Spira |
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Spell Type | Spiral Tower Incantations |
FP Cost 10 (10) | Slots Used 2 |
Summons a spiral of light that erupts at the enemy's feet
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Spira is an Incantation in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Spira continuously conjures spirals of light that erupts at the enemy's feet.
Superior sorcery of the tower priests,
wielded as an incantation of the spiral.
Wrap one's arms together and hold them up to the heavens
to summon a spiral of light that erupts at the enemy's feet.
Column of light persists for as long as the button is pressed.
The spiral is a normalized Crucible current that, one day,
will form a column that stretches to the gods.
Where to find Spira
Where to find Spira:
- Enir-Ilim: From the "First Rise" Site of Grace, head to the west door into the area crowded with Inquisitors, to the upper left is a staircase going up with two Inquisitors. Take it and follow its path, turning right towards the tree. Drop down into the lower branches and follow the right one which takes you into a small platform with a single Inquisitor praying to a statue. The Incantation is in front of it. [Map Link] [Video Link]
Elden Ring Spira Guide
- Spiral Tower Incantation
- Stamina Cost: 14 (14)
- Deals (Incant Scaling x 1.6) Holy Damage and 3 Stance damage per spiral.
- The caster stands still, assuming a stance and conjuring spiral bursts from below enemies.
- While in stance, the caster can change targets and the spirals will track the new target.
- Although being cast below the target, the spirals do not bypass walls.
- Holding cast continuously conjures spirals until FP or Stamina are depleted.
- Can not be charged.
- Can be used while riding. Torrent stands still.
- Spiraltree Seal boosts damage by 20%
NOTE: Patch 1.13: Increased attack speed.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Spira Video
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Those 2 casters on that stair case are the ones that make you think this is good. It could have been.bettee. much better. Either it's faster with less damage or a bigger range or something.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I feel like the tracking should be a bit better. Not super overtuned, but enough to be more usable.
- Anonymous
Ah, the spiral of death. Summoners challenge the bringer of death, Sin, and die doing so. Guardians give their lives to protect their summoner. The fayth are the souls of the dead. Even the maesters of Yevon are unsent. Spira is full of death. Only Sin is reborn. And then, only to bring more death. It is a cycle of death, spiraling endlessly.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Made a build with spiral incants for co-op, some things to note:
This incant does NOT spend stamina after the initial cast. Same principle as Comet Azur or Meteorite
There seems to be a bug relating to bosses with cutscenes inbetween phases. In my case, Messmer was staggered and riposted by a fellow phantom. I timed the Spira to when he was vulnerable again and some of spiras hit him, which triggered the phase 2 cutscene. The host skipped the cutscene within 1-2 seconds and when the fade in happened, i lost all my FP (some 170~ish) and simultaneuosly multiple spiras spawned on Messmers pre-cutscene location. So protip: dont hold down the attack button with this spell if a cutscene is about to occur
Otherwise, this spell is ok, with its best utility being overworld engagements and/or with allies that can keep aggro. In terms of continuously attacking spells it's very low committal because of it's initial FP cost being the same as the following ones, with decently fast casting speed and you can cancel chaining the casts into roll pretty early after each spira. The only thing that bothers me about this spell is the 2 memory slot requirement and its disappointing range
- Anonymous
Well, if this is the superior incantation, I really dont want to see the 2nd choice...
- Anonymous
why is this so dogwater. the new rings of light is better than this in every regard.
maybe if they buffed the scaling and give it more range, then maybe it would be usable
A good way to fix it is to give it way more range, 1 slot and 50% more damage, not much more so it won't power creep honed bolt, but enough to be useful
- Anonymous
I wish this functioned like the version used by those two annoying hornsent priests in Enir-Ilim. Instead of one singular spiral, it's a small AoE of them around the target. Keep the chain casting, with the location updating with the enemy movements.
Basically a holy version of Burn, O FLame! or ADLS, albeit much weaker in exchange for the range and chain castability. Would definitely be worth the 2 spell slot (lol) and FP cost.
- Anonymous
Mom can we get Honed Bolt?
We have Honed Bolt at home.
At home:
- Anonymous
This thing is so bad that they didn’t even try to buff it.
True trash requires 2 slots, lmao
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
this should be a 20 faith 1 slot spell as requirements and faster casting and 7 fp used so it's paltry damage isn't such a massive turn off.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It feels like this spell doesn't have a lot of thought behind it, it costs 2 spell slots to carry, it has a stationary casting animation, slow consecutive attacks that don't get progressively stronger and low damage even when boosted by talismans and holy buffs.
Why would I use this over any throwable spell that can do twice as much damage? We can't use the Crucible Centaur or Crucible Frog Tongue incants but hey here's a spinny whirly doohickey i guess....
- Anonymous
If they improved the max cast range and dodgey line of sight requirements, it might be an OK spell. Until then, stick with Honed Bolt.
- Anonymous
My jaw opened so wide when I saw this took two slots that I almost, unironically, dislocated my jaw in disbelief. Who is this for?
- Anonymous
This spell needs a buff, but if we get the classic overboard buff it’ll become insanely op & annoying. Imagine fighting those praying enemies that fling this thing in the emir-ilim
- Anonymous
Honestly the Golden Arcs are just faith versions of Glintstone Arc, we could have gotten those spiral waves from the shade sorcerers on the Belurat bridge that coulda been like faith Shard Spiral.
- Anonymous
This is another incant that needs more of a buff than what they gave it
- Anonymous
No idea why this takes 2 slots. Bro Honed Bolt does the same with more range and higher damage and better accuracy (because it comes out faster) for 1 slot.
- Anonymous
"Superior sorcery" "wielded as an incantation"
Magebros, it's over
- Anonymous
If japanese games taught me anything, this is the second tier spell, followed by third tier version, Spiraga
- Anonymous
With a little bit more tracking and more range it would be very good. The buff is noticeable but it's still a mediocre spell.
- Anonymous
Shame we didn't get something similar than the spiral projectiles we see some enemies using in Belurat. Honestly I think this incantation would be a lot better if it used the same cast animation as Honed Bolt/Lightning Strike.
- Anonymous
If this is the superior sorcery I don't want to know what the inferior ones look like
- Anonymous
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'Superior sorcery of the tower priests wielded as an incantation' huh?
I feel these could have been more unique if they could be casted with either seals or staves and technically casted as both sorceries and incantations thus; and would fit the lore description too since it outright states it's both.
- Anonymous
Why does a spell that bottom-tier shadow peasants are able to cast have a 48 faith requirement?
- Anonymous
it's honestly not that bad, but definitely flawed. I don't think it'd take much to buff this spell to a state where it could be really solid (any combination of faster cast time, less delay on the spirals, more range, etc.)
- Anonymous
it's honestly not that bad, but definitely flawed. I don't think it'd take much to buff this spell to a state where it could be really solid (any combination of faster cast time, less delay on the spirals, more range, etc.)
- Anonymous
What would make this spell actually viable is if instead of holding it to continually cast it, like a watered down Comet Azur, was if it instead followed the target and erupted every few second. Be fun as hell to use to punish swift slash-ers.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Bugged when using Staff of the Great Beyond, staff is not visible during the animation
- Anonymous
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I think that they've been balancing these spells blindfolded, there's no other reason to explain why they're so universally terrible.
- Anonymous
Casts too long
Delay is too long
Range is too low
Damage is kinda low considering the above
Why can't we spam it like those tree mages enemies on stairs?
Now, it's an interesting spell, pretty annoying to acquire along with it's faith requirements (and the 2 slots lol), and there's variants of this being casted in Belurat where it functions similar to the Spiral Shard sorcery, but travels much faster, and similar to Wrath I guess too in later parts. Considering how easily accessible the Sacred Seal is that corresponds with these incantations, these should've been much versatile and easier to get honestly, questionable design choices.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Every time From releases a spell that isn't cheese instawin button people complain, but then they also complain when people explain to them how magic is easy mode, I will never understand.
- Anonymous
If it had more range, it would be good. You can hold it to channel repeated bursts, but since you’re immobile and the range is short this can’t be maintained safely. Also… 2 memory slots? Maybe just one.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Lol but why! 2 slots; you have to stand still, totally exposed, keeping casting it and draining all your fp, for What? Damage is average and the tracking is awful; oh, and no, it doesn’t stagger. And just a question: when, in this case, you can fight without moving? Ahaha this spell is for trolling
- Anonymous
"Teach us how to BLITZ!" (The spell's name reminds me of FFX's world, Spira)
- Anonymous
I wasn't expecting this thing to be the most OP incantation in the game, but for 48 faith and 2 memory slots I figured it'd be at least LOOK impressive. Instead you just repeatedly summon a small whirlwind that does moderate damage but frequently misses.
- Anonymous
If you could move while casting this, I think it would be fine.
- Anonymous
Y'all gotta charge this spell. It casts continuously. It will hit and track anything moving near you and jump to new targets when the original dies.
it's trash. damage is acceptable but the tracking is terrible. enemy that slow walk can ignore it and the worst part is that the range is so small. it needs the range of light of miquella, but it only reaches about 10 steps away from you, also doesn't work from higher ground.
- Anonymous
Trash spell. I was so hoping it was gonna be insane like when the enemies use it on you but it's not :(
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
They called their incantation spell a "hex".
Elden Ring really is Dark Souls 2 2: the prequel.
- Anonymous
Does this item imply DNA, the building block that living things creates themselves of, is the key to reaching godhood? "normalized" crucible current might mean the already existing ones are not yet refined enough to teach that ideal, but they will someday.
Not as bad as people are making it out to be, when you have a very high FTH stat, this does decent damage fast.
- Anonymous
I can't believe this doesn't consume stamina in combat! It just halts stamina generation where it's at. Seems like it would be really annoying to deal with someone casting this if they are in a group and have a lot of FP... at least it can be strafed easily it seems. Just keeps them on the move so they have to either take cover or do short attacks else get punished.
- Anonymous
The column that stretches out to the gods… my immediate thought is this is perhaps what the erdtree is, or was in the crucible era before the Greater Will took hold.
- Anonymous
From the spiral rise grace go back down the stairs, murk the lion head dude, and there will be a tree branch you can hop on. Take it up to a staute and you'll find the spell
- Anonymous
worse damage than lightning and spear and only hits stationary targets......
- Anonymous
"The spiral is a normalized Crucible current that, one day, will form a column that stretches to the gods" You can't just say that in one item and leave.
wild how they looked at honed bolt and said, I bet we can make this worse in literally every way, while also making an incredibly cool looking spell... Even if you increased the range (In line with gravity bolt range would be reasonable), increased the tracking to the point that an enemy had to at least be running to avoid this rather than a brisk walk and increased the frequency of casting... it would still struggle to justify being a 2 slot incantation. I get that this is right on the line for just being a ganking tool, but this could have been one of the coolest holy damage spells in the game if they just would let it be good.