Bone Arrow

bone arrow elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack Power
Phy 42
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive

Arrow Pierce

Bone Arrow is an Arrow in Elden Ring. Bone Arrow is a craftable ammo that can be used to inflict ranged damage. It can also pierce enemies' armor. Ammunition can be used in ranged weapons such as Bows and Crossbows, so players can deal ranged damage to Enemies and Bosses.


Arrow whittled from thin animal bones. Craftable item.

Though the arrowhead is sharp indeed, it doesn't fly particularly true.


Where to Find Bone Arrow in Elden Ring

Bone Arrow can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Bone Arrow Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 99 Bone Arrow
  • You can store up to 600 Bone Arrow
  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 1


Bone Arrow Crafting Guide in Elden Ring

To craft Bone Arrow (x10) you would need the Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [1] as well as the following materials:


Elden Ring Arrows
Arrow  ♦  Ballista Bolt  ♦  Black-Key Bolt  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bloodbone Bolt  ♦  Bolt  ♦  Bone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bone Ballista Bolt  ♦  Bone Bolt  ♦  Bone Great Arrow  ♦  Bone Great Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Burred Bolt  ♦  Coldbone Arrow  ♦  Coldbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Coldbone Bolt  ♦  Dwelling Arrow  ♦  Explosive Bolt  ♦  Explosive Greatbolt  ♦  Fire Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Firebone Bolt  ♦  Flaming Bolt  ♦  Golden Arrow  ♦  Golden Bolt  ♦  Golden Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Magic Arrow  ♦  Great Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Haligbone Bolt  ♦  Lightning Greabolt  ♦  Lightning Greatbolt  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Lightningbone Bolt  ♦  Lordsworn's Bolt  ♦  Magicbone Arrow  ♦  Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Magicbone Bolt  ♦  Meteor Bolt  ♦  Perfumer's Bolt  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Poisonbone Bolt  ♦  Radahn's Spear  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Arrow  ♦  Rotbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Bolt  ♦  Serpent Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Bolt  ♦  Spiritflame Arrow  ♦  Storm Arrow  ♦  Stormwing Bone Arrow

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    • Anonymous

      1.12 update increased theses from 35 to 42. 3 dmg less than the regular arrows. Still not a preferable option, but a decent change

      • Anonymous

        These Bone Arrows are amazingly inferior to just the normal Arrows you buy off merchants. I wouldn't bother.

        • Anonymous

          Did the math. Buying the bones to make ten of these is more expensive then getting ten normal arrows. Buying the thun bone from the bone berring is 150 a bone and you need 3 thin bone for 10 bone arrows coming to 450 for 10 bone while it is 20 for a single normal arrow so ten normal arrows are 200.
          TLDR 10 bone arrows is 450 runes while 10 normal arrows is 200 runes

          • Anonymous

            I swear these do strike damage. Regular arrows will do very little to the stone miner dudes but then I shot them with the bone arrow and it does waaaay more. Maybe it's the armor piercing?

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