Exile Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Exile Set serves as a good early game option for an armor set that has good physical damage negation, but lacks in elemental resistances. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Exile Set in Elden Ring
- Drop from Exile Soldiers.
- Exile Set can be farmed in Stormveil Castle. Start from the Liftside Chamber site of grace and exit east through the doorway into the yard. Take out the Omen and its guard dog, and you can continue south through the yard, killing Exile Soldiers as you go. There are about 20 Exile Soldiers here if you clear out the whole area.
Exile Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Exile Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Exile Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Exile Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
how i dress when mfs tell me "give me warm! give me soft!"
- Anonymous
Wish you could alter the thorns on to it like the enemies have.
- Anonymous
Marika gives her comfiest battles to her comfiest soldiers
- Anonymous
this set + maliketh helm piece + serpent hunter and you have a Nameless King from wish.com build
- Anonymous
I adore the chest piece, looks like a byzantine soldier got woken up from his nap and decided to cosplay as Felix Jaeger
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
My favourite part about this set is TALK A BIT ABOUT THE SET HERE
- Anonymous
Looks stylish with the (otherwise cringey) vulgar militia helmet
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
God, I wish this set diddnt just have your tarnished's face poking out like an idiot
- Anonymous
"Oh look, a chest piece with a tall collar! It will look so cool when I shove an helmet in there like Nameless King's chestplate!"
Then once you get it you find out that if you equip anything that is not a tight hood on it the tall collar will be taken down... Lame.
- Anonymous
Not the best armor set, but by far the comfiest. 10/10 bundle up Tarnished
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I really would like to get the sword that matches with this armor set.
- Anonymous
If you’re looking for a similar shade of arm and leg armor, the Mausoleum Soldier arms and legs pair decently well with the rest of the armor.
- Anonymous
What, still here? Then hand it over, that thing...Your Slave Knight Gael cosplay...
- Anonymous
Not sure what everyone here is on about, but the chest piece in particular is more, *way* more Nameless King then Gael, particularly the chest.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
I love this set because it reminds me a lot of Slave Knight Gael, my favorite DS3 boss. Add off hand pulley crossbow and blasphemous blade on main hand to complete the look
- Anonymous
These guys are all over storm veil castle. Okay. But why isn't there a single Godrick soldier, Godrick footsoldier or Godrick Knight in the castle? Only exiled and banished knights..
- Anonymous
the comments here just prove that none of you people have any idea what “matching” means. just because somethings red or made of silver metal does not mean it matches.
I don't know why the courtyard is being recommended??
From the very same Grace (Tower Rampart) just go to the room before it (with the lift), go up the stairs, kill the lone Exile soldier that comes out, enter the little area where he came from, circle until you can come out, SIX Exile mobs will be outside in said little area.
30 seconds, 7 Exile Soldiers. You can kill an 8th if you want, he's above the lift and you have to jump to get to him so I never bothered. The 7 are more than enough.
The courtyard is just too time consuming.
- Anonymous
pair the chest piece with the sage hood for the perfect gael cosplay
The Roderika's Red Hood and the exile armor chest piece match imo. It moves the big thing around the neck to little lower so it doesnt cover the entire face :p
- Anonymous
I've killed dozens of these guys and never gotten a piece of this set. From is out of their ****ing minds if they think I'll farm it.
- Anonymous
I've killed dozens of these guys and never gotten a piece of this set. From is out of their ****ing minds if they think I'll farm it.
- Anonymous
Nice looking set except for how the shawl goes up to your ears with the default hood. Anyone know any good alternative head pieces that keep the shawl down to the shoulders?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This set looks great, but for ultimate Fashion Souls I wear the Foot Soldier cap-helmet with the Exile Armor chestpiece. It's one of the helmets that lowers the scarf a bit and it looks so damn GOOD.
- Anonymous
I got this set in 30 minutes near the courtyard where there's a bunch of the soldiers set up on multiple flamethrowers.
- Anonymous
Set is not able to be edited by tailoring and sewing needle.
The red scarf on the chest piece goes up to the ears on most helmets or no helmet, but with some helmets (great helm, pumpkin helm, etc) the scarf is shorter and sits at shoulder level.
Chest, legs, arms and helmet can be easily looted from guard mobs in Stormviel Castle (sp?), particularly through the back entrance.
- Anonymous
Best farming spot check post below.
Also, I can confirm the chest piece 100% drops from these guys, just farmed them for...let's just say for some time.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
1) Teleport to the Rampart bonfire
2) Take the shortcut elevator down to where you killed the Grafted Scion
3) Run across the room to the back left
4) Consume a Silver Chicken Foot for Item Discovery
5) Kill all of the Exile Warriors in the courtyard including the two in the wooden watchtowers and the four guarding the main gate
6) I received the entire set in FOUR resets with this strategy in under 15min
- Anonymous
yeah this set is stupidly rare...i been farming for an hour for that 1 chest piece and still no luck
- Anonymous
All i need is the brass armor gauntlents and greaves to have my DS3 armor set. That desert pyromancer hood was my favorite piece, this exile set is nostalgia juice.
- Anonymous
If your farming for the set, try storming through the main gate of stormveil castle. Rush the left side to avoid the ballistas. Can comfortably aggro a few at a time from there
Imgur gallery (whole set, pieces): https://imgur.com/a/meCtKqr
I get Gauntlets of Exile from enemy on Stormveil Castle.
It seems, all armor pieces can be dropped from him.
- Anonymous
The set is pretty rare.
I’d suggest waiting for the weather event that boosts item discover and use the consumable Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot.
I got the set after killing the first 3 Exile guards 5 times.
- Anonymous
This set is stupid rare. Literally cleared Stormveil and only got gloves and boots.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Too bad really that this set has holes everwhere.