Blackflame Monk Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Blackflame Monk Set is the armor worn by the Blackflame Monks. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Blackflame Monk Set in Elden Ring
All four pieces of the Blackflame Monk Set drop off of Blackflame Monk enemies. There are two spots to easily farm the set:
- Head down the stairs from the Divine Tower of Caelid: Basement site of grace. There is one Blackflame Monk that can be handled alone and reset easily.
- Head northwest from the Temple of Eiglay site of grace, go outside, and walk down the temple stairs. There is one Blackflame Monk that you can sneak up on and backstab.
Blackflame Monk SetArmor Pieces in Elden Ring
Blackflame Monk Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Blackflame Monk Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Blackflame Monk Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
takes forever to farm, but damn does it look good, much better than the godskin sets in fact.
- Anonymous
I think it would be kinda cool of there was a Blackflame Prelate. I know lore-wise they would be too devout to switch to blackflame, but to have at least 1 of them would be neat.
- Anonymous
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Took me five kills for the whole set. First two had nothing, third had hood, fourth the chest and the fifth dropped the greaves and gauntlets plus a smoldering butterfly. I hope my luck passes onto whoever reads this and farms it next.
- Anonymous
Item Discovery: 160
Blackflame Monks killed: 100
Smoldering Butterfly: 18
Fire Blossom: 15
Blackflame Monk Hood: 5
Blackflame Monk Armor: 0
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets: 3
Blackflame Monk Greaves: 6
- Anonymous
This+ bull goat, enough poise to surpass 64, and get hyper armor for light attack when using colossals, I was looking for a set to pair with the gslayer sword, and this combines fashion and utility
- Anonymous
Banished knight, Veteran's and Bull-goat gauntlets match well and get you past the 51 poise breakpoint. Alternatively you can try Veteran's legs, Bull-goat legs, even the Jar helm.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
would look good with malenia's helm with the gold color if some lobotomy patients didn't make it so that the fur collar didn't stifle the red hair
- Anonymous
I took approximately 65 kills to get the entire set, including a couple of duplicates. 3% droprate seems accurate.
- Anonymous
Not worth farming, the normal fire monks have better, arguably more stylish armor, and it's worth putting more effort into farming them than into torturing that one blackflame monk, though he's excellent for testing weapons and spells in late-game.
- Anonymous
Did they update the drop rates for this set recently? Previous playthroughs I'd farm for nearly an hour before I got a single piece, but on my current one I got the entire set in ~15 minutes plus several duplicates (3 greaves, 2 hoods, 1 gauntlet and 1 chest)
- Anonymous
Why is does the chestpiece still have the face of the Fell God even though the Blackflame Monks stopped worshipping it?
- Anonymous
To everyone who's having an existential crisis farming this, I'm sorry. It was me who stole all your RNG. I got the full set in like, half a dozen runs in the Temple of Eigley at 186 discovery (just starting arcane + talisman), had everything but the helm after two kills and it dropped two or three minutes later.
- Anonymous
I don't understand. I farmed the fire monk set early, which was a great use of time, as it's an amazing set throughout the entire game really, and you can get it in the first few hours. Yet, for my mage I prefer the look of this set, I think it's awesome looking, yet it's stats are slightly worse in almost every single category compared to the fire monk set, and they both weigh the same. That makes little sense to me.
- Anonymous
This set just makes me sad. It's so gorgeous, the white and grey with the gold accents and metal, only to become some kind of abstract work of art with the giant face in the middle. (Not to mention that it doesn't really make sense for the blackflame monks to worship the fire giants imo) Wish this had the torso of something like the cathedral knight set from DS3.
- Anonymous
If you’ve killed the Godskin Apostle in the Divine Tower, you can use the boss room to farm this set. Just run past the monk, he can’t actually walk into the boss room because of an invisible wall. If you keep a moderate distance then he can’t hit you. I used a mix of blood arrows/bolts, Swarm of Flies, and Glinstone Breath to kill him. Takes about a minute or two per run.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Fire monk set is easier to get and is better, lower poise though, but barely
50 poise, oh, come on! Would it be 51, I'd farm this every playthrough.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I swear the monk outside of Godskin Noble used to have the regular fire monk set
- Anonymous
Is it me or has the drop rate for the set increased in 1.07?
I managed to get the entire set after only like seven attempts without increasing item discovery.
Whereas in my last playthrough I think i had to farm like 50+ monks with all the item discovery i could get
I stg items that increase item discovery are nothing but mere placebo.
- Anonymous
Wish you could alter the set so you also had a giant ugly cyclops face on your face
- Anonymous
Wish you could alter the set so you didn't have the giant ugly cyclops face on your chest
- Anonymous
farmed the blackflame monk outside the fatty god bossfight... took me around 50 kills to get all the items (constantly using discovering buffs)
- Anonymous
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An easy way to farm the enemy is to go to the caelid basement grace and use a halberd and just spam running attacks until it dies. Even it's flame spells that have poise will get canceled.
- Anonymous
It was aid to Farm This, but since My gf Want This on his Build, was totally worth
- Anonymous
I hate when the game is aware you are farming for the hood specifically, so it gives you every drop but the hood. Got it on like the 30th try meanwhile I got the other 3 pieces within 4 kills
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
PSA: the hood and chest with fire prelate gauntlets and bullgoat legs maintain the cool look while giving y
61 poise.
- Anonymous
Got the whole set in a few tries with a silver fowl foot. Farm at Temple of Eiglay in Volcano Manor with 20 Arc. Guess I got lucky.
- Anonymous
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets x 1
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets x 1
Blackflsme Monk Gauntlets x 1
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets x 1
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets x 1
- Anonymous
Why does he get a godslayers catch flame amd we dont its so annoying
- Anonymous
Aristocrat headband, this chest, Errant sorcerer manchettes, battlemage legwraps, troll’s golden sword with flame grease, dark moon greatsword.= pontiff sulyvahn
- Anonymous
Got lucky on my first character and the entire set dropped in 4 runs with a sorcerer run and no silver foot.
Second character in and it took hours to get the complete set, with a proper arcane build, silver scarab and silver tear mask. RNG is a pain sometimes.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Farming armor and weapon drops is so ****ing hard in this game. it takes hours generally and it sucks as im someone who in all the previous games would farm out all weapon and armor drops outside the covenant related ones in ds2 since i dont want to try getting to ng+2 again.
- Anonymous
This is bullshit. At 249 discovery:
-74 kills
-6 hoods
-8 greaves
-7 gauntlets
-1 armor
I've even gotten a nice set of greaves, hood and gauntlets from single kill
- Anonymous
wtf is this drop rate? i just spent 30 minutes killing the dude in the divine tower with 50 arc + fowl foot + silver scarab, yet on multiple characters ive been able to farm full cleanrot in like 10-15 mins without even using any item discovery boosts. insane
- Anonymous
Bottom of Caelid tower, 243 item discovery w/ fowled foot
7x Hood
4x Armor
1x Gloves
11x (yes, 11) Greaves
- Anonymous
I got the chest, gloves and hood in a single drop after killing the one in the tower 3 times... that's it that's all the luck and good fortune for the rest of my life used up here. I will never get any more armor drops or good RNG in anything for the rest of existence now...
- Anonymous
4 silver pickled fowl foot
109 item discovery
Took me 15 minutes to get the whole set from the one at the bottom of Radahns tower
- Anonymous
I really wanted the red version of the flame monk set, but this is the only one of the two I could get to drop
- Anonymous
228 item disc in tower basement;
61 kills
2x hood
3x chest
4x gloves
2x legs
0x sword if it even exists
I used Mohg's spear +10 and the Shadow Bait incantation for the first time ever. Stood on the railing, baited the monk onto the steps below and used the spear's L2 three times to kill the monk from the safety of the railing. (damage dependant on your arcane) Each kill plus looting took 30 seconds at most
- Anonymous
Fined the one near the godskin noble easier(you can sneak up on him)
- Anonymous
Farming for it at the bottom of the Divine Tower in Caelid with 110 Item Discovery to get a full set, I got the following after 49 kills :
1x Hood
2x Armor
1x Gloves
2x Leggings
6x Flame Butterfly
4x Fire Blossom
If you want to squeeze in a little extra defense and poise, the Bull-Goat boots don't look bad with this.
- Anonymous
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78 kills at 253 discovery resulted in 1 Hood, 5 Armor, 7 Gaunts and 5 Greaves. Farmed at Caelid Tower basement.
- Anonymous
Took me approximately two hours for full set, lol. Thankfully easy farm with Terra Magica + 5 Glintstone Cometshard, 4 Comet, or a full Comet Azur at 27 Mind and 60+ Int. I had to vary it up, I didn't have spare fowl feet and only 120 Discovery with Arcane boosting items on. 1 Robe, 5 hoods, 9 gauntlets, 2 greaves, definitely over 100 kills. On the plus side I made 5 levels in the nineties thanks to Gold Scarab talisman!
- Anonymous
5 Hoods, 3 Armour, 6 Gauntlets, 1 Greaves. 54 Kills at 250 Discovery
- Anonymous
easiest farm of my life with any power-stanced katana + seppuku, got the entire set within 30 minutes lmao
- Anonymous
This easily became my staple set. Best gauntlet & greaves design in the game; & it pairs well with the Godslayer GS. I don't rock the hood though. Black was my staple in DS3, so this armor piece nails the black dress detail perfectly.
- Anonymous
Little farming tip: go into the boss room after killing Apostle. At ranged they are a fish in a barrel.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Silver tear Mask, Gold-Pickled Fowl foot, less than 10 tries for the chest
- Anonymous
Got 6 gloves, 1 armor, 1 hood and countless fire bloom & butterfly.
From lvl 94 to 96...
I gave up & used banished knight boots & gloves instead.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Ive got different issue, I got 3 chest armors 6 gloves, but no head or trousers :D
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
got it on a random first try kill while getting down to the boss in the divine tower on a char i wont be using it on. now 110+ tries on my battle mage.
- Anonymous
funny how this set is worse than the fire monk set but the difference in enemies is enormous
There's a much easier way of farming blackflame monk set, go to temple of eiglay at volcano manor (you need to have defeated godskin noble for this grace). You can backstab 1 monk for days. It took a long ass time for me to obtain the chest armor piece, it seems to be by far the rarest out of the armor set.
Took me 80 tries with 109 discovery. Got 4 pieces of everything before the armor dropped.
- Anonymous
Lol took your advice about the Temple, 7 tries full set :D lmao
Best way to farm these is to teleport to Temple of Eiglay in Volcano Manor and there will be one you can backstab (or blood slash from the back). The armor took a long ass time to drop compared to the other stuff.
- Anonymous
So far i’ve collected 4 of every piece and amassed over 100k runes but i have yet to see a single armor drop :(
The body, arms and legs + the great helm looks great, like a matching set, and hits over the crucial (imo for PvE) 51 poise threshold. I generally prefer a cape but when I'm using something that obscures my back, like a greatsword sheath or shield slung on my back, this is the go-to set for me.