Sacred Order |
Skill of the Golden Order fundamentalist knights. Perform a salute and grant the armament holy essence. Highly effective against Those Who Live in Death.
Sacred Order is a Skill in Elden Ring. Sacred Order is a skill of the Golden Order found on the Treespear. Can be mistaken for its aura buff counterpart, Shared Order. Updated to Patch 1.07. Sacred Order has a Sacred Affinity and is usable with all melee arnaments.
How to get Sacred Order
- Default skill of the Treespear
- Ash of War: Sacred Order - Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab in Altus Plateau, just north of the Abandoned Coffin Site Of Grace.
Elden Ring Sacred Order Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Sacred Order.
- FP Cost: 18
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- Damage +10% in PVE, and 2.5% in PVP
- Deals +100% damage to Undead type enemies and prevents Skeletons from reviving
- Duration: 60 seconds.
- Counts as a Weapon Buff.
- See Buffs and Debuffs for more information on stacking buffs.
- Note: This Skill was changed with Patch 1.07 as follows: The effect time has been extended from 30 to 60 seconds.
- Anonymous
I wondered why I never used this, then I saw that it gets a -75% nerf in PvP, AND it's best case use is powerstancing. So you gotta cough up hyperarmor, poise damage, the 50% STR boost, an AoW slot, and a weapon buff for a measly 10% (2.5% PvP) damage bonus?
Dude, I get 15% more damage with just the two-hand sword Talisman. I get an AoW, a weapon buff of my choosing, more hyper armor, more poise damage, and all the damage buff of a 50% STR bonus from two handing my weapon.
Of course the comments are filled with numberchasing buff stackers. All that love of big numbers and no concept of practicality, versatility, or economy.
This is only good for fighting undead. I wouldn't even use it to buff spell casting, I'd just dual wield two Staffs of Lost for a 63% increase to damage, rather than a piddly 42% from one Staff of Lost + Sacred Order.
- Anonymous
Just powerstanced bandits curved sword, each one with one of these, plus last rites, and deleted a ghostflame dragon with two jumping attacks, literally two.
- Anonymous
Strongest aow for powerstance if you care only about damage. Cragblade for example increases 15% of physical damage DEALT BY THAT WEAPON, while this one increases 10% ALL damage dealt by ALL sources, including your other hand's weapon! So if you duplicate this aow and put one on each hand and cast both, you buff the damage of both hands by 21% for 60s
- Anonymous
Use this when fighting that Ghostflame Dragon near the Moorth Ruins, the one fighting all the mobs. Soooo much less frustrating.
- Anonymous
1.14's patch notes says: "Fixed a bug where the enchantment effects of certain skills were being applied to some attacks that did not use weapons". I was afraid it was referring to sacred order (as it is a weapon buff that also boosts non-weapon damage). Tested it: IT STILL BUFFS the other weapon's attacks (including spells).
- Anonymous
this ash is not really that good but man does it feels so paladin on a claymore
- Anonymous
This is one of the best Ashes of War in the game for two reasons:
1. It counts as a weapon buff, so it stacks with Golden Vow and Flame Grant me Strength
2. It buffs all damage, including Ashes of War, by 10% as long as you keep it in your offhand.
Stick it on a dagger and you have a slightly weaker Jellyfish shield buff that lasts twice as long, and increases damage by 100% against undead.
- Anonymous
Kicking myself for not testing this earlier, both the 10% damage increase and anti-undead effect apply to spells as long as you hold the weapon that used the Sacred Order buff. You can use any spell that does damage and now it not only does double damage to undead, but also prevents the annoying revive. This is great to know in light of the fact that Fromsoft refuses to add good anti-undead spells for some reason.
I also tested Golden Epitaph's skill, Last Rites, and as it turns out it effects spells as well, but as an aura buff instead of a weapon buff. You can stack both buffs for a massive damage increase against undead enemies.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If you ever have difficulty with Deathbirds or the DLC's Ghostflame Dragon, stack sacred order and shared order for a fat +263% dmg against the undead. They will melt like butter
- Anonymous
Check it out:
Have Golden Epitaph and use Last Rites (+100% undead damage)
Last rites is an Aura buff so you can swap off the weapon.
Power stance any two sacred affinity weapons, each with Sacred Order.
Sacred Order also gives +100% undead damage, except unlike other weapon buffs, It's bugged like RKR use to be, and affects all your damage, including the other weapon.
Now anything you do with those two weapons (or any consumables, not that it matters much) will deal 8x damage to all undead enemies. This includes Death Rite Birds and Ghostflame Dragons. All undead bosses become INSTANTLY invalidated. It's reasonable to expect a complete one-shot if you use a few other buffs with it
- Anonymous
can't be used on the smithscript weapons, not even the Golem Fists
- Anonymous
Ive been thinking, and I think this is actually underrated on some dex poweratanced setups. Normally lightning slash is better to buff your offhand, but it can't be applied to all weapons, particularly the dex favored speaes.
I think it can also be valuable on a blunt heavy weapon for str builds as well.
- Anonymous
I'm kind of confused - this page says that this ash gives a straight %10 damage buff and also increases the damage done to undead enemies by 100%. That makes it sound to me like it doesn't have anything to do with holy damage specifically, but am I wrong about that?
Also, what is the difference between this an the Shared Order skill, other than the type of buff category?
- Anonymous
This is great for low level co op. Dragging my Sacred Iron Balls up and down the Deathtouched Catacombs.
- Anonymous
Absolute trash if you have 13 int to cast order's blade which does everything this ash does on top of lasting 90 secs and adding 0.75 × incant scaling which is always more than the 10% boost
- Anonymous
Absolute trash if you have 13 int to cast order's blade which does everything this ash does on top of lasting 90 secs and adding 0.75 × incant scaling which is always more than the 10% boost
- Anonymous
HATE DEATHRITE BIRDS? Especially the ones you find in late game?
Use ANY two weapons, one with Sacred Order, and Shared Order in the other, buff offhand first, and then main hand (you don't need them upgraded btw, a +0 will do just fine). Equip the Sacred Scorpion Charm and Companion Jar talismans, and the "Jar" headgear (the one that you wear over your head). Drink the Wondrous Physick with the Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear. Do all of these steps before the Deathrites spawn so you can get some free potshots at them while they play their animation.
Congratulations my friend, you can now 3-shot the Consecrated Snowfields Deathrite Bird (aka the hardest one) with the standard Holy Water Pots.
If you manage to hit him in the head it only takes two pots. I did this with a Faith investment of 15.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Using this on an offhand cestus is like using a second sacred seal in your offhand for the damage bonus to specific incantation types before you get access to the actual seal. I'm definitely going to do this with my next lightning spear prophet build until I beat two main bosses and get the gravel stone seal.
- Anonymous
Is this better or worse than sacred blade? sacred blade includes the same +100% damage bonus against undead but also a nice projectile attack. SB gives 90 flat damage instead of Sacred Order's +10%, is that the trade-off? 10% is probably stronger than flat 90.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
does this change my weapons scaling? i.e. does it add sacred affinity?
- Anonymous
This skill is so weird. The visual effect is pretty misleading since it buffs both hands. You can even use it twice for both hands, AND stack it with aura buffs. Swapping weapons doesn't remove the visual effect.
- Anonymous
There's sometimes a visual glitch that gives my holy weapons a Holy aura that makes it look like it extends the range. It makes my greatsword look like it has the hit radius of an UGS, straight sword a greatsword, etc. I dont think it actually extends effective range, it is just visual, but it looks pretty cool.
- Anonymous
I just hit a Death Bird with my Carian Sword and it did 299 damage, then I used Shared Order via a dagger, Sacred Order via another dagger (in my right hand), and Sacred Order again via another dagger (in my left hand), and hit the Death Bird again for 2395 damage. If I'd done my dual wield attack instead of a basic R1 the Death Bird would've been Thanos Snapped.
- Anonymous
This buff is secretly insane (in terms of value). It's a pseudo Body/Aura buff that stacks WITH Shared Order. It's categorized as a Weapon buff (so it stacks with Body and Aura buffs) but it behaves entirely like a Body buff, meaning it affects all your weapons (even if you switch off the one that casted it) including ones that are literally unbuffable. It can make Somber weapons glow gold, although for some reason it only makes your right hand weapon glow gold even though it increases the damage of both your weapons. It stacks with Shared Order, so if you want a super cheap pair of buffs to throw on practically any type of build, carry two daggers with these two ashes on them. They have a good duration and mana cost. Currently using this on a Carian Knight's Sword x Crystal Sword dual sword build. Just tested vs a skeleton to confirm that this stacks amazingly with Shared Order. Using a Carian Knight sword +8 (35 str, 20 int), my 2H R1 did 386 normally, 854 with Sacred Order, and 1408 with both Sacred Order and Shared Order, which is a hilarious amount of damage increase, so if you want to do comedic levels of damage to Death Rite Birds...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Did conclusive testing: Shared order beats sacred order in every way. Holy pot did 1800 dmg with no buff. Sacred order did ~2000 dmg. Shared order did ~3000dmg on holy pot. All against a skeletal bandit at church of pilgrimage always from behind and always in stealth mode twice each. I also tested with lightning pots: it took 3 lightning pots to kill the skeletal bandit on sacred order. It took 2 lightning pots on shared order. Tested twice each, from behind in the rain. The skeletal bandit resurrected when killed with sacred order but stayed perms dead when killed by shared order. Both ashes buffed spell damage identically and skeletons still resurrected when killed by spells. Skeletons do not resurrect when killed by ashes (tested with thunder bolt) on both buffs. It was a long shot but I also tested Orders Blade: it did not buff spell damage and lightning pots/spells did not prevent undead from resurrecting. Orders Blade only blocked resurrection in melee or with ranged ashes like thunderbolt. I went to the consecrated snowfield death bird, applied Orders Blade on a mace with Shared order and used both buffs to easily slay it in melee. Keen mace, 22 dex, 59 fth, NG2.
- Anonymous
Why is this nerved in pvp. cragblade and braggarts roar are not and give 15% and additional stuff. i dont get it.
- Anonymous
This skill also adds 10% incantation damage while holding the blessed weapon
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
OK right, new to all this and keep forgetting that affinities are not tied to active skills. So: if you give the weapon Sacred affinity, and use the active skill, the effects stack? It adds the active skills holy bonuses on top of the weapon's holy damage it gets from Sacred affinity? Tangentally: you could give this ash to weapons with a non-Sacred affinity, keep the benefits of the other scaling/damage types, and still have Holy damage on demand?
- Anonymous
I like this but I want to know if the old lords talisman will up the duration of the weapon spell?
- Anonymous
Just doing a small amount of testing - but this actually seems to be a global 10% damage buff, so it affects ALL outgoing damage, incantations included, tested with lightning spear
- Anonymous
feels like this is a weapon buff while shared order and golden vow are aura buffs, so this one kinda acts like a morion blade, but with a timer instead of RTR.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
in most cases this won't add more holy damage to your weapon than sacred blade does.
if you plan on casting holy damage dealing incantations, now that's a different story.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does this work with dual weapons? I only see the main weapon light up when I use
- Anonymous
This seems to buff your character's weapons and not just the weapon it used with.
Tested it on the Skeletons in Farum Azula.
I used it on offhand, then switched to other weapons and they all permanently killed the enemies. Pretty neat
Upon testing, this appears to add +10% Holy damage to BOTH weapons for 30 seconds (tested from as soon as I was able to swing weapon). Can be used on each weapon to stack the +10% Holy damage buff multiplicatively (so it's more like +21% Holy damage to both weapons). Testing data compared to the two other Sacred weapon buff Ashes of War can be found here:
- Anonymous
Golden Epitah has a hidden ability of not letting undead resurrect when killed even without its ability active, it’s probably why it’s weapon skill is named differently than sacred order.
- Anonymous
The buff on the weapon lasts 30 seconds. I timed it. If you kill a skeleton with it, the skeleton will not resurrect.
- Anonymous
One thing i found out it does: It makes these undead enemies unable to resurrect after they are defeated. Im also pretty sure it does SOMETHING to your dmg ratios, but no clue what exactly.
- Anonymous
So what does it actually do? Add additional holy damage to the weapon? Make all damage holy? Why do from soft games always make it like a science to find out wtf things do? Also "last rite" on the "golden epitaph" sword supposedly does this so why is is called differently?
- Anonymous
I can equip it but it's not in my inventory so I can't see what it does
Maybe stop worrying about what 10% phys attack is going to do for your buffstack oneshot chad and just fight the boss a few more times. You'd have beaten it by now if you weren't here scrolling through the Fextralife comment section