Storm Assault |
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One of the skills that channel the tempests of Stormveil. Leap forward through surrounding storm winds and thrust armament downward. The attack will produce more storm winds at the point of impact.
Storm Assault is a Skill in Elden Ring. Storm Assault is a regular skill that can be found in Ashes of War, it can be used on Polearms capable of thrusting, heavy thrusting swords, and Twinblades. Storm Assault has Quality Affinity.
How to get Storm Assault in Elden Ring
- Stormveil Castle: Starting from the Rampart Tower grace, exit onto the ramparts where the war hawks and explosive barrels are. At the tower on the west side where the second war hawk holding an explosive barrel is, jump up onto the battlements on the north side. There is a corpse visible with an item (Marred Wooden Shield). Jumping down to the walls beneath will allow the player to get to the shield. Jumping down further will land the player on a ledge that will collapse, causing them to fall far below into some bushes. A Silver Teardrop Scarab holds the Ash of War.
Elden Ring Storm Assault Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Storm Assault.
- FP Cost: 22
- Deals ?? Stance damage
- This Skill is Not chargeable
- Enraged Divine Beast boosts damage by 10%.
- Anonymous
I love this ash and I know the game won't be updated again, but I'd make some changes to it - more damage in pve, fp cost reduced to ~15, and the storm effect takes on the element it's infused with (cold shows ice particles, fire shows flames like godrick's storms, and lightning the stormhawk axe effect). As it is now, sadly it's like storm stomp, for bosses it's quite useless and 22 fp is crazy. But it's hype as hell jumping like that, and it can be deadly against aggressive invaders.
- Anonymous
so anyone got confirmation of the stance damage this skill does?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The full combo if you land the sword attack does 5 x base weapon poise damage. The wind from the jump does 100% base weapon poise damage and the sword landing does 400% base weapon poise damage. If you miss the sword landing but hit with the jump landing wind hit box you do another 100 poise damage. Meaning if you miss the sword but land the jump wind hit box you do 2 x base weapon poise damage.
- Anonymous
Should be one of the most fun ashes to use and yet something about its execution is completely unsatisfying. I mean, look at the complete lack of comments.
- Anonymous
This is one of the most satisfying skills visually and it just feels right, to channel the storm and jump like a banished knight.
- Anonymous
I have 100 poise, how come when Banished Knights use this it staggers me instantly?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Look at me, I’m Vyke and insta kill you just from being close to me. I have infinite poise. I could be Elden lord. I’m so good. Nobody can overcome the same two loves over and over.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
everything vyke had before the frenzied flame is so dog **** that I'm not surprised he's gone insane
- Anonymous
I feel like they could definitely decrease the FP cost of this Ash to make it more comparable and enticing to other Ashes.
- Anonymous
this is deffinently what frenzy flame thrust was before vyke encountered the three fingers
- Anonymous
Actually really good and pretty underrated. It's a really good for punishing in PvP and works pretty well in PvE
- Anonymous
How do the ashes of war calculate damage? is it the weapon upgrade level, the player's attributes or a combination of the two?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
AKA what Vyke uses to instakill you in Mountaintops, then of course you use it on your weapon and it does jackshit
- Anonymous
Probably the skill Vyke used before turning to the frenzied flame
- Anonymous
I use this on the Lance and it's glorious. It pairs extremely well with the running power attack
- Anonymous
Extremely powerful. It'll faceplant any human sized enemy if this hits dead on. The only real issue is its short reach. Not as in AoE. It can't jump far at all. So you need to be on them or it'll miss. However because it can faceplant enemies, it is safe to assume this does some hefty stance damage too.
Looks very cool and satisfying, but the numers are a little underwhelming. You need to hit with the whole combo to have good damage, which defeats the purpose of the ranged jump since you need to be at kissing range from the enemy to land the whole jump+landing+storm combo. And the stance damage doesn't seem very good, either. You will probably kill the mob by spaming this before you break their stance even once.
Compre it to something like Impaling Thrust or Piercing Fang which are instantaneous and do plenty of stance damage. Most storm skills seem to be more centered for PvP as poise checks.