Statistics in Elden Ring refer to various properties that govern your character's strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they are affected by interactions in and out of combat. There are 8 main Stats in Elden Ring, as well as several dozen secondary stats which all contribute to your character's growth and effectiveness in various situations. Stats are affected by a number of things and can be modified by your Level, Equipment, and any active buffs and effects.

Within the Status Menu, you can check your level, attributes, base stats, and more. The information shown here also reflects changes to your attack, defense, and resistances bestowed by armaments and armor that you have equipped. 

  • See Leveling for details on how to level, a breakdown of runes necessary per level, and more.
  • See Runes for details on acquiring runes and rune acquisition boosting equipment.
  • See Rebirth for details on how to reallocate (respec) assigned attribute points.


How do you increase Stats in Elden Ring?

The primary method of increasing your stats is by Leveling Up. Near the beginning of the game and shortly after meeting Melina for the first time, you will unlock the ability to Level Up by spending Runes acquired by defeating enemies.

Elden Ring features 8 Main Stats (also referred to as Attributes). These are your Vigor, Mind, Endurance, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith and Arcane. Each one of these main Stats governs your secondary stats such as HP, FP, Stamina and Equipment Load. Players can spend Runes at a Site of Grace to increase their main stats, effectively increasing their character Level, as well as improving their secondary stats.

Stats are also affected by your current Equipment and any active buffs obtained through Magic or Items. Combining these aspects is key to character progression and creating effective builds in Elden Ring.

Can you respec your Stats in Elden Ring?

After completing Raya Lucaria Academy, you will be able to reset point allocations and redistribute all of your earned Stat points however you wish in exchange for a Larval Tear, a rare item obtained through various means. You would most likely be over level 50 by the point you get to this, so your early build is quite important as you cannot change it: see our Elden Ring Builds page for ideas on how to make a good character.

This is commonly known as 'Respeccing' and is a system that caters to players' needs for customization and trying out other builds without having to restart the game over.

For more information please visit our Rebirth Page.


Elden Ring Stats


A cumulative figure that represents overall attribute strength.
You can level up using runes.

Runes Held

Total runes in possession. Upon dying, you will drop any runes in your possession at the site of your death.

Runes Needed

Number of runes required to raise a level.
When you Level Up, you can choose an attribute to increase.


Main Character Attributes

This section lists all of your character's Main Stats, also referred to as Attributes. These Stats govern all other secondary Stats and can be increased by spending acquired Runes on them using the Level Up menu at any Site of Grace, once the feature is unlocked.

At certain points when leveling an Attribute to higher values, you will start getting diminishing returns. i.e. the benefit you gain from leveling that Stat is less significant than before. The values at which these diminishing returns begin are referred to as soft-caps or breakpoints. You can find the soft-cap of each Attribute listed below. Note that some stats actually grant accelerating returns at lower levels: for example, Vigor's HP gain per level increases from levels 1-40, but decreases after level 40.

The hard-cap for all Stats is 99: you are unable to level a Stat past that level, and it is not possible to exceed 99 through equipment or buffs. (An exception is that your effective Strength can be increased past 99 by two-handing.)


Attribute governing HP.
Also affects fire resistance and Immunity stat.

Scaling accelerates until 40.
Soft-capped at 40 / 60.

HP gain increases from +4 to +48
(avg: +29.5)
HP gain decreases from +26 to +13
(avg: +22.5)
HP gain decreases from +6 to +3
(avg: +5.1)



Attribute governing FP.
Also affects the Focus stat.

Soft-capped at 50 / 60.

FP gains are between +3 and +4 (LV9: +13)
(avg: +3.21)
FP gain alternates between +5 and +6
(avg: +5.25)
FP gains are between +7 and +6
(avg: +6.67)
FP gains are between +6 and +4
(avg: +5.00)
FP gain alternates between +2 and +3
(avg: +2.56)



Attribute governing Stamina.
Also affects Robustness.
Determines how heavy your equipment can be, a.k.a. Equip Load.

Soft-capped for stamina at 15 / 30 / 50.

Stamina gains are between +1 and +2
(avg: +1.79)
Stamina gains are between +1 and +2
(avg: +1.67)
Stamina gains are between +1 and +2
(avg: +1.25)
Stamina gains are between +0 and +1
(avg: +0.31)

Soft-capped for max equip load at 25 / 60.

Max Equip Load gains alternate between +1.5 and +1.6
(avg: +1.59)
Max Equip Load gains are between +1.0 and +1.5
(avg: +1.37)
Max Equip Load gains are between +1.0 and +1.1
(avg: +1.03)



Attribute required to wield heavy armaments.

Influences player physical/strike/slash/pierce defense and provides Attack Power scaling for weapons that utilize the stat.

Breakpoints for AP are: 16, 18, 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 16, 18, and 20:

16 for weapons with a quality affinity.
18 for weapons with poison, blood, and the physical portion of elemental affinities, and those with no affinity.
20 for weapons with heavy, occult, or elemental affinities, and innate elemental scaling.
Primary breakpoints are 50, 60, and 80:

50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily fire affinity); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
60 for the physical AP on all affinities; 56-60 will give lower returns than 60-80.
80 for all affinities, but it’s usually only worth getting this much for physical affinities, and even then it can be a stretch.
Casting Breakpoints are 30 and 45 (Clawmark Seal and Frenzied Flame Seal both use strength).
Each of these values can be divided by 1.5 (rounded up) if you primarily 2h your weapon.

Keep in mind that the 2h AP bonus does not apply to ashes of war or critical attacks.



Attribute required to wield advanced armaments.
Also boosts attack power of dexterity-scaling armaments, reduces casting time of Spells, softens fall damage, and makes it harder to be knocked off your horse.

Breakpoints for AP are: 16, 18, 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 16, 18, and 20:
16 for weapons with a quality affinity.
18 for weapons with poison, blood, the physical portion of elemental affinities, and no affinity.
20 for weapons with keen, occult, or elemental affinities, and innate elemental scaling.

Primary breakpoints are 50, 60, and 80:
50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily lightning affinity); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
60 for the physical AP on all affinities; 56-60 will give lower returns than 60-80.
80 for all affinities, but it’s usually only worth getting this much for physical affinities and even then it can be a stretch.
Casting Breakpoints are 30 and 45 (Frenzied Flame Seal uses dexterity).


Attribute required to perform glintstone sorceries. Also boosts the power of intelligence-scaling Sorceries and improves Magic Resistance.

Influences player magic defense and provides AP scaling for weapons that utilize the stat.

Breakpoints for AP are: 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 20:
20 for weapons with elemental affinities and innate elemental scaling.

Primary breakpoints are 50, and 80:
50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily magic and cold affinities); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
80 for all affinities (not worth for elemental).
Casting breakpoints are 30, 45, 60, and 80 depending on catalyst.


Attribute required to perform sacred Incantations. Also boosts the power of faith-scaling Incantations.

Breakpoints for AP are: 20, 30, 45, 50, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 20:
20 for weapons with elemental affinities and innate elemental scaling.

Primary breakpoints are 50, and 80:
50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily sacred and flame art affinities); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
80 for all affinities (not worth for elemental).
Casting breakpoints are 30, 45, 60, and 80 depending on catalyst.


Influences player holy defense and death resistance, provides AP scaling for weapons that utilize the stat, increases item discovery (linearly), and provides scaling for poison, bleed, sleep, and madness buildup.

Breakpoints for AP are 18, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 80.

There is only a minor fall-off in returns after 18 and 20:
18 for weapons with poison and blood affinities.
20 for weapons with occult affinity.

Primary breakpoints are 60 and 80:
60 for all affinities; 56-60 will give lower returns than 60-80.
80 for all affinities, but it’s usually only worth getting this much for physical affinities, and even then it can be a stretch.
Casting breakpoints are 30 and 45 (Albinauric Staff and Dragon Communion Seal both use arcane).

Status scaling breakpoints are 40, 45, and 60:
40 for Serpent Bow poison scaling.
45 for everything else; gains drop a decent bit beyond that.
60 for everything else as well; not worth for purely status purposes most of the time.

Since item discovery scaling is linear, there is no decrease in marginal returns. Every Arcane level up to 99 yields 1 point increase in item discovery.


Below is a quick reference table for all Main Stat Soft Cap values when leveling:

Stat Soft Cap Change in gains at soft-cap
Vigor 40/60 up to +48 / +26 to +13  / +6 to +3 HP
Mind 50/60 up to +7 / +6 to +4 / +3 to +2 FP
Endurance (Stamina) 15/30/50  +1.79 / +1.67 / +1.25 / +0.31
Endurance (Equip Load) 25/60 +1.6 / +1.0 to +1.5 / +1.0 to +1.1
Strength 18/50/60/80 Depends on weapon
Dexterity 18/50/60/80 Depends on weapon
Intelligence (Attack Rating) 20/50/80 Depends on weapon
Intelligence (Sorcery Scaling) 60/80 Depends on sorcery
Faith (Attack Rating) 20/50/80 Depends on weapon
Faith (Incantation Scaling) 60/80 Depends on incantation
Arcane (Attack Rating) 20/60/80 Depends on weapon
Arcane (Status Scaling) 40/45/60 Depends on weapon
Strength/Dexterity/Arcane (Incantation Scaling) 30/45 Depends on incantation


Offensive Stats

Offensive Stats provide useful information on the current offensive stats of the player character.

Physical Attack Damage

Displays the default standard damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Magic Attack Damage

Displays the default magical damage of the equipment or spell, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Fire Attack Damage

Displays the default fire damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Lightning Attack Damage

Displays the default lightning damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Holy Attack Damage

Displays the default holy damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses. 

Critical Attack Damage

Displays the default critical damage of the equipment, and how much bonus damage you are gaining from the stats bonuses.

Sorcery Scaling

The degree to which sorceries increase in power.

Incant Scaling

The degree to which incantations increase in power.


General Stats

General Stats provide useful information on the current state of the player character.


Hit Points. If reduced to 0, you die.
Replenish it by drinking from the Flask of Crimson Tears, casting certain Incantations, or resting at a Site of Grace.


Focus Points. This is the energy consumed to use Sorceries, Incantations, and Skills.
Replenish it by drinking from the Flask of Cerulean Tears or resting at Site of Grace.


Required for various actions.
Depletes when certain actions are taken, but recovers automatically.

Equip Load

Total weight of equipped armaments and Armor. Movement slows as load increases. The rightmost number is the maximum weight that can be equipped; exceed it and movement slows dramatically.


The degree to which you can resist collapsing under enemy attacks.


Governs likelihood of finding items on the corpses of defeated foes.

Memory Slots

The number of slots available for memorizing Sorceries and Incantations.



Attribute Scaling Information


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Strength.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Dexterity.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Intelligence.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Faith.


The degree to which this armament's power or passive effects scale with Arcane.


Defense Stats

Defense Stats for Elden Ring provide useful information on the current defenses of the player character.


Your resistance to Poisons and Scarlet Rot. The higher the number, the less susceptible you are to poison and rot. Governed by your attributes, as well as armor and any additional effects. 


Your resistance to Hemorrhage and Frostbite. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility. Governed by your attributes, as well as protective gear and any additional effects. 


Your resistance to Sleep and bouts of Madness. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility. Governed by your attributes, as well as protective gear and any additional effects.


Your resistance to Instant Death. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility. Governed by your attributes, as well as defensive gear and any additional effects. 

Physical Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Standard Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

VS Strike Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Striking Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

VS Slash Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Slashing Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

VS Pierce Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Piercing Physical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Magic Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Magical Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Fire Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Fire Elemental Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Lightning Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Lightning Elemental Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects.

Holy Defense

Your defensive power and damage negation against Holy Elemental Attacks. The former is calculated via attributes, while the latter is calculated via defensive gear and any additional effects. 


Equipment Stats

Weapons and Armor Stats provide useful information about the benefits provided by the equipment.


Weight of the equipment.

VS Strike Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Striking Physical Damage is negated.

VS Slash Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Slashing Physical Damage is negated.

VS Pierce Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Piercing Physical Damage is negated.

Magic Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Magic Damage is negated.

Fire Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Fire Damage is negated.

Lightning Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Lightning Damage is negated.

Holy Damage Negation

The degree to which incoming Holy Damage is negated.


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    • Anonymous

      If u play online with others, Vigor is 60, no discussion. Endurance set to your heaviest setup's medium load(armaments, talismans and armors) to prevent fat roll, learn to hardswap. Rest of the point spent to what your build need, u don't need Mind, pick the right starting class, stop at 125-150, see you on the field champ!

      • Anonymous

        For a strength build, I have a little over 60 strength, I have a little under 30 vigor and a good amount of endurance and fp, I’m using a great sword with lions claw, what should I level up next? I don’t understand soft caps

        • Anonymous

          I'd redo these. I would remove mind and endurance as separate stats and combine them with others. You would only have Vigor, str, dex, int, faith and arcane. Increasing vigor, str and dex would increase your stamina. Increasing vigor and str would increase your carrying capacity. Increasing int, faith and arcane would increase your FP.

          • Anonymous

            Just some thoughts on faith, intelligence and arcane in terms of how magic works in the world of ER.
            So, the way I see it,

            Intelligence is "I understand". A logical chain. No unnecessary complexity, just a fastest, most straightforward solution, based on knowledge and logic. A careful logical calculation leading to the fastest, easiest, most efficient way to solve a problem - this is what intelligence, and the magic produced using it, manipulation of glintstone, is.
            Faith is an opposite of intelligence. "I believe". Incantations are not a straightforward logical chain like sorcery, quite the opposite in fact. They are not logical. They require you not to understand, but to believe, and lean onto this faith as a means to produce magic in the image of the divine.

            Of course, there are sorceries and incantations that stray from this.
            Magma sorceries were created by Rykard from the ancient hexes of Gelmir. Hexes in ER's universe seem to be pure faith, going off of the magma sorceries and description of the Staff of the Guilty. I'd suppose that they're some sort of a subtype of incantations?Don't know, too little lore to tell for sure. But basically, my thought is, magma sorcery demands both faith and intelligence because it is essentially incantations adapted by a sorcerer.
            Thorn sorceries demand no intelligence - only faith. They are closer in nature to incantations, and are cast by the means of leaning onto your belief in the Blood Star.
            Golden Order fundamentalism is a scholarship as much as it is a religion. For this very reason, mere blind belief is not enough for it's incantations. Incantations of the fundamentalist require you to not just believe in the Order, but to understand it. For only through understanding may you find flaws within the Order, root them out and achieve perfection.
            Death sorceries are...the only ones I'm not sure how to explain. I'd guess that it's int\fth because it combines deathblight and ghostflame?In the rest of the game, ghostflame is intelligence(Death's Poker, Helphen's Steeple) and deathblight is faith(Eclipse Shotel). The only death sorcery that inflicts and is explicitly conected to deathblight is Fia's Mist, so I'd imagine that death sorcery is more based around ghostflame and that is why all spells require more intelligence than faith?Actually, now that I think, the faith portion of death sorcery probably has something to do with faith in Deathbirds and Helphen. Both death rancors and Explosive Ghostflame are tied to Deathbirds, Deathbirds and Helphen are tied to ghostflame and, as per description of Death Ritual Spear, Deathbirds were accompanied by priests. Death's Poker is a weapon of Deathbirds, an objects of worship, and therefore does not requires any faith. After all, why would a god pray to someone?Helphen's Steeple I'm not sure, but I guess it's pure int because it doesn't actually has to do anything with worship and is just patterned upon, well, Helphen's steeple. Death sorceries manipulate ghostflame\spirits, therefore they require intelligence, and were created by those who worshipped death and Deathbirds, therefore they require faith. Death's Poker and Helphen's Steeple were created and wielded by someone who needs no faith, therefore they require only intelligence.

            Now, onto the next part.
            Despite being a polar opposites of each other, intelligence and faith share one thing - you produce magic by yourself, not take it from someone else. This is not a case with arcane.
            Arcane is "I take". Magic built upon utilizing strength obtained from other creatures, no matter if they agreed to it or not. Both notable arcane schools, Dragon Communion and Blood Oath incantations, are based on taking something from other beings. With Dragon Communion, you kill dragons and feast upon their hearts to obtain their power. You take what was theirs and make it yours. With Blood Oath, you use blood of the Formless Mother. You take something from an Outer God and use it for your own ends. The only Blood Oath incantation that doesn't utilizes the Formless Mother's blood is the Swarm of Flies. Bloodflame Talons and Bloodflame Blade in their description are said to be "granted" by the Lord of Blood, whereas Swarm of Flies is more specifically stated to be "shared from the Lord of Blood's power", which leads me to believe that in it's case, rather than drawing power directly from the Formless Mother, you draw it from Mohg. Bloodflame Talons, Bloodflame Blade and Bloodboon are taught by Mohg and draw from the Formless Mother's power. Swarm of Flies is taught by Mohg and draws from his power.
            Dragon Communion and Blood Oath also illustrate my point about consent of the other party not playing much of a role:
            Mohg and the Formless Mother have zero problems with someone drawing from their power. The Formless Mother "craves wounds", and the Swarm of Flies is specifically "shared", which means that Mohg gave it by himself out of his own volition. Meanwhile dragons certainly did not agreed to you killing them, tearing out their hearts and eating them. As we can see, in one case the party being taken from agrees, and in the other it doesn't. It has no bearing on the end result.
            It is also why thorn sorceries require only faith instead of faith and arcane and why Staff of the Guilty scales only with faith - you take your own blood, not someone else's. You lean solely onto your own faith and your own power.

            Also, there's actually third arcane school, claymen sorcery. The joke is that there's so little lore on bubble sorceries and the claymen that I've elected to ignore it because there's literally almost nothing to say about it because there's almost nothing to go off from. We know that claymen served as priests in an ancient dynasty and that they search for lost oracles in their bubbles, and that's about it. I suspect that they have some connection to oracle envoys(doot doot dudes you see in Leyndell and Haligtree), but that's pure speculation. If the DLC expands on claymen and their sorcery, then maybe something will become clearer. Probably not, so bubble sorceries will most likely remain the odd one out for the nearest eternity.
            Also, I checked the descriptions of Rancorcall and Ancient Death Rancor, and apparently they originate from hexes just like magma sorceries?Rancorcall is stated outright to be a hex. Right after being stated to be a sorcery. I'm kinda confused now. So I guess that hexes in ER's universe are somewhat akin to those in DS, and are something in-between incantations and sorceries?Or maybe it depends on a hex. Gelmir hexes could've been pure faith and death hexes are fth\int. It was a thing in DS2 when some hexes were more like sorcery and leaned towards int and some were more like miracles and leaned towards faith. What is hex, exactly?Is the Rancorcall thing some sort of translation quirk or what?I don't know. It's 2, almost 3 AM and I probably should go to sleep, so I'll look into it later. Maybe.

            • Anonymous

              Dex feels very underpowered compared to other damage stars expect for certain weapons like Bolt of Gransax. I mean, str gets big damage and stagger, int gets spells, cold and a shitload of damage / oneshots, faith gets big damage, a variety of damage types, different buffs and debuffs, arcane gets status effects, dragon communion incantations and good physical damage with occult Infusion, but what does dex get? Decent physical damage and lightning which is fine I guess, but it's way less than what other stats get.

              I'm was playing through the game with a nagakiba and thinking if I should go full dex. But I realized that I would be limiting myself in both damage, status effects and variety so I went arcane instead to scale up bleed and physical damage with occult and also use incantations.

              Another thing is there is no seal (expect the Frenzied one which is pretty terrible) that scales with dex. Int/fth gets a seal clawmark, arc gets a seal, even str gets a seal, but not dex?

              So every stat basically gets something extra, but not dex? Why?

              • Anonymous

                Some guy on the page of Rennala's Full Moon said that this has the highest stat req in the game, and I got interested what are the highest stat requirements for weapons & spells.
                And thus, I decided to make a list of the highest stat requirements among sorceries, incantations and weapons so far. FYI:

                Int - Rennala's Full Moon(70 int)
                Fth - Explosive Ghostflame(30 fth)
                Arc - Great Oracular Bubble(18 arc)
                Int - Law of Regression(37 int)
                Fth - Elden Stars(50 fth)
                Arc - Bloodboon\Greyoll's Roar(17 arc)
                Melee Weapons:
                Str - Giant Crusher(60 str)
                Dex - Hand of Malenia(48 dex)
                Int - Dark Moon Greatsword(38 int)
                Fth - Eclipse Shotel\Cipher Pata(30 fth)
                Arc - Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear(27 arc)
                Ranged Weapons:
                Str - Jar Cannon(34 str)
                Dex - Black Bow\Greatbow(20 dex)
                Int - Full Moon Crossbow(14 int)
                Fth - Erdtree Bow\Erdtree Greatbow(14 fth)
                Arc - Serpent Bow(11 arc)
                Glintstone Staves(decided to make these, seals and shields a separate categories):
                Int - Carian Regal Scepter(60 int)
                Fth - Prince of Death's Staff(18 fth)
                Arc - Albinauric Staff(12 arc)
                Sacred Seals:
                Int - Golden Order Seal(17 int)
                Fth - Erdtree Seal(40 fth)
                Arc - Dragon Communion Seal(10 arc)
                Str - Fingerprint Shield(48 str)
                Dex - Jellyfish Shield(14 dex)
                Int - Carian Knight's Shield(15 int)
                Fth - Smoldering Shield\Erdtree Greatshield(12 fth)

                These seem to be the highest stat requirements in their respective categories so far, maybe DLC will add something else. There's also currently no shields that require arcane, and I didn't seen much point in including str & dex reqs of staves and seals, but if you are really interested,

                Str - Azur's Glintstone Staff\Lusat's Glintstone Staff(10 str)
                Dex - Staff of Loss\Carian Glintblade Staff(12 dex)
                Str - All non-weightless seals(4 str) *I think it's also the lowest stat req in the game overall

                There is no sacred seal that requires dex.

                The highest requirements for each stat are:
                Str - Giant Crusher(60)
                Dex - Hand of Malenia(48)
                Int - Rennala's Full Moon(70) *Also the highest stat req in the game overall
                Fth - Elden Stars(50)
                Arc - Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear(27)

                • Anonymous

                  I don’t know if I’m wrong but I’ve noticed certain discovery levels don’t allow you to give you proper drops, even those that surpass 200. My recommendation is that you stick with 200 or 205 discovery for farming. And again, I don’t know if this is just me but I swear I saw results but please dislike this comment if it’s not true.

                  • Anonymous

                    When I started playing Souls games I leveled up specific stats to get powerful in specific field. Now I playing from naked character starting with no weapons just fists and I leveling up all statistic equal +1,+1,+1. I find out that this way of playing is most fun form me as allowed me to use less powerful weapons and magic on the beginning and over the time opening for me more powerful.

                    • Anonymous

                      Stop arguing about strength or dex being the better option.
                      Use a quality build.

                      Or don’t, I’m not a federal agency. Yet.

                      • Anonymous

                        This seems like a good place to ask.
                        Why does it look like there’s a war or something between strength and dexterity users?
                        Don’t plan on getting involved but I am very curious.

                        • Anonymous

                          I am confused. This wording on this page seems convoluted and not very clear.

                          "Primary breakpoints are 50, and 80:
                          50 for the elemental AP when it benefits from this stat (primarily sacred and flame art affinities); gains drop substantially beyond this point.
                          80 for all affinities (not worth for elemental)."

                          The wording makes no sense because the two faith affinities, sacred and flame art, both add elemental damage that benefit from the faith stat. So why does it say 80 for affinities, but not elemental? Again, faith affinities add elemental damage that scale with faith..
                          Is this trying to say that weapons with built in scaling drop off at 50, and weapons with added scaling from affinities drop off at 80? Because if so, you guys really need to clarify that somewhere or just rephrase it all together.

                          • Anonymous

                            For primarily 2handing a strength scaling weapon, is 66 effectively your max strength level? Any benefit to leveling higher?

                            • Anonymous

                              I think faith should influence lightning resistance because lightning is the only damage type without a stat that increases its defense and also raising faith only helps with faith scaling while stats like intelligence and arcane boosts magic and holy resistance respectively.

                              • Anonymous

                                Today I discovered that dexterity has weird bonuses that it increases. Softening fall damage and making it harder to be knocked of Torrent. Those are some seriously strange stats to tag along with a damage/casting speed stat.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Intelligence is harvesting the secrets of the cosmos and bending its incomparable power to your will, Faith is if I believe hard enough the glowing rock in my hand will do something cool

                                  • Anonymous

                                    How do multiple damage types factor in for weapons?

                                    For example, I found this to be strange yet somehow the norm:
                                    -without infusions, my sword has a base physical damage of 120
                                    -with a magic infusion, my sword has a base physical damage of 80 and a base magic damage of 80.

                                    Isn't that just busted if it's 80+80 vs 120 with D scalings all around? The 2 80s can't just plainly stack do they?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      What stat reduces your backswing/after cast/action recovery time? Like after you use a skill or heavy attack, how much time less before another action can be performed

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Any idea how much Health you get per Arcane point and what are the soft caps there? And same question for intelligence and magic resistance.

                                        ps. I really like how they have made most stats multipurpose and apart from faith no stat is total waste on any build. Sadly Faith does nothing if you do not plan to use incantations or weapons with Faith requirement. Would be nice to have some other secondary effect tied to it too, eg. Elemental Resistance increase or extra focus points (less than mind).

                                        • Anonymous

                                          can someone explain to me what defense does because I know the numbers on the right of the menu are negations but what is defense

                                          • Anonymous

                                            As someone who doesn’t really like strength, I really want strength to become insanely strong in the dlc or future games. Mostly because there is a subsection of strength builds who complain about everything all the time since ds1 poise was removed (and honestly they complained a lot even back in ds1), and if strength is undeniably the best stat I’d like to see what they’d complain about.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              you guys keep talking about soft caps but when i go over 80 (up to 99), damage definitely does increase for things like str and dex. slower, yes, but it goes steadily up. so an S scaling weapon for strength gives demonstrably more damage at 99 than 80. soooooo there's no cap in reality...

                                              • Anonymous

                                                This has contradictory information on it. It says the Faith damage scaling is 20/55/80 in the first section and then it says it's 20/50/80 in the table.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Stamina Regen should be mentioned here as a stat. With some information about how it actually works. For example: is it the same on heavy and light equip load?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Feels to me like this game is designed to be played with either Dex or Strength and one out of Intelligence, Faith and Arcane. Quality infusion especially feels awful and going pure melee is just frustrating for many late game boss fights. Not saying this is bad or anything, just an observation.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Do stats round up? say if you want to use the night rider glaive at 26 strength requirement and you invest 17 points of strength and two hand, would the game round up the 25.5 strength to 26?

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I leveled mind and stamina and did a quality build and my numbers look like garbage compared to a focused build I’m seeing now.

                                                        Their hp is twice mine, and their damage output is nearly twice mine. Is there a way for a quality build to not be so much less than pure str/dex?

                                                        And especially the not having double hp is really the downside. Makes it so much easier to escape death.

                                                        Bit disappointed that leveling things for a good time now makes the game a lot tougher, now I need to take the time to get a ton of runes to get my levels up instead of progress through the game

                                                        Lesson learned. Just optimize your stats and get the talismans you need. I think I missed over half the game progressing so far by the way. Lots of stuff out of the way, and stuff pretty well hidden. Bit of an odd game lol. But I haven’t played other big world rpgs

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Dumb stats again. Equip load gives so much, it should be its own stat instead of all melee chars getting it for free with stamina on Endurance. Cast speed should be on Mind instead of Dex. Arcane should just be Luck, and contribute to almost nothing in sorcery/incantation. Uninteruptability for archery/weapon skills should require Mind, since casters are getting screwed with stupid high stamina costs on spells that already cost FP. TL;DR: Melee builds should require much more stat investment to do everything with one build, while casting builds shouldn't require every stat in the game in order to accomplish anything.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Hi, I don't know if I'm at the right place to ask this, but I'm just wondering somthing about my current lvl and how far, I think, I'm in the game.
                                                            Does it sound odd to be 140 while doind Consecrated Snowfields? (Montaintop is done, Fire Giant felled)
                                                            Ths is my second Fromsoft game (DS3 before that) and I know it's different from the others.
                                                            Is my lvl coherent with my progression or did I do something wrong?
                                                            Thanks a lot to this really helpful website and community!

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              My character is currently around 22-25 across all stats (Bar faith and Arcane which are way lower) I am trying to keep them all at a similar level.. Am I best changing my methods? I have a lot of weapons that require 35+ strength and feel like I'm missing out.. equally I have a lot of incantations (rotten breath is one) that I'm not making use of.. It just feels like I could be missing out.. in terms of progress I have followed the user guides on here a lot and am just entering Nokron. I am new to From Software games hence this might seem like a daft question. Just after some advice from the community

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Says under endurance maximum equip load is at lv 60 this is incorrect your equip load increases all the way to 99 at 160 equip load

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Lmao they said this game was too hard?
                                                                  Tbh once you've beat the story once it seems easy from there learn the boss and your own build or keep dying its that simple.

                                                                  • There's no way Endurance Stamina Soft cap is 55. From 30 or so you get 1, 2, 1, 2 and later 1, 0, 1 or something iirc. It's just that bad. You get severe Diminishing returns from 25 Endurance. So why does it say 55?

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Godricks Great Rune - +5 in every attribute - 45 levels
                                                                      Grafted Greatsword Ash - +5 in every attribute - 45 levels
                                                                      Radagon's Scarseal - +5 in vig/stam/str/dex - 20 levels
                                                                      Radahn's seal, Prosthesis seal - +5 in str/dex - 10 levels
                                                                      There we got, 120 free levels, you are now insanely tanky at level 1 wretch because of the passive defense stats you're going to get from all these levels.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Once again the stats are way to handholdy, expecting the player to do the correct amount of chores in order to progress. Three different stats for melee, then three different stats for magic which might have worked if their extra effects were stronger or more impact full to game play. You still have to do a lot of dumping to health and carry weight if you don't want to play 100% perfect 100% of the time. resistances are spreed amount across 5 stats, so good luck not finding a few mobs that won't nuke you if you don't player a generalist of 100% perfect 100% of the time. Wanna use skills and magics, gotta dump into mana in conjunction with almost mandatory health and the damage flavor skills. If they really wanted me to try different builds they why did they hold my hand and put a list of chores in the other.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Since the cap of strenght and dexterity seems to be 80, for a quality build how much difference there Is from 40/40
                                                                          55/55 and 80/80?

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Does Defese (flat reduction) apply to pvp? Cause it seem it'd make split weapons uber nerfed. Like a if opponent has 150 defence on phys and fire, a weapon with 250 fire and 350 phys damage would deal 300 when a 500 phys weapon would deal 350. A 600 AR weapon would deal quite a bit less than a 500 AR weapon? Unless it's reduced or disabled in PVP, it seems like it'd really make split weapons bad.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Does Arcane have any affect on the build up speed or damage of things like Poison and Bleed? Or is what you see what you get for the value in the weapon's stats?

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I created an excel sheet for what portion of the attacker's damage is dealt based on the attacks damage against the defense of the one taking the hit using Dark Souls 3's formulae. I don't expect this formulae to have changed much from DS3 to Elden Ring. In fact, I somewhat expect it might be exactly the same, this would be easy to test but I'll leave it up to someone else to do the testing.

                                                                                The formulae for damage in from games given attack and defense have always had people complaining they're too difficult to understand. I figured having charts that you could compare the attack and defense values against would simplify things.

                                                                                This information is especially important for people who want to know how much is really gained or lost by having split damage vs pure damage. Since split damage separates your damage into two lower damage values that compared against 2 different defense values.

                                                                                Here is my excel sheet:

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I don't know when but armor caps were lifted a lot. I stacked 77% negation and it still works, so try it out for a tank build :)

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Me and my friend have the exact same stats but our level is different why would that be? We have no equipment effecting our stats either

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Those soft caps are not correct you can get a massive boost to hp leveling vigor over 40. The soft cap is 60. Soft cap for strength and dex is 60. Int and faith is 80.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I'm trying to figure out what the STA under Attack Power for weapnons means. I'm guessing it's either how much Stamina it drains when using it, how much Stamina it takes away from the enemy when they try to block, or how much Stagger it does to enemies before putting them off-balance. Can anyone clarify please?

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          In Dark souls 2 if you´re running a hex build you need to reach the same level in INT/FAITH, e.g. 40/40, to do max damage (39/40 don´t do as much damage, the gap is bigger). Does this mechanic exist in Elden Ring??

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Im running a Str/Faith build is it worth investing in dex for cast speed on invocations? If so how much minimum ?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Hi! I can’t find this anywhere on the web. I’m looking for a sample level 100 build, what might one look like? I’m a new player and am at level 70. I feel bricked like I can’t get passed Radahn. I fear I’ve botched all my stats. I did two respecs but things still seem wrong. Can someone help?

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                I am kinda glad that there really isn’t any throwaway stats. Everything is viable in some way. Even the stat governing item discovery has its uses elsewhere as many spells and weapons have arcane scaling. Having equip load and stamana be under the same stat makes for slightly less tedious leveling.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Does defense only have percent based defense now? I am not sure if split damage still gives less damage as other souls games

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Vigor have two softcaps, actually, at 40 you start getting about half hp per point, and at 60 it really drops, much like in other dark souls games.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Apparently, the weather system affects your defenses (10.0+-)
                                                                                                      E.G if you get wet from the rain, it will raise your fire defense and lower lightning defense.

                                                                                                      • The note about Endurance soft caps at 40 is totally incorrect according to the data from Luca which shows that the soft cap for stamina is 50 endurance and for carry capacity the soft cap is 60. There is no significant change in the amount gained per endurance at 40.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Guy below me is wrong for Endurance and not completely accurate for Vigor,
                                                                                                          Soft cap for Vigor is 40 then 60.
                                                                                                          Soft cap for Endurance is 50 for stamina and 60 for equip load.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            I wonder what the Meta will look like. Since weapons upgrade to +25 it seems the game is a lot longer than previous titles. I think the new Meta will be at a higher level. 120 will be mid-game level maybe

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Has no one realized:
                                                                                                              Endurance used to give physical defense, now it gives equip load.
                                                                                                              Strength used to give equip load, now it gives physical defense.
                                                                                                              They swapped it around.
                                                                                                              Logically speaking and by definition of the words; it made more sense before, since to endure is to take more punishment and still last, and to have more strength would mean you'd be able to lift heavier things. But I'm assuming they changed it for balancing purposes. I hope the physical defense actually means something though, so strength isn't as weak as people make it out to be. Also with the change people seem to be getting flashbacks from DS1 with the full Havel Dex/End/Magic builds.
                                                                                                              In DS3 Vitality gave physical defense, but it didn't feel very noticeable to me, it was primarily used for equip load. I'm honestly glad they essentially merged vitality in with the other stats.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                What does the -(* *) numbers mean next to the fp cost in the equipment menu? Same with the attack power 117+ 14 where are these numbers drawing from?

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  It's possible that Strength and Endurance can both effect Equipment Load at different rates (probably Strength moreso than Endurance), but it's too early to tell.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    So equip load is tied to endurance now. It would be cool to add some extra casting poise for str to balance dex. This solution would make fai\int + str builds more viable.

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      This is not saying that equipment load is tied to the strength stat lol. It says very clearly that equipment load is tied to endurance. "Attribute required to wield heavy armaments" means it's a stat requirement... for heavy things... ie FGS, LKGS... ie anything that would get a heavy infusion in DS3.

                                                                                                                      • Just to let you all know, that due to new infomation from the outlets that have had hands-on gameplay with the final build of the game, have stated that (Stat:Strength) no longer raises maximum equipment load, that is now moved over to (Stat:Endurance).

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