So for raw damage in most situations a bit less potent than Erdsteel, but it has a proper niche with its effectiveness against enemies severely weak to fire and its high range.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              unlike Erdsteel Dagger and Clayman's Harpoon, the innate faith scaling does not affect the physical damage when infused with sacred or flame art. it still reaches good AR and may be slightly longer than Misericorde, so while direct combat with non-status daggers is still a far cry from effective, this isn't the worst choice for it

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Make this bleed, off hand a Cold blood stained dagger.

                                                                Now you have bleed+fire and bleed+frostbite. Frostbite resets automatically

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Get two of them. Infuse right-hand one with chilling mist. Infuse left-hand one with any fire affinity. Buff right-hand with chilling mist, use the R2 attacks until the enemy gets frostbitten, and then reset it with one L1 attack. Rinse and repeat.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    For other faith/arcane build users: this weapon seems to currently shares the same bug as the Erdsteel Dagger.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Make this bleed on offhand and have a Cold bloodstained dagger in your right hand. Fast Bleed and Frost that resets itself. Enjoy :)

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        longest dagger? basically a faster shortsword with that sweet A scaling on magic and the ash can be changed? seems slept on as an offhand for a pure mage

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          This is an amazing weapon. Why? Infuse it with blood in your offhand, and have a cold blood stained dagger in your right hand. Fast bleed, fast frostbite, fire damage resets frostbite.

                                                                          Welcome true bleed + blue bleed build without the need of fires deadly sin.

                                                                          God is Great

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            " Further flame imbuement will amplify the effect and greatly increase the armament's power." So, do ashes of war that give a fire buff, count for this?

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Unique with the Fire Knight Greatsword in the sense that it can be Enchanted with Magic or Grease and Infused with Ashes of War while already dealing split physical/fire damage. I'm not aware of any other weapons that can do this.

                                                                              This weapon could offer a nice platform for a fire based Dexterity build with Faith as a secondary stat. Since the Dagger has lower base AR than the Greatsword it experiences a larger percentage gain from something like Blackflame blade which scales at 0.65x incant power. Eventually at 80 Faith you're getting about 230 bonus Fire Damage which is basically doubling the dagger's AR. The dagger also gets the unique double-hit heavy attacks which, depending on your buff, can also help with status buildup.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Outside of the better range, this has the best ar of any dagger with cold infusion aside from the main-gauche and wakizashi, neither of which can powerstance as daggers. Sorcerers with dlc have many reasons to dip a little into faith and this weapon is a good one

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This thing's physical damage does not scale with Faith, unlike the Erdsteel Dagger, so it's significantly worse in terms of AR potential. It has an interesting little gimmick of getting to use both Strength and Faith to scale its fire damage on Fire infusion, but it only gains 50 AR from having 99 FTH (relative to 14 FTH) using this, and its AR at 99/99 STR/FTH, while quite high for a Fire Infusion dagger, is still lower than a Fire Wakizashi and, even worse, is absolutely outclassed by a 10/99 STR/FTH Flame Art Erdsteel Dagger (because Erdsteel Dagger, unlike this thing, gets to scale both its physical and fire damage with its faith scaling, when using Flame Art infusion). One thing this weapon actually has going for it, though, is that it appears to be a teensie bit longer than the Misericorde (the previous longest dagger), although I don't have hitbox info (I'm just swapping between the weapons to compare the length). Another niche thing this has going for it is that its Fire Damage is always best-in-class (but its physical damage is bad enough to drag down its overall AR) for if you're for some reason trying to maximize the fire-type damage you're dealing and don't care about your overall AR.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    sorry I meant would not increase more fire dmg than if you use it on a regular weapon, how do I reply to my own message?

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Ok so I went on and tested, enchanting this with either the grease and flame spear AoW would increase damage. I haven't tested anything before and idk if I'm reading anything wrong, but seems bugged?

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        "Further flame imbuement will amplify the effect and greatly increase the armament's power."

                                                                                        So it is like the DLC great hammer, but flame. Not sure if "imbunement" means ashe of war affinity or a grease/enchant kind of thing

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          worse damage than the erdsteel dagger, but much better range. makes it better overall since you won't whiff nearly as much and can keep up the pressure to make the most of the consecutive attack boosting gear.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Main thing going here is the range being roughly double your basic dagger. So if you dual wielding 2 your not getting cucked on your hitbox.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              After infusing both this and the erdsteel dagger with fireart, the erdsteel dagger comes out on top by around 80AR or so with 99 in faith/str/dex

                                                                                              The only thing i can see this doing better than the erdsteel dagger in is looks and a slight bit of range. Can’t understand why these couldn’t have a new moveset or something to distinguish them from an already incredibly potent fire dagger.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Since this is an infusable weapon with base fire damage, you should be able to infuse it with frost and instantly reset once procced. When infused with frost, it retains some fire damage, but can't reset frostbite. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

                                                                                                • The Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace was the spot I ended up farming from. There is a Fire Knight dualweilding these just outside and across the way. Kind of a pain to fight but at least quick to get to.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I just want to know how these daggers can hit stun someone with 80+ poise... At least the actual fire knights using them, they hit stun me 100% of the time even when I have damn near 100 poise...

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      This naturally does not have a unique moveset, because we never get any good movesets for daggers. From, why do you hate us dagger users?

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        You can infuse this with blood, poison or occult to get a dollar store fai\arc weapon. Scaling is not unbelievably good letters-wise, D\D in faith and arcane on blood\poison and E\A on occult BUT, unlike Erdsteel Dagger, the damage actually scales with arcane. Plus it looks nice. Same goes for other fire knight weapons.

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