Double Slash |
Skill of superior swordsmen. Perform a crossing slash attack from a low stance.
Repeated inputs allow for up to two follow up attacks. |
Double Slash is a Skill in Elden Ring. Double Slash is a regular skill that can be applied with Ashes of War to swords and polearms capable of slashing (colossal weapons excepted). Double Slash has Keen Affinity.
How to get Double Slash in Elden Ring
- Ash of War: Double Slash - Found in Sellia, Town of Sorcery: Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab found high above on a very large root in the western end of town. Accessible by jumping across the rooftops. [Elden Ring Map Link]
- Default skill for the Serpentbone Blade.
Elden Ring Double Slash Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Double Slash.
- FP Cost: 6 on use.
- 3 FP for the next two following inputs.
- Using all the inputs totals to a 12 FP cost (6 + 3 + 3).
- Deals 9+12+10 ( Total 31) stance damage
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- All 6 separate slashes can be Parried
- Upon activation, the user briefly holds the armament (weapon) to their right side, before slashing twice side-to-side in front of them.
- Inputting the Skill button again allows for another follow up, with the user making a brief spin before slashing thrice side-to-side.
- Inputting the Skill button after this allows for one last follow up, where the user makes an overhead slash all the way to the ground.
- The total amount of skill inputs are 3, for a total of 6 hits.
- Each hit consumes stamina separately, has different damage modifiers, and on-hit status buildup penalties (if weapon has any).
- Status buildup is less per hit, compared to light attacks. This applies to both innate status buildup and buildup obtained from weapon buffs (such as greases).
- The speed of the Weapon Skill can vary. This is based on the type of armament in question that has the skill.
- "Small" armaments such as Daggers, Straight Swords, Curved Swords and Katanas have overall fast speed on all attacks. There's almost no delay between each attack performed.
- "Large" armaments such as Greatswords, Twinblades, Halberds, and Scythes (Reapers) have a slight attack delay on the first input, and a longer, considerable delay on the follow up.
- The recovery time of the first two inputs is the same as small armaments, the difference lies on the actual speed when performed.
- The last follow up seems to have the same speed, regardless of armament. However, large armaments have a slightly longer recovery period before they can move again.
- Stamina consumption depends on the type of armament that has the skill. Large armaments consume more stamina.
- When used without FP:
- Has a severe damage penalty (approximately 40% less damage compared to light attacks)
- User can bounce off walls on hit.
- This strangely enough doesn't apply to shields on PvP. Blocked attacks from Double Slash won't bounce off even without FP. However, normal enemies can make the user bounce off when blocking.
General Usage Tips
- The weapon skill, when used on its entirety, consumes high amounts of stamina. Make sure to manage your stamina well.
- Since the weapon skill depends of player input, this allows them to use the skill, and change their approach according to the situation.
- For example, using Double slash once, then dodge an incoming attack by rolling.
- Because each hit uses a portion of your total damage, using small armaments with high damage is a good way to optimize this skill.
- This becomes specially true when using weapon buffs, as they add damage and have a lesser damage penalty when using the skill.
- This skill allows for flexible combos, as it can be used after recovery windows are finished.
- For example: light attack, Double Slash, light attack. Or light attack, Double Slash, Double Slash, etc.
- The reach and area coverage of every hit depends entirely of the specific weapon used. Longer weapons are more effective for this purpose.
- The attack speed based on the type of weapon is a behavior shared with the Weapon Skill, Sword Dance.
- The first two portions of this Weapon Skill look similar to the first two parts of Floating Passage, a Combat Art from the game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
- Corpse Piler, a weapon skill unique to the Rivers of Blood, has an almost identical moveset. However, Corpse Piler has a trail of blood per each slash and the blood trail can hit through walls and pillars.
- This weapon skill can be used as a low FP alternative of Corpse Piler by applying it onto a Nagakiba with Occult infusion, or applying the Bloodflame Blade spell.
Builds with Double Slash
- Anonymous
This should not be called double slash. The first input is 2, yes, but the next one is 3 and then 1. Doesn't really make sense.
- Anonymous
PvE, this feels really hard to use. Unusable on polearms (slow animations, stagger weaker than an R1), low poise damage on heavy weapons (full combo less than 3 Greatsword 2h R1s), extreme stamina consumption, nerfed status & weapon buff MVs, unimpressive damage. I suppose on a katana or curved sword against weak mobs it'll combo them nicely. But I would stick with R1/R2 mixing myself, since this locks you into high stamina consumption.
- Anonymous
I might be crazy but I swear this skill swings slower when attacking really large enemies like dragons. Then again, I was testing with rivers of blood, but I assume this works the same since Corpse Piler is just a Double Slash re-skin.
- Anonymous
Nagakiba (Double Slash) + Bloodflame = Better version Rivers of Blood
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I think this works great on the great katana. It's range is is really good, and has the potential for bleed and seems to have decent poise (the flinching kind) damage. Great for exploring, and deleting "soldier" type enemies. Maybe not the best choice for bosses tho.
- Anonymous
This pairs fantastically with Milady. The heavy attack into the first input of this skill works so well
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Incredible on normal Katanas. It's easy to interrupt and slow to start on Great Katanas.
- Anonymous
Radahn Soldiers using the straightsword utilize this skill's first input
- Anonymous
Unlike what ROB suggests, due the low poise damage, you will be interrupted by most of the enemies in PVE using this with a Katana, so is better put this in weapons like Greatswords, you can interrupt Banished Knights for examples of that way.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You can shoot it from the Under-Stair SoG. No messing around on rooftops required. I needed arrows reach talisman though.
- Anonymous
An animation that closer resembles how to swing a sword, rather than smashing it into the ground. Is an AoW.
is an aow?
- Anonymous
While it admittedly comes down to the weapon you're using, that little dash on the first input has some deceptively good range to it. Try either walking or back-stepping away from attacks, instead of dodging through then, then following-up with the first double slash. It's very rewarding once you get the spacing & timing down.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
i kind of wish this was chargeable, let me explain:
what if instead of going for follow-ups, you could instead charge the initial double slash, and doing so gave you a double slash that comes out similar to that of ashina cross from sekiro?
- Anonymous
wonder if they'll ever speed up its startup/recovery like they did with nearly every other skill, at least in regards to its other melee contemporaries like sword dance, impaling thrust, and the like.
- Anonymous
I kinda wanna use this instead of r1s entirely. It's not too bad without FP so I'mma just slap this on a long weapon with bleed and/or cold
- Anonymous
I remember before the nerf to Greatswords usage. Now it's hardly worth using on Greatswords because it's simply too slow and doesn't have any damage significance to make it worth using over R1s as it still drains a small amount of FP and the 2nd input locks you into the animation while R1s you can always roll after each input and it has a penalty to status build-up.
- Anonymous
"Yes, and you call this double slash, despite the fact you attack a total of six times."
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Briefly allow the Tarnished to know how to actually swing a sword for six seconds. 10/10
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Double Slash:
- Consists of 6 slashes
- Exclusive to swords and polearms
Sword Dance:
- Consists of 2 slashes and a follow-up slam
- Allows axes as well as swords and pillars
Personally feel like it'd make more sense to swap the two skills names
- Anonymous
The weapon class matters. Difference in speed between this and sword dance on my straghtsword and curved greatsword are highly noticable. Something to consider, wish the differences were this potent with more ashes
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Rivers of blood at home but it’s actually stronger then rivers of blood…
- Anonymous
The wiki pages for sword dance and this AoW both mention the speed of their attack depends on the weapon type they are put on. But the difference between DS on the serpentbone blade and flamberge is jarring and immediately obvious. But there isn't anywhere near as big a difference with sword dance on a heavier weapon. It worked very well for me early game on lordsworn's greatsword and I have it on a blood grave scythe now and the attack itself is not slow it stun-locks and shreds anything in front of it. With sword dance the difference in speed is a slight delay on the scythe but the attack itself is as fast as a sword. It didn't take long for me to adjust for it.
- Anonymous
I was sleeping on this way to long as I reasonably assumed it consisted of merely two slashes.
- Anonymous
Is the gif on the top is from beta?
Double slash doesn't flinch knights.
- Anonymous
Extremely stylish and pairs well with the damage boost insignias. HOWEVER, the big, late game enemies and high poise players will no sell your attacks and slap you around like a paper doll. This time I have to give up fashion and a slight synergy for something more powerful, like Sword Dance and Lion's Claw.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This with a Dismounter is so delicious! Shame though that people have enough poise to roll out of the follow up. Still good in pvp and pve because of the damage and (for pvp) a good spacing checker (which coupled with a few ranged incants like black blade or lightning spear, it can really be useful)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Almost every skill has a variant: corpse piler to this, royal knights resolve to determination, bloodhound step to quickstep. Im starting to question how many unique skills do we actually have...
- Anonymous
Ash of war called double slash: performs a dance of six attacks with your sword.
Ash of war called sword dance: slashes twice.
- Anonymous
Hi um, is nagakiba + blood affinity + double slash
is that dishonourable lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This ash is interesting because it has two different speeds depending on the weapon. For larger weapons like a halberd, this ash comes out slower. I think this was a balance decision. Could you imagine if a weapon with the range of the halberd was able to use this ash of war as fast as a sword? That would be completely unbalanced haha. I'm glad fromsoft had the foresight to change the speed for longer-ranged weapons.......
- Anonymous
I didn't even recognize this as being corpse piler light, and absolutely loved it on my Claymore. I wish noone would have pointed that out to me because now i feel like i kinda don't want to use it amymore.
- Anonymous
Anyone know how much poise you need to not get stun locked by this or RoB?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can be charged. Also completely melts everything it touches. Comes equipped on Serpentbone Blade by default and you can charge it to dash forward or just spam it at close range. Low FP cost and high dmg. Highly recommended
- Anonymous
If you're still early game, just put this on a blood infused Uchi for a discount Rivers of Blood
- Anonymous
Outdated beta information... I have the ashes of war and applied it to my twinblade. Actually play the game and figure it out...
- Anonymous
Looks sexy on Knight's Greatsword and suits the special/fluid moveset a lot