Messmer's Orb |
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Spell Type | Messmer Fire Incantations |
FP Cost 31 | Slots Used 2 |
Shapes Messmer's flame into a giant orb that soars at foe
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Messmer's Orb is an Incantation in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Messmer's Orb makes the caster jump in the air and create a giant floating orb in their hand, soaring towards foes before exploding after a short time.
An incantation of Messmer the Impaler.
Summons Messmer's flame to form a giant floating orb. The orb
soars toward a foe, crashes into the earth, and explodes after a
brief delay.
Charging enhances potency.
Messmer despised his own fire. Time and time again he hoped to
rid himself of it, but ever did it burn.
Where to find Messmer's Orb
Where to find Messmer's Orb:
- Trade Remembrance of the Impaler with Enia at the Roundtable Hold.
Elden Ring Messmer's Orb Guide
- Messmer Fire Incantation
- Stamina Cost: 43 (56 charged)
- Uncharged: Contact deals (Incant Scaling x 0.5) Fire Damage and the explosion (Incant Scaling x 3.08).
- Contact deals 4+4 Stance damage and explosion deals 25 (33 total).
- Has a 4 meter radius.
- Charged: Contact deals (Incant Scaling x 0.7) Fire Damage and the explosion (Incant Scaling x 4.11).
- Contact deals 4+4 Stance damage and explosion deals 35 (43 total).
- Has a 6 meter radius.
- Deals moderate stagger on contact and causes knock down on explosion.
- Has no Hyper Armor, leaving caster vulnerable to getting interrupted and falling to the ground.
- Can be charged to increase potency and distance.
- Can't be cast while riding.
- Fire Knight's Seal boosts damage by 15%
- Messmer's Helm boosts damage by 3%
- Fire Knight Armor boosts damage by 4%
- Godfrey Icon boosts charged damage by 15%
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Messmer's Orb Video
- Anonymous
this needs its FP cost and damage increased, its damage is pretty much on par with giantsflame
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
reminder that they left this game dead in the water without buffing this so you have use endure or cover yourself with another spell so you don't knocked out of the air by a glintstone pebble (actually happened)
- Anonymous
This thing really ****s up NPC invaders, they have no idea how to deal with it lol. Also good for Erdtree Avatars and Tree Spirits. People are complaining about no hyper armor but it's really not that hard to learn when to do an uncharged vs charge.
- Anonymous
Pro tip; if you want to use the charged version mid-fight, surround yourself with blackflame ritual first.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Just slap endure on something! It really helps. I don't know if it's worth it, per se, but it makes this spell feel better!
- Anonymous
Imagine pondering 1 Messmer's orb.
Heck, Imagine pondering 2 Messmer's orbs.
- Anonymous
With just a little effort put into timing this spell is straight up god tier in PvE, with the charged version basically being a pocket nuke with the insane AoE. Still usable in PvP/duels just requires more forethought: uncharged version is quick enough and functions well as a sort of wake-up catcher after knocking someone down or when used from stealth in invasions, the charged version is too slow and leaves you so vulnerable to get knocked out of it it's near unusable. Still gonna use it though idfc
- Anonymous
Tempted to ask the From gods to give this sweet flying flaming rasengan some hyperarmor but I know damn well if they did it would be beyond busted. Guess I'll make up for it with a little mad raw SKILL
- Anonymous
Messmer's Ball?
So, if I use this incantation, I'm legitimatelly holding his ball and slamming at the ground, to the point that it pops?
- Anonymous
'Has no Hyper Armor, leaving caster vulnerable to getting interrupted and falling to the ground.'....needs changed for this to be viable and fun to use. Fought jerrel. He broke every single charged attack attempted I tried with a flick of his wrist.. all bosses and semi tough enemies. This could be so cool a spell.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Nerf the damage if needed, but increase the poise you get when casting this, right now it's just too frustrating to use.
- Anonymous
Fromsoft needs to give this remembrance spell some kind of hyperarmor or redo the jump's hitboxes.
It's comical how easy it is to get knocked down to ground while charging in mid air. I like the trade off of range/damage vs slowness, but also getting shot down is just too much.
- Anonymous
as the strongest demigod, rizzmer, fought the fraud, the tarnished, he began to ponder his orb. the tarnished sunk back in fear, then rizzmer said "stand proud tarnished, you are strong."
- Anonymous
I really hop they fix the hitboxes so we can use this to dodge sweep attacks and stomps. Otherwise its a cool supervillain ability.
- Anonymous
This 100% needs a hyperarmor buff after a certian number of frames like Twin Moons.
You dont rise anywhere near high enough and spammers & idiots pretty much constantly knock you out of the animation with jump attacks.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
In PvE this spell absolutely sucks. 60 faith requirement and 31fp for garbage area damage that will kill nothing but the most trivial enemies, no hyperarmor despite the long hang time especially when charging, a delay between hitting the ground and the explosion making it even less likely you'll do any damage before getting knocked out of it, makes noise while you're in the air so enemies are alerted and you can't surprise them. What in the world is this for, except maybe a surprise attack in PvP? How could you even pull this off against another player at all if they see you? I just don't get it. For this level of requirement and cost, coming off the mascot boss of the DLC, the thing should do double this damage and have hyperarmor. Look at an incantation like Fortissax's lighting, a remembrance spell which hits those marks for a similar 35fp and lower 46 faith required. I've heard this one doesn't even avoid ground effects despite being taking you like ten feet in the air. Absolutely pitiful.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The lack of hyper armor makes this pretty difficult get off in pvp, but it makes an excellent follow up to any attack that knocks down your opponent, such as giants flame take thee, or burn, o flame. The initial hit of the orb will usually rollcatch after the knockdown and combo into the blast.
- Anonymous
Good spell, but it really should either have hyper armor or actual fly over ground attacks
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
people crying about this one while not crying about star shower who is almost the same, hits harder and is a lot harder to defend from should just shut up. This one offers a good tool for STR bros who were looking for a spell that actually allows them to stand a achance against spammers
- Anonymous
This needs to dodge moves that you can dodge by jumping, it's actually criminal that it doesn't since you float like 5x higher than a jump, also some better tracking would be nice but it doesn't necessarily NEED that
- Anonymous
Great incant, needs either a travel distance buff or a bit of hyperarmor
- Anonymous
Honestly, this should be a one shot kill on Furnace Golems if you dunk into their baskets.
- Anonymous
I'm sorry, this incant brings you around 3 times higher than a regular jump. Why can't it dodge ground crawling attacks?
- Anonymous
LeBron James cosplay: elden lord armor, altered commoner headband, old aristocrat shoes, dry leaf arts, messmer's orb, giantsflame take thee. Now go on and get to balling, elden goat
- Anonymous
Enough nonsense. It's time that YOU start pondering the orb.
- Anonymous
The AR and posture damage on this thing are INSANE. Just wish it had hyperarmor, at least on the chargeable version... tired of getting knocked out of it at the last second
- Anonymous
Is there a lore reason why you can't jump over godfrey's shockwaves with this?
It does seem to work on some ground attacks, such as the Lion Dancers breath and ice stomp, taker's flames (Blasphemous Blade AOW) and other attacks that affect only the ground.
I assume this has to do with the lower body not having iFrames during the attack. It's a damn shame, and the fact that it has no hyper armour is even more unfortunate.
I suppose any resourceful player would still have fun with this incant, even though it's practically nothing more than a flashier and weaker version of Giantsflame.
- Anonymous
I dont care what people said, this spell need to have hyper armor lol. using endure before cast this is like one extra step just to dish out ok damage. they need a buff for this skill as well, for a 2 slot skill its not doing enough damage for the amount of time it take to cast it. full animation take 3 to 4 second to complete.
- Anonymous
It would be really nice if you get an fp refund if you get knocked out of the cast since it uses fp before it hits the ground...
- Anonymous
i wish we had the version with from the second phase with the snake instead : (
- Anonymous
They really need to fix the hitbox so low attacks don't hit you while in the air
- Anonymous
Has all the downsides of Scarlet Aeonia. But does not have its biggest strength, the scarlet rot and yet this requires 60 FTH when Scarlet Aeonia requires only 35....I don't understand why this exists...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I love how a low horizontal swing hits me while I’m 20ft in the air
- Anonymous
Fire Knight armour at 85 faith while using Erdtree Seal +10 and Fire Knight Seal in the off-hand, dealt ~2300 damage on the first hit to a fire knight if I land every hit while ~1800 damage if I missed the landing. Same character but I switch the Fire Knight Seal with a Giant Seal and I dealt ~2100 on the first hit to a fire knight. Every tests were done with charged casts on the fire knight outside the grace Storehouse, Seventh Floor.
The glaring issue with this incantation is how many ways you can get interrupted while doing it, your legs can be hit while you're in the air (imo it should be acting like a jump where you have i-frames on your lower half) and when you land initially you have very little hyper armour. It deals a good amount of poise damage if you land it and you can free aim pretty well with a good enough distance so it's alright. The FP cost of 31 compared to 30 on a Giant Flame Take Thee uncharged should be noted. Overall it's a good incantation that I wish would get a few adjustments to not let you get knocked out of it so easily, Giant Flame Take Thee remains a safer option but still it's a matter of what you want to do with your explosions.
- Anonymous
Wish you could charge it even longer to do an even stronger, phase 2 snake version
- Anonymous
Is there any reason (besides it looking cool) to use this over Giants Flame take Thee? Barely does any more damage and is slower and melee.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Has no armour, and endure doesn't last long enough to charge it up. Also your hisbox remains on the ground so you can't jump over attacks and enemies knock you down by spamming attacks. WTF are they doing with the incantations?
I have 2K HP as a level 200s. The other day this noob invader used this (we were in Midra's dungeon) and caught in a very tight spot. I still lived, I reckon I still have 100-150 HP left. I'm not sure if that invader has lower stats (he couldn't one-shotted me) or if my fire defense is better. He then proceeded to fall off the stairs because of my team's pressure when I was healing. I laughed every time I (or my crew) deleted tryhards. They will cry like a baby cURs3 YoU gAnk3Rs! Music to my ears.
- Anonymous
"The Great B-Ball Purge of 2041, a day so painful to some that it is referred to only as the "B-Ballnacht". Thousands upon thousands of the world's greatest ballers were massacred in a swath of violence and sports bigotry as the game was outlawed worldwide. The reason: the Chaos Dunk, a jam so powerful its mere existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Among the few ballers and fans that survived the basketball genocide was Charles Barkley, the man capable of performing the 'Verboten Jam'..."
- Anonymous
We got both messmers big orbs and his long spear for impaling.
- Anonymous
Messmer despised his own dunks. Time and time again he hoped to rid himself of the court, but ever did he ball.
- Anonymous
The orb is my new fav spell actually, it’s just scarlet Aeonia but better. Faster windup, faster recovery, higher damage, more poise damage and it just looks wayyy cooler. Really good when ambushing huge groups of enemies like soldiers, kindreds and bloodfiends, because it poise breaks them instantly. I ran into a huge group of probably 5 bloodfiends and 5 Messmer soldiers fighting each other in a cramped corner. I charged up the orb, flew directly into the centre of the fight, and hearing the sound of 10 poise breaks at the same time was music to my ears. Did it one more time while they were down, and that was all it took.
- Anonymous
This thing does good damage, looks really cool, and it's not too slow. While there are undoubtedly far worse spells, this thing should've adjusted your hitbox because you fly up in the air just like messmer does, yet you still get slapped by ground attacks you shouldn't. It restricts this spell to a flashy punish for a big opening, not something you can actively outplay using its (fake) movement. It's still decent though
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
really enjoy this spell, but it should probably make you go higher into the air or make your legs intagible like a normal jump. Really hard to dodge shockwave attacks like rellana twin moons
- Anonymous
It's not 2.4k. 2.6k Is the max damage of this thing on pvp. If from add hyperarmor to this incant, it's gonna be a Ganker Deleter. Pretty much obliterate anything
- Anonymous
What this doesn't tell you is that this move can be deflected by Radagon for some unholy reason.
- Anonymous
"Those stripped of the grace of gold shall get dunked on by Messmer's Orb."
- Anonymous
combination of cast time and small windows dlc bosses leave you to punish pretty much means you will trade 90% of the time when using this, now its the trade worth it? i would say 9/10 even with golden vow and flame grant me strength, its not. but at least you look cool doing it.
- Anonymous
There is barely anything to work with for a build. Only 2 incants to rp as a messmer fire knight. Only 2 incants for a godwyn knight. And wtf is going on with the spira incants? One miquella incant? And when has dragon incants ever been viable in pve or pvp? Everything is just all over the place. I feel like Fromsoft just spun a wheel a few times to figure out what to add in. No creative thought, no imagination. I spent an entire YEAR imagining what this dlc would add and I was hoping for much more than this. And the the problem is that to many people are so oustoundingly content with these crumbs that we waited 2 YEARS FOR. This is pitiful.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Pretty good for countering attacks you usually jump, like rellanas twin moons
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I was hoping that the animation of this incantation would actually leave you suspended in the air and allow you to dodge, for example, Godfrey's stomps (something that any of the full moon sorceries do) but it didn't. Unfortunately, the shockwaves will still hit you.
- Anonymous
Terrible. Simply terrible. Why cast this, when Burn O Flame! costs less FP, less memory slots, casts much faster, covers a wider area, and does 3-5x more damage?
- Anonymous
Terrible. Simply terrible. Why cast this, when Burn O Flame! costs less FP, less memory slots, casts much faster, covers a wider area, and does 3-5x more damage?
- Anonymous
Came here for a joke about Messmer's orbs. Found only one comment. Much disappoint.
- Anonymous
The Tarnished shall all meet death, In the embrace of Messmer's Rasengan
- Anonymous
This spell is the power of god and/or satan. As mentioned, I've I've oneshotted people with 2400 health lol. Highlevel invasions around lvl 250. Hyperarmour would take it to unimaginable lengths. With people's tendencies to whine, and from's tendencies to overnerf like autists, I expect dissapointment incoming. Enjoy while you can
- Anonymous
If you don't get swatted down, everything dies. I oneshotted someone with 2400 health lol. Obviously, I've built to peak it. This is my favourite thing in all souls games. Please, God, don't nerf.
- Anonymous
Dunno if its just me, but whenever my guy uses this incant his face just >..<
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Super fun to use in invasions if you get the drop on people.
I've fully charged this from around a corner out of sight, dove into a group of 3, and one shot them all through a bunch of buffs.
Get the seal from the Fire Knights, offhand it with you favorite one to cast with in the main hand, take fire scorpion and fire tear in the flask, etc.
Many people sleep on this spell, but if you get a chance to throw something like Pest Thread Spears, and zone them away long enough, you can genuinely get a full charge off pretty well.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Anyone else see what their face looks like during the animation?
- Anonymous
I used Messmers Remembrance to acquire his spear, but then the Remembrance disappeared completely and I cant use the tortoise mauseleum to bring it back to get the spell. Has this happened to anyone else?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I believe one reason it doesn't have hyper armor is that it hoist you up quite high into the air, where everything except long vertical swings and magic will miss you. I've had great success with it against normal mobs, but it tends to stay unused in my memory when I go up against a boss (unless they're prone to stagger).
- Anonymous
This is a very cool spell. Requires excellent timing or strategy to use since the charging time is quite long. Although damage-wise, it is still below knight’s lightning spear (tested on leda).
- Anonymous
It’s really cool, but especially since everything is so damn aggressive it doesn’t seem very viable. Even using all the armor to boost it damage is especially somewhat low for taking 2 slots… spell really isn’t strong enough to warrant that. If it’s going to be this slow it needs to do more damage and/or go further distance when charged. A small amount of hyper armor on the cast as well, but not to much, maybe hyperarmor only kicking in towards the end of the animation.
- Anonymous
This is just too weak. It need 60 faith requirement and you rather just fire 3 fire ball at the enemies or using Firestorm if you only like Fire Incant. If you want better spell, use the lightning spear, the new lightning spear or any other spell that is not the new Rain of Fire...
- Anonymous
it feels like you get even less poise than normal during this, its ridiculous
- Anonymous
Powerful, slow and can be easily interrupted when slamming the orb into the ground.
Knight's Lighting Spears is so much better and it's not even a boss Incantation.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
For something requiring 60 FTH, 2 slots and 31 FP it deals laughably pathetic damage (1300 dmg on the Trolls in Limgrave with 75 FTH).
Meanwhile, Fortissax's Lightning Spear, from the base game, uses only 1 slot, has hyper armor, AoE as well, same casting speed and deals almost twice as much damage (2500 dmg on the Trolls).
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can be a true combo in pvp. Definitely does not need hyper armor. The landing hit combos into the big explosion and is quite fast for having to fly up in the air.
Best use for pvp i found is to cast mesmers flame then cast uncharged orb. Do this at just outside of melee range and will do close to 2k damage on a player. It will all combo if the flame lands first
- Anonymous
lol almost all say its gonna be the best if its have hyper armor. use your logic that is might be the reason why its dont have
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Did the artwork change or am i trippin. Mine just looks like a hand holding the orb. i kinda like it more than this one, did they redoit or smth?
- Anonymous
Legitimate potential to be the best incantation in the game
Really needs some hyper armor though
I agree with the other comments about its lack of hyper armor. I tried it on the horned warrior up the stair from the Small Private Altar site of grace in Belurat and twice he knocked me out of it, and I also tried casting endure before but no.
- Anonymous
This has serious potential to be one of be best faith spells in the game BUT From needs to give it some armour. Everything apart from it’s complete lack of poise is great.
- Anonymous
The orb damages enemies even if you haven't "landed" yet. I was charging it and an enemy approached me by a ledge and was hurt.
- Anonymous
This attack needs hyper armour. Omen killer just smacked me out of it twice.
- Anonymous
Dangg.. If only i can put endure on all finger seal..