Guardian Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. The Guardian Set is the armor worn by the Guardians found around various Minor Erdtrees. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Guardian Set in Elden Ring
- Guardian Set pieces can be acquired as drops from Erdtree Guardians that are found near Minor Erdtrees in the Lands Between.
- An area dense with Guardians can be found by starting at the Dragonbarrow Fork site of grace, and working your way uphill towards the Minor Erdtree. Guardians are encountered in small groups and more come up from the ground, making it a good place to farm the set.
- Chance it drops from one of the multiple Erdtree Guardians at the minor tree in Weeping Peninsula.
- An alternative version of the Guardian Garb, the Guardian Garb (Full Bloom) can be obtained from Guardians that sprout blooming flowers. Such as the ones outside of the Erdtree Sanctuary. This version of the set provides better defense and raises the HP recovery effects of the Flask of Crimson Tears at the cost of greatly lowering fire damage negation.
Guardian Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Guardian Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Guardian Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Guardian Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Exactly as what other users already pointed out, this specific armor set and the Night Maiden set are lowkey all you need to fulfill your dreams of cosplaying some sort of fancy spellblade character, with a nice blade in your main hand and faith spells in your offhand.
- Anonymous
This set looks like a hybrid between armor and mage robes and honestly I'm all for it.
- Anonymous
For my fellow strength user who somehow want to get their hand on a fullbloom garb, the flame from Flame Slash one shot the guardians on the branch in Leyndell. I cleared the main branch a few times and got mine. No fight, no worry the body might fall, no worries.
- Anonymous
I've been farming for so many hours. 5 spears, 2 masks, 5 garbs, 4 grieves, 14 sunflowers, ZERO BRACERS. THE ONLY THING I WANTED. Why is it always misfortune??
- Anonymous
To get this early, there's a few different farming routes. One of them is to start at the South of the Lookout Tower grace in Weeping Peninsula, go west across the bridge, kill the three Guardians along the route, then go up in the direction of the minor erdtree, kill the four that rise up out of the ground, and then there's one on the ridges up towards the tree, and then finally three in a circle if you loop around the minor erdtree; then warp back and repeat. This has the advantage of getting you more crafting materials like erdleaf flowers and tarnished sunflowers, which are always nice early on, and is the route I used.
You could additionally start from the Tombsward Catacombs which puts you very close to the ones which rise up out of the ground, and then it's up to you whether to continue towards the minor erdtree or just warp/run back to the catacomb. This is probably faster if you just want the armor/weapon.
- Anonymous
Also drop at the Minor erdtree church at the capital no worries no stress drop rate still the same aswell.
- Anonymous
Wish it didn't have a stain on the back of the neck on the mask and chestpiece, like a lot of the armour in this game it would look better if it was just cleaner
- Anonymous
Missing an item:
Guardian Garb (Full Bloom)
Drops off the mobs in the tree branches on the way to Erdtree Sanctuary, very rare.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Anyone tried to farm the guardians by the Erdtree with the Putrid Avatar and the Catacombs in the central north of Caelid? They seem to have purple mushrooms growing on their back, might be another set variant like the full bloom ones.
- Anonymous
Very easy farm from Tombsward Catacombs grace, there are 4 outside that all start in the ground, easy kills then just teleport back and repeat
- Anonymous
Whats up with the NPC standing in a window wearing this armor set in the trailer? Anybody found him/her?
- Anonymous
Wearing the helmet/mask makes my character's head invisible...
- Anonymous
High immunity set, good for Lake of Rot exploring or any poison swamp
- Anonymous
For some reason equipping the guardian greaves crashes my game lol
- Anonymous
You can also get the chestpiece with a massive flower on the back
- Anonymous
Our Lord and Savior Miyazaki made the eternal guardians of the sacred Erdtrees barefoot. Amen.
- Anonymous
Currently running this set but replacing the chest for an aristocrats gown. If you want to go battle mage but rely more heavily on melee like me, this build seems pretty solid.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
There are 4 Erdtree Guardians at the minor tree down in Weeping Peninsula.
- Anonymous
Guardian Armor should say Guardian Garb and link to that page
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Anyone got the chest to drop yet? I have 6 swordspears, 6 masks, 3 bracers, and 2 greaves. Assuming each piece has an equal chance to drop, RNG is being a real jerk.
Really weird thing I didn't notice about this set until I was scrounging for the best items to go through the abandoned cave is that it has very high immunity for its weight. The immunity is higher than the cleanrot set...