Elden Lord Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Elden Lord Set is a Lightweight armor that provide light magical and moderate Physical defense. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Elden Lord Set in Elden Ring
Available from Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Godfrey, First Elden Lord and Hoarah Loux, Warrior.
Elden Lord Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Elden Lord Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- The Elden Lord Armor can be altered to the Elden Lord Armor (Altered) to remove the cape.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
Elden Ring Elden Lord Set Gallery
Elden Lord Set Builds
All Elden Lord Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Elden Lord Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
Oh no!
The Elden Lord in the thumb of this page goes insane!
Look at his eyes!
- Anonymous
Has anyone realized that the Beast Champion set's cloak is an altered and less ragged version of the Elden Lord set's cloak?
- Anonymous
why does the person in the image look like a skyrim vampire? also, the crown should've had an altered version with the hair removed.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
it's elden lord crown, not godfrey's hair with a crown, damn it fromsoft
- Anonymous
if FS can add Serosh, Godfrey's Lion on his shoulder or back or some resemblance, and increase the poise to at least 51, since this set is of a GOD, then it would be worthwhile wearing it.
- Anonymous
This set goes well with Bull Goat Greaves if you don’t want to use the talisman to reach 51 poise. The boots are the least cool part of the Elden Lord set anyway.
- Anonymous
Replace the cuirass with the Ascetic’s Loincloth from the dlc if you want the Hoarah Loux look.
- Anonymous
has exposed skin just like gundyr's armor, but unlike gundy's armor, it absolutely sucks
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
even ignoring the garbage poise this set somehow looks worse on you than it does on godfrey, at least he was so ripped his muscles naturally filled the armor but with you, your character always to deal with the loose looking chest piece/gauntlets
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
the fact that this set doesn't even have mediocre at best Poise is a damn unforgivable crime considering how much of a unit it's original wearer is
- Anonymous
I don’t care if it’s worse than my other set, I don’t care if the poise doesn’t do ****, I don’t even care I need talismans to compensate for defense. This set befits a lord, damnit.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
i know from changing how sets pieces look to fit different creations better is unheard of but i'd kill a man for these bracers to just fit my giant character even a little bit better or at least for the crown to not have his hair glued to it
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
If you aint in it for the cargo shorts you aint in it at all
- Anonymous
The person who made that character model for the display image is a deviant.
- Anonymous
They really have the audacity to make us have his hair but not let us have his beard
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
works together nicely with the veterans and banished knight sets
- Anonymous
How is this armor worse than the soldier sets? WHY is this armor worse than the soldier sets?
- Anonymous
It’s those bracers, man! They’re so wide at the end that they make your arms look small! They’re so f*cking big!
- Anonymous
This set would be 10 times better if you could alter the crown to remove the hair, like did we really have to ****ing scalp the poor guy instead of just wearing his crown?
- Anonymous
oh finally a headpiece that lets us see all the character detail we put time into making, like our ha- GODDAMMIT
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It would be cool if the armor was a little "tighter" to fit our character
Because the chest piece looks like a bag of potatoes
- Anonymous
The Elden Lord Crown on the Gold Mask set is amazing for playing one handed.
- Anonymous
This is one of, if the the best looking armor set in the entire game. Which is why it's such a shame that the stats/poise on it are way below average. You're gonna have to choose drip over stats if you want to wear it.
- Anonymous
This set having below 50 poise is asinine, I wanted to make a King Conan build for pvp but it's not fun when a mild wind blows from the other side of the map and stagers you.
Shame really, this is definitely drippy
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
remove the lame hair, add serosh instead. Cool lion on back/ head.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
I know that what I am going to say would sound like asking a lot but I would have liked this set to have included the lion, since that would have given it its imposing touch.
- Anonymous
the helmet for the veteran's set goes really well with this.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My game crashes when trying to equip the bracers, anyone else experiencing the same issue?
- Anonymous
My game crashes when trying to equip the bracers, anyone else experiencing the same issue?
- Anonymous
Game glitched me want couldn't get the set. Was helping someone in coop with the Godfrey fight, hadn't beat him myself yet, when we killed the boss the game treated it as if I had killed him in me the achievement but not the elden lord set from enia or godfreys remeberance
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It doesn't quite look as good without the 2 feet wide rmuscles everywhere the boss has, but I guess my character will be a skinny lord boi
- Anonymous
Both gywns set and nameless kings set have open feet but this doesnt so zero fashion points!
- Anonymous
I wanna know what made her eyes look like they're on fire!!!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Worse defenses than godrick soldier set. Soldier of godrick truly could have become elden lord.