Omenkiller Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Omenkiller Set is a Light Weight armor that increase Strength and provides light Physical and moderate Magical defense. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Omenkiller Set in Elden Ring
The Omensmirk Mask Helm can be found at:
- Dropped by an Omenkiller outside of Lower Capital Church site in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
The Omenkiller Robe, Omenkiller Long Gloves and Omenkiller Boots can be found at:
- Drops from Omenkiller after defeating in Perfumer's Ruins
Omenkiller Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Omenkiller Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- The Omensmirk Mask increases Strength by 2.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Omenkiller Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Omenkiller Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
If your doing a cosplay of this dude and you don’t want to look like your wearing a Halloween costume of him just make your body as big as possible (especially the head. Make it as big as you can) go try this out and give this a like if you liked the result!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
A bit strange the robe cannot be altered unlike the other perfumer sets
- Anonymous
Probably going to make a blood one build with the helm since it's the closest thing to an omen looking headdress
- Anonymous
Ima wear this and duel wield both of the weapons and then just endlessly jump attack to mimic what the omen killers do
- Anonymous
Hmm... mix this with reeds chest plate. I used that for a while.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It would make more sense to increase the poise on the set to 20-25 but keep the physical resistance. Despite being thicker and essentially body armor for their gruesome work, it's no different than wearing naked apron.
- Anonymous
Dropped by man wielding double swords and wearing mask outside of Lower Capital Church site in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
just say omenkiller
- Anonymous
Long gloves and greaves go well with the Depraved Perfumer Robe and Traveling Perfumer Hat.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The cool part of the Set is the lore behind it. The Omenkillers basically drugged themselves up to remove emotions, as tons of omens that they hunted down were babies. Omens aren’t even evil or anything. It’s simply growths from the prior Great tree showing, like the crucible knights and Demi Humans. The Golden Order is what deems them as a cursed being.
Their mask also has horns on it to mock the growths of horns that occur to omens.
As a man who don't know much about builds etc, can anyone tell me why the Omenkiller Set is so good and used so much?
(other than it's stylish)
- Anonymous
Everyone saying they love this set except the helmet??????????? Dorky ass brown cape vs freaky looking gargoyle head, y’all have no taste.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I am using the chest piece and I feel like wearing the biggest drip ever
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
After killing the Omenkiller who drops the mask, there's a puppet version of him in Seluvis' puppet dungeon on the right just after entering. Maybe it was there before but don't remember it being there.
- Anonymous
This has to be one of the best looking sets of armor in the game (minus the helmet)
- Anonymous
Everything started with ''I need more smithing stones'' and now I got drip and 2 Tree Sentinels on my ass while only having one Great Rune
- Anonymous
I defeated the one in perfumers grotto but i did not get the set :( already have the mask from leyndell tho
- Anonymous
Nevermind im an idiot. I killed him hours upon hours ago, he must've dropped it all at once, no drop rate needed
- Anonymous
This set except the helmet looks amazing on most any character
- Anonymous
This enemy fights exactly and sounds just like the Capra Demon from DS1 except with more moves
- Anonymous
i picked up the armor from somewhere way earlier than what u guys say, but i have no idea where..
- Anonymous
Set drops (minus mask) at the perfumer's ruins, just northwest of the Abandoned Coffin site of grace.
- Anonymous
Mask drops at royal capital near lower capital church from omenkiller, other set items drop at pefumer's ruins.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This set (except for the mask) drops from an area to the west of erdtree-gazing hill and north of abandoned coffin. There should be a ruin with poison buds and smaller enemies. Killing the bigger enemy gives you everything except for the helmet.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The helmet only really looks good with the rest of the set if you make your head look super big (I maxed out the head size and everything else about the body.) I did this because it looked like the omen killers had pretty big heads compared to their body, so I made my head bigger to look more like them. Go try it. Unless you just hate the way the mask looks. That's fine too.