Ash of War: Lightning Ram |
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Affinity | Lightning |
Skill | Lightning Ram |
Effect | Grants affinities and skills to an armament |
Ash of War: Lightning Ram is an Ash of War and Upgrade Material in Elden Ring. Ash of War: Lightning Ram provides Lightning affinity and the Lightning Ram Skill. Ashes of War can be equipped on Weapons and Shields to modify the Skill or an equipment, or to apply affinities that modify scaling values.
This Ash of War grants an armament the Lightning affinity and the following skill:
"Lightning Ram: Skill inspired by tumbling rams. Let out a bleat, then tumble forwards, clad in lightning. Tumbles can be repeated in rapid succession."
Usable on all melee armaments.
Ash of War: Lightning Ram Location in Elden Ring
Where to find Ash of War: Lightning Ram:
- It can be found at Altus Plateau, just south of Sainted Hero's Grave. It drops from a Teardrop Scarab in the area. Elden Ring Map Link.
Ash of War: Lightning Ram Elden Ring Guide
- Grants the skill Lightning Ram.
- Deals 6 stance damage
- Provides the Lightning affinity, which adds Lightning damage and increases Dexterity scaling, decreases Base damage and Strength scaling.
- Can be used with the following affinity Upgrades: Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, Sacred
- Can be applied to the following weapon categories, so long as the weapon allows skill replacement: Daggers, Straight Swords, Greatswords, Colossal Swords, Curved Swords, Curved Greatswords, Katanas, Twinblades, Thrusting Swords, Heavy Thrusting Swords, Hammers, Great Hammers, Axes, Greataxes, Flails, Spears, Great Spears, Halberds, Reapers, Fists, Claws, Whips, Colossal Weapons
- Has an FP cost of 5 initially and 5 more to sustain per additional cast.
Elden Ring Ash of War: Lightning Ram Notes & Tips
- Damage influenced by weapons(also using Lightning Scorpion Charm, Shard of Alexander, and Blue Dancer Charm with 0 equip load) seems to have an unbuffed "cap" of 653. I have been unable to find anything that makes it hit harder than that, I've spent spent over an hour testing a bunch of different weapons... the 3 weapons I used to get this result were Keen Urumi(whip), Keen Pest's Glaive, and Keen Guardian's Swordspear, Keen for the extra Dex scaling. If you wanna get REALLY spicy offhand Commander's Standard and in another offhand Jellyfish Shield, buff with Commander's then Jellyfish shield and go crazy with Lightning Ram for ~30sec(duration of the shorter buff), which will make it hit for 783-1050ish+.
- Anonymous
does light/medium equip load make any difference using this skill
- Anonymous
For anyone wondering. If you use this skill on the butchering knife it will heal you on every hit with the skill
- Anonymous
Does it grant i-frames? I don't wanna activate my PTSD aquired from DS2 for not leveling up ADP again. The initial animation is long, let you vulnerable for free hit, but it's so funny. The condition to keep rolling in disgraceful, you have to vibrate your finger to make a chain of inputs, I'd like just to hold the L2 to keep rolling. My finger hurts and my controler is damaged. I wanna kill some boss with it, I need it.
- Anonymous
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Hey guys I’m trying to do a dex goat build with lamenters mask and this, what weapon should I use?
- Anonymous
This is what happens when Sonic and Surge have a baby...
Miyazaki aproved.
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- Anonymous
Who is writing all this horseshit under the Tips section? Shard of Alexander doesn't buff this (for some inexplicable reason).
Also you can't use Lightning Ram with Jellyfish Shield in your offhand cos L2 would just use the shield's AoW. Two handing your Lightning Ram weapon would make the 20% damage buff go away. Stop making **** up when you never actually tried it in-game.
- Anonymous
If you put this on the antspur rapier, will it inflict rot buildup?
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I don't know if this is a recent nerf/bug, but as of 1.10, Warrior's Shard and Shard of Alexander have NO impact on it. It always deals Lightning damage, no matter the affinity of the weapon, and the weapon's attack also has no impact on it: the scaling is the only thing that affects its damage, before buffs. All other buffs seem to apply (lightning physic buff, golden vow, Scorpion Charm, flame grant me strength, exalted flesh, etc.).
- Anonymous
There are only 3 types of Elden Ring players.
The rams
The godskins
And the Hedgehogs.
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pre ash nerf pre poise nerf lightning ram fullgoat gankers might have been the scariest thing in the game
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After trying a few different things, the ram, above depending of the weapon ar, also affect the weapon passive (bleed, rot with the rotten gladiator axe, and such) meaning with a weapon having either base bleed or rot, addind like frozen armament or black flame blade (though black flame blade is too short to be good on it because of the bleat), and also using either fire deadly sin to reset the frost build up or something like ironjar aromatic or dragonbolt blessing for the hardness, it bring a really nice build as long as your weapon have sufficient ar with a passive. Add enough stamina, health and mind to keep it up for the duration of the buffs and you can roll through the whole game in absolute peace... Don't forget to wear the spiked palissade on your back for the fear factor in pvp, you'll laugh
- Anonymous
Lightning ram, with fire deadly sin, and the spiked palissade on your back.... That looks absolutely terryfying when you come around a corner in pvp. You'll look like ds1 mimic chest, burning and munching the ground while moving forward fast enough so that people get crazy scared
- Anonymous
The details says the ram scale with the weapon ar, and it also indicate a cap with a dexterity build and different weapons, but maybe the ar can be better with a heavy affinity and a strength build, maybe ? I'd like to do poise damage with this but i can't really find if it actually does any stance damage
- Anonymous
This skill can be followed up by what ever rolling R1 / R2 your weapon has.
- Anonymous
Invasion cosplay idea: Godskin Noble. Start using Lightning Ram (and Ground Slam, optionally) if you drop below half health.
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So I dont no if my first comment is there but it wasnt dropped by a teardrop scarab but laid on the ground. Also there was a golden coloured goat which used lightning ram about whom I didnt find Infos in the wiki.(sorry for my english)
- Anonymous
When I got to its location it laid there as an item but there was no scarab.
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Can't use this skill if you've got jellyfish shield buff on. Why are people adding things to the wiki without even testing it first?
- Anonymous
if put on a weapon with pierce damage as its primary damage source, like a spear or lucerne, the rolls will register counter-attacks
- Anonymous
If 2 of these clash what happens? Does the lands between implode?
- Anonymous
keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
keep rollin rollin rollin rollin
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For pvp this can be very good on weapons that are slow and dont have good options for running people down
- Anonymous
Works with winged sword talismans. Makes it very scary during duels.
So uhh, how does this work on status effect weapons? Eg venomous fang.
- Anonymous
you can definitely do some funny stuff with this if you build around it, but I personally prefer just having it on a secondary weapon just to chase down roll spammers
- Anonymous
Bruh this with 100 poise armor and the right build with the right set of buffs actually sherds players even better if your in water
- Anonymous
Pairs great with powerstanced weapons with thunderbolt in the other hand. I run this with two straight swords, but you can pick any combo you like. Curved swords and their running attack would be incredibly deadly. Just stack poise, watch your spacing, use the ram if they get close and commit to an attack, and if they back off use the thunderbolt for some cheeky surprise damage.
- Anonymous
Saw some one with a godskin noble cosplay and he yous this for the rolling. funny **** I ever seen
- Anonymous
I find this Ash of War works best with Urumi in PvP. For whip users, they are very susceptible against aggressive playstyle in this thrust meta. Normal whips simply doesn't offer enough damage and poise damage to trade with proper weapons. On the other hand, it's very common for whip users to force opponents roll into you to maintain aggression and avoid your own chip damage Rolling R1. This provides the perfect solution and counter for those overly-aggressive player. A well-timed lightning ram works like a parry, allowing you to roll them over with 800+ dmg within two ticks. Combined with excellent S Dex scaling of Urumi, you can properly trade into many matchups.
- Anonymous
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My secret weapon in PvP to deal with runners and roll spammers.
- Anonymous
Don't get me wrong, having weird skills is kinda fun, but there're just 3 lightning ashes of war, and this is one of them. What the hell is wrong with From?
use great stars or butchering knife with this ash of war because now it can heal per roll
- Anonymous
use great star or butchering knife with this ash of war because now it can with roll
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I got an amazing idea: We need a LIGHTNING RAM faction! Imagine, seeing a single Ram captain standing atop a hill, looking at an enemy army thats preparing to attack, warning the enemy army to leave while they still can. The enemy army commanders tell their troops to charge, and then they hear a single lonely bleat from the ram captain, followed by hundreds more bleats from the ram army that was hiding behind the mountain top, all rolling into sight and then going down hill at an incredibly high speed crashing into the enemy army wiping out their frontline with their impacts and electric attack. Then, ramps get raised on the sides of the hill and a second wave of bleats can be heard as another group of rams charge down the hill onto the ramps and launch themselves at the enemy army effectively creating a bombardment of lighting rams raining down death on their enemies.
And as a final push, a few, or even a single ram giant shows up, roles down the hill and crashes all the way through the enemy lines electrifying many many enemy soldiers on the way. Their first line of defense destroyed by the initial ram attack, utter chaos caused by a bombardment, their ranks being broken by a giant and said giant is still wreaking havoc on what used to be the back of the army. Their defeat will be swift and undeniably.
Nobody wins from the Rams.
- Anonymous
For pvp, this is a great greed punisher. for weapons that struggle with aggression (like whips) this really shines. predict when your opponent is going to go all in then start the AoW, you should get a hit or two in before they can roll.
- Anonymous
FYI, contrary to the page here, jellyfish shield cannot buff this because there's no way to use the ash of war whilst keeping jellyfish in your hand (2h to access the ash of war still removes the jellyfish buff)
- Anonymous
I wonder if using the Briar armor and Golden Vow with it would up the damage? - illahstrait
- Anonymous
Unironically OP ash of war. Get 50+ poise and alexander's shard to stunlock anyone in PVP. Lightning Ram is faster than rolling so just MHLEEE close enough and mow them down. I was rolling after someone and they bloodhound stepped over a cliff and fell to death, hilarious.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This is low key one of the best duel AoW's in the game. With the right specs this can mow people down in a few seconds. Slap some on some high poise armor and build lots of endurance, and you are gonna be getting some serious meme kills
- Anonymous
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I should try using this with the Star Fists. It'd be like triple-weilding hedgehogs at that point.
- Anonymous
About the tip, I don't think you can use Jellyfish shield because you must be holding it to get the buff, and if you are holding the shield you cannot use this ash of war.
I built a meme build where I only use the crucible horn and lighting ram but I'm also very slow, cant run, cant jump, cant dodge, overloaded.
I won a invasion solo against 2 people with this ash of war while in a pool of rot, they could have just ran but no they decided to fight me and they lost.
- Anonymous
The notes and tips section doesn't even understand what they are saying. Jellyfish Shield must be equipped to keep it's effect active. Backpacking it will turn it off, with the purpose clearly to make one-handed weapons more effective, but keep their AoW in check by disabling them, as shields have priority over mainhand weapons.
- Anonymous
The notes and tips section doesn't even understand what they are saying. Jellyfish Shield must be equipped to keep it's effect active. Backpacking it will turn it off, with the purpose clearly to make one-handed weapons more effective, but keep their AoW in check by disabling them, as shields have priority over mainhand weapons.
- Anonymous
In PvP, it is easily countered by sprinting or moving back a lot. Uses a lot of stamina and FP if repeatedly cast, and has a bit of a wind-up before you get rolling, making it difficult to use in areas that are very open. Which means using it in tight corridors and against cornered enemies is the *perfect* place for this, and could potentially true-combo someone who can't escape from the narrow place.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I've had so much fun with this. The bleat, the rolling, the pure masculinity of this ash of war is beyond insanity. LVL 60 invasions with +12 Spiked caestus, Bloodflame blade, and full Bull-Goat armor. The most fun you can get with invasions IMO.
- Anonymous
You'll never defeat me krabs, not when I shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!
- Anonymous
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How much fp does this use, I'm wondering for a potential build
- Anonymous
"which adds Lightning damage and increases Dexterity scaling, decreases Base damage and Strength scaling."
What is FromSoftware's problem with the STR stat?
- Anonymous
Looks like this ash scales with Dex and Faith but only if your weapon has those scalings and the damage increase is proportional to the scalings of those stats on that weapon
What weapon then could you apply this Ash of War and have the highest possible Dex and Faith scaling, then?
- Anonymous
Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin.
Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin.
Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin.
Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin.
- Anonymous
As underrated as an AoW this already is, the synergy between this and Thunderbolt is insane. Shard of Alexander, Lightning Scorpion Charm and Lightning-Shrouding Tear jack up the damage of both (maybe don't use the tear in duals unless your opponent also uses a physick, etiquette of using these in duals isn't super clear yet and ends fight super fast) . Dual wield some weapons that have good reach and dex scaling, keen spears are probably the best choice but I like urumis, put this on one and thunderbolt on another. Start the dual/invasion by spacing out light attacks and throwing out thunderbolts if they're being passive, and once they go in for an attack start up a lightning ram. You should poise through the hit of anything other than moonveil or a bleed/madness/sleep proc and catch them panic rolling, likely killing them off of one interaction. Granted bloodhound's step can escape this and is pretty common, so not a guaranteed win by any means but great against a lot of builds and pretty damn funny to watch. Bonus points for running this with Dragonbolt Blessing for both lightning goat RP and even more synergy, there's a reason these are right next to each other on the map.
- Anonymous
I hope one day I will encounter a 3 man squad in PVP all with this ash on
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surprisingly fun AND very good ; damage scales with your weapon scaling for sure, not necessarly dex, i ran it with faith, it is amplified by anything that boost lightning dmg (serpent talisman, wonderous Flask..), weapon skills (alexander's talisman, but not godfrey's), it procs winged Sword talisman on second hit, ritual sword's talisman affect overall dmg while max HP...
It doesn't proc aditional dmg from the thorny Armor. It does apply some fire dmg when you set yourself on fire. Don't know if it builds up my inherent blood dmg. Haven't tested on a colossal +25 weapon yet.
This Can hit really high dmg for low cost.
Tested on my Star Fist+25, chose the sacred variant so it would better scale with my high faith build (running 50/70 FAI/ARC dragon build), lightning buff from Flask, rotten winged Sword talisman, ritual Sword talisman, faith+5 talisman, marika's talisman for another +5, godrick great run to put me at 65faith, it deals 600+ on marionets outside the mine of Caelid, and absolutely shreds those bigs b*llsacks thingy spitting Scarlet rot.
In PvP be mindfull that locking your target might make you Roll to far to followup.
Have fun !
- Anonymous
just you wait for daddy ymfah to hit you with that "How to become Sonic as fast as possible"
- Anonymous
R-Uber delivering tofu to your doorstep. Also GAS GAS GAS im gonna step on da GAS
- Anonymous
Remember the Armor of Thorns roll spam in DS3? PTSD beckons.
- Anonymous
I love how half of this comment section is trying to figure out how tf the weird damage calculation is working and the other half is just making Sonic the Hedgehog references
- Anonymous
Alot of sonic jokes but the first one that came to me was the classic "I keep rollin"
- Anonymous
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Man, we've been getting wrecked by all those spinning skeletons in all the Dark Souls games... BUT NOW IT'S OUR TURN! SPIN TO WIN BABY!
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If you land this in pvp, your opponent is actually dead. It is super funny, but it seems to infinitely rollcatch into itself.
- Anonymous
I've been using this in PvP for several hours now and it's just hilarious. It has a lot of poise, so most people can't stop it once you start rolling. Anyone who tries to stand there and eat it while fighting back is dead pretty quickly. Very fun to mess around with.
- Anonymous
Did a little testing with this, seems to have it's own AR calculation. Increasing dexterity and weapon upgrade level increases the damage, but there's no difference in damage between a fist and a colossal weapon using it despite the huge AR difference.
- Anonymous
Damage scaling seems to be [Dex * Dex scaling of weapon * Weapon type modifier]. (unconfirmed, speculation based on testing)
Infusion does not affect damage other than affecting dex scaling of the weapon, which will affect the damage.
Weapon type modifier is a flat value, which appears to be higher for heavier weapon types (which usually have less dex scaling).
Whoever put that crap in the notes and tips section should retire from editing, from my testing:
- Warrior shard/shard of alexander doesn't work on this, why? who knows, stupid decision.
- None of the multihit talismans/tear work either EXCEPT the +5 dex from millicents prosthesis which gives a bit of damage, but not worth of using a talisman slot for it.
- Blue dancer charm does work, but since you will need armor for a lot of poise to not get interrupted while rolling, it's useless to use because you'll weight a lot, beating the purpose of the blue dancer charm.
- Since damage increases with the weapon level, scaling and dex level, Keen parrying dagger (S scaling 1.85) /Keen urumi (S scaling 1.85)/Keen great knife (S scaling 1.8) are the best candidates.
- Your usual buffs work as well, including the jellyfish shield BUT it would be impossible to use since the shield AoW overwrittes the weapon AoW and if you put the shield on your back, the buff goes away. Can do with 2 shields, but no shield has nice scaling with dex (if at all) so, pointless to use.