Rellana's Cameo |
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Enhances attacks executed after maintaining the same stance for a while
Rellana's Cameo is a Talisman in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Talisman in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Rellana's Cameo enhances attacks executed after maintaining the same stance for a while. Players can use Talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.
Talisman featuring a gallant portrait of Rellana, the Twin Moon Knight.
Enhances attacks executed after maintaining the same stance for a certain length of time.
Engraved as a reminder of the unparalleled devotion of those who left their homelands to serve Rellana.
"By your leave, we will accompany you wherever your lunar vessel takes you."
Where to find Rellana's Cameo in Elden Ring
Where to find Rellana's Cameo:
- Located in Castle Ensis just behind hostile NPC Moonrithyll, lying on an altar. [Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Interactive Map] [Video Location]
Elden Ring Rellana's Cameo Notes & Tips
- Sell Value:
- Holding the Weapon Skill button (L2 by default) provides a damage increase of 45% (as of v1.14) on any weapon skill that holds its weapon in a Stance before attacking, if held for about 1.0 seconds (as of v1.14) before using. You will see the buff on your person glow red, indicating it's active.
- The Weapon Skills for Bows and Greatbows such as Mighty Shot, Barrage, Rain of Arrows, etc. do not trigger this talisman's effects as they are not considered skills with a stance, despite their animation.
- Weapon Skills this talisman works with: Square Off, Overhead Stance, Wing Stance, Moon-and-Fire Stance, Night-and-Flame Stance, Unsheathe, and Transient Moonlight.
- Provides a 67% Damage increase when used in conjunction with Shard of Alexander.
- NOTE: Patch 1.14:
- Reduced the delay before the damage enhancement activates. (1.5s to 1s)
- Increased damage enhancement. (15% to 45%)
Builds & Videos for Rellana's Cameo in Elden Ring
Best 5 Talismans in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Video
- Anonymous
Unfortunate that bows don't benefit from this. While we get that new Arrow's Soaring Sting Talisman, archer builds are still kinda gimped from the limits on ammunition (arrows) you can carry, while in-aggro (you can't craft more, in the middle of a boss battle, or when fighting off an invader). This talisman, would've helped by making each shot count, even more, if it connects with the enemy.
- Anonymous
Are we sure the increased damage enhancement went from 15% to 45% with Patch 1.14?
'cause if I use the Comet from Sword of Night and Flame without this talisman I get 4940 damage,
with the talisman the damage goes up to 6216 damage.
That's ~25% more damage, not 45%.
- Anonymous
seeing people say that you can buff phalanx damage if this proc before the phalanx launches makes me wonder if it can work with any other delayed attacks like rykard rancor, glintstone nails, magic glintblade or even gravitational missile
- Anonymous
Damn I would've used this if they just doubled the buff magnitude, but TRIPLE?? Stance users be eatin' GOOD now
- Anonymous
does it work with lians claw please tell me it's true pleaseeee
- Anonymous
45% more damage for my square off skill? Put shard of alexander, spear talisman, and blood sapping tear, and watch as you eviscerate whatever is in front of you
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This enhanced all ashes of war seemingly but most can't proc the buff because only stance based ashes of war do. However, delayed aow like Glintblade Phalanx can be buffed by this if you are holding a stance when the blades hit, very good for a moonveil or Rellana build.
- Anonymous
You can actually use this to buff Glintblade Phalanx aow. You cast the phalanx and switch to Moonveil, Rellana's Twin Blades or Uchigatana with Unsheate and proc this before the phalanx hits and it seemingly does way more damage. I just hit for 2k on a hand in Caria Manor with this lil trick.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
wow, fromsoft making an adjustment that actually benefits the player for once. i remember thinking they buffed it by mistake. but tbh, i still haven't totally ruled that possibility out
- Anonymous
I hope with this people will use moonveil smartly instead of spamming
- Anonymous
Just imagine if this was in DS3. We had so many stance Weapon Arts that would go crazy with this.
- Anonymous
This should really work with the Stamp ashes, like Upward Cut. No reason they shouldn't, their item description literally uses the word "stance"
- Anonymous
Is the buff for the first hit only or for as long as the red glow is active?
If I do Wing Stance's R1 (three slashes) and then the R2 (gliding stab) and the red glow is on the whole time, does only the first slash of the R1 get the increased AR or do all four hits get it?
- Anonymous
Am I trippin or did they change the activation window back. It feels slower with the 1.15 patch. Or is the Stance activation for each weapon this works with different? Like Winged Stance animation is faster finished than Square Off for example.
- Anonymous
I wish this talisman worked with Barrage since you literally have to get in stance to use Barrage.
- Anonymous
So since fkn when did they stop rellanas cameo activating when you also have the ritual sword talisman on
- Anonymous
I wish I could use one of the applicable ashes on a great hammer or great axe. I suppose that might be too powerful.
- Anonymous
i don't understand the criticism over this buff lol. pulling of the 1second stance buff is skillful on dlc bosses. as they just go batshit and are very aggressive. for base game this is broken with shard of alex but lets be honest any weapon from the dlc breaks the base game. so 45% buff is actually a good buff imo
- Anonymous
bunch of idiots crying over this buff lol. pulling of the 1second stance buff is skillful on dlc bosses. as they just go batshit and are very aggressive. for base game this is broken with shard of alex but lets be honest any weapon from the dlc breaks the base game. so 45% buff is actually a good buff imo
- Anonymous
ur telling me this boosts my unsheathe? this is freakin goated i just love unsheathe so much!!! it also looks clean. thanks miyazaki-san ARIGATO
- Anonymous
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I've been holding L1 on my straight sword for 3 hours and it's not activating yet. Pfft. Another way to make katanas op. I can't put unsheathe on my weathered straight sword?
- Anonymous
Thank God it doesn't boost powerstance movesets. PVP is sweaty enough as is we really don't need that fuel added to the fire.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I went to check it this thing is overpowered and my lord 45% is way to much, I just first tried Mesmer with it with this, moonveil and Alexander’s, my weapon wasn’t even maxed out, I didn’t even have flame protect me cause I didn’t want to go grab it this talisman is the best talisman in the game after these buffs
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
After some real game time I think its not that busted since it can only buff a very limited number of ashes of war and to be honest, in particular the ashes of war affected did need some buffs to be ever considered for anything. And just as a reminder: royal knight's resolve has always been a thing and people didnt complain while Square Off was not even used in PvE. Considering the actual motion values of attacks performed from a stance with shard of alexander and cameo you literally only get like a 18-25% damage increase over royal knight's resolve enhanced jump R2 or poke and for that you cant just apply the cameos buff and have it ready for your next attack, you need to follow through with the skill as you would.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Missed opportunity to add a stance ash of war for dry leaf fist
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
They really should have made it a 25% increase so it has something over Shard of Alexander without completely outclassing it, 45% was wayyyyyy too much
- Anonymous
I would understand 45% for holding it for 2 seconds, since ur trading off just doing the AOW twice in that amount of time. but currently there is no trade-off. needs to be balanced
- Anonymous
i hope they dont nerf this for pve
they can do whatever they want in pvp its so annoying when something gets trash in pve because of pvp
if its too strong in pve simple dont use it anyone can choose the difficulty of the game by their build
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Best taliman in the game it turns my Moonveil and SNF into boss killing machines
- Anonymous
this will get nerfed next patch, the only skill that buff damage rival this at 45% was howl of shabriri + aged one exultation and that took out 2 different buff and has 30% increased damage taken as draw back as well taken time to prebuff going crazy. this is one slot all you need to do is hold L2 for 1 second and pair it with milady winged stance and spam L1, you get perma 45% damage increase. insane lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
it would be cool if the buff was tiered, like 15% bonus damage at 0.5 seconds, 25% at 1.0, 35% at 1.5, and finally the full 45% at 2.0.
- Anonymous
I'd still use filigreed over this, despite the buff. That 1 second of wait can be detrimental. In that time frame you could potentially use the AoW twice or add a R1 instead
Just today and in my first playthrough, i beat malenia in 6 attempt's. using milady and wing stance(i start dlc before finishing the game). This talisman is great for cheese the bosses.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Wtf 45% this is not a strictly inferior version of alexander anymore lol
- Anonymous
You ever get the sense that the guy in charge of balance changes has never actually played the game?
- Anonymous
I have plans for builds I want to make revolving around this, but I think it might be best to wait a week or two since I have a hunch it is going to get nerfed whenever we get the bugfix followup to the current patch. If it survives, great! If not, nothing gained and nothing lost.
- Anonymous
Holy **** this Talisman is amazing I've cruised though the base game on NG 7 with my moonveil and cold wing stance milady. If you have not used this talisman please do just incase they decide it's broken and tone it down.
- Anonymous
Thought from had learned when they nerfed exulation talisman damage boost
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Oh it's just a post nerf moonveil!
*equips this*
- Anonymous
And just like that the SoNAF is a top 5 weapon in the game again lol.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It should work with Ranalla's Cameo and it would actually be worth the short range.
- Anonymous
Brace yourself for the possibility of the damage increase getting dialed back. In the meantime, have fun, longsword bros!
- Anonymous
It should have been a 25-30% buff rather than a 45% buff (I think lowering it below 20% would make it harder and harder to justify for some stance skills. You still have to wait for it to be used (a whole second) in pve this is less of an issue so maybe the 45% can stay. It did however make dex builds much more…. Powerful
In pvp this buff should be 18%, the heavy on both wing stand and square off are pulling off one shots
- Anonymous
lmao fromsoftware stop patching this game. give it up. if you guy dont know how to balance the game, just STOP because all you guys are doing are increasing the spamming in this game.
- Anonymous
I cannot believe, that it was this random patch. In elden ring dlc. That showed us the trajectory of the series.
This thing just got a 15 percent buff and a shortened proc time.
That's Alexander's shard on top of what it used to be, plus an actual time reduction for the bonus.
Just as radahn gets "nerfed"
Slowed down combos
Changed hitboxes
Modified actual aggression
Has there ever been a single boss that got ball kicked as hard as radahn consort???
Welcome, chosen undead. Bearer of the curse. Hunter, wolf, u kindled ash. To the age beyond getting good. To where nerfs allow tourists to prevail where once the undeserved wept.
I hope y'all can see this. This is the first glimmer of an easy mode for these games. **** you for nerfing radahn. Three times now across two separate bosses.
- Anonymous
now we have the new bull goat talisman. in theory we have four talisman slots, but in practice we only have 3, as one is reserved for rellana. i DONT want to be a simp, fromsoftware. the miquella and radahn thing was enough
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
yeah because square off, the best AOW in the entire game, needed a 45% damage buff that stacks multiplicatively with shard of alexander
- Anonymous
From decent but situational talisman to an auto-equip on anybody using a katana or straight sword
- Anonymous
Square-off is now even more amazing with that 45% +damage and 40 stance damage that it already had
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Feels great now, especially against the faster DLC bosses. Using this with Square Off is just peak.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
they TRIPLED the buff?? 15% was already a big boost for a talisman even if it had the requirement of holding the stance unlike shard of alexander, but now the activation time is shorter and the damage bonus reaches 67% with the shard! There's no downside either other than needing a slight window to activate!
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Ahould have just been a faster but less powerful godfrey icon. Now its not only faster it gives more damage boost than godfrey icon
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
45% is the most absurd buff in the entire universe oh my god, that CANNOT be real, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????????
- Anonymous
A reminder: sword of night and flame weapon art(s) is a stance... oh boy...
I think I found a bug with this and wing stance. If you hold L2, wait for the buff, then just spam R1, each subsequent R1 AoW combo gets the cameo buff without having to wait the 1 second again. It does not work with the R2 because there is too much end-lag. I tested it with two back-to-back wing stance R1s, the 1st one did 466 then the second showed 932, meaning it also did 466. (+9 on Greyll, not that that really matters)
- Anonymous
Rellana's Twin Blades, Rellana's Cameo, Shard of Alexander, Ritual Sword Talisman, Fire Scorpion Charm, Oil-Soaked Tear, Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Flame Grants Me Strength.
Thank me later.
Seeing 2+ of these in co-op against Scadutree Avatar lately is hilarious.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
now we just have to wait for the pvpers to cry about the damage increase, PepeLaugh
- Anonymous
I was expecting to come here and see at 2% buff. Miyazaki, you filthy man...15% to's time to cook.
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After testing, I always end up with a 30% (32% precisely) damage buff, not 45%. Still huge though.
Anyone else to confirm or invalidate ?
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Finally the ultra-telegraphed standing in place like a pinokio will pay back a little
- Anonymous
Thank god they buffed this, it was borderline unusable before. Still, 45 percent is... yeah that's a lot
- Anonymous
45 oh my god lmao night and flame stance is now the goku button
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
This 1.14 damage buff is so massive it feels like a mistake. I can’t think of a single other talisman, spell, or crystal tear that gives a percent damage increase of even 30%. 45% is so huge especially for a talisman that works with the Moonveil projectile.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Weapon: Milady (I used Blood for Promised consort) Ash of war: Wing stance. Talisman: Shard of Alexander, Rellana's Cameo. Use the wing stance then the heavy R2. Thank me later.
- Anonymous
Can it work with Ash of War: Carian Sovereignty ?