Haligtree Knight Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Haligtree Knight Set is a medium heavy armor set that increases faith. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Haligtree Knight Set in Elden Ring
- The Haligtree Knight Helm can be looted from a corpse located near the Elphael Inner Wall site of grace. It is found on a platform overlooking the site of grace, and can be reached by climbing a ladder near the grace. [Elden Ring Map here]
- The remaining pieces of the Haligtree Knight Set have a chance to drop from any Haligtree Knight, which can be found in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
- Two knights can be found immediately outside the room with the Elphael Inner Wall site of grace, standing on either side of the entryway. The Erdtree Avatar standing between them does not respawn.
Haligtree Knight Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Haligtree Knight Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- The Haligtree Knight Armor can be altered to the Haligtree Knight Armor (Altered) to remove the cape.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
Elden Ring Haligtree Knight Set Gallery
Haligtree Knight Set Build
All Haligtree Knight Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Haligtree Knight Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
Frozen Lightning Spear from the balcony makes farming them much more tolerable.
- Anonymous
try using mogh trident aow on the inner wall site of grace, 1 aow and they are gone
- Anonymous
defeat the tree avatar then use mogh trident aow to farm, ez
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Elphael inner wall is a terrible place to farm them, they both aggro at the same time
- Anonymous
Farm the knight at the lift next to Malenia's arena, there's a lot of them there and they are spaced, they won't gank you
- Anonymous
Try the chest armor (altered) with Nox Monk Hood. Thank me later.
- Anonymous
Probably the coolest med/heavy armor in the game (which is sad).. too bad the helmet is garbage. Luckily helmets are easy to mix
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
this set not reaching the 51 poise breakpoint is a travesty
- Anonymous
~30k souls when you kill one of these knights with glowing gold eyes
- Anonymous
I had too much luck farming this, in the area leaving the church full of pests, the first knight gave me the breastplate, the second gave me the greaves and the third the gloves, I think I'm going to die tomorrow
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This has to be one of the most annoying armor sets to get in the game, you have two choices, get it from the knights outside the building with a bunch of pests(without getting shot down), or get it from the two right next to a site of grace but for them first you have to kill the strongest Putrid Avatar in an "arena" even smaller than Miranda's and then you have to be careful to avoid a 2 v 1 that's more annoying and painful that invading a gank squad all using RoB. that's how you get this armor although this is the best armor set in the game because it is a power move to use this armor.
- Anonymous
Farmed like 20+ levels before discovering that the helmet is not a drop
- Anonymous
Drip acquired. +10 Blasphemous Blade + Shard of Alexander with the Taker's Flame Skill on New Game makes them relatively easy to beat. I start with the one with the Greatbow, and using heavy armor means you can Poise through some of their hits.
- Anonymous
If your in the colliseum and your opponent wears this, just submit your fate. They had to farm the hardest of all knights just for the drip.
Farming this on my level 1 with no upgrades. Giant Hunt makes it easy! I have every set and this is the best looking by far IMO. These knights are stronger than most bosses.
- Anonymous
I understand less poise on the helmet for the faith increase but the rest of the set has less poise than any of the knight sets, and it’s arguably the hardest to obtain. What’s up with that
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Out of all the Knight armors, this is the only one that doesn't break the 50 poise mark. Is that to counteract the +2 to faith?
- Anonymous
11 chest pieces, 11 gauntlets, 8 greaves. And I couldn't get the helm to drop. I open the helm page, and it's looted off a corpse.
- Anonymous
Guess I lucked out on farming this. I wore the silver scarab and the Silver Tear Mask and killed the two soldiers next to the bonfire about 10 times - that's all it took to get the chest, gloves and leggings. Sad to see that apparently, it takes a lot of grinding sometimes, so I hope others will have a similar experience.
I like the look of the set with its Ruins Sentinels type look. The only detail that is kinda weird is that emblem on the chest. Still undecided whether I like it or not. Great set for a pally build... at about 30 Endurance, I can wear this, a heavy mace and the Tree Sentinel shield.
I got the torso armour!
I finally got the torso armour!
How long has it been!?
I can finally go outside and see daylight again
The actual cuirass/armour is a quite rare drop. Been doing this for 2hrs! Still no armour, only greaves and gauntlets.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Do be careful farming them, especially spear variant as they can use glintstone pebble...
- Anonymous
36 runs from Inner Wall just to get one armor. Agh, what is the drop rate? Am I just unlucky despite 259 discovery?
6 Gauntlets
2 Greaves
4 Knight's Sword
1 Greatbow
1 Partisan
What did I do to deserve an hour of my life gone just to get one armor piece to drop? Saddest part is I want 2 so I can have altered version also. Curse you OCD!
- Anonymous
swap helm for greathelm and you too can aspire to be Grossly Incandescent
- Anonymous
i just spent 4 hours farming these guys for everything but the helmet, but you actually find it somewhere else. fml
- Anonymous
The knights can be aggroed separately by shooting either one with an arrow from the hallway. I recommend shooting the one on the left since it will immediately give chase whereas the one on the right will try and shoot back
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
A few points less poise in exchange for 2+ faith. Plus it's locked on the helm instead of having to where the full set which means you can fashion the helm with other sets of armor.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Try to lure the spear guy into the room with grace, taking cover from the other one using walls. Use ash of war: giant hunt to shred him, if you aren't standing too close, knight will lower their shield during the windup and then get yeeted into the sky. Spam it like 3 times and he's dead. The sword guy has some basic attacks that can be parried.
- Anonymous
Wish it had hussar wings like the moluleum knight set that's all gross and grimey
- Anonymous
Getting this set may or may not be a pain, but here's something to make it easier. Get Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear, if you can, get it to +9 or +10, go to Elphael Inner Wall, sit at the wall as close as you can to one knight, use the WPA 3 times. If you've got good arcane, that makes it even more impossible for the knight to heal or retaliate. Do the exact same thing for the other knight and check for armor, weapons or shields. For me, it was always the one on the right that dropped stuff, but the one on the left occasionally dropped things. Once you've got the gauntlets, Greaves, and Chestpiece, Go to the grace in Ephrael Inner Wall again. When you get up from the grace, you'll see a ladder to the right of your farming spot. Climb it, see the reward up top, and feel good about yourself. Let it be known that the helm does 2+ faith for you, so it's a clear paladin build. Enjoy your earnings. BTW side note it should be great for rune farming too, not a wonderful spot but all that farming may be worth it in runes and levels.
- Anonymous
the ultimate paladin set (the helm even gives +2 faith). But ss always, it's just a shame we can't take off that stupid shoulder guard thing. Shame how extremely limited the 'alter garments' feature is.
- Anonymous
I can't get the helmet to drop for me. Easiest way for me so far is in elphael inner wall using mohgwyn's sacred spear skill.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Easiest way to farm is at the "Elphael Inner Wall" site of grace. Turn around and right outside the door where you can see 2 ballistas. There are 2 knights that can easily be pulled one at a time to farm the set. They are tough tho.
- Anonymous
Easiest way to farm is at the "Elphael Inner Wall" site of grace. Turn around and right outside the door where you can see 2 ballistas. There are 2 knights that can easily be pulled one at a time to farm the set. They are tough tho.
- Anonymous
The Elphael Inner Wall is the best place I've found to farm this set. The big tree avatar doesn't respawn, and there are 2 knights right outside that you can even summon spirit ashes for.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Greathelm looks better with the rest of the armor