Sewing Needle |
Type |
Key Item |
Boc the demi-human's prized sewing needle
Sewing Needle is a Key Item in Elden Ring. Sewing Needle is Boc's prized sewing needle. Key Items in Elden Ring include a wide variety of items found in specific locations or are given by a related NPCs which are used to unlock areas, quests, and to further progress the game's story.
A large sewing needle, curved like a fang.
Boc the demi-human's prized possession.
Where to find Sewing Needle in Elden Ring
Elden Ring Sewing Needle Use
- This item along with the Tailoring Tools can be used at a Site of Grace to Alter your own garments
- Progress in Boc the Seamster's questline with this item. Once you get the Sewing Needle, head to the entrance of the Coastal cave where you can give it to Boc the Seamster. Progress through his questline to eventually gain access to his free altering services.
Elden Ring Sewing Needle Notes & Tips
What Garments can you Alter in Elden Ring?
Specific Helmets and Body Armor pieces in Elden Ring can be altered as long as you have the required Items for altering. You will need a Sewing Needle and Tailoring Tools to be able to perform alterations to your basic garments. The Gold Sewing Needle is required in order to be able to alter demigod armor pieces.
Both the Sewing Needle and Tailoring Tools can be obtained from the Demi-Human Chief, located in Coastal Cave, western Limgrave. Map Link. This is a boss encounter. Defeat the Demi-Human Chief and it will drop these items. With these tools you can now rest at any Site of Grace to access your options and you should have the option to Alter Garments. This should display your Armor pieces before and after Alterations. Select which garment to alter. Altering will also cost runes, so make sure you are happy with the alterations before confirming. Altering your garments with Boc the Seamster, however, will be free, but you will need to progress through his questline before this action is available.
To gain access to Boc the Seamster's altering services, go through his questline until he moves to the Lake Facing Cliffs Site of Grace. You will first need to locate him northwest of the Murkwater Bridge, Boc is disguised as a tree and calling for help. If you perform an attack on the tree, the spell breaks and Boc returns to its original form. You will then need to give him the Sewing Needle and Tailoring Tools. He will be at the Coastal Cave. After giving him his supplies he will then move to Liurnia of the Lakes where the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace is. He will now offer his seamster services to you for free.
Sewing Needle Other Notes
Elden Ring Key Items |
Abandoned Merchant's Bell Bearing ♦ Academy Glintstone Key ♦ Academy Scroll ♦ Alexander's Innards ♦ Amber Draught ♦ Amber Starlight ♦ Ancestral Infant's Head ♦ Ancient Dragon Prayerbook ♦ Asimi's Husk ♦ Asimi, Silver Tear ♦ Assassin's Prayerbook ♦ Beast Eye ♦ Bernahl's Bell Bearing ♦ Black Knifeprint ♦ Black Syrup ♦ Black Whetblade ♦ Blackguard's Bell Bearing ♦ Bondstone ♦ Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing ♦ Burial Crow's Letter ♦ Call of Tibia ♦ Carian Inverted Statue ♦ Celestial Dew ♦ Charming Branch ♦ Chrysalids' Memento ♦ Conspectus Scroll ♦ Corhyn's Bell Bearing ♦ Cracked Pot ♦ Crafting Kit ♦ Cross Map ♦ Cursemark of Death ♦ D's Bell Bearing ♦ Dancer's Castanets ♦ Dark Moon Ring ♦ Deathroot ♦ Dectus Medallion (Left) ♦ Dectus Medallion (Right) ♦ Discarded Palace Key ♦ Dragon Cult Prayerbook ♦ Dragon Heart ♦ Drawing-Room Key ♦ Erdtree Codex ♦ Faith-knot Crystal Tear ♦ Fingerprint Grape ♦ Fingerslayer Blade ♦ Fire Coil ♦ Fire Monks' Prayerbook ♦ Fire Spritestone ♦ Gaol Lower Level Key ♦ Gaol Upper Level Key ♦ Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3) ♦ Giant's Prayerbook ♦ Glinting Nail ♦ Glintstone Whetblade ♦ Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3) ♦ Godrick's Great Rune ♦ Godskin Prayerbook ♦ Gold Sewing Needle ♦ Golden Order Principia ♦ Golden Tailoring Tools ♦ Golden Vow (Tool) ♦ Gostoc's Bell Bearing ♦ Gowry's Bell Bearing ♦ Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing ♦ Greasemonger's Bell Bearing ♦ Great Rune of the Unborn ♦ Greenspill Crystal Tear ♦ Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) ♦ Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) ♦ Heart of Bayle ♦ Hefty Cracked Pot ♦ Herbalist's Bell Bearing ♦ Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (3) ♦ Hole-Laden Necklace ♦ Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear ♦ Horned Bairn ♦ Host's Trick-Mirror ♦ Igon's Bell Bearing ♦ Igon's Furled Finger ♦ Iji's Bell Bearing ♦ Iji's Confession ♦ Imbued Sword Key ♦ Imprisoned Merchant's Bell Bearing ♦ Irina's Letter ♦ Iron Whetblade ♦ Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Kale's Bell Bearing ♦ Keep Wall Key ♦ Lantern ♦ Larval Tear ♦ Leaden Hardtear ♦ Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear ♦ Lord of Blood's Favor ♦ Lost Ashes of War ♦ Lucent Baldachin's Blessing ♦ Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear ♦ Map (Ainsel River) ♦ Map (Caelid) ♦ Map (Consecrated Snowfield) ♦ Map (Deeproot Depths) ♦ Map (Dragonbarrow) ♦ Map (Lake of Rot) ♦ Map (Leyndell, Royal Capital) ♦ Map (Limgrave, East) ♦ Map (Limgrave, West) ♦ Map (Liurnia, East) ♦ Map (Liurnia, North) ♦ Map (Liurnia, West) ♦ Map (Mohgwyn Palace) ♦ Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, East) ♦ Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, West) ♦ Map (Mt. Gelmir) ♦ Map (Siofra River) ♦ Map (Weeping Peninsula) ♦ Map: Abyss ♦ Map: Gravesite Plain ♦ Map: Liurnia, North ♦ Map: Rauh Ruins ♦ Map: Scadu Altus ♦ Map: Southern Shore ♦ Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing ♦ Medicine Peddler's Bell Bearing ♦ Meeting Place Map ♦ Memory of Grace ♦ Memory Stone ♦ Messmer's Kindling ♦ Mimic's Veil ♦ Miniature Ranni ♦ Miquella's Great Rune ♦ Mirage Riddle ♦ Miriel's Bell Bearing ♦ Mohg's Great Rune ♦ Moldmonger's Bell Bearing ♦ Moore's Bell Bearing ♦ Mushroom-Seller's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Mushroom-Seller's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ New Cross Map ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (10) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (11) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (3) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (4) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (5) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (6) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (7) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (8) ♦ Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (9) ♦ Note (Flask of Wondrous Physick) ♦ Note (Land Squirts) ♦ Note (Stonedigger Trolls) ♦ Note (Waypoint Ruins) ♦ Patches' Bell Bearing ♦ Perfume Bottle ♦ Perfumed Oil of Ranah ♦ Pidia's Bell Bearing ♦ Prattling Pate Apologies ♦ Prattling Pate Hello ♦ Prattling Pate Thank you ♦ Prayer Room Key ♦ Radahn's Great Rune ♦ Red-Hot Whetblade ♦ Ritual Pot ♦ Rogier's Bell Bearing ♦ Rold Medallion ♦ Royal House Scroll ♦ Ruins Map ♦ Ruins Map (2nd) ♦ Ruins Map (3rd) ♦ Ruptured Crystal Tear ♦ Rusty Key ♦ Rya's Necklace ♦ Sanctified Whetblade ♦ Seedbed Curse ♦ Sellen's Bell Bearing ♦ Sellen's Primal Glintstone ♦ Sellian Sealbreaker ♦ Seluvis's Bell Bearing ♦ Seluvis's Introduction ♦ Seluvis's Potion ♦ Serpent's Amnion ♦ Sewer-Gaol Key ♦ Shabriri Grape ♦ Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) ♦ Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (4) ♦ Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (1) ♦ Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (2) ♦ Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) ♦ Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (4) ♦ Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (5) ♦ Spectral Steed Whistle ♦ Spellmachinist's Bell Bearing ♦ Spirit Calling Bell ♦ Spritestone ♦ Stonesword Key ♦ Storeroom Key ♦ String-Seller's Bell Bearing ♦ Sunwarmth Stone ♦ Surging Frenzied Flame ♦ Tailoring Tools ♦ Talisman Pouch ♦ Telescope ♦ The Stormhawk King ♦ Thops's Bell Bearing ♦ Tonic of Forgetfulness ♦ Torch ♦ Twiggy Cracked Tear ♦ Two Fingers' Prayerbook ♦ Two Fingers Prayerbook ♦ Unalloyed Gold Needle ♦ Valkyrie's Prosthesis ♦ Volcano Manor Invitation ♦ Weathered Dagger ♦ Well Depths Key ♦ Whetstone Knife ♦ Winged Crystal Tear ♦ Ymir's Bell Bearing |
I killed the Demi-Human Chief and received the Tailoring Tools but no Sewing Needle. Any ideas how I can get this?