Igon's Harpoon

igons harpoon great arrow elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack Power
Phy 90
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive

Greatarrow Pierce

Igon's Harpoon is a Greatarrow in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Greatarrow available in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLCIgon's Harpoon was created by Igon, the broken drake warrior, and deal extra damage to Dragons. Ammunition can be used in ranged weapons such as Bows and Crossbows, so players can deal ranged damage to Enemies and Bosses.


Great arrow that bristles with sharp gravel stone pieces. Has an anti-dragon effect.

The broken drake warrior Igon made these one by one in the midst of his agony—so that Bayle the Dread himself would know fear.


Where to Find Elden Ring Igon's Harpoon

Igon's Harpoon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Igon's Harpoon Notes & Tips

  • They cost 1000 runes for each harpoon.
  • Deals +30% damage against dragon icon 40px Dragon type enemies
  • Deals +15% damage against ancient dragon icon 40px Ancient Dragon type enemies
  • They receive a damage bonus from Igon's Greatbow when its equipped.


Elden Ring Arrows
Arrow  ♦  Ballista Bolt  ♦  Black-Key Bolt  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bloodbone Bolt  ♦  Bolt  ♦  Bone Arrow  ♦  Bone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bone Ballista Bolt  ♦  Bone Bolt  ♦  Bone Great Arrow  ♦  Bone Great Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Burred Bolt  ♦  Coldbone Arrow  ♦  Coldbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Coldbone Bolt  ♦  Dwelling Arrow  ♦  Explosive Bolt  ♦  Explosive Greatbolt  ♦  Fire Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Firebone Bolt  ♦  Flaming Bolt  ♦  Golden Arrow  ♦  Golden Bolt  ♦  Golden Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Magic Arrow  ♦  Great Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Haligbone Bolt  ♦  Lightning Greabolt  ♦  Lightning Greatbolt  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Lightningbone Bolt  ♦  Lordsworn's Bolt  ♦  Magicbone Arrow  ♦  Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Magicbone Bolt  ♦  Meteor Bolt  ♦  Perfumer's Bolt  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Poisonbone Bolt  ♦  Radahn's Spear  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Arrow  ♦  Rotbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Bolt  ♦  Serpent Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Bolt  ♦  Spiritflame Arrow  ♦  Storm Arrow  ♦  Stormwing Bone Arrow

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    • Anonymous

      Igon's bell doesn't carry through NG is a shame, also a bit weird.
      I guess if you view this as normal NPC bell it makes sense. But harpoons are directly added to grandma's main tab and not her bell bearing tabs, which makes me expect it to be carried over.

      • Good for my 11/11 str/dex soreseal lvl15 character that has overflowing runes. Igon's bow is great with these. Poor Agheel didn't stand a chance when I came for his heart after Bayle

        • Anonymous

          Don't you kind of wish these were greatbolts? Idk firing harpoons with a bow instead of out of a cannon feels wrong somehow. We could've gotten a new harpoon gun ballista

          • Anonymous

            I tested whether having two Igons bow's equipped would further increase the damage of Igon's Harpoons (like Lions bow to Radahn spears), and it does not further increase the damage

            • Anonymous

              With VERY limited testing, 25 strength and 40 dexterity, testing on the beast man warrior down the stairs from spiral rise as my training dummy:

              Golem Greatbow +10 and great arrow normal shot did 1959, using Through and Through with great arrow it did 3005, with Igon's harpoon normal shot did 1904, and with Through and Through Igon's harpoon did 2932.

              Igon's Greatbow +25 and great arrow normal shot did 1572, using Igon's Drake Hunt with great arrow did 2985, with Igon's Harpoon normal shot did 1828, and with Igon's Drake Hunt and Igon's Harpoon it did 3490.

              Results: In every situation asides from using Igon's Greatbow coupled with Igon's Harpoon, Golem Greatbow with normal great arrows are better, and considering they cost 300 runes versus 1000, plus ease of access to be able to buy Igon's Harpoons, it just is not worth the slight extra damage. HOWEVER, this is not considering that my stats are not focused on utilizing greatbows to their max, nor was I using any talismans that would affect damage other than Shard of Alexander for both weapons because I simply forgot to take it off.

              • Anonymous

                if this doesn't give any kind of bonus against dragons i'm not sure what the point of it is vs. normal great arrows or radahn's spears.

                • Anonymous

                  Is there any buff to using these on igon's greatbow compared to other arrows? Or is it only the anti-dragon effect?

                  • Anonymous

                    O, Death, rest thy teeth. This is not our's to claim, but his. O, Death, bless this bow, these arrows, and the hands that draw them. Let the barbs slake their thirst, with every last DROP OF OUR BEINGS. LET THE VILE BAYLE FEEL THE WRATH OF IGON. O, DEATH, GRANT HIM STRENGTH AND GLORY.

                    • Anonymous

                      Imagine losing your legs in battle with a dragon, and as you are literally dying you make arrows to kill said dragon, just so you can kill it after you've already died. Igon is too cool for this world

                      • Anonymous

                        Likely gonna have spectral lance by default or at least a version more akin to the Follower's Javelin where you just straight up throw it.

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