Dryleaf Dane

Location Moorth Ruins
Role Amicable NPC, Hostile NPC, Mini Boss
Voiced by Alec Newman

Dryleaf Dane is an NPC in Elden Ring. He is an NPC exclusive to the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. Dryleaf Dane is a master of hand-to-hand combat and is a fervent follower of Miquella. He leaves a Monk's Missive for travelers to find and wish to seek a challenge and learn the way of the warrior.

See Dryleaf Dane (Boss) for the boss fight against this NPC.

See Dryleaf Dane Lore 


Dryleaf Dane Location in Elden Ring

Dryleaf Dane can be found east of the Scadu Atlas region, at the Moorth Ruins [Map Link]. It is the easternmost cross depicted in the New Cross Map.


Dryleaf Dane Quest Objectives in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Dryleaf Dane Notes & Trivia


Elden Ring Dryleaf Dane Questline Guide

Dryleaf Dane in Scadu Altus

Dryleaf Dane is located by the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map Link].

At the High Road Cross Site of Grace, you can pick up Monk's Missive and the May the Best Win Gesture, which are needed for Dryleaf Dane's questline. Use the gesture "May the Best Win" on Dryleaf Dane to trigger a mini boss fight. To learn more about strategies and guides on how to defeat him, visit the Dryleaf Dane (Boss) page. He drops Dryleaf Arts and Dane's Hat.

Breaking Miquella's charm does not affect Dryleaf Dane.

(Optional) The rest of Dane's set can be found at the Ruins of Unte. This area can only be accessed by using a ladder in Shadow Keep to get down to a special teleport coffin [Shadow of the Erdtree Map]. Once teleported, go south until you find the first waterfall with a Site of Grace (Recluses' River Upstream) next to it. Continue going south, jump the two gaps, and cross to the other side of the canyon when you're able to. Continue going south until it makes you fall one level down, there will be a Site of Grace (Recluses' River Downstream) next to you. Inspect the cliffs next to the Site of Grace, you will find horizontal tombstones, use them to carefully jump down to the top of the third waterfall (the second one is north of you). From there, just go north to the waterfall you can see in the distance. [Map Link] Under the waterfall you'll find Dryleaf Robe, Dryleaf Arm Wraps, and Dryleaf Cuissardes.


Dryleaf Dane in Enir-Ilim

Dryleaf Dane will always fight against you in the NPC allies battle in Enir-Ilim, at the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Site of Grace. After the fight, you'll be able to loot Dane's Footwork from his corpse in the same room.


Dialogue in Elden Ring: Dryleaf Dane


  • "…"

Message left behind after the duel in Moorth Ruins

  • "Grow not complacent. Continue to temper your strength."

Upon defeat during the fight against the NPC allies in Enir-Ilim

  • "Kind Miquella... In godhood shall you rise."


Dryleaf Dane Lore






Lore Items Related to Dryleaf Dane


Dane's Footwork

A technique for hand-to-hand combat without the aid of a weapon. This martial art focuses on kicking techniques. This kick-based martial art is unique to Dane, a Dryleaf and sworn ally of Leda. He acquired these skills by training with the aid of a waterfall; letting the water beat his body, and throwing himself into its basin.

Dane's Hat

The sun-faded and lightly soiled hat of Dryleaf Dane. Worn low over the eyes, it obscures the wearer's vision. Meeting the gaze of another can overcome the senses, often leading to the downfall of those who would walk the noble and solitary seekers' path.

Dryleaf Arm Wraps

Sun-faded and lightly soiled arm wraps. Wound tightly around the arms as if it might prevent them from being broken.

Dryleaf Arts

A technique for hand-to-hand combat without the aid of a weapon. This martial art combines fist strikes and kicks. The teachings of a group of spiritual seekers known as the Dryleaf Sect, revealed only to those of worthy valor and character. The practice of this martial art marks the dawn of an ascetic's journey.

Dryleaf Robe

Sun-faded and lightly soiled travel attire worn by clergymen. The gold necklace found under the breast belongs to a group of spiritual seekers known as the Dryleaf Sect. This sect rejects dependence on others in all matters of faith, seeking self-discipline and self-sufficiency above all else.

Monk's Missive

A letter bearing a terse message and an illustration of a monk, his hands held together. "Seek me to the east if you wish to pursue the way of the warrior. When you find me, you will challenge me to a bout. There is no need for words."

Dialogue Related to Dryleaf Dane

Needle Knight Leda

"Oh, that man is known as Dane. He's been in the service of Miquella the Kind longer than I."

"Dane's reluctance to speak to you is no fault of your own. We've been acquainted for quite some time, but even I am yet to hear his voice. Perhaps one day."




Dryleaf Dane Image Gallery

dryleaf dane look sote elden ring wiki guide

dryleaf dane art elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide





Elden Ring NPCs
Abandoned Merchant Siofra River  ♦  Aeonian Spirit  ♦  Aeonian Swamp Spirit  ♦  Albinauric Village Spirit  ♦  Albus  ♦  Ashen Spirit  ♦  Aureliette  ♦  Blackguard Big Boggart  ♦  Blaidd  ♦  Bloody Finger Hunter Yura  ♦  Boc the Seamster  ♦  Brother Corhyn  ♦  Carian Manor Spirit  ♦  Church Of Pilgrimage Spirit  ♦  Count Ymir, High Priest  ♦  D's Twin Brother  ♦  D, Hunter of the Dead  ♦  Deathtouched Spirit  ♦  Diallos  ♦  Dragon Communion Priestess  ♦  Dung Eater  ♦  Eclipse Spirit  ♦  Edgar  ♦  Enia  ♦  Ensha  ♦  Erdtree Sanctuary Spirit  ♦  Fia  ♦  Finger Maiden Therolina  ♦  Fire Knight Queelign (NPC)  ♦  Frenzied Spirit  ♦  Frustrated Spirit  ♦  Gate Town Bridge Spirit  ♦  Gatekeeper Gostoc  ♦  Gideon Ofnir  ♦  Godwyn the Golden  ♦  Goldmask  ♦  Gowry  ♦  Grape Spirit  ♦  Gurranq Beast Clergyman  ♦  Hermit Merchant  ♦  Hornsent  ♦  Hornsent Grandam  ♦  Hyetta  ♦  Igon  ♦  Imprisoned Merchant  ♦  Irina  ♦  Iron Fist Alexander  ♦  Isolated Merchant Raya Lucaria  ♦  Isolated Merchants  ♦  Jar Bairn  ♦  Jolan  ♦  Kenneth Haight  ♦  Kingsrealm Spirit  ♦  Knight Bernahl  ♦  Laiedd Spirit  ♦  Latenna  ♦  Lionel the Lionhearted  ♦  Liurnian Highway Spirit  ♦  Liurnian Lake Spirit  ♦  Lost Snow Spirit  ♦  Master Lusat  ♦  Medallion Spirit  ♦  Melina  ♦  Merchant Kale  ♦  Millicent  ♦  Millicent's Sisters  ♦  Miquella  ♦  Miriel Pastor of Vows  ♦  Moore  ♦  Morne Spirit  ♦  Mushroom Spirit  ♦  Nanaya  ♦  Needle Knight Leda  ♦  Nepheli Loux  ♦  Nomadic Merchant Mohgwyn Palace  ♦  Nomadic Merchant West Altus Plateau  ♦  Nomadic Merchants  ♦  Patches  ♦  Phillia, Towering Little Sister  ♦  Pidia, Carian Servant  ♦  Preceptor Seluvis  ♦  Primeval Sorcerer Azur  ♦  Queen Marika  ♦  Ranni the Witch  ♦  Redmane Freyja  ♦  Renna  ♦  Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (NPC)  ♦  Roderika  ♦  Rya  ♦  Rykard  ♦  Sanguine Noble (NPC)  ♦  Shabriri  ♦  Shaded Castle Spirit  ♦  Siofra River Spirit  ♦  Sir Ansbach  ♦  Smithing Master Hewg  ♦  Sorcerer Rogier  ♦  Sorceress Sellen  ♦  St. Trina  ♦  Stranded Graveyard Spirit  ♦  Study Hall Spirit  ♦  Tanith  ♦  The Gloam-Eyed Queen  ♦  The Great-Jar  ♦  Thiollier  ♦  Thops  ♦  Three Fingers  ♦  Tower of Return Spirit  ♦  Twin Maiden Husks  ♦  Two Fingers  ♦  Volcano Manor Spirit  ♦  Wandering Artist Spirit  ♦  War Counselor Iji  ♦  White Mask Varre  ♦  Windmill Spirit  ♦  Witch-Hunter Jerren

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    • Anonymous

      I heard you can get an alternate version of fight with him earlier on by offending him based on his religious beliefs, but I can't see the 'Insult Kindly Miquella' dialogue prompt when I talk to him. Any advice? I DO have the Dried Rat Dung, but some of the guides say you shouldn't need any, and I'm just very confused, and would like to pick up Dane's Finger Arts for my STR/DEX build. And no, I don't want Dane's Footwork later on, Finger Arts is more optimal for my stat spread and equip load.

      • Anonymous

        summon him to fight Romina: just gets smacked around and almost never attacks

        he gets summoned to fight you: ultra instinct input-read dodges, endless stamina and combos

        • Anonymous

          If you plan to fight Dane by using the MAY THE BEST WIN gesture, to make this fight a walk in the park, equip the strongest physical damage armor and talisman you got before you use the gesture and then use the ironjar aromatic once the fight start to turn your self into iron and just poise through all his attacks. Just keep attacking as he wont be able to stop you much.

          Fight was mad easy this way, was over in mere seconds.

          • Anonymous

            Unassuming but mysterious character whose sect may be very ancient indeed—perhaps connected to the long-lost Sun Realm. If the eras of Elden Ring are indeed cyclical, the Dryleaf Sect would be an autumnal symbol. Austere ascetics of an age past its prime.

            "He's been in the service of Miquella the Kind longer than I."
            "sun-faded...worn by clergymen"

            "The fallen leaves tell a story"

            • Anonymous

              I used Inescapeable Frenzy with the Radagon Icon on him. You can just spam it. FP running out and getting self-madness is the only thing stopping the chain.

              • Anonymous

                >is part of a sect that rejects faith as a form of self sustainment and improvement
                >said sect had felt the winds change before the shattering which was caused by marika
                >same sect now vows to serve miquella since they now think that marika's son, known for passively charming any and all people he encounters and bringing them under his control whether willingly or not, would be any better in the position of god for some reason

                how does this track?

                • Anonymous

                  He beat me the first attempt because I was tryna use slow attacks that don't outright flatten him (Moonlight Greatsword) and he did some kinda big ol punch that took out most of my health.

                  Second try I just used Gavel of Haima 15 or so times and he died with minimal effort. I feel bad.

                  • Anonymous

                    used fingerprint shield on him with shieldcrash ash of war i knew he was fast so i didnt let him get up he died of frenzy by the 4x.

                    • Anonymous

                      "This sect rejects dependence on others in all matters of faith, seeking self-discipline and self-sufficiency above all else."
                      "Those who saw the decline of the Erdtree in the fallen leaves long ago braced themselves for the weakening of Order, and embraced a strict faith. And then, they made to serve a new god."
                      "Oh, that man is known as Dane. He's been in the service of Miquella the Kind longer than I."
                      Isn't it weird that Dane, and the dryleaf sect, would be in service to Miquella given the empyrean's motivations? His ascendency to godhood would be the end of self-sufficiency and self-discipline as a concept in the lands between, causality would essentially nearly cease to exist so why would they serve him? In a way, asceticism mirrors miquella's need to divest himself of everything, maybe Dane see's this as the ultimate sacrifice of worldly pleasures, like *the* most important thing to the dryleaf sect- maybe thats why they follow miquella regardless of his intentions. Its also weird how long Dane's been following miquella, did the leafs fall before the shattering or after it?

                      • Anonymous

                        I don't it's mentioned here or if this has any effect story-wise, he can be summoned for the Saint of Bud boss fight. His summon sign is before fog on the right side if you're facing boss room from the grace.

                        • Anonymous

                          Don’t overthink this. Don’t prebuff, don’t strategize, change talismans etc etc etc. just whip out the carian slicer and be done with it. His unlimited stamina made this an unfun fight before I figured that out. Carian slicer kept this guy stunlocked. Any other quick weapon will do too. It would be a badass fight if he shared any of the stamina limitations we do.

                          • Anonymous

                            Imagine being some autistic mute karatekid playing knights with your friends in your little never never land and then some bully from lands between comes to beat you up and steals your hat. Then you round up your buddies to fight the ”big bad bully” and he just proceeds to beat you again along with all your friends too.

                            • Anonymous

                              Well 1st off, if one trys to incorporate any of his teaching. His equipment would give you unlimited stamina and 2x health. Then one other item for heavy armor that weighs nothing. Then this npc would have been making some sense. But...say it again, fromsoft makes another boss/npc over powered and unrealistic and upon receiving the loot. Left with nothing more than a Deprived from DS3.

                              • Anonymous

                                Uh...anyone else get him as a summon to fight against Romina? Just did and have a screenshot. Interesting no mention from FL here...

                                • Anonymous

                                  I wonder what Endurance and Vigor levels a player would need to have in order to match Dane's HP and Stamina. Are we talking hundreds or thousands?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    In our first encounter, it felt a bit wrong to challenge him with swords instead of fists. So I remembered the Cipher Pata and Grafted Dragon in my back pocket and it made for a very enjoyable fight. I'm not sure he'd enjoy my frequent use of "Bear Witness !!!" tho x)

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I love this game so much but I literally had no clue this guy existed until the final encounter. I was so confused when Leda mentioned him. Really hope they make quests like his a little more obvious next game they release because I'm really bummed to be missing out on his dryleaf arts.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Dryleaf Dane only talks after you defeat Him and Leda and her allies.... after Death he says:..... Be Sure to drink your ovaltine.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          1V1'ing Dane using dryleaf arts while ensbach and thiolier deal with Leda and moor with an experience like no other, everyone was indeed kung-fu fighting

                                          • Anonymous

                                            It makes no sense that there's no way to get him on your side, and there's no explanation as to why he even likes Miquella.

                                            Has anyone tried to 1v1 him in hand to hand combat? Maybe he's mad everyone keeps using weapons lol.

                                            • I thought this was going to be yet another relevant/important NPC that has no dialogue (Ricard, Havel, etc.) but thankfully he does have ONE line when you beat him in the big NPC battle royale. I guess he's just a man of few words.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                After you beat him at moorth, he leaves a message next to his hat and weapon. Does anyone remember what he said?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Dryleaf Dane only ever talks after you kill him in the battle with Leda and her allies :

                                                  "Kind Miquella... In godhood shall you rise"

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    He doesn't use flasks, I respect that. I restarted the duel to fight him again without using flasks too.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      **** this, I have tried to get this man to fight me for a week straight at this point, tried bringing items to him, looking for him "in the east", attacking his illusion with fist weapons, talking to him over and over, even some shouting gestures... And of course it was a geture. I don't even remember getting it -_-

                                                      Now he's dead after the group invasion...

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Okay the fact they SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED a loading arena just so you can have your Duel Is Extremely Cool! , Gesturing him that you want to have a standoff makes this feel way way more special than just "reload after giving item and loot it off his dead corpse"

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          He's got no poise, so quick weapons make quick work of him. I was testing out Blood-infused Pata with Barbaric Roar while roaming, and he basically couldn't do a thing about it. I imagine dual daggers, claws, and other fist weapons would accomplish much the same.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Anyone know the lore as to why he helps you with Romina and has his ash in the same area? Did he go on a date with her before the whole rot thing?

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              for mages just spam star shower preferably with magic damage stacked and keep moving back, he will side roll all the time and give you some space

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Yay another tarnished boss that just does not stop attacking even once. Beat him by just standing back and art of war'ing endlessly.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  i saw this guy's summon sign by the centipede lady and thought it was a player so i ignored it. then i fight leda and he shows up and i'm like "oh..... i missed out on something didn't i"

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Im up to Radahn and I can't seem to find Dryleaf anywhere aftert I chose to fight against Leda and Dryleaf. I think he's gone for good after that fight.. I just wanted the ash of war from emoting on him for the duel..

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      If you want to get the dry leaf art weapon for a low level character, you can stun lock Dane with the giants hunt ash of war. I used the flameberge for the bleed buildup and low stat requirements.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        You can also get his gear from a corpse behind a waterfall West-North West of the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          You can get this weapon without fighting any boss, here's how: Run right after you have ran past Ellac Greatbridge. Run downwards and then down again until you reach a toxic swamp. Keep running through straight forward until you find a springwell. Break the seal that is nearby on a hill. Jump up and DONT LAND IN THE CASTLE. Walk straight and past the Dragon, follow the road, you have now reached Dane. Go up to the map and then follow the road south to pickup the gesture. Now fight him and beat his ass. Congratulations, you have now obtained martial arts before fighting a single boss.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            What happens if you just start attacking him without using the gesture?
                                                                            Will you not obtain the rewards because you fought "dirty"?

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I found the rest of his armor set beneath a waterfall just north of the Recluses’ River Downstream site of grace.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Was able to get dryleaf without beating the legacy dungeon. You can access the fort of reprimand with a nearby torrent jump and just head north and collect the gesture and fight dane

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  You can get to him without clearing castle Ensis. There is a path east (slightly southeast) of the castle front site of grace that allows you to walk around the castle.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Does every single boss have to one shot you?
                                                                                    I'm totally shocked he didn't pull out a flask.
                                                                                    If you dont get hit by *That one move* he's super easy.

                                                                                  Load more
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