Quickstep |
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Skill prized by the crafty and fleet of foot.
Perform a quickstep maneuver that allows for circling around lock-on targets. |
Quickstep is a Skill in Elden Ring. Quickstep is an action skill that allows players to reposition themselves in combat to avoid incoming damage and gain a better position to attack the targeted enemy. Quickstep uses Keen Affinity and is usable all melee arnaments.
How to get Quickstep
- Default skill for the Great Knife, Forked Hatchet, Misericorde, Daggers, Erdsteel Dagger, Hookclaws, Ivory Sickle, Celebrant's Sickle.
- Sold by Knight Bernahl at the Warmaster's Shack for 800
. Elden Ring Map Link.
- Can be purchased from Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold after giving them Bernahl's Bell Bearing.
- Default skill for the Venomous Fang.
Elden Ring Quickstep Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Quickstep.
- FP Cost: 3
- Stamina Cost: 12 (the same as rolling)
- If you're out of FP, the Stamina Cost is 18.
- A single use of Quickstep provides 15 invulnerability frames (at 30 FPS).
- If you use Quickstep multiple times in a row, uses after the first provide 13 i-frames (14 with light Equip Load).
- If you're out of FP, it provides only 5 i-frames.
- See Dodging for detailed information on the mechanic and a comparison of different dodging skills.
- When R1 is pressed after using this skill sideways or backwards, it will perform a Backstep attack.
- As stated in the skills description, using this skill sideways while locked on will circle around the target you are locked on to. If you wish to circle around the target, then you must perform the sideways animation. This maneuver does not work when using the forward or backwards animation. Changed in patch 1.06. see example below (Try holding back-left or back-right when you're right next to your target to ensure a sideways quickstep.)
- This skill can be used even when the equip load is overloaded.
- Patch 1.06 introduced several substantial changes to Quickstep:
- It reduced the activation interval when using Quickstep repeatedly, making it easier to circle around the enemy when locked on.
- It added more curving towards your target when Quickstepping forwards or sideways, giving it a reason to choose Quickstep over Bloodhounds Step. (Ex. When using a forward-left/right Quickstep Infront of your target, you will curve around and home in towards your targets back, perfectly setting up for a backstab)
- It increased the recovery time when using Quickstep repeatedly.
- It increased the distance traveled with a light Equip Load.
Click below for Quickstep recovery frame data.
See Quickstep recovery frames at 30 FPS (click to reveal)
- Roll: 10
- Ash of War: 7
- Right-hand attack: 2
- Left-hand attack: 6
- Block: 10
- Quick item use: 7
- Item use: 12
- Walk: 14
Forward (Repeated)
- Roll: 12
- Ash of War: 9
- Right-hand attack: 4
- Left-hand attack: 6
- Block: 12
- Quick item use: 9
- Item use: 14
- Walk: 16
Light Load Forward (Repeated)
- Roll: 10
- Ash of War: 7
- Right-hand attack: 3
- Left-hand attack: 4
- Block: 10
- Quick item use: 7
- Item use: 12
- Walk: 14
- Roll: 8
- Ash of War: 6
- Right-hand attack: 1
- Left-hand attack: 6
- Block: 9
- Quick item use: 6
- Item use: 10
- Walk: 12
Back (Repeated)
- Roll: 10
- Ash of War: 8
- Right-hand attack: 3
- Left-hand attack: 5
- Block: 11
- Quick item use: 8
- Item use: 12
- Walk: 14
Light Load Back (Repeated)
- Roll: 8
- Ash of War: 6
- Right-hand attack: 2
- Left-hand attack: 3
- Block: 9
- Quick item use: 6
- Item use: 10
- Walk: 12
- Roll: 7
- Ash of War: 6
- Right-hand attack: 1
- Left-hand attack: 5
- Block: 8
- Quick item use: 7
- Item use: 11
- Walk: 10
Side (Repeated)
- Roll: 9
- Ash of War: 8
- Right-hand attack: 3
- Left-hand attack: 5
- Block: 10
- Quick item use: 9
- Item use: 13
- Walk: 12
Light Load Side (Repeated)
- Roll: 7
- Ash of War: 6
- Right-hand attack: 2
- Left-hand attack: 3
- Block: 8
- Quick item use: 7
- Item use: 11
- Walk: 10
- Anonymous
As I became more experienced and more...less bad...at the game, I have really come to appreciate these iframes. Skipping through a frontal attack to get in the enemy's face, slipping past ranged attacks, getting behind a foe while using Misericorde...
Why earlier today I used this to dodge an Albinauric Cartwheel
All for a measly 3 FP, and being MUCH more responsive than roll-dodging.
- Anonymous
It's so fun that this uses those gap-closing backstep attacks (when you dodge sideways or backwards), since backstepping it's useless 95% of the time. And it just looks cooler and more realistic than rolling around like a dumbass.
The game honestly feels more balanced with this, because of the fast recovery, backsteps attacks and extra iFrames (specially useful for AoE bullshit) unfortunately we have to sacrifice offensive ashes to use it. Wish it was a talisman like in Dark Souls 1 or the default mechanic like in Bloodborne and Sekiro.
- Anonymous
I think many bosses would feel better to solo if this was a core mechanic rather than a weapon skill.
It should be tied to equip loaad similar to rolling: More equip load , less i-frames; and vice versa.
- Anonymous
If your opponent has low poise, you can get through their defensive weapon (spears, torches) by just quickstepping straight into them. It causes a stagger.
- Anonymous
Pressing L2 to dodge is a bit awkward, so remap the AoW button to circle when using quickstep
- Anonymous
We moving like Pontiff Sulvayhan with this one lads and lasses
- Anonymous
Under-appreciated skill for getting the jump on a rushing gang squad. As you backpedal, untoggle then quickstep towards that back with your Misericorde.
- Anonymous
(Quicksteps behind enemy, and whispers in their ear):
Omae wa mou.. shindeiru
- Anonymous
"Noooo your build is now invalid because you have heavy equip load!"
"lol", the highly armored colossal greatsword wielder said, "lmao"
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
the only op part about it is the recovery cancel, without that it wouldn't be nearly as oppressive in pvp
- Anonymous
I also just like this cuz rolling looks silly a lot of the time (especially vs smaller enemies, whereas it looks perfectly sensible versus gigantic attacks from gigantic enemies). I even analyzed most of the weapons in the game to see which crouch attacks (which also get used after quickstep) look smoothest out of quickstep, since SOME crouch attacks are clearly visually designed to look good after rolling and weird (jerky) after quickstepping, while others are designed the other way. Broadsword and Cane Sword have a quickstep-oriented crouch attack while Longsword etc has a more roll-oriented crouch attack, for instance.
- Anonymous
Ahhhh, my favourite ash of war. Backstabs have never been easier…
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This on a zweihander is a good combo if you like playing with a light load but a heavy weapon and value speed and mobility over a more nukey weapon art
- Anonymous
Bloodhound step is something im used to. Yet this, even after seeing it for years in ds3 is terrifying sometimes.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I was in an invasion and this dude i was fighting kept spamming the bloody helix backstep AoW... and then it happened...
This weapon outpaces and sets up the perfect backstab when using that ash of war.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
so they just patched this ostensibly to be more effective; anybody notice any difference? is it more better? has it improved upgradedly?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I actually like this ash more than Bloodhound's Step.. Simply because it makes backstep attacks (a usually underutilized move in your moveset) a LOT more viable, by making them far more consistent/easy to pull off thanks to the iframes, but much MUCH more importantly: because instead of hitting circle with no additional inputs to dodge, you can just pull back on your stick and L2 to backstep directionally, and follow up with that wicked backstep attack while still remaining in close range, unlike BHS which puts you on the other side of the map if you backstep. Another really great quirk of this mechanic is you can pull back on the stick almost anywhere in a 180 degree cone of movement behind you and still be able to use the backstep attack (which usually launches you forward a bit) while not actually giving up any distance on the initial dodge. Just a really great way to expand your palate of viable moves if you are a Bloodborne enthusiast or just want to get more value out of the base moveset of your weapon. Also it actually allows you to really keep the pressure on your opponent because of the v short distance you travel while quickstepping.
and besides it kinda feels bad man using BHS in PVP. I still think anyone should use whatever gear/strat that they want but games are about having fun at the end of the day, and I don't feel like I'm having as much fun when I'm using BHS compared to this bad boy.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Funny thing is this can be put on a weapon that you don't have the stat requirements for and you can use the ash without using an FP which is strange. Useful for areas such as the abandoned cave and volcano manor lava.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Started using this in pvp instead of BHS. Why? Because i felt like i was cheating. Hope they nerf BHS soon so i can pick it up again.
- Anonymous
really wish their was something like the wood grain ring in ds1 that transformed your dodge, really wanna make a hunter build with the malenia rune but I hate how it uses fp
- Anonymous
I just put it on my confessor sword but when i press to dodge it doesnt do a quickstep, is there another button to press or something? Or how do you use it?
- Anonymous
Came here to figure out how to use this in abandoned cave. Left still not knowing
- Anonymous
i cant equip quickstep to my shield.
Im a confessor.
it has no magical attack attributes. help!
- Anonymous
While lock-on, if you time it against any attack that moves the attacker slightly forward, while moving your character front-left/front-right, your character will circle around the target. I don't know if it works every time or not, but I've been using it sometimes against enemies with shield that are hard to stagger. I'd say the point of the quickstep is to get a backstab, but against some of the enemies, just getting a few of easy attacks in saves a lot of trouble.
- Anonymous
So...is there any reason to use this instead of bloodhound step? Iframes and distance on that just seem overall better,
- Anonymous
Do not overlook this ash in PVE. Once you are able to get Bloodhound Step its an obvious upgrade, but until then, this thing is actually extremely useful. It basically allows you to operate using Bloodborne rules, focusing on evasion and allowing for a more aggressive playstyle. A lot of late game bosses are extremely fast, so this allows you to keep pace with them. Still gives iframes even when fp is depleted, though possibly less
- Anonymous
I really wish a slightly nerfed quickstep was the norm instead of dodge roll. Dodge roll feels silly when half the enemies are humanoid. I used this for most of my playthrough, but I wish I could have applied it to unique weapons as well.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You can chain quickstep and back steps together in the same direction with a little finesse and gain distance very very quickly with I frames to boot.
I’ve been using it on the godskin peeler in pvp to surprising success :p
- Anonymous
put this on oversized weapons to mess with cowardly people in pvp
- Anonymous
How to perform Quickstep when assigned to a weapon???? Anybody?? Xbox One X
- Anonymous
Are the iframes in quickstep diminished based on equip load like rolls?
- Anonymous
this has iframes it's less than normal dodge but it's really good if you want to move to far
- Anonymous
does anyone else feel like the startup timing of quickstep is off or maybe there are less i-frames or something than in ds3? finding it less reliable in elden ring
- Anonymous
Does anyone know if this has the critical hit penalty that we saw in Dark Souls III?
Dual greatswords have a really good backstep attack, this let's you use that without having to deal with backstep being shitty, it's neat