Ash of War: Unsheathe

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Affinity Keen
Skill Unsheathe
Effect Grants affinities and skills to an armament.

Ash of War: Unsheathe is an Ash of War and Upgrade Material in Elden RingAsh of War: Unsheathe provides Keen affinity and the Unsheathe Skill. Ashes of War can be equipped on Weapons and Shields to modify the Skill or an equipment, or to apply affinities that modify scaling values.


This Ash of War grants an armament the Keen affinity and the following skill:

"Unsheathe: Skill of swordsmen from the Land of Reeds. Sheathe blade, holding it at the hip in a composed stance. Follow up with a normal or strong attack to perform a swift slash attack."

Usable on katana.


Ash of War: Unsheathe Location in Elden Ring

Where to find Ash of War: Unsheathe:


Ash of War: Unsheathe Elden Ring Guide

  • Grants the skill Unsheathe.
  • Provides the Keen affinity, which provides increased Dexterity scaling, decreases Strength and Base damage.
  • Can be used with any affinity Upgrade.
  • Can be applied to the following weapon categories, so long as the weapon allows skill replacement: Katanas



Elden Ring Ash of War: Unsheathe Notes & Tips

  • Notes and player tips go here.


Builds with Ash of War: Unsheathe


Samurai Written Guide


Elden Ring Ashes of War
Ash of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings  ♦  Ash of War: Assassin's Gambit  ♦  Ash of War: Barbaric Roar  ♦  Ash of War: Barrage  ♦  Ash of War: Barricade Shield  ♦  Ash of War: Beast's Roar  ♦  Ash of War: Black Flame Tornado  ♦  Ash of War: Blind Spot  ♦  Ash of War: Blinkbolt  ♦  Ash of War: Blood Blade  ♦  Ash of War: Blood Tax  ♦  Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step  ♦  Ash of War: Bloody Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Braggart's Roar  ♦  Ash of War: Carian Grandeur  ♦  Ash of War: Carian Greatsword  ♦  Ash of War: Carian Retaliation  ♦  Ash of War: Carian Sovereignty  ♦  Ash of War: Charge Forth  ♦  Ash of War: Chilling Mist  ♦  Ash of War: Cragblade  ♦  Ash of War: Determination  ♦  Ash of War: Divine Beast Frost Stomp  ♦  Ash of War: Double Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Dryleaf Whirlwind  ♦  Ash of War: Earthshaker  ♦  Ash of War: Enchanted Shot  ♦  Ash of War: Endure  ♦  Ash of War: Eruption  ♦  Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes  ♦  Ash of War: Flame Skewer  ♦  Ash of War: Flame Spear  ♦  Ash of War: Flaming Strike  ♦  Ash of War: Ghostflame Call  ♦  Ash of War: Giant Hunt  ♦  Ash of War: Glintblade Phalanx  ♦  Ash of War: Glintstone Pebble  ♦  Ash of War: Golden Land  ♦  Ash of War: Golden Parry  ♦  Ash of War: Golden Slam  ♦  Ash of War: Golden Vow  ♦  Ash of War: Gravitas  ♦  Ash of War: Ground Slam  ♦  Ash of War: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker  ♦  Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp  ♦  Ash of War: Holy Ground  ♦  Ash of War: Ice Spear  ♦  Ash of War: Igon's Drake Hunt  ♦  Ash of War: Impaling Thrust  ♦  Ash of War: Kick  ♦  Ash of War: Lifesteal Fist  ♦  Ash of War: Lightning Ram  ♦  Ash of War: Lightning Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Lion's Claw  ♦  Ash of War: Loretta's Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Mighty Shot  ♦  Ash of War: No Skill  ♦  Ash of War: Overhead Stance  ♦  Ash of War: Palm Blast  ♦  Ash of War: Parry  ♦  Ash of War: Phantom Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Piercing Fang  ♦  Ash of War: Piercing Throw  ♦  Ash of War: Poison Moth Flight  ♦  Ash of War: Poisonous Mist  ♦  Ash of War: Prayerful Strike  ♦  Ash of War: Prelate's Charge  ♦  Ash of War: Quickstep  ♦  Ash of War: Raging Beast  ♦  Ash of War: Rain of Arrows  ♦  Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists  ♦  Ash of War: Repeating Thrust  ♦  Ash of War: Rolling Sparks  ♦  Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve  ♦  Ash of War: Sacred Blade  ♦  Ash of War: Sacred Order  ♦  Ash of War: Sacred Ring of Light  ♦  Ash of War: Savage Claws  ♦  Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw  ♦  Ash of War: Scattershot Throw  ♦  Ash of War: Seppuku  ♦  Ash of War: Shared Order  ♦  Ash of War: Shield Bash  ♦  Ash of War: Shield Crash  ♦  Ash of War: Shield Strike  ♦  Ash of War: Shriek of Sorrow  ♦  Ash of War: Sky Shot  ♦  Ash of War: Spectral Lance  ♦  Ash of War: Spinning Gravity Thrust  ♦  Ash of War: Spinning Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Spinning Strikes  ♦  Ash of War: Spinning Weapon  ♦  Ash of War: Square Off  ♦  Ash of War: Stamp (Sweep)  ♦  Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut)  ♦  Ash of War: Storm Assault  ♦  Ash of War: Storm Blade  ♦  Ash of War: Storm Stomp  ♦  Ash of War: Storm Wall  ♦  Ash of War: Stormcaller  ♦  Ash of War: Swift Slash  ♦  Ash of War: Sword Dance  ♦  Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice  ♦  Ash of War: Thops's Barrier  ♦  Ash of War: Through and Through  ♦  Ash of War: Thunderbolt  ♦  Ash of War: Troll's Roar  ♦  Ash of War: Vacuum Slice  ♦  Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable  ♦  Ash of War: Wall of Sparks  ♦  Ash of War: War Cry  ♦  Ash of War: Waves of Darkness  ♦  Ash of War: White Shadow's Lure  ♦  Ash of War: Wild Strikes  ♦  Ash of War: Wing Stance  ♦  Lost Ashes of War  ♦  Messages

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    • Anonymous

      This ash is so good I almost want to avoid using it because I rely on it so heavily when I have it infused.

      • Anonymous

        i remember like couple weeks ago, staggering the grafted scion at the start with two heavy unsheathe now it takes three? i see no mention of the changes anywhere

        • Anonymous

          Anyone gonna talk about how bad this is for a katana in real life? This is an extremely easy way to dull the blade or even cut the sheathe in half. Unrealistic for the so called skilled swordsman of the lands of reeds. I know it's a fantasy world but this is too far imo.

          • Anonymous

            The r1 is wasted imo. The r2 is just fine as a stance breaker, but the r1 should have like 3 block frames.

            • Anonymous

              I just learned that Hold in DS3 can parry, shame this didn't keep that even though we got other kinds of parry.

              • Anonymous

                This ash of war carried me until leyndell, i wield uchi and nagakiba (with dual slash) and i just cant to not rely on this

                • Anonymous

                  They need to bring back the Hold weapon skill from ds3. Would be nice to have the parry combined with the multi hit slashes from the frayed blade together.

                  • Anonymous

                    Use this in a DEX Build with Lightning Nagakiba, better in dual stance, jump attack + Unsheathe is a combo, not a true combo because it depends on latency, but pretty solid combo, almost one shot

                    • Anonymous

                      honestly kind of busted to the point where you hardly ever need to use your normal moveset in pve. imo, it would be more interesting if it did less damage but had the unsheathe parry from ds3. it would be more versatile and give you a reason to use any other move.

                      • Anonymous

                        ****ing hell stop asking to nerf this. You already took rivers of blood and rotten breath, what more do you want? Will you not be satisfied until everyone is as miserable as you?

                        • Anonymous

                          Why would you ever play a trade hitting build with a collosal when you can switch to lightning katana with bull goat to do more damage, faster? For reference, my collosal hammer barely wins a a trade against square off, but unsheathe does double my own damage... while also being incredibly fast, longer and racking up heavy bleed at 0 arcane investment. Nerf unsheathe, and put washing pole in the curved great swords category where it belongs. Lord knows great swords don’t get straight sword move sets, we learned why that’s cheese in ds3. How are we gonna fix ds3 straight swords absurd length and nerf square off just to make katanas even worse in ER. No really, why can’t my great sword powerstance with a straight sword? And do bleed at the same time, and have square off? Also, are we gonna ignore how useless heavy armor is against bleed? Even moonveil will force me to cure bleed and risk damage.

                          • Anonymous

                            Most useless Ash of War. Only two katana's can have their ash of war replaced, and their default is Unsheathe already. LOL

                            • Anonymous

                              I like how this skill can only be used on two weapons in the entire game, and it's also the default skill for BOTH of them.

                              • Anonymous

                                People complaining about this doing tons of damage but when we bring up RoB, MV, and Colossal Weapons having the same, probably better damage, everyone starts looooosing their miiiinds....

                                • Anonymous

                                  imagine a cooler version of this that takes more fp and a little less damage thats like jetstreme sam's bossfight attack where he boosts forward and unsheathes in your face

                                  • Anonymous

                                    The L2+R2 seems kind of redundant. Should've been L2+R1 as the unsheathe attack and the L2+R2 could've been the Frayed Blade multi-slash attack.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      What accessories would be good to further boost the damage/utility of unsheathe? Would the Carian Filigrede Crest lower the cost by more than a couple fp? The Alexander/Jar Shard talismans to enhance the damage? Ancestral Spirit's Horn to restore fp outside of pvp/boss fights?

                                      I'm currently high arcane bleed build and looking to swap to katanas and was wondering if it'd be worth it to focus on unsheathe since I don't really enjoy RoB spam.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I feel like it should also be to put this on straight swords and maybe curved swords. Not just the 2 katanas that can change their ash of war.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I just wish you could still parry with it. But maybe later they'll add another version of unsheath that can do this.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Came here to point out that this is actually more dangerous than moonveil. I don’t understand why they gave katanas an option to reaction trade even collosal weapons. Meanwhile they nerfed square off into the ground because it could do so too easily in past titles. 50 vigor and bull goat armor? The katana guy will take two thirds of that in one trade.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Yeah, lets give one of fastest and furthest reaching moves a damage of Colossal charged R2. - probably some guy at FromSoft.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Players having fun with a weapon????? Nerf it now fromsoft, shame on you for letting this go past the radar.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This weapon art most definitely needs a damage nerf takes like half of some guys hp in a single weapon art.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Katanas are already stronger than most other lightweight , fast weapons. What they lacked was good poise damage. With this even even most bosses get staggered in 2-4 uses. Don't be fooled by the simplistic ability.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      This and double slash are sleeper terrible. Disregarding their popular special counterparts, there's cheaper, faster, longer ranged, and harder hitting (all at the same time) normal weapon arts.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        In case anybody is wondering what's the point of this Ash of Wat... Imagine a Nagakiba with R2 Unsheathe and extra blood loss/freeze and blood loss. You're welcome.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Makes no sense why you can’t use it on other swords. Having it on curved sword at least would make sense. Hopefully they add more katanas in the next dlc. Maybe an odachi.

                                                          • The heavy is just so powerful. I really wanna know exactly how the damage calculation for this Ash is done. Sometimes, I seem to be doing near-chip damage to a boss or enemy, then I use Unsheathe and watch a solid chunk of their healthbar disappear lol. It's honestly slept on.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Can be used to parry if timed right, also does the slash damage. Great for big damage if you time it right.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                could anyone test to see if this ash works on the Wakizashi? its a dagger but is able to be powerstanced with katana's apparently

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Stance attack info:

                                                                  Light Attack: Horizontal slash comparable to a regular heavy with focus, and a slightly stronger light without.

                                                                  Heavy Attack: Vertical slash comparable to fully charged heavy attack with focus, and a slightly less damaging heavy attack without.

                                                                  Heavy w/ focus can instantly: kill smaller enemies (Like smaller flower enemies guarding larger flower), stance break most enemies (Like swamp pot creatures) and deal insane damage if combined with extra damage from unaware bonus.

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