Smithing Stone [1]

smithing stone 1 upgrade material elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Reinforce armaments up to +3

Smithing Stone [1] is an Upgrade Material in Elden Ring used for reinforcing equipment to +1, +2, and +3.  Reinforced equipment boasts better stats.  Upgrade Materials can be acquired through exploration, looting it from specified areas of a Location, dropped by a specific Enemy or Boss, given by an NPC, or sold by a Merchant.


Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. A shard found in plenty.

Strengthens armaments up to +3.

Smithing stone is found throughout the Lands Between, and mining galleries built to excavate it can be found everywhere.



Where to find Smithing Stone [1] in Elden Ring: All Locations Guide

Smithing Stones [1] are exceptionally common, as they are found throughout the Lands Between. See Smithing Stone [2] for upgrades past +3.



Main Limgrave

Stormveil Castle

Weeping Peninsula

Liurnia of the Lakes

Ainsel River


Shadow of the Erdtree



 Dropped By

Smithing Stone [1] Elden Ring Guide

  • Used in smithing to strengthen armaments.
  • At a smithing table, you can spend Runes and Smithing Stones to strengthen your armaments.
  • Somewhere in the Lands Between, you may meet a blacksmith who can make your armaments even stronger.


Elden Ring Smithing Stone [1] Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 999 Smithing Stone [1].
  • You can store up to 999 Smithing Stone [1].
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 100


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    • Anonymous

      Over 2.5 years later and still missing one. In Weeping Peninsula, one can be found just south of the Castle Morne Rampart grace on the other side of the wall on a corpse guarded by a large misbegotten.

      • Anonymous

        Fyi: Lava slimes in some of the forges drop smithing stones 1 + 2. I found them most commonly dropped in the ruins of starfall past

        • Anonymous

          There's 1 smithing stone 1 on a Corpse at Stormveil Castle above the little Jar men West of the Secluded Cell Grace.

          • Anonymous

            The interactive map link to the bell bearing dropping crytalid is misleading to the wrong cave. It leads to the Academy Crystal Caves, not the Raya Lucaria Crystal Cave

            • Anonymous

              The "3x on a corpse laying in a circle with other bodies" is listed twice, once under limgrave main and once under mistwood.

              • Anonymous

                Why are these things so god damn rare, they're just early game materials. God from software has alot of bad designs in this game

                • Anonymous

                  Why is FS so damned stingy with these crafting mats. Iji sells the somber 1 and 2 in unlimited quantities, why not these? They're way too basic for the game.

                  • Anonymous

                    really love the new formatting, makes it much easier to read. I wish whoever is doing it good luck for the rest of the stones

                    • Anonymous

                      You can trail the troll near the Secluded Cell candle to the statue with a glowing crack near Liftside Chamber for Smithing Stone[1]x5 and Smithing Stone [2]x1.

                      • Anonymous

                        Absolutely trash rates from mobs. 181 storm veil guard kills. 3 stones. Hours of farm. As a non arcane build, the miners bell is really the only way to go. I can’t imagine it’s any better with max arcane, what 6 stones for 181 kills?

                        • Anonymous

                          Best item to buy if you want to "hold "runes and are willing to pay the price (loses 50% of its buy price when selling)

                          • Anonymous

                            In the Weeping Peninsula, the ghost like headless guys that roam around drop them occasionally. A good place to farm is at the Fourth Church of Marika. There are 2 of them outside the door and 3 more walking down in front of them.

                            • Anonymous

                              This is a like to golden runes not smiting stones.

                              3 found in Limgrave, inside an open grave, along with one Smithing Stone (2) and one Smithing Stone (3). Map Link.

                              • Anonymous

                                There's more to buying them from merchants. It might have to do with being at a certain level, or having processed so far, or having given Bell Bearings to the Train Maidens. On one play through, I CAN see some Merchants selling them, but it's a level 95 character and I've given the first 3 bell bearings to the maidens. On another play through, no one sells them, and I've given no Bell Bearings to the Maidens.
                                I think that's the thing they changed, I think ALL merchants now sell them after you give the bearings to the maiden.

                                • Anonymous

                                  i cant buy any smithing stone 1 or 2, im playing on ps5, game says its fully updated, is there a known problem with ps5?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    The statements saying that these stones can be sold by Nomadic merchants in Limgrave are all false misinformation. This can be easily tested; simply speak to one of these merchants, and you will see that the stones are not offered.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      if you follow the graces and play the main campaign, these are easy to come by. If you like taking the scenic route to explore the world, you're only a little bit better off than **** out of luck

                                      • Anonymous

                                        There is 100% an issue with upgrading regular weapons being harder than "special" ones.
                                        Regular stones are more plentiful than somber ones already, but they are not 12 times more plentiful, which is the real issue since they require 12 times more quantity out of each [x].
                                        Easy fix: half the required stones, so that you only need 6. I hope they do this.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          "3 found in Limgrave, inside an open grave, along with one Smithing Stone (2) and one Smithing Stone (3). Map Link."

                                          The link leads to an open grave but there aren't any stones by them. Misinformation. Only runes...

                                          • Anonymous

                                            It is actually broken and ridiculous how much easier it is to upgrade a legendary weapon combated to a normal dagger. You can get a +6 legendary weapon BEFORE Margit. Ymfah’s latest video “how to break Elden ring” explains how to get to +5 but I’m gonna explain how to get to + 10 before touching radahn or rennala starting right after ymfah stops:

                                            All you need is to fight godrick, 1 other boss, the dectus medallion for the lift, and foollowing varre’s quest.assuming you followed ymfah’s guide For +6 go back to the selia crystal tunnel that the trap chest took you too in the dragon burnt ruins in limgrave. At the end is the falling star beast, killing him will give you a somber 6 for +6. While we’re here go to the dragon barrow west sign of grace. Go directly towards the divine tower of caelid which is prretty damn close to the grace. Between you and the tower will be a beetle on a root killing it will give you a somber 8. Somber 9 is literally below you just back track to the grace and follow the road until you reach the small pond with 2 dragons, huh the LEFT side and look behind you. Facing where you came from hug the drop off RIGHT you will go down a ramp leading to the base of the divine tower with a ring of chairs with corpses one of them holds a somber 9. That’s 3 of supposedly the rarest upgrade materials before even killing godrick. For the somber 7 kill godrick and get the Decius lift medallion and make your way to mt. Gelmir and the volcano manor you don’t need to kill any more bosses remember that. Progress through the manor until you reach the lowered drawbridge get on the side where you can raise it and do so. Now on the RIGHT side looking towards the prison church grace there’s a little bug on the bridge hop on that then hop on the tallest gear. By now you should’ve notice the item on the ledge infront of you guarded by one of those abducting virgins. This is the tricky part. You need to jump from the gear onto a small ledge on a column. Jump to the RIGHT of that column since the ledge is closer and jump over the railing to grab the shard. This also skips the godskin noble boss. You can fight him and get there normally if the jump is too hard but that’s your choice. Also look at the comments for the somber 7 page, im taking this skip guide from an anon who posted it there. Now progress through Varre’s quest, he should be at the rose church in the lake of lurinia. Look up a guide if you’re not familiar. The item he gives you at the end of his quest will transport you to the mohgwyn palace. Run through until you reach the palace midpoint Grace. Proceed until you reach all the red horned frog people and the sanguine noble protecting a chest. You can’t miss it. Inside is an ancient dragon somber stone the final upgrade material. Congrats

                                            That might seem like a ton but that’s only 3 bosses 4 if you count grafted scion as a “boss” or if you didn’t do the godskin noble skip all for a +10 legendary weapon. In contrast you need 12 of almost all regular smithing stones for 3 upgrade levels per type totaling to a +25 weapon. the amount needed requires you to travel to the forbidden lands which requires you to fight radahn, spectral Godfrey, morgott, and I THINK commander niall maybe even the fire giant since I got my materials for a +10 at crumbling farum azula. What I’m trying to say is that it’s ridiculously broken how obtaining upgrade materials are. The “rarest” ones you can get so easy. And the most common are a chore

                                            • Anonymous

                                              i gave the twin maidens the bell bearing and it's not in the shop... i checked the cave like 3 times as well as the bell bearing shop multiple times. i'm losing it. why is the most basic upgrade material in the game so rare?? i'm over level 110 and don't have any despite having looted all the stones in limgrave

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Dark Souls has better smithing materials names… for Elden Ring they didn’t even bother to give them proper name to not misunderstand them with each other… Smithing stone [1] Smithing Stone [2] Smithing Stone [3] and so on…

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Best way to farm these I've found:
                                                  Take Agheel Lake North grace, then Run up the road to Gatefront.
                                                  Kill the partisan and greatshield enemy on the way...then go a little further up. The next soldier you see on the road will pull out a horn when he aggros - let him do this and all the soldiers will run in to be slaughtered. After you are done, loot and reset.

                                                  • Found out they can drop from golems, specifically got one from a repeated killing of respawning Halberd wielding one on Limgrave Tower Bridge

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel's (northwest of main academy gate) boss will drop a ball bearing you can give to the Twin Maidens for unlimited Smithing Stone [1] and Smithing Stone [2]

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Blue-colored soldiers near the academy and fire witches dropped 2 for me in one clear of their camp, maybe I got lucky, downvote if rate is not higher than usual soldiers.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Okay, I figured out where they are ALL at. There is a ton to collect. You need to go to noob island. Noob Island is located south of First Step (the starting zone). Not that small island, the big glob on your map, Its big. You must enter all castle like areas, and collect. Where you see troops. There's 2 ways to noob island. A) Find the ledge closest, and use horse to double jump to noob island. Not the ruins.. past that. B) Cross the bridge. So ignore that 'cannot reach' island south, its the landmass.

                                                          I visited it at level 40... to realize... oh. That's where its all at. Enemies are weak etc. Was easy to miss because the thought was where I started was the most south of map. Not true!

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            does anyone even try to proofread these pages before pushing their edits? so many typos, inconsistent formatting, and bad grammar. fextralife is such a **** wiki when you have to go to the comments to get a decent lead on what you're looking for + the dumb ass twitch stream in the corner. sorry i just hate fextralife this kinda turned into a rant post lmao

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              At the Saintsbridge site NE of the Stormhill site, there's a regular pumpkinhead enemy that respawns on the bridge. It seems to always drop a Sanctuary stone but occasionally drops a smithing stone 1. Rate isn't good but better than the miners and very fast to repeat. Only 8 arcane, not sure how big of a deal that is yet.

                                                              • These are a real blocker early game. They've removed a lot of drops from the network test (trolls and golems) meaning you can only really upgrade 1 weapon until after stormveil (and you can forget trying to upgrade a casting weapon at the same time). I think there should be more of these as rewards for finishing dungeons/mini-bosses in Limgrave.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I can confirm that they drop from the miners in Limgrave Tunnels, you can clean the first room and easily teleport back to the travel point at the entrance to repeat the cycle, but the drop rate is abysmal.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    SPOILER DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE SPOILED OF A CERTAIN AREA AND A CERTAIN BOSS.

                                                                    These can be infintely purchased from the twins at the roundtable after you defeat the boss at the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel and giving them the bell bearing from the boss

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Drops occasionally from imps in Stormfoot Catacombs. Got 0-2 per run killing all the imps and resetting. Tedious, but decent early game farm.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        at mornes castle, theres one of those big dudes with a gold helmet that is easily killable and semi-consistently is dropping these for me. have fun!

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          miners in the Limgrave Tunnels can drop them. was just grinding the miners for some lvling and one dropped a 'smithing stone 1'.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            miners in the Limgrave Tunnels can drop them. was just grinding the miners for some lvling and one dropped a 'smithing stone 1'.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Smithing Master Iji located by Road to Manor bonfire upon teleporting to Liurnia via a portal located in the South Raya lucaria gate area. (Sells unlimited somber smithing stone 1 and 2, and has (3) 3's, and (3) 4's. Might be of use :)

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Exceptionally common according to who? I feel like I have to go out of my way to find these for just 1 weapon. And I also haven't gotten these as a drop from trolls.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  do they really drop from troll enemies in the full version? I've been killing the 5-6 that spawn near the gatefront in limgrave over and over and haven't gotten a single thing

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