Life Cycle ♦ Investigation

Life Cycle



Remembrance • ♦ • Rain • ♦ • Water • ♦ • Vessel Origin • ♦ • A Vessel's Journey • ♦ • The Life Cycle • ♦ • Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~

Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor Spirit, hewn into the Erdtree.

The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader.
Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.

Ancestral spirits exist as a phenomenon beyond the purview of the Erdtree.
Life sprouts from death, as it does from birth.
Such is the way of the living.





Carved into the Golden Tree
Remembrance of the Ruler of the Ancestral Spirits

After giving to the Finger Reader、the power of this lord can be claimed
Or、using this can grant a massive amount of runes

Ancestral Spirits、exist outside the Golden Tree,
they exist within the secrets of the gods

From Death, existence sprouts、
From Life, existence sprouts

Such、is the way of life's existence


Note: English & 日本語

• "Ancestral Spirits"


= "founder, pioneer, ancestor"

霊 = "spirit, soul"

In essence, "founding spirit(s)"

It can also mean: "a collection of souls that have lost their identity"

Or the spirit of a:

(kami) "deity"

Is it really so difficult to perceive a deity as a collection of souls?


1We, in reality, are the collection of 1013 cells.
That's 10,000,000,000,000 (10 trillion) human cells;
that originated from the zygote.

2And there are 3 ~ 5x times that many bacteria and viruses that compose the microbiome.
The veritable "forest" that we absolutely rely upon to survive.

All of them functioning in symbiosis and cooperation,
to allow a single consciousness to exist.

~ ~ ~

1Source: pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov /23829164/

2Source: en wikipedia org /wiki/Human_microbiome#Relative_numbers



Life Cycle

Remembrance • ♦ • Rain • ♦ • Water • ♦ • Vessel Origin • ♦ • A Vessel's Journey • ♦ • The Life Cycle • ♦ • Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~

(rei) "spirit, soul"

This character has 2 components:


"ordinary, medium, line of"

What happens when it rains?


The land comes alive.

Plants sprout...
insects flutter and skitter... frogs emerge...

snakes... voles... moles... mice... birds... ferrets...
beavers... foxes... raccoons...
boars... deer... wolves... bears...
monkeys... humans.


Row upon row... of souls.

Not one greater than the other.

It's as if every droplet of rain,
were a soul falling from Heaven.


real world crucible example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

Like a bit of slag from a crucible...

magma water lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

or molten magma... touching water.



It solidifies into a form... lives... declines... then returns to The Crucible.


 The red of Fire...


The blue of water...



A fire will only last as long as their is fuel for it to feed upon.

Water (H20), however, can remain stable into perpetuity.


Indeed, it will change forms
dependent upon temperature and pressure.
Heat it up... it becomes steam.
If there is an exit,
it will escape with that energy to release elsewhere.

Becoming liquid once again.

Chill it... and it becomes ice;
literally growing in size.

Whereas other substances
typically shrink when chilled,
water expands.

Capable of rending steel or carve solid rock.

And when energy,
in the form of heat,
is added to this frozen form;

it returns to liquid.

In all cases, it remains as water.

It's only when completely confined...
say within the gravitational core of a star...
that the Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O),
combine to form heavier elements.


And when that star's life ends,
it will explode.

Releasing the remaining
Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O),
along with the new heavier elements,
into the cosmos...

to form new stars.


The Crucible in action,

on a cosmic scale.

Life Cycle

Remembrance • ♦ •  Rain  • ♦ •  Water  • ♦ •  Vessel Origin  • ♦ •  A Vessel's Journey  • ♦ •  The Life Cycle  • ♦ •  Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~


Spirits... souls...



like water (H20),


And just as water is blue,


so too are the Spirits.

regal ancestor 2 elden ring wiki guide

Regal Ancestor Spirit

And just as with water (H20),
they cannot take a solid form by themselves;
unless they're chilled.

(Ever wonder why the frostbite effect is primarily attached to magic?)


Life Cycle 

Remembrance • ♦ •  Rain  • ♦ •  Water  • ♦ •  Vessel Origin  • ♦ •  A Vessel's Journey  • ♦ •  The Life Cycle  • ♦ •  Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~

magma water lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

But when water is mixed with liquid fire... magma...

a solid form emerges.

A soul, or souls... water (H20)...

becomes trapped within the stone.

Indeed, given time, magma will cool by itself;
but the result is a solid form
that cannot move on its own;
it's too stiff.


Water (H20) can still interact with this form...
breaking it down... slowly...
piece by piece...
grain by grain.


(The other part of the frostbite effect,

increases damage taken.)

~ ~ ~

3Source: en wikipedia org /wiki/Erosion

Eventually ending up as clay.
A substance that can be molded... formed...
then a bit more heat... fire... is applied,
and now we have a jar.


 jar bairn jarburg npc elden ring wiki guide 300px

Jar Bairn



site of grace icon



A vessel born. 

A form in which a spirit can move upon the land.

An existence lived.

Breath... a heart beat... thoughts... feelings... sights... sounds... touch... taste;
all of them experiences.

An entire life's worth of knowledge.

Then Death.

The vessel breaks,
and the spirit released.

Like the water (H20) sent back out into the cosmos.
But this time, the water (H20)... the soul...
carries that knowledge with it.


Life Cycle

Remembrance • ♦ •  Rain  • ♦ •  Water • ♦ • Vessel Origin • ♦ • A Vessel's Journey • ♦ • The Life Cycle • ♦ • Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~

 The Warrior Jar, Iron Fist Alexander,

shows this journey...


I was created to be a warrior vessel.

Many great warriors reside within me,
ever dreaming of becoming a great champion.

It's my destiny.
And the reason for which I quest.

It is my ordeal, you could say.
To test myself, to better myself, to fell ever greater foes.

And then, one day, we'll be a single great champion.
The greatest of them all!

What do you think, eh?
How do you rate my chances?
Heh heh...






...I、was created to be a warrior jar

Many warriors、are within me、
gazing longingly at dreams of champions

That is my destiny。
Because of that、I search
for trials。to test myself、to train、(searching) for stronger, bigger opponents

And then sometime in the future、We will become a champion。
the strongest champion

What do you think?
Think we can do it?

 A Vessel's Journey
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~

Ah, I see you've finally made it here yourself.
The city hanging in the air is slowly crumbling.
What an incredible place we find ourselves.

But that aside, you're certainly a force to be reckoned with, eh.
I doubt there's a single soul who could've handled that giant, other than you.
It was practically a god...
Of course I count myself, the great Alexander, among the many.

Which means, I've but one thing to ask of you.
Would you kindly undertake my ordeal?

Come and tell me when you're ready.
I've been longing to fight a warrior as accomplished as you.

You are ready then, I take it?
Then let us begin!

I am the great jar warrior, Iron Fist Alexander!
Lend me strength, O warriors within!
Let us become one champion, together!








...oh、you too have reached this peak
A city floating in the sky、slowly crumbling....
This land、is truly a incredible place

...besides that、your fight earlier、was splendid
That god-like giant that you defeated、
Anyone besides you, good sir, certainly wouldn't have been able to
...of course、I include myself, Alexander, among them

...With that、I have one favor to ask of you, good sir
Will you join me in my ordeal?

...When you are ready、I need you to call out to me again
I、want to fight your perfected form, good sir.

Good sir、your preparations are good
Well then、shall we begin?

I am the Warrior Jar、Iron Fish Alexander!
Warriors within me、lend me your strength!
Together we shall become a champion!


  A Vessel's Journey
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~

As I suspected...
was impossible.
This vessel... was found lacking...

My thanks, I knew you were the stuff of champions.
It was a marvelous battle.

I implore you, take what I bequeath...
from inside me...
All vessels are destined to one day break.

But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last!
Ha ha ha ha!




ワーッハッハッハ I thought、I cannot reach it
This vessel、was not enough...

My thanks。You are indeed the champion I was expecting
A marvelous battle it was
You must、take this, please。My insides

Jars will one day break
Was a Warrior Jar to the last!
Wah, hahaha!

 A Vessel's Journey • ♦ • Sorceress Insight
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A keepsake of the warrior jar Alexander.
Found at the core of the dead flesh that once filled the great jar.

The jars contain dregs inherited from those who came before.
Thus are warriors passed from jar to jar, carrying dreams of greatness.




Warrior Jar、Alexander's memento
Found at the Heart of the jar filled with dead flesh

The jar contents are inherited deposits
A Warrior is placed in the jar、and then later is placed in a new jar
Then, some day, they are taken to a higher place


Life Cycle

Remembrance • ♦ • Rain • ♦ • Water • ♦ • Vessel Origin • ♦ • A Vessel's Journey • ♦ • The Life Cycle • ♦ • Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~

A cycle of:

Birth... Life... Death... Rebirth

that continues on,

so long as there is energy. 



Stars, in our own universe,
go through this same cycle3.


3Source: en wikipedia org /wiki/Star#Star_formation

With each iteration, the water (H20)... souls,
combining into heavier elements:

Sodium (Na)... Aluminum (Al)... Silicon (Si)...

Titanium (Ti)... Iron (Fe)... Copper (Cu)... Silver (Ag)...


 Gold (Au)



 A soul of gold,


is ancient.


It is the culmination of millions of iterations...

a million lives.

"life's existence"

In a sense, it could be considered
the refined soul of:




Life Cycle ♦ Life Cycle - Investigation

Remembrance • ♦ • Rain • ♦ • Water • ♦ • Vessel Origin • ♦ • A Vessel's Journey • ♦ • The Life Cycle • ♦ • Sorceress Insight

~ ~ ~

Sorceress Sellen confirms that gold souls (黄金の霊) are indeed ancient.

And thus, why this cycle has been occurring from the very beginning.




Alongside the Crucible.


Our powers draw upon the powers embedded in glintstone,
but what is the nature of such power?

Glintstone is the amber of the cosmos,
golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life and houses its vitality,
while Glintstone contains residual life.

And thus, the vitality of the stars.

It should not be forgotten that glintstone sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therein.










Our sorcery、is found from the power within Glintstone、
that is how we wield our craft

With that、what is that power?

…Glintstone、is star amber

Gold colored amber, are the dregs of ancient existence、
that is the type of power it holds

Within Glintstone、are the dregs of stars' existence、

that is the type of power it holds

Remember this well

The sorcery of Glintstone、is the investigation of stars and their life's existence
Especially now、for there are "sorcerers" that have forgotten this.


Life CycleInvestigation

  Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


A fact that has never been forgotten by

the People of the Ancestral Spirits




immunizing horn charm talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px

Immunizing Horn Charm


Raises immunity
(Immunity governs resistance
to poison and rot.)

stalwart horn charm talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px

Stalwart Horn Charm


Raises robustness
(Robustness governs resistance
to blood loss and frost)

clarifying horn charm talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px

Clarifying Horn Charm


Raises Focus
(Focus governs resistance
to sleep and madness)

mottled necklace talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px

Mottled Necklace Talisman


Raises immunity, robustness,
and focus.



Said to be a budding horn.
The ancestral followers believed that the horns
of a long-lived beast continue to bud like antlers,
over and over again,
until the beast one day becomes an ancestral spirit.



This、is said to be a budding horn
A long lived beast、grows into a new horn budding
this repeats into eternity、until it becomes an Ancestral Spirit


Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~

A myriad of horns representing a gamut of forms that Life can take!



Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


And when that form breaks...

it returns to The Crucible,

to be formed into something new.

For Death is not the end.

Only a new beginning...

a new form.



Item cut from the horns of the Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Restore FP upon defeating enemies.

A number of new growths bud from the antler-like horns of the fallen king,
each glowing with light.

Thus does new life grow from death,
and from death,
one obtains power.





An item cut from the horn of an Ancestral Spirit Ruler

When defeating an opponent、restore FP

In the seedbed of the fallen Ruler's horn
Many buds break through、giving off light
That、is the budding life from Death
From Death gain (or understand) power


Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~

 Just as the stars cycle through:

birth... life... death... rebirth

with each iteration condensing lighter elements into heavier ones.

So too, do the myriad of souls condense into heavier ones

until it becomes an Ancestral Spirit






Skull of a very young ancestral spirit.
Just think how many sproutings It might bear.

Uses to spray spirit vapor inflicting magic damage.

The vapor becomes a temporary geyser
which deals continuous damage to everything it touches until it disappears.





From this, the many times it will likely bud
Quite young Ancestral Spirit skull

Use FP、scatter spirit droplets
Deal magic damage

The droplets become a geyser for a time、until it goes out
Those that touch it will continue to take damage


This Infant Ancestral Spirit is the beginning of a Golden Spirit.


For it still has many... many more iterations to go through.



Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~

LiquidFireflyRunesBeast BloodLife's existence power
~ ~ ~



has a melting point of 1064.18 °C;
which is significantly higher
than that of water (H2O), 0 °C.

This allows gold to remain solid
at room-temperature (~20 °C). 

A golden soul (黄金の霊),
in this regard,

would more easily be able to take a solid shape. 

Whereas a blue


soul... water... could not.

But remember that when water freezes,
and takes that solid form,
it actually expands.
Breaking apart whatever material its trapped within.

Hence, why the frostbite effect causes HP loss.

Golden Properties

LiquidFireflyRunesBeast BloodLife's existence power
~ ~ ~

 So if frostbite is the solid form of blue souls (青の霊),

what then is the solid form of gold ones (黄金の霊)?


Firefly that gives off a golden light.
Material used in crafting items.
Found near bodies of water close to Minor Erdtrees.

The light of fireflies is believed to have an alluring magic.
Golden light is considered to invite runes.




Firefly that gives off gold colored light
A single ingredient to manufacture items
Found near bodies of water near small Golden Trees

It is said that firefly light has an attractive magical power
Gold colored firefly light、is said to beckon runes


Golden Properties

LiquidFireflyRunesBeast BloodLife's existence power
~ ~ ~

Gold-colored light attracts runes.

What are runes?


Grace that dwells within the inhabitants of the Lands Between;
the lingering trace of gold.

Use to gain 800 runes.

Even now, runes are still imbued with the power of life itself.
Do you see the Erdtree towering o'er?



使用により, 800ルーンを得る


Grace carried by the people of the Lands Between
That remembrance of gold

After using, gain 800 runes

Even now, runes、hold the power of life's existence
Can you see it? How the Golden Tree soars above?


Golden Properties

LiquidFireflyRunesBeast BloodLife's existence power
~ ~ ~

 Runes carry the power of life's existence.

And what is this power?



Fresh beast blood, glinting with gold.
Material used for crafting items.
Found by hunting carnivorous beasts.

This glimmering blood never rots or decays.



Carried a glitter of gold, beast's liquid blood
A single ingredient utilized for item manufacture
Found by hunting carnivorous beasts.

It never rots


Golden Properties

LiquidFireflyRunesBeast BloodLife's existence power • ♦ • deity's vessel
~ ~ ~

A large pool of blood with flecks of gold within.


Or rather,

more accurately,

some flecks of gold... have drawn blood to them.


The power of life's existence is:




And the solid form of a Golden Soul,




is a nigh immutable vessel.

For it too, can break.


 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


Ancient life... gold souls (黄金の霊)...

have gone through millions of iterations.

Millions of lives...

millions of bodies...




They have learned how to create vessels more quickly.

Rather than having to rely upon random chance to achieve the same.

Indeed, runes can be used to level up any of the major attributes,

buy equipment, or upgrade it.


However, if your HP drops to zero,

the vessel breaks;

making all the other stats, and equipment...

at that point in time... worthless.


 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


What's more, gold does not oxidize easily;

it is highly resistant to corrosion.

It doesn't rot.

scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 100px

Vigor is the primary attribute that dictates your immunity;

your resistance to rot and poison.

scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 100px   poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 100px



However, this link between

gold's resistance to corrosion,

and Vigor dictating immunity,

is not a direct correlation;

only a coincidence.

As the ability to resist rot in the Lands Between,

is innate to Vigor;


which is only attracted to gold.

Though that coincidence does aid

in understanding the fundamental nature

of the relationship between Vigor and gold.


Conversely, Vigor grants a small amount of

resistance to Fire damage;

but gold, innately, does not.



 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


Gold is also quite rare.

And yet, as can been seen with the Beast Blood,

beast blode elden ring wiki guide 200px

only a few flecks are needed to coalesce a substantial amount of blood.

This, however, belies the fact that blood (in reality4),

is 51% water (H2O).

~ ~ ~

4Source: en wikipedia org /wiki/Blood


Again, that mixture of Fire... magma...

magma water lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

and water (H2O)





And why it is the frostbite effect is so potent.

frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 100px



Vigor is more a measure of the captured energy

that creates the cells of the body.


E = mc2

or rather, m = E/c2


In relation to a jar,

Vigor is the jar's shape;

water makes up the contents.


A jar can exist without any contents,

but it doesn't have a soul to "drive" it.

empty jars location lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

W. Liurnia, Minor Erdtree

site of grace icon

This is the reverse problem that spirits face;

in which they have the drive,

but no vessel to do so.

 spirits cold mountains location lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

Zamor Ruins,
Site of Grace

site of grace icon


 The more gold present within the vessel...

the more golden soul fragments that the vessel carries...

the faster Vigor is drawn to it.


It's like having the regenerative capability to regrow a severed limb within seconds.

 But there's a caveat.


Though the vessel.. the flesh...

can easily be brought back,

with a vessel that is largely gold,

water is still needed to have blood flow.

With no blood flow,

nutrients and oxygen (O2),

cannot reach all the cells of the vessel;

and they simply die.

But due to the gold content,

the flesh is quickly replaced.


The vessel is in a perpetual state

of rot and regeneration.


 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


A gold soul, therefore, still relies upon the countless blue ones.


amber starlight elden ring wiki guide


starlight shards elden ring wiki guide 200px



In reality,

one of the locales where gold is commonly found


river gold example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

is in streams

alluvial deposit example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

and alluvial deposits.


Water carries a bit of gold with it.

 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~ 

OverflowGame JarNew GameEnd GameBoredom

~ ~ ~


Jars... vessels... have a limit to what can be filled within.


Once that limit is reached,

any additional material simply overflows.

overflowing jar real example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

Overflowing jar in reality

Whether that material is gold... or Vigor... clay,

it will spill over the top and drip down the sides.


If it's "vigor,"

the outer diameter of the vessel will increase,

but the internal diameter hasn't changed.


The jar just gets fatter.


The only way to increase the internal diameter...

is to break the jar.

Vessel Limitations

OverflowGame JarNew GameEnd GameBoredom

~ ~ ~


We can actually see this from the game mechanics.

It's possible to level every attribute to 99,

but once that's achieved,

nothing more can be added;

unless you break the game's code.

Those excess runes

would have to be used elsewhere.

Whether that's on equipment,

or purchasing items.

Even then,

when all inventory has been filled,

the excess runes can only be removed in one... legitimate... way;


death rune pool item mechanic lore 300px elden ring wiki guide



Vessel Limitations

 OverflowGame JarNew GameEnd GameBoredom

~ ~ ~



and then dying again

without retrieving the rune pool,

will disseminate the excess runes.


Even just to get to this point requires either:


extreme dedication


extreme boredom.

Which is why the mechanics discourage going to such lengths,

as each subsequent level requires an ever increasing number of runes.


This can be somewhat alleviated

by going all the way through to New Game + 8.

Where with each New Game,

the number of runes received from defeating bosses, and foes, increases.


However, past New Game + 8,

the rune drops remain stagnant.



Vessel Limitations

OverflowGame JarNew GameEnd GameBoredom

~ ~ ~

So unless you've already achieved the goal of maxing out all attributes,

and inventory,

the journey will become increasingly monotonous.

Which leads to:


• putting down the controller, and walking away...

• creating a new character...

• or finding some way to break the boundaries of the game.



Vessel Limitations

OverflowGame JarNew GameEnd GameBoredom • ♦ • deity Ego

~ ~ ~


If an entity is willing to go to such extreme lengths

to completely max out

the "internal diameter" of their vessel,


one could say they have a bit of a god complex.

So while they assuage their ego

for a time within the boundaries of the game,

those boundaries will become increasingly agitating.

One of those boundaries,

limits who they can play with:


who they can be summoned by


who they can summon.



 So they find ways to break those limitations,

searching to more directly manipulate the "characters" of the in-game universe.

Treating them as little more than puppets.

puppet example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide


 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~

This behavior isn't limited to players.

It also applies to the Golden Souls.

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide


Entities that have existed since nearly the beginning

of the universe of the Lands Between.


are just as varied as all other souls.


Some can be benevolent...

others neutral...

or still others, abhorrently malevolent.



By and large,

these entities tend to balance out;

ensuring that the cycle of:


birth... life... death... rebirth,



But there can be isolated incidents where this balance is disturbed.

Planets that have become unbalanced.

As one of the


has found a way to collect even more

gold soul fragments to itself.

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide




gold souls..

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide


flow along with...

river gold example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

 the blue ones.

starlight shards elden ring wiki guide 200px 





It's only when enough gold souls have accumulated...

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide


 that a deity truly emerges.

ancestral infants head elden ring wiki guide 200px

Ancestral Infant Skull



But a deity that has already emerged

can increase their power,

and influence,

by continuing to collect golden soul fragments.


In essence, they're collecting them to "level up" their vessel.

overflowing jar real example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

Which is stuck in the spirit realm


but they can make "holes" in the barrier

between the physical and spiritual realms.

Which allows them to push... say...

a couple of fingers through.

two fingers lore npc elden ring wiki guide 300px


 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~


But, hold on, Golden Souls can create immutable vessels,

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide beast blode elden ring wiki guide 200px

so why are the


 stuck in




 For the same reason that players of a higher rune level cannot... legitimately... forcefully interact with players of a significantly lower rune level.

They can only do so, if the lower level host agrees for the higher level to join.

And even then, the guest has their rune level reduced to that of the host.


Remember the player who maxed out all their stats to 99?

Would you enjoy being invaded by them?

When you've barely just started the game?

Didn't think so.


In this way, the game itself is hinting at the laws of the universe of the Lands Between.


Souls cannot create a vessel,

that would be manipulating the "birth" part of the Life Cycle.

They must still obey the laws of the physical realm.


That is, the random chance of...


Fire... red...



magma water lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

water... blue


...meeting to create a vessel.


Or to be born.

formless mother uhl shrine giant female pelvis miquella location lore elden ring wiki guide 300px




Once the vessel is created,

then it gets filled with water... souls.... a rune level.

A means to affect the Lands Between,

and a chance to maintain the vessel.

The reason the Greater Will doesn't fill a vessel at this point, is because:

1) It would lock them in a physical form, on a single planet

2) They risk losing a substantial amount of golden soul fragments, should that vessel be destroyed.

    As they are still beholden to the majority of the laws of the universe.



 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~
Player VesselYura's VesselJarwight
~ ~ ~


We as players, cannot interact with the Lands Between,

without first agreeing to take control of an already created vessel.

Who has chosen to allow us to do so.

Following their death outside the Lands Between,

and Grace has summoned them.


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prisoner class elden ring wiki guide 200px

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Vessel Permissions

Player VesselYura's VesselJarwight
~ ~ ~

Shabriri does the same.

Yura, following his death,

grants his vessel to Shabriri.


Finally, we meet.
The Tarnished who would be Lord.

Oh my, why the long face?

I fear that you were previously acquainted with this vessel.
Well, that is most unfortunate.
For he is dead.

As for his flesh,
he gave it to me,

I hope you can make your peace with that.








...finally we can meet
Tarnished that should become Lord

...Oh? That's a strange face isn't it?
Perhaps、this body's original owner、
you knew of?

Since that's the case、
it is a most unfortunate matter。

He is already dead

And so I、Shabriri、
was entrusted with this body

From here on
I ask that we can be on good terms

Vessel Permissions

Player VesselYura's VesselJarwight • ♦ • Golden exploitation
~ ~ ~

This necessity, that a vessel must grant entrance to a soul,

is beautifully illustrated when a nameless man wished for entrance to a Warrior Jar's core.


One of Seluvis' puppets.
Use to summon the spirit of a jarwight.

Spirit of a man who wished to become the innards of a livingjar.
A jar-hurling specialist who throws all manner of pots and jars.

The warrior jar once told the nameless man this:

"You are not yet ready to join the warriors inside.
No, you must apply yourself!
Better yourself,
and one day I will return for you."





" お前はまだ、中身に早い。励むことだ
そうすれば、いつかお前を迎えに行く "

One of Seluvis' puppets
Summon a Jar Man spirit body

A living jar, the spirit body of a man that wanted to become a part of a jar core
Throws various jars, a jar specialist

A warrior jar once declared to a nameless man:

" It is too soon for you to enter my core。
It is a matter of endeavor, to better yourself

If you do that、one day I will go out to meet you. "


 Life Cycle - Investigation

Budding Horns • ♦ • Biological Diversity • ♦ • Seedbed • ♦ • deity's birth • ♦ • Golden Properties • ♦ • deity's vessel • ♦ • Immunity • ♦ • Vigor & Water

Blue & Gold • ♦ • Vessel Limitations • ♦ • deity ego • ♦ • Universal Laws • ♦ • Vessel Permissions • ♦ • Golden exploitation

~ ~ ~

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


And yet, the Greater Will can command stars.

A physical form within the game's universe.



This legendary incantation is the most ancient
of those that derive from the Erdtree.

Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area.

It is said that long ago,
the Greater Will sent a golden star
bearing a beast into the Lands Between,
which would later become the Elden Ring.





Considered the oldest of Golden Tree incantations
One of the legendary incantations

Create countless golden shooting stars、attack the surrounding area

Once, the Greater Will
Sent a Golden Shooting Star with a beast to the Lands Between
That beast、is said to have become the Elden Ring

Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~



Again, going back to the player that's maxed out their stats to 99.


Rather than choosing to start a new character...

or walking away from the game...

they've chosen to find ways to get around the boundaries.

One could think of the stars under the Greater Will's command,

as lackeys of the maxed out stat player.

Their lackey is closer in  rune level  to the target host's world.


Another "hole" within the barrier they can exploit.



Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~



If one is searching for the rare,

and elusive,

golden soul fragments,

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide



that flow along with the blue souls.

starlight shards elden ring wiki guide 200px 




 Then casting a wider "net" will help accelerate the collection.

elden beast boss 2 elden ring wiki guide

Observe the numerous Golden Trees in the background


Even better, if you can get some one else to do the work of filtering through that "net."

Say... a vassal...


Remembrance of the Elden Beast, hewn into the Erdtree.

The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader.
Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.

It was the vassal beast of the Greater Will
and living incarnation of the concept of Order.




Carved into the Golden Tree
Elden Beast remembrance

This、was the Greater Will's favored beast,
and the incarnation of the general concept of order


Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~




Better still, if the "net" filters itself.

Like creating the belief that the "anchor point" for the "net,"

erdtree location lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

is where the denizens of a world,

wish to end up.



A proper death means returning to the Erdtree
Have Patience. Until the times comes...and the roots call to you



…a correct death、is one that、returns to the Golden Tree
Please wait。until that time the roots call for you...


Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~

Remember, that when a vessel is naturally created,

formless mother uhl shrine giant female pelvis miquella location lore elden ring wiki guide 300px



a bit of water (H2O)... blue souls... gets trapped within.

starlight shards elden ring wiki guide 200px 



And that gold souls flow along with the blue ones.

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide


river gold example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide


So every time a vessel is born,

or rebuilt... resurrected,

there is a chance of golden soul fragments within.


Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


Sound familiar?

Especially when it's rare...

and grants more runes?

zamor gold eyes enemy lore elden ring wiki guide

Knight of Zamor
Glowing Eye effect

glowing eyes skull item 300px elden ring wiki guide

Skull with glowing eyes



Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


 And as for being rebuilt... resurrected...


This empty pot somehow mends itself when broken.

Essential vessel for crafting cracked pot items.

The materials and magics sealed within deploy
their effects when the pot is thrown.






Even broken、it later reforms into an empty jar

A container needed to manufacture Cracked Jar items

Seal within various ingredients and techniquies

The efficacy is displayed when thrown

Again, sound familiar?


A vessel's contents spill out when broken...

but will later on reform itself to the shape it had before it was "broken"...

death rune pool item mechanic lore 300px elden ring wiki guide




Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~



Now instill that vessel with the belief they should live their life according to your Order


Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?

In Marika's own words.

"The Erdtree governs all.

The choice is thine.

Become one with the Order.
Or divest thyself of it.

To wallow at the fringes;
a powerless upstart."




" 黄金樹は、全てを律する。選ぶがよい
何の力も持たぬ、辺境の傍流と成るか "

...In this place also、mysterious words of power of Queen Marika linger
If you're interested、shall I tell you them?

...Marika's mysterious words of power、are as thus:

" The Golden Tree、governs all。Choose
Become one with our Order?
Or exist outside the Order ...
without any power to hold onto、becoming little more than a tributary on the outskirts? "


Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


And as long as they ensure their vessel is buried...

catacombs roots location lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

Catacomb corpse absorption into Great tree roots

Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


at the end of their very long life...


High quality garb adorned with fine golden embroidery.
Travel attire worn by nobles in the capital.
Terribly faded and tattered.

Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering,
these undead wanderers are the pitiful product of unending life.




High quality clothes, colored with gold embroidery
Aristocrats' traveling clothes from the capital
Terribly damaged with fading

After the Shattering war、they abandoned their hometown
Finally becoming a wandering person obsessed with money and power
The result of a long life with only Death removed




Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~

...near the "intake"...


Resin secreted from the roots of the Greattree.
Can also be found near trees on the surface.
Material used in crafting items.

The roots of the Greattree
were once linked to those of the Erdtree,
or so they say,
and it is for this reason catacombs are built around Greattree roots.




Natural tree tallow that can, primarily, be harvested from Great Tree roots underground
It can also be found next to trees above ground
A single ingredient in manufacturing items

These Great Tree roots、are said to have once connected to the Golden Tree
For this reason, Great Tree root earth is chosen to build crypt earth


Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


...for the "anchor point,"

the "filter,"

of the "net,"

erdtree location lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

their vessel will be rebuilt... resurrected.


Which should be easy enough with the excess of golden soul fragments.

That are being siphoned off through other Golden Trees, on other planets.

elden beast boss 2 elden ring wiki guide

Again, observe the multiple golden trees in the background.
Spread across the cosmos.

Furthermore, remember, gold attracts Vigor.
So repairing the vessel of a follower should be trivial.

amber starlight elden ring wiki guide beast blode elden ring wiki guide 200px

Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


Then break the natural cycle of the universe... locally... for the planet;

by removing... sealing... Death.



Maliketh's black blade
which once harbored the power
of the Rune of Death.
A sad shadow of its former glory.

After a fragment of Death was stolen on that fateful night,
Maliketh bound the blade within his own flesh,
such that none might ever rob Death again.





Maliketh's Black Sword that carried Destined Death
A grand husk of itself

The night of the plot、after a piece of Death was stolen

Maliketh sealed this sword inside himself
So no one would ever be able to steal Death like that again


This greatly limits The Crucible from receiving material to recycle;

which limits the number of new souls being able to take form.

real world crucible example lore 300px elden ring wiki guide

Fewer possible entrances for unknown souls,

means fewer chances for an upstart to come along.





Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


Now combine this with the planet's population of souls who will not risk defying your Order,

as that means facing Destined Death.



Beast's helm made of black iron and decorated with gold.
Worn by Maliketh the Black Blade.

Maliketh, Queen Marika's loyal half-brother,

bore a blade imbued with Destined Death,
and there was not one demigod who did not fear him.

Champions knew what was at stake.
Indeed, that is what made them champions





Beast's helmet of black steel decorated with gold
Black Sword Maliketh's equipment

Queen Marika's loyal step-brother
Maliketh carried a sword with Destined Death inside it
Every demigod、feared him

Precisely because they knew this fear
They were heroes



Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


Followed by filtering through what few souls do come from the Crucible.

If the new soul agrees with your Order: great!

If not, throw them back into the Crucible.

One random Hybrid is easier to contain, than an army of them.

misbegotten 4 elden ring wiki guide

castle morne hybrid uprising location npc 300px lore elden ring wiki guide

Castle Morne
Hybrid Uprising

site of grace icon


Golden exploitation

Elden StarsGolden Lackey • Golden NetSelf-FiltrationGold CollectorsGold eyesResurrectionGolden Demands

Golden BurialGolden OpportunityFiltration IntakeFilterBreak the GameControlled DeathSoul SortingNew Management
~ ~ ~


Then all that's needed to maintain your Order on the planet,

is ensure the "anchor point,"

remains stable.

 fractured marika elden ring repaired lore ending elden ring wiki guide 300px


With a steady supply of "willing" vessels,


"god person"




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