Godskin Apostle Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. It provides minimal physical and magic damage negation and minimal resistance. The armor is lightweight and will total 10.9 meaning it can be used to achieve a light load on any build. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Godskin Apostle Set in Elden Ring
The Godskin Apostle boss is at the bottom of the Divine Tower of Caelid. The tower is found on the northern coast of Caelid midway between the two jutting out sections of land. The tower is relatively straightforward to complete, but the enemies can be tough to kill. Luckily, it is possible to complete almost the entire dungeon by simply running past the enemies. [Elden Ring Map here]
Godskin Apostle Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Godskin Apostle Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Easiest method to kill the boss is via multiplayer, with one person distracting him while the other uses either spells or arrows to apply Scarlet Rot. While the scarlet rot damage over time effect is ticking, use bleed damage arrows while keeping distance to further maximize safe damage potential.
- Magical builds are best suited against him, as his poise can be broken by rapid magical attacks.
- Keeping a medium distance is best, as his black flame attack is simple to dodge. Dodge just after you see his spell symbol flash when he raises his hand above his head.
- There is an opening for melee attacks after his strikes as he usually has a medium recovery period allowing for one to two hits. His ground slam attack has the biggest recovery time.
- His second phase attacks cover a wider range, but his body-stretching melee attacks have a minimum hit distance, which means you can stand right on top of him and not get hit.
- His magical attacks in this phase are more AOE-based and will hit you if you stay too close, so if he appears to begin casting, run.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Godskin Apostle Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Godskin Apostle Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
The Godskin Apostle Hood looks awesome with the Warrior Greaves and Warrior Gauntlets from the Blue Cloth set. I usually leave the torso slot empty so my character can show off her abs
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I'm a little disappointed that NPCs don't treat you any differently when you're wearing clothes made from a dead god's face
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Don't you feel so uncomfortable in your skin? pull your skin off.
- Anonymous
I only dislike the hood. I don't like grandpa's judgemental stare as I die due to my own stupidity.
- Anonymous
While obviously one of the least appealing armors in the game, I do adore the ornamentation. Hopefully they'll expand on the Gloam-eyed-Queen in the DLC and add a godslayer set, preferably incorporating the beautiful jewelry of the godskin sets and the engraving-heavy style of the godslayer pendant and sword.
Right now the only blackflame affiliated sets either depict the wrong outer god (blackflame monk) or have flabby eyeless faces staring at you while playing. The godskin noble set is just a meme, too. Real shame, especially considering the only other good "death" related sets only appear late game (and the royal remains set looks just awful with it's chipped bones and rust.)
- Anonymous
amazing defenses for its weight. I played dual rapiers + this set ( other helm ) and its been absolute blast. Light roll on its own is insane defense.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This set is badass asf looking I don’t care What anyone says also light load = easy rolls so no it’s not trash signed git gud gang
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I keep getting a damage buff after taking damage while wearing this set it might require further testing
- Anonymous
some folks saying this is a worthless set - its not.
Sure, its worthless if you want the protection of medium or heavy armor, but at 10 weight, you can wear this full set, toss on dragoncrest shield talisman and have quite excellent damage negation across all damage types, and you can still light roll if you've invested somewhere around 25 - 30 endurance.
I use this against Malenia so i can light roll ,and pair it with the godskin peeler (keen) and keep black flame / blood flame blade buffed on it. absolute DPS machine plus light roll.
There is a lovely build using this set by Oarfish on Youtube, it seems pretty neat if you guys would like to check it out
- Anonymous
Does wearing the full set boost godskin apostle incantations or did I just dream that?
- Anonymous
Why this armor does not give any bonuses. :( Like boosting int and or faith a little bit. Or if you wear the complete set it gives you nice black flame damage bosst or something.
- Anonymous
Wear the Chest and helm with the arms and legs of the fire prelate and it perfectly hides the chunky legs, gives some nice defense, and makes you look pretty spicy
- Anonymous
Man...it's such a shame that this is kind of worthless. The Godskin's are some of my favorite characters, lore, armor sets and weapons in the entire game. I'd love to wear it, but by the time you're able to actually beat the Caelid Apostle, it provides basically no protection and it has no secondary effects either.
- Anonymous
Kind of a pity that this does basically nothing, considering that you have to fight what is arguably one of the harder optional bosses in the game for it.
Especially since the Godskin Noble set is almost as light, has slightly better resistances and provides a unique effect. Like, they could have let one part of the apostle set improve Black Flame or the Black Flame Tornado WA.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
There’s so many pieces of attire that raise INT, why can’t this one do something for incantations :’(
- Anonymous
Wouldn't bother. Tower holds up as a trash area like everywhere else in this dumpsterfire
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
anyone else's game crash when they equip the armor? (specifically when you equip all of it and the trousers last)
- Anonymous
well well well, if it isn't the dude from the concept art.... back from 2019, guys
How to get this set? Previous statement of killing the guy who wears it was false, and it appears that info is now gone. I've killed the boss back then and I did not receive the set. Even have video proof if need be.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Seems to be confusion as there is a single Godskin set that I’ve located and I’ve killed both Godkin bois. The set drops from the obese one at the top of Caelid tower and also makes you look obese.
A black version of this one would be awesome for a Necromancer build. Pity dyeing is not a thing in the game... yet.
Does anyone know witch spell this boosts again?