Special Weaknesses are a unique mechanic for certain enemies in Elden Ring. Certain Weapons, Skills, and Spells deal extra damage to these certain types of Enemies.

  • See Status Effects for all status buildups and other effects applied to your character.
  • See Buffs & Debuffs for useful information regarding the stacking or overwriting of effects on your character.
  • See Damage Types to identify the best sources and resistances for all damage types.
  • See Affinities for a comparison of each affinity's effects and their respective whetblades.
  • See Equipment with Special Effects for special stat-increasing or effect-granting weapons and armor.


All Special Weaknesses in Elden Ring

meteorite of astel sorcery elden ring wiki guide 200px Gravity

Gravity enemies come from the stars far beyond the Lands Between. Often coated in hardened skin and wield powerful magic, but are weak to weapons that share their origins.

ancient death of rancor sorcery elden ring wiki guide 200px Undead

Undead, also called "Those Who Live in Death," defy the sanctity of the Golden Order and are thus weak to Holy Damage and a specific set of weapons, skills, spells, and items.

dragonmaw incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px Dragons

Dragons, characterized by their two wings and elemental breath attacks, are powerful foes often seen as Field Bosses. Vulnerable to weapons that are made to slay them.

ancient dragons %20lightning strike incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px Ancient Dragons

Ancient Dragons, who boast stone scales, four large wings, and the ability to command red lightning. They are not as vulnerable to their weaknesses as their mortal brethren. 

Dragonlord Placidusax is neither a Dragon nor an Ancient Dragon.

Elden Ring Special Weaknesses Notes & Tips

  • Wraith Callers and Revenants are extremely weak to Healing Incantations.
  • Flying enemies are weak to Gravity-type attacks such as Gravitas, which can effectively pull them to the ground.

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    • Anonymous

      i like how this game has reasons for its features its also a piece of lore not just a feature

      -a guy who likes elden ring

      • Anonymous

        For anyone looking forward to some dragon hunting, the dragon hunter great katana with shard of Alexander and godfrey icon, you'll be shredding bayle and any other drake
        - Drake Warrior Shayura

        • Anonymous

          The Ruins Greatsword is a chunk of magic space-rock. It has a unique Gravity AoW, and its charged Heavy Attack leaves a purple magic aftereffect. Why isn't considered a "Gravity" weapon, huh Michael Zaki?!?

          • Anonymous

            How are Revenants, the Royal Revenant, and Spirit Callers not listed in "Undead," and why are the Heal through Erdtree Heal incantations not mentioned as their weaknesses? These incantations absolutely ROCK these enemy types, often one-shot poise-breaking them for an east crit to open the fight, or end it in one attack, as the case may be. Are these enemies not Undead? I guess I don't understand.

            • Anonymous

              My weaknesses are quick moveset and crowd. I hate black knife assassins and duo boss fights. I preffer to fight Fume knight with 30k HP starting at second phase than 2 Royal Revenants at same time.

              • Anonymous

                so you're telling me that gravity type enemies are resistant to magic yet the weapons they're weaker to mostly deal magic damage

                • Anonymous

                  Question: so as of this writing, Bayle’s page counts him as a dragon, but he doesn’t appear on this page. He certainly looks like a dragon, so would he take the extra damage from weapons like the Dragon King’s Cragblade and stuff?

                  • Anonymous

                    Note: There are two kinds of "holy damage". Just because your weapon has Holy AR does not mean it deals this other kind of Holy damage. They only deal the 2nd kind by default if the weapon description says so, which is what deletes skeleton enemies. The listed ashes and incants can also "bless" your weapon with it.

                    e.g. Ordovis Greatsword and does not deal both types, only the AR kind.

                    • Anonymous

                      How the **** is the older than time DRAGON lord not a dragon or an ancient dragon? The hell is fromsoft smoking?

                      • Anonymous

                        It should be noted here that the Revenant undeads take damage from healing spells (the ones with area of effect), deals 50% of there hp with one spell cast

                        • Anonymous

                          They got to make some strong undead in DLC. Those spectral tombstones, deathroot around the Erdtree... All pointing on that one of major bosses must be undead.
                          Stay strong golden order incantations enjoyers!

                          • Anonymous

                            It's interesting that the rotten human enemies we see all over the lands between that are laying in corpse piles set aflame in caelid, wandering the shores of the weeping peninsula and lying dormant in abandoned dungeons, in all of their grotesque and zombie-like appearance, are not considered undead. Despite their unbelievably advanced state of decay they're still just humans. Such is the disturbing reality of a world robbed of proper death.

                            • Anonymous

                              Do the black fire incants actually do bonus damage vs radagon/elden beast? or are they just good because the % based DOT is extremely potent against endgame bosses with massive HP pools? (And endgame bosses have low fire resistence)

                              • Anonymous

                                I remember when i first played elden ring and i saw there were 2 named flying dragons. 2 named glintstone dragons. 2 status effect dragons, so i thought there would be 2 named ancient dragons. there is only 1. ( I know there is placy and fortisax but I thought there would be a 2nd dragon with "ancient dragon" in its name.) Also because i could not resist it, dragon deez nuts cross yo face.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Funny how a lot of the weapons that are “effective” on ancient dragons deal lightning damage. I mean, it’s not like ancient dragons have 80% Lightning resistance and can literally pluck Lightning out of the damn sky to use as weapons. Naaah…

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Ruin's Greatsword doesn't count as a "Gravity" weapon even though its AOW looks similar to other Gravity weapons, such as Fallingstar Jaw?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      holy water pots are godly against undead enemies, even with no faith leveling. Its so good that it does good damage even against the strongest death rite bird. Also easy to make. Makes skeleton filled catacombs a cakewalk

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The weapon skill Sacred Blade seems to do increased damage to Undead, and prevents skeletons from respawning if they are killed by either the projectile or the buffed weapon.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Blackflame incantations, ashes of war and weapons like the Godslayer's Greatsword are extremely effective against Elden Beast. This is cool because it's backed up by the in-game lore.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Not mentioned here - all blackflame attacks extra effective against Godkin (including most if not all demi-gods)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Does the magma wyrm’s scalesword count as a dragon weapon? If the icerind hatchet does it’d be a little weird if the scalesword didn’t

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