Highwayman Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. The Highwayman Set is the armor worn by the Highwaymen found in Murkwater Cave, the first place Patches can be found. They have three pieces of Highwayman gear but are still wearing Foot Soldier Greaves from their former lives as soldiers. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Highwayman Set in Elden Ring
- The Highwayman Hood, Highwayman Cloth Armor, and Highwayman Gauntlets are dropped by the Highwaymen found in Murkwater Cave.
- If you trigger the bell traps in the first room after the Murkwater Cave grace, multiple Highwaymen will come your way, allowing for a faster farm.
- The Foot Soldier Greaves are dropped only by Godrick Foot Soldiers found across Limgrave.
Highwayman Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Highwayman Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Highwayman Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Highwayman Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
Goated for stealth invasions, use this set with black leather pants + host trick mirror and concealing veil plus a lot patience and you can set up devious traps
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
honestly a pretty great camouflage set for pvp, especially for invaders. Obviously pair with the trick mirror, curl up into a ball near some rocks and watch PvEers run straight past you.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The damage negation doesn't add up. Above it says that the set gives 12.2 physical negation, but if you look at the individual negation values it doesn't add up to that. At first I thought it was because the greaves are not included in the set, being that they're from a different set, but even if you omit the negation values from the leggings, the set still does not add up to what the total negation value should be as displayed above.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
The legs DO drop....just NOT from the highwaymen. You need to farm the foot soldiers of godrick. They drop the let's the highway men use.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
They may be the gelmir foot soldiers
Connection to patches and are abandoned by their lord according to him
Haha, devs wanted to troll players, leggings dont drop from the bandits but everything else does. After farming a dozen of every item now i know
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Another way better thing from the orginal games (ds2 undead huntsman set) that elden ring copied but did worse.
- Anonymous
Its the hollow thief set all over again. With farming for non-existent armor pieces.
- Anonymous
Ah yes, killing horrifying monstrosities while looking like an absolute hobo. A true Souls classic.
- Anonymous
I have been killing them for so long just to find out there's no pants.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The chest piece looks really similar to the basic hollows in ds2. I bet you could cosplay one of em with a good helmet
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Yep, no leg armor, since they're former soldiers it's 100% godrick armor. At least I farmed some runes for 1 hour.
- Anonymous
There are no leggings. The Highwaymem use Foot Soldier Greaves.
- Anonymous
I have killed about 200 of them with 20 Arcane, I got 10 of every piece except for the legs, so it is safe to assume there's no legs and as another user said, it's probably just the godrick soldier's legs.
- Anonymous
ive spent 2 hours farming them and no leg armor, is there even a armor piece for that or does it not exist yet
- Anonymous
Wow. I farmed the leg armor for way too long before I looked this up. I have like 12 of the hoods now.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The highwayman leggings do not drop from them, nor do they exist. The highwayman armour is a variation of the foot soldier set. However the leggings that the highwayman enemy uses look exactly the same as the foot soldier leggings. Which just means that they have been reused from the foot soldier set. Please add this to this page, so more people don't have to farm for hours.
- Anonymous
Are there leggings to this set? I've been farming for 15 minutes and they just wouldn't drop.
I'm about to be the sexiest tarnished around. Starting as wretch while wearing this and using spiked spear and wooden greatshield. Literal wooden weapons and dirty, ripped, cloth armor probably stained with whatever you can imagine, and definitely smells as bad as you think it does. I'm the tarnished lord Marika dreamt about.