Watchful Spirit |
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Spell Type | Spiral Tower Incantations |
FP Cost 12 | Slots Used 1 |
Summons a guardian spirit above the caster's head
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Watchful Spirit is an Incantation in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Watchful Spirit summons a Skull Spirit above the caster's head, shooting several projectiles towards foes.
An entreaty received from the hornsent grandam.
Summon a guardian spirit above the caster's head.
The spirit never strays far from the caster, conjuring several apparitions before dissipating.
"Take vengeance upon Messmer and his lot.
They who betrayed us, aye, they who burned us...
Let them face in thy wrath their just deserts."
Where to find Watchful Spirit
Where to find Watchful Spirit:
- Belurat Tower Settlement: Given by Hornsent Grandam after defeating the Divine Beast Dancing Lion. Talk to her twice while wearing the Divine Beast Head to receive this Incantation. [Map Link] [Video Link]
Elden Ring Watchful Spirit Guide
- Spiral Tower Incantation
- Not boosted by the Spiraltree Seal
- Stamina Cost: 20
- Summons a Skull Spirit which shoots 4 projectiles every few seconds.
- Each one deals (Incant Scaling x 1.0) Holy Damage and 5 Stance damage each (20 total).
- Casting takes about 2 seconds, after which takes more 4 seconds for the Skull to start firing.
- Can't be charged.
- Can be cast while riding. Torrent walks slowly then stops completely.
- Braided Cord Robe boosts damage by 15%
NOTE: Patch 1.13: Improved enemy tracking.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Watchful Spirit Video
- Anonymous
what does the auto target option even do? it says "automatically target an enemy when attacking with no lock" but the projectiles from this spell and others will still target nothing unless you're locked on. I also wish old lords talisman helped this spell even if it only gave 1 extra skull.
- Anonymous
adding it to my arsenal of funny spells that do very little damage
- Anonymous
" They who betrayed us, Aye, they who burned us "???
I guess when people get a taste of their own medicine, they call it betrayal.
- Anonymous
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People only think this spell is bad because they use it by itself while not actually reading between the lines - it is not meant to be a meaningful source of DPS, but as part of a strat to control your opponent's movement which shines particularly in PvP. Gives your opponent one more thing to worry about when timing and spacing their attacks/rolls and oftentimes that edge/added mental game is all you need to secure a win. Sure its damage isn't much but its cheap and attacks passively while you do your thing so who cares, and if your opponent is low hp and you have this up they're going to be terrified of you
- Anonymous
So Carian swords stay above the head until a target is in range or they collide with walls, but the faith spell thats basically the same goes away almost immediately. Gotta love Fromsofts favoritism towards Sorceries. Been this way since DS1 and Ive even heard Demon Souls as well.
- Anonymous
DLC design philosophy: Make every weapon absolutely busted and make nearly every spell useless. How fun
- Anonymous
If you defeat Messmer before initially talking to her with the Divine Beast Head, you’re locked out from obtaining the incantation.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
devs saw those worthless radiant/inferno guardian spells from lords of the fallen and kew they had to one up hexworks yet again
- Anonymous
Why can't this be an incantation you toggle? Cast it once and it'll keep depleting FP for each skull, cast again to stop it.
- Anonymous
This spell so strong when you pair with gold retaliation bc you can parry it to shoot it at your enemies
- Anonymous
Free erdtree heal if you know what you’re doing in pvp. Free heal from afar if you have no idea what you’re doing but read this comment.
- Anonymous
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The icon on this looks specially funny to me for some reason
- Anonymous
This is a set up tool that aplies consistant pressure while you cast something else. If you get the timing right you can roll catch them with a follow up. For example giants flame since the hit box lingers. Most casters are seriously short sighted. There is an insane amount of combo and mix up potential. Get creative.
- Anonymous
I keep thinking I'm just using this wrong but it actually just sucks. Store it and use a slot on something better.
- Anonymous
You can wait until before the last skull fires off and then use carian retaliation to eat the spell. Probably a bug but makes for some fun combos.
All it needs is better tracking and a faster cast speed. Keep the distance relatively low so lightroll laggers can’t get away with free damage in PvP. Otherwise, those 2 changes would greatly help it in both PvE and PvP.
- Anonymous
When the description says "summons" or "creates" the spell is dog doodoo every time.
- Anonymous
I have a strong belief the true potential of this spell lies in pvp.
Casting it and start attacking with catchflame relentlessly can guarantee at least one hit due to the stagger it deals
- Anonymous
So, if you agro the Grandam, she'll cast this spell to defend herself.
But her version can track you even if you sprint in a circle, and fires at a quicker rate.
Even geriatric old women are getting better dlc spells then us...
- Anonymous
Its weird seeing people complain so much about this, Its not that bad. Its basically a faith carian phalanx that lingers instead of activating immediately. In pve its not as suited for pure range, but for spellblades it helps prevent stagger build up from depleting while dodging combos from knight type enemies, and can occasionally stance break them in the middle of the combos as well. In pvp its even better, if you can get it off you can combine it with other attacks whether it be with a weapon or spells; my favorite is using the lightning strike/honed bolt chaincast combo. The one downside is a slightly long casting animation, but you can still find time to do it with experience.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I just wonder what goes through the devs mind when they implement a spell like this which is almost completely worthless and boring compared to other alternatives, but then show us the Crucible Tongue and Centaur spell and are like "Nahh, we shouldn't implement this".
- Anonymous
it's kinda like Magic Downpour, but it doesn't have the aoe spread and it follows you making it near impossible to hit anything that isn't building sized, if the tracking was more like the Rancor spells that can make U-turns it would be so much better.
- Anonymous
What it lacks in real damage it makes up for in strategic value / poise damage. Can stun lock Malenia, and is a burst damage build’s best friend— it’s perfect for getting some space to flask / rebuff during invasions. Personally love this incant.
- Anonymous
Thought using this against Messmer would trigger something given the description. What a let down.
- Anonymous
Stupid ass mods gatekeeping perfectly fine comments. Explaining why something is good or bad shouldn't be removed.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So, the range is bad, the tracking is bad, if you fight on stairs or a slope it won't track (kind of like ostrich), damage is meh.
May be it can serve as distraction in PVP not sure, because it's useless in PVE.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
They can't buff this without making it too obnoxious in PvP. Same deal with Elden Stars. PvP ruining PvE again.
- Anonymous
Devastating in Both PvE and PvP. Nonstop one shot killing hosts. Just one shotted Godfrey for a gajillion billion million damage.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Three possible buffs to give this:
1. Make the projectiles bigger and more damaging. This could make the incantation do reliable damage upon casting. To balance it out, the spell could cost more FP and/or take longer to cast.
2. Reduce casting time by more than half. This would allow for more aggressive use of this spell.
3. Allow the incantation to last longer. Instead of lasting 4 projectiles, it could be 6 projectiles. This would be even better if the spell is affected by Old Lord's Talisman.
- Anonymous
In PVE it's not worth it unless you just like it. But in PVP, it is also not that great but it does have some niche uses as a defensive spell against players.
- Anonymous
I'm glad the DLC decided to grace us with a new worst Incantation!
- Anonymous
they quietly retconned "empyrean" out of the description in one of the patches LMFAO
- Anonymous
Fromsoft really needs to stop making so many things missable. How would anyone even figure out that you can get locked out of this spell by playing too far into the DLC?
Totally smooth-brained design philosophy that Michael Zaki seems to have a fetish for.
12 fp, well... Only there are much better options. Maybe make it do double the damage for 1.5x fp or at least double the duration/uses
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Still garbage even after it's buff, if you could even call is one...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The homing works by locking onto whatever you are targeting when you initially cast - After which you can unlock and the projectiles will still follow the initial target
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It deals holy damage. It delt 486 damage with a golden order seal +10. Stats are 40 int 45 faith.
Used a physic with holy shrouding cracked tear on and it delt 583 per projectile.
With a few buffs on. (Fowp with holy shrouding and bloodsucking and golden vow. It did 805 per projectile.
- Anonymous
Clearly a PvP spell. But I want to use it in PvE. It only attacks what you are locked onto at time of cast. And does very little damage. And shoots only 4 slow projectiles. I’ll enjoy using it in PvP. It’s like a faith version of Glintblade Phalanx and that is really cool! Hopefully it’s gets a slight buff to cast speed, projectile speed and damage in next patch!
- Anonymous
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“It’ll happily watch as enemies meet your blade. It’ll even help a little. A friend true.”
Ben, the Barless
- Anonymous
I was excited when I got this because I thought we'd finally gotten a FTH version of the glintblade sword sorceries, only to find out that if you use it with no enemies nearby these fly into the wall uselessly. Awful incant.
The Horned Bairn reusable item is a 1000x times better than this and doesn't need any investment.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If you progress too far you can't get this. I've talked to her with and without it and have not been able to get it so... watch for that and just talk to her once you get it
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I like it for fighting mobs in melee, especially with weapons that have poor stagger power, like fists & claws.
Keeps me safe from counterattacks and packs in some extra DPS, while costing a pittance of FP. Using it before rushing in close also mitigates its issues with accuracy
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Old Lord's Talisman doesn't extend the duration of the spell; it's always 3 attacks
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Using it against the omen in the sewers. After the first hit that does a little more, the damage per hit at 80 faith with no other boosts and a Erdseal +10 = 208. The total was like 886.
And if using the stone of gurraq, I do 3622 damage with just the erdseal, at a lot safer distance with the omen still out of range to retaliate. Sure the fp is burned more (60) vs. the 12 here.
Meanwhile, to cast watchful spirit and have it fire the 4 shots it takes about 12 seconds. And the 4th shot has a habit of missing if you're dodging out of the enemies range and still want to stick close to use your melee. Maybe the tracking is better running away as a pure caster, idk.
So, while it is more dmg/fp, the spell time to kill an enemy once past early game is better spent putting on the fp restoring talisman and afking your fp back. It is placed in a terrible location, strength wise, to utilize it. And at lower levels it might be more efficient to throw kukris.
Maybe it is only for pvp where you can choose to use 12fp to have some chip damage potential against ppl who wasted all their stamina chasing you and have trouble dodging them.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
The main thing that makes this spell good is ironically also what makes it bad. It is extremely FP efficient. If this was an early game spell it would be adored by the entire PvE community, but it's a DLC spell. The majority of people that get this will be over level 150 and would rather have power over efficiency.
- Anonymous
Would've been way better if it acted like a longer lasting, continual version of pursuers.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Don't underestimate how annoying this is in PvP: Imagine Glintblade Phalanx but the blades shoot at you one after one and fly towards you just slowly enough to the point where you need to be pay attention to not get hit by it. Excellent to keep your opponent on their toes. Combine it with the new Fire Serpent Incantation that also has a delay and tracks, and your opponent will absolutely despise you
- Anonymous
PVP especially invaders. Lock on then cast for tracking. Bad range and damage depends on player but useable dot. The fact its faith is dumb added it doesn't have any buffer catalyst as far as I know. It should be a death sorcery or something. Feels alone and out of place with faith but is what it is. No surprised from soft magic has been garbage since ds2.
- Anonymous
Not too bad in PvP, incredibly cheap, enemies either run away or tank few hundreds damage from few skulls. Kinda like glintstone blades.
- Anonymous
Fore being a "watchful" spirit, this thing is completely blind. It just fires directly forward, not even at an enemy that you've locked onto. Completely trash.
- Anonymous
I ran an 80 faith build with this and I'd say it's a middling incantation. It can break enemy stances and it's cheap, but i don't think it lasts long enough to be really good.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Either I’m using this wrong or it sucks lol. It’s like a bad rancorcall and affinity/homing soul mass from Dark souls merged. Needs a buff or something. First spell of the DLC I rank among those such as Tibia’s Summons. But even this is better because the skull over the head looks cool.
- Anonymous
Should've just lasted a whole minute. It's not like it does good damage.
- Anonymous
You know, missing every hit when you are surrounded by knights is a very unique mechanic exclusive to this spell.
- Anonymous
somebody try this against messymer, maybe it's like serpent slayer spear and gets a power up... or it's truly for fashionsouls
- Anonymous
somebody try this against messymer, maybe it's like serpent slayer spear and gets a power up... or it's truly for fashionsouls
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can't lie I'm not ashamed but mimic tear this guy.
Not enough of unpredictable move set but also it aggros a small bear to fight against u too.
- Anonymous
So, killing Messmer likely locks you out of getting the incantation if you do it before you talk to her with the head on. Sucks since it sounds really cool. Just going to hope it's bugged and not kill her for now till the next patch.
- Anonymous
'Recollection' from Dark Souls 2 is back, and it's as useless as ever <3
- Anonymous
Wish Fromsoft wasn't afraid to make some of these new spells useable because like a lot of other spells this is trash in PvE or PvP.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Excuse me did that spell just say EMPYREAN GRANDAM!? What!?
- Anonymous
Seems good for interrupting smaller enemies but doesn't last long enough to be useful. It's good if your a little lonely I guess.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
There’s gotta be a use for this, I just haven’t figured it out yet. Gotta be locked on for it to track, very slow projectiles (but can stagger) and low damage. Another FS secret I haven’t figured out.
Does too little damage to be useful in PvE. Takes too long (and makes you a stationary target) to cast to be useful in PvP.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
To hit a enemy you have to lock on it . It will only attack that one enemy until you cast the spell again and lock on another one , and for 12 fp it did rather good damage.
This is almost decent in colosseum. If your opponent gives you the 2 seconds to cast this, then you can take advantage of that and put additional pressure on them with this spell.