Smithing Stone [3]

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Reinforce armaments up to +9

Smithing Stone [3] is an Upgrade Material in Elden RingSmithing Stone [3] is a material used for upgrading equipment to a higher level with better stats. Upgrade Materials can be acquired through exploration, looting it from specified areas of a Location, dropped by a specific Enemy or Boss, given by an NPC, or sold by a Merchant.


Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. A particularly hard specimen.

Strengthens armaments up to +9.

Smithing stone is found throughout the Lands Between, and mining galleries built to excavate it can be found everywhere.


Smithing Stone [3] Location in Elden Ring

See Smithing Stone [4] for upgrades past +9.
Where to find Smithing Stone [3]:


Shadow of the Erdtree


Base Game

In the World

Liurnia of the Lakes

  • 8 total can be found throughout Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel. Look for the yellow colored stones on the walls.
  • 3 in a gazebo with a statue, southeast of the Academy Gate Town grace. Beware of Giant Crayfish hiding in the water to the south. The gazebo can be seen on the map. [Map Link]
  • 3 on a corpse sitting on a chair surrounded by flower enemies, in the woods southwest of Eastern Liurnia Lake Shore grace. [Map Link]
  • 3 in a gazebo with a statue, in the woods west of Eastern Liurnia Lake Shore grace. The gazebo can be seen on the map.
  • 3 in a gazebo with a statue just north of the Crystalline Woods grace (note: this gazebo doesn't show on the map). 
  • 3 in the caves that go through Ruin-Strewn Precipice.
    1. One held by a corpse in the second area of the caves.
    2. A second one also held by a corpse, on the roof with the Giant Land Octopus.
    3. Third stone is under a tent on your right when coming across the second harpy.
  • One  on a corpse sitting outside the gazebo in the center of the Laskyar Ruins. [Map Link]
  • One on a corpse in the road up from Academy Gate Town, near a Flame Chariot and several Raya Lucaria Soldiers. [Map Link]
  • One in the cliffside graveyard near Caria Manor. [Map Link]
  •  One at a gravesite where you fight Tibia Mariner in Liurnia of the Lakes. [Map Link]
  •  One on a corpse in the rooftops section of Raya Lucaria Academy. [Map Link]

Ainsel River

Other Locations

Purchase From

Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold after offering them a Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2). They cost 600 runes.

Dropped By

Farming Locations:

  • Bellum Church site of grace: Ride down the ramp in the church and past the Nomadic Merchant.
    Two miners at a campsite further down drop Smithing Stone (2) and (3).
    (With weapons that deal Strike Damage this appears to be the fastest farming spot currently discovered).
  • South Raya Lucaria Gate site of grace [Map Link]: Head down the bridge, the Raya Lucaria Soldiers here drop Smithing Stone (2) and (3).
    Easiest to farm with the two soldiers immediately left or right before the barricades and the around the corners, since they are alone and can be killed quickly from horseback. (After riding to the other side and killing the second soldier teleporting back to the grace is fastest).
  • Impassable Greatbridge site of grace: Trigger the fight between Radahn Soliders and Giant Dogs.
    Low level players can wait on one of the hills for the fight to end, otherwise it is advisable to pick of Redmane Knights while they are distracted.
    With sufficient AoE damage via Skills or Spells this can be the most efficient farming spot.
    (If farming passively, picking up Smithing Stones and pieces of the Redmane Knight and soldier sets from horseback while summons distract the survivors is the safest method).
  • Gael tunnel: This location Traps the player until the site of grace at the end has been reached! (Boss is optional).
    The Radahn Soldiers drop Smithing Stone (2), Smithing Stone (3), and Smithing Stone (4). The Miners drop Smithing Stone (4).


Smithing Stone [3] Elden Ring Guide

  • Used in smithing to strengthen armaments. Specifically, to +7 through +9.
  • At a smithing table, you can spend Runes and Smithing Stones to strengthen your armaments.
  • 12 stones are required to progress a weapon through tier 3: 2 for +7, 4 for +8, and 6 for +9.


Elden Ring Smithing Stone [3] Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 999 Smithing Stone [3].
  • You can store up to 999 Smithing Stone [3].
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 300


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    • Anonymous

      How is it that the flame chariot farm after all this time has still not been added to this page? As far as I'm aware, it is THE most efficient farming method for early game 3s, barring just rushing for the bell bearing.

      • Anonymous

        Unless you have some reason to not trigger the Redahn festival, just go get the bell bearing. In all my playthroughs these are the worst to try to farm besides the 8s. 30 minutes of farming Redahn Soldiers you'll get forty 2's and twenty 4's and only like two or three 3's and the miners have like an actual 1 in 100 drop rate.

        • Anonymous

          Doesn't seem to be listed on this page, but you can also find 3 of these on a rooftop in Jarburg. You have to carefully drop down from the cliff above, thanks to a series of tombstones, then jump from the last tombstone to the roof instead of dropping directly on the ground.

          • Anonymous

            "3 in a gazebo with a statue just north of the Crystalline Woods grace (note: this gazebo doesn't show on the map). ", This is wrong its Smithing Stone 2 (Still three of them).

            • Anonymous

              I recommend Gael Tunnel, lots of soldiers and you can also farm 4s from the miners, bring an upgraded strike weapon to kill the miners fast. I was able to do the route in a little less than 2 minutes with a +6 flail. Otherwise I suggest just getting the ball bearing.

              • Anonymous

                It's honestly easier to just rush to the bell bearing than to farm these. The amount of 3s in the world you can pick up without farming is absurdly lower than the rest for some dumba** reason.

                • Anonymous

                  I've farmed for about one hour and just got 20 of these with an Item Discovery of 176 killing the Flame Chariots at Caelem Ruins. I have all kinds of weapons, so i need a lot of them.

                  • Anonymous

                    If you have or plan on using more than one weapon that upgrades with smithing stones, just grab the bell bearing in the sealed cave. It'll be way less trouble to rune farm.

                    • Anonymous

                      Farming location: Caelem Ruins. Sneak up and get the flame chariots one by one. They drop smithing stone 3 regularly. Good rune farming too at that stage.

                      • Anonymous

                        Gale Tunel is super fast, next to the bonfire lots of Miners and Soldiers, just made 15 stones in like 10 min (Silver Tear Mask and Marikas Scarseal) to get a bit more Arcane

                        • Anonymous

                          Not sure if arcane has anything to do with it but I actually found 10 smithing stone 3s in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel

                          • Anonymous

                            These things are such a damn choke in the upgrade process. They're FAR rarer than they should be for how early you need them (3 out of 8, not counting Ancient Dragon) and you don't get the bell bearing for them until you get to the Capital. Really makes it hard to experiment with different non-unique weapons because they all get stuck at +6, making them simply unusable compared to the single +15 weapon you were able to make with the amount of stones you can get naturally. And UNREASONABLY hard to farm efficiently.

                            • Anonymous

                              I love how I have 30 (4) stones, 16 (5) stones, 12 (6) stones, and yet i am sitting with +7 sword because I don't have (3) stones

                              • Anonymous

                                I love how I have 30 (4) stones, 16 (5) stones, 12 (6) stones, and yet i am sitting with +7 sword because I don't have (3) stones

                                • Anonymous

                                  Impassable Greatbridge? I made 20 runs, killing everybody got exactly 0 smithing stones at 20 arcane. At the end I had 24 helmets 15 chests god knows how many legs and gloves but one thing I sure never seen is smithing stone of any quality.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Do not waste your time on the two miners north of Bellum Church. I farmed them over and over and over and over again, and even when using a Silver Fowl's Foot I got NOTHING from them. Nothing at all. Completely pointless.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      You can easily find way more Stonesword Keys than you could possibly use in a playthrough, but Miyazaki forbid you find a few more smithing stones.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Also dropped by imps. Just got one from the very first imp in Roads End Catacombs.

                                        Depending on the drop rate it might be a good farming spot since that first imp is literally around the corner from the sight of grace

                                        • Anonymous

                                          For the farming locations, if you use a silver pickled fowl foot, you can keep going back to the site of grace to reset and the effect will remain. It goes away if you fast travel though.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            There's a Flame Chariot that sits right next to the Fort Gael North site of grace that I've confirmed will drop (3)s. You just run over, backstab it, then run back to the grace to reset. Takes roughly 25-30 per kill and reset, making it nice and quick.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The Mausoleum soldiers around the Mausoleum outside of Raya Lucaria Crystal tunnels also seem to drop these. As long as the Mausoleum isn't grounded, they will respawn.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I've found that Flame Chariots Only Drop Smithing stone (3) (so no other loot fodder on drop) and are quite easy to kill in my experience. My preffered farming spot when needing (3) was killing the two at Caelem Ruins

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Crazy how long you have to wait to get this if you plan on playing the game in “order”. You can do all of Caelid and Rannis quest underground before being able to buy smithing stone 3

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    In Liurna of the Lakes, just a bit north-west to the 3 you get from the corpse sitting on a chair in a middle of flower enemies north-east of Academy Gate Town's site, there is a gazebo full of flowers. There are 3 more inside that gazebo.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      For me personally I've found Gael Tunnel is a decent place to grind these. There are 8 Soldiers and 8 Diggers total.

                                                      The [3] is still rare but the Diggers are somewhat generous with the [4], on occasion the Soldiers sometimes drop a [2] and on 1 occasion a [4]
                                                      With the Night's Calvary Flail +7 I'm clearing it all in 2 mins, so it's a decent place to farm. Bonus for farming [4] if you need them later.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        it's the other way around for gael mine. the soldiers drop 3 (and sometimes 2). i've only gotten 4's from the miners, but maybe they can drop 3 as well.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Just found the drop from the soldiers just west of the 'First Mt. Gelmir Campsite' site of grace.
                                                          They also drop Smithing stones 4 and 5. (i get 4 and 5 more than 3). Droprate seems pretty high, and get decent xp at the same time.
                                                          The soldiers will only attack if you attack first. (I'm 1 shotting from horse, so it's really fast to farm)

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Distribution of these is so out of wack. By the time I got the bell bearing for these, I had only found 23 in total. Meanwhile I have 32 level 4 stones and 28 level 5. It makes no sense and you get no freedom for upgrading. If you decide to upgrade more than items with these you are screwed for a large portion of the game. Why they would lock these from being bought all the way until deep into Altus Plateau is beyond me. They could have at least added more as pickups or made them easier to farm. *Yes* you can technically get these early but that completely goes against the natural progression of the game and doesn't excuse this.

                                                            • Fort Gael is another place you can farm these. You'll have to lead the dogs to the soldiers but it works pretty well sometimes. Also those green flamethrower tanks drop these but the drop rate seemed all over the place. I got 3 in a row on a character with only 7 arcane but i could get a single one on a character with 40.

                                                              • Something tells me next update a few merchants are gonna start selling these, because right now if you mess up upgrading, or decide you want to change weapons you're pretty much stuck with a +6-8 weapon until you get to the Atlus Plateau. Meanwhile all 30+ Smithing Stones (4) in for bag are busy gathering dust.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Have Radahn soldiers stopped dropping these after an update or something? Previously I could run through Gael Tunnel to farm both 3's and 4's but now I'm just getting 2's (from the soldiers) and 4's (from the miners).

                                                                  If yes, where to now for [3]'s? lol

                                                                  • Just farmed 6 of these (Smithing Stone (3)) in 45 minutes or so. Go to South Raya Lucaria Gate Grace - head south and kill 5-7 soldiers there AS WELL as the Flamethrower. It can be backstabbed for easy kill if treading lightly. Flamethrower dropped 4 of the 6 for me. Enemies in the area drop Smithing Stone (1-2) as well and not bad Rune Farm.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      took two hours but i got the knights at the impassable bridge who fight the dogs to drop 6 smithing stone 3s. probably a better way, but gael tunnel proved useless. and they were the first enemies i found to drop them. luckily, i had accumulated so many more smithing stones that after farming these i upgraded to +15 in one go.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Gael tunnel needs an update:

                                                                        Currently says: "The Miners drop Smithing Stone (3) the Soldiers drop Smithing Stone (4)."

                                                                        It's the other way around. The Soldiers drop (3) & the Miners drop (4).

                                                                        Pretty good spot if you have some Silver fowl things, I managed to get 8 in about 40 minutes, with Silver fowl buff only.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          been farming gael tunnel for a while and have only gotten a 4 and a 2. sucks because i've spent the past while on a +7 weapon and i need 6 more. lol, because i've been farming, if i can get 6 more 3's i'm gonna be able to spam upgrade my weapon. annoying

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Rahdan Soldiers never drops sithing stone 3, they drop smithing stone 2, and miners at gael tunnel drops smithing stone 4.
                                                                            I farmed for about two hours, i got everything but smithing stone 3.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Got 2 from the imps when clearing the Cliffbottom Catacombs. You can easily farm the first 4-5 imps in there.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                My weapon has been stuck at +8 and at this point I may as well press on to sealed tunnel to get the bell bearing. More than once, I have found stones 2 and 4 in the same dungeon or cave. I don't know what the developer-intended path was to get an adequate number of these, but I sure didn't find it

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  On NG, Caelid Radahn soldiers drop them. I farm them at Impassable Greatbridge gracepoint. Head west and you'll find a bunch of soldiers fighting giant dogs. I have 15 arcane and I get 2 pretty often without any enhancements

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    On NG, Caelid Radahn soldiers drop them. I farm them at Impassable Greatbridge gracepoint. Head west and you'll find a bunch of soldiers fighting giant dogs. I have 15 arcane and I get 2 pretty often without any enhancements

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Liurnia of the Lakes: Not far from the fella in the chair surrounded by poison plants, there's another gazebo with a plus three stone in it. Almost directly to the north, still in the wooded area. Shows up as a hexagon on the map.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Smithing stones will drop from fanged imps in some catacombs, the one I've solidly found [3]s is Cliffbottom Catacombs in South East liurnia

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Another location 3 can be farmed is just North of Bellum church site of grace on the path leading down into the ravine... Just past the merchant you will find 2 miners standing near a campfire, and they drop smithing stones 3.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Another location 3 can be farmed is just North of Bellum church site of grace on the path leading down into the ravine... Just past the merchant you will find 2 miners standing near a campfire, and they drop smithing stones 3.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              "South Raya Lucaria Gate and head down the hill into the town the enemies and the fire cart thing have a good drop rate of both the grade 1 and 3 stones" who the f edited that?

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Possible drop from miners in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel (Liurnia of the Lakes), but Smithing Stone (2) is a more common drop.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Great farm is in Caelid.far south at Impassable Greatbridge grace.A big battle between giant dogs and knights.You can walk up to the groups fighting and blast them all with dragon ice breath killing many at once.So far they have dropped smithing stone 2,3 and 4 and lots of them.When done rest at grace and repeat.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Getting these somewhat frequently killing the blue ghosts that spawn on the roof of fort faroth in eastern Caelid where you get the dectus lift piece. Went up there to grab that and the talisman. Had 2 of the blue guys on the roof drop a 3. Was pleasantly surprised. Downside is the grace isn't super close, but you can safely book it by the bat dudes in the basement.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      I recommend Gael tunnel to farm. Just clear the room from Grace. You will get (3) from soldiers and get (4) from miners plus 2900~ each run.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Why are these so difficult to find? I have plenty of all the other levels but lv3 are extremely rare. I spent at least an hour on the two soldiers at Raya Lucaria south and I dropped only lv1 and 2, not a single lv3

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          I found 3x Smithing Stone [3] on a rooftop in Jarburg when jumping down the tombstones. These tombstones are the only access to Jarburg afaik, you can find them just south of the Carian Study Hall in Liurnia (the study hall is where the huge bridge leads even further out to the eastern sea).

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            The smithing stone ball bearing 2 lets you buy the +3 and +4 smithing stones. It can be found in a cave 'sealed tunnel' near the capital city outskirts. To me this makes sense as, after beating godrick and rennala the round table npcs do tell you to go to the capital city.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              There are three in the gazebo just north of the crystalline woods grace to the left of the academy of raya lucaria

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                3 of these can be found just slightly southeast of the academy gate grace point in Liurnia. They're in front of a statue in the gazebo looking thing.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  If you're in need of +3 and +4 stones:
                                                                                                                  Get the two halves of the Dectus Medallions. The Left side is in Mistwood/Fort Haight. The Right side is in Caelid/Fort Faroth (doesn't require any mob clearing to get, thankfully). Go to Northern Liurna (Bellum Highway) -> Grand Lift of Dectus -> Altus Plateau -> Sacred Tunnel, get the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2) from a chest, and then turn it into the Twin Maiden Husks to make the stones purchasable.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    I tried all of these locations for about 2 hours and not a single drop. They used to drop for me before the latest patch... makes me wonder.

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      Knights around the Grand Lift of Dectus drop these - Knights in other areas might too but those ones definitely do.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Smithing Stone (3) can be farmed in Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel dungeon northeast of thye Academy in Liurnia, they are the yellow rocks on the walls, not all will be (3) but they respawn every you reset the world (resting at Grace/Fast Travel/Die)

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          Start at the South Raya Lucaria Gate and head down the hill into the town the enemies and the fire cart thing have a good drop rate of both the grade 1 and 3 stones

                                                                                                                          tested multiple times

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            If you explore thoroughly, including running through areas you are underdeveloped in to get all items you'll likely find that you have alot of every stone except this one. I have the feeling From limited these to keep players from getting past +7 on weapons too early in the game.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Ok so I finally found a great spot for these!
                                                                                                                              It's in Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel, check on interactive map it's north east of the Raya Lucaria Academy. There's also a couple tier 2 but close to boss I've got like 5-6 of them probably best place to get them.

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