Mausoleum Knight Set

mausoleum knight set
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 22.7
VS Strike 19.4
VS Slash 24.5
VS Pierce 21.9
Magic 18.6
Fire 19.4
Ligt 17.5
Holy 19.4
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 69
Robustness 107
Focus 47
Vitality 45
Poise 45

Armor Set 23 Weight

Mausoleum Knight Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Mausoleum Knight Set is a three piece Knight set variant worn by Mausoleum Knights like Lhutel the Headless. Thanks to the enemies' distinct lack of a head with which to wear one, the set lacks a helmet. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are typically composed of four armor pieces: Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.


Where to find Mausoleum Knight Set in Elden Ring


Mausoleum Knight SetArmor Pieces in Elden Ring


Mausoleum Knight Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips



All Mausoleum Knight Set Pieces for Elden Ring

 You can check out all the Mausoleum Knight Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.


Mausoleum Knight Armor

mausoleum knight armor elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 13.5
VS Strike 11.4
VS Slash 14.6
VS Pierce 12.9
Magic 10.9
Fire 11.4
Ligt 10.2
Holy 11.4
Immunity 35
Robustness 55
Focus 24
Vitality 23
Poise 25
Chest Armor Wgt. 11.8

Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets

mausoleum knight gauntlets elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 0.9
VS Strike 0.9
VS Slash 0.9
VS Pierce 0.9
Magic 0.9
Fire 0.9
Ligt 0.9
Holy 0.9
Gauntlet Wgt. 3.9

Mausoleum Knight Greaves

mausoleum knight greaves elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 7.7
VS Strike 6.5
VS Slash 8.4
VS Pierce 7.4
Magic 6.2
Fire 6.5
Ligt 5.8
Holy 6.5
Immunity 22
Robustness 34
Focus 15
Vitality 14
Poise 15
Leg Armor Wgt. 7.3




Elden Ring Armor Sets
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    • Anonymous

      Other than Black Knife Catacombs knight, the next easiest farm spot is just a few steps south east of the "The Nameless Eternal City" grace in Deeproot Depths. There's a mounted knight there that's super easy to farm. You can also use whatever ashes pet you have to help kill it quicker if you like. I'd throw some arrows at the knight, and then let my Mimic Tear finish it off. I got the whole set in no time at all.

      • Anonymous

        The Helm from the Banished Knight set (one without the red hood) looks great with this set, the wings on the chest piece remove the stupid hair that normally flows from the Banished Knight Helm.

        • Anonymous

          It's a tragedy that this set's wings doesn't make the iconic whistle that the winged hussars used to scare their enemies when riding quickly on horseback. Though, it'd probably get annoying.

          • Anonymous

            Too bad there is no helmet. I get that you can use the greathelm instead and that they have no heads which explain why there is no helmet. But the thing is the Haligtree Knight Set has a helm which has to be found instead of dropped from a knight. So the helm from this set could also be found somewhere, like inside a mausoleum.

            • Anonymous

              For all those knights who keep losing their helmets and are prone to coming up with really terrible solutions to problems

              • Only 15 tries to get the chest this run instead of who knows how many tries the first time I played. Was prepared to grind for however long it took, it's the bestest armor ever. Added one level of Endurance just to keep that cape, lacks a certain majesty without it.

                • Anonymous

                  Took about 50 tries on the black knife catacombs knight. Multiple shields, swords, and greaves. Final drop was BOTH armor and gauntlets.

                  • Anonymous

                    Took about 50 tries on the black knife catacombs knight. Multiple shields, swords, and greaves. Final drop was BOTH armor and gauntlets.

                    • Anonymous

                      Finally got the helmet. It only drops if you input up up down down left right left right b a start on the title screen, then defeat the knight using fist weapons while naked except for the wolf mask and with your controller plugged into the player 2 port.

                      • Anonymous

                        I have gotten 10 shields, two chestplates, three greaves and no gauntlets after a 100 kills with the drop-rate boosting talisman and the silver foot. WHAT THE HELL FROMSOFT!?!?

                        • Anonymous

                          this thing doesn't have a helmet, but if it did have a helmet it would be in the same style as the other X Knight Set helmets, a super skinny helmet that your head doesn't fit in. Wearing one of those helmets with this set looks a bit morbidly funny because you're wearing a helmet that is clearly way too small for your head (and must've crushed your skull) AND you have a big bloodstain below your neck (from your crushed skull).

                          • You know what would be great? To enter one of the mausoleums to find a long hallway with all the heads of all these people. And on those heads, the player should be able to get the footsoldier helmet, the soldier helmet and the Knight helmet. Im not to terribly interested in wearing that set, but it bugs me that there isnt a helmet.

                            • Anonymous

                              Great overall set and good poise for its weight. Fastest way to farm is:

                              - Black Knife Catacombs entrance
                              - Equip (Spinning Slash) Ash of War and Two handle you weapon
                              - Stealth attack it with one charged heavy attack ( R2 / LT )
                              - Immediately use Spinning Slash, that will poise break it, then go for a critical attack.

                              I used a normal straight sword (lvl 10) and farmed this set in less than 15 min.
                              Greaves has low drop rate. 6 Swords, 4 Shields, 4 Armors, 6 Gauntlets and 1 Greaves

                              • What's the drop rate on the helm? I've been farming it so long that I was able to reach level 214 with all the runes they drop. Do you need to find it in a chest somewhere?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Mausoleum Knight chestpiece gives you a bit more poise than it's siblings (other knight chestpieces, such as Redmane, Haligtree, etc), while having same weight. Good for minmaxing your build.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    THEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED
                                    COMING DOWN THE MOUNTAINSIDE
                                    THEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED
                                    COMING DOWN THEY TURNED THE TIDE

                                    • Relatively easy spot to farm this set is around the mausoleum in deeproot depths. There's maybe 4-6 knights spread around with tons of soldiers but it wasn't hard to ride torrent around, one loop, pick off each Knight and reset. Got the full set in like 20-30 with 9 arcane and MAYBE a pickled fowl foot but I honestly don't think I had any by that point.

                                      However, if one is looking for the eclipse shield, I got a total of 0 in this area. I got multiples of almost every piece, soldier and knight, but no shield. However it only took two tries to get it from the one outside black knife catacombs so seems like a better chance for the shield there.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I can guarantee you it drops from the one outside the Black Knife Catacombs. Without any boosted item find, however, you're in for a long farm. At 157 item find, which is base arcane and a silver pickled fowl foot, I got 5 shields before I got the full set. Took me a good 30 minutes. Two of the chestpieces before the gauntlets dropped. Ofc I'm sure that's just by chance. Each piece of the armor should equally have the same low drop rate. But be prepared for a ton of shields. Might be better to wait until you get the Silver Scarab, or respec with a larval tear for high arcane. Happy huntin'!

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I can’t believe you can actually farm this set. I killed the one outside the black knife catacombs for over an hour and got nearly a dozen swords and shields but not a single piece of armor

                                          • fits pretty well together with the greathelm. the one that has that crusader armor look. unfortunately they left it at the greathelm and didnt make a whole set with it. would have loved a crusader themed armor set together with that greathelm

                                            • Anonymous

                                              That's what I'm using. Looks good with omen slayer gloves and grieves if you want to cut the weight and boost immunity.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Do you guys think the radahn foot soldier helmet would look god with this for a hussar look? Don’t have it yet so can’t tell.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Very easy to farm in deeproot depths around walking mausoleum. There's a couple of packs 4-5 each around it. You can get entire set in one circle around mausoleum.

                                                  • Shield for this set is one of the best , high magic defence and gives +50 to immunity, robustness and focus.
                                                    upgraded with sheild crash and frost its very powerful

                                                    • I would recommend using with greathem (looks good) u can buy this from the mercant in calid, u can find location by searching this wiki. helm has decent poise and fits well with this set (goes good with all the similar knight sets)

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        This is EXTREMELY easy to farm at Black Knife Catacombs in Liurnia. 1 Pickled foot and within 10 minutes I had the whole set, 5 shields and 4 swords.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          The chestpiece is bloodied around the neck part, and there is no helmet in this set (nor the mobs wearing it have a head), which suggests that owner was somehow decapitated...

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Deeproot depths is the most optimal place to farm this, as long as you don't take down the walking mosoleum which will remove all of the knights in the area. You can cut down 4-5 knights with AOE then either move to the next group which is close or go back to grace.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The wings on the back of the mausoleum knight set is literally like the Welkynar Jerkin armor piece in the elder scrolls online.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                farmed actually very quickly at black knife catacombs grace. used silver pickled foot thing. took less than 10 mins had 4 swords, 1 shield, 1 gloves, 1 top, 1 boots. i got extremely lucky

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Farmed this with 149 Discovery. Got 5 Shields, 2 Chest, 2 Boots, and 1 Pair of gloves. Estimated 53 kills.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    would love for the missing helmet to get added in the future sometime, mayhaps a quest or boss rewarding it

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      What helmet goes well with this set? Also took me a lot of tries but after that items started droping one after another and got full set haha

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Killed him 65 times (Black Knife Catacombs, go up stairs, backstab and finish, around 25s per run), with 107 discovery. Got 2 Greaves, 3 Eclipse Greatshields, 4 Knight Greatswords and 1 Chest piece.

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