Vulgar Militia Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Vulgar Militia Set. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Vulgar Militia Set in Elden Ring
The Vulgar Militia Set can be found by killing Vulgar Militiamen enemies. You can find them at:
- Around the Bestial Sanctum and Farum Greatbridge sites of grace.
Vulgar Militia Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Vulgar Militia Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Vulgar Militia Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Vulgar Militia Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
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if it didnt have that dumb neck piece it would be way better
p.s. use with page's hood
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Rocking this w a mask for my rogue build. Drippin' blood I must say
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Farmed for the whole set and got the chest piece 4 HOURS IN. Ended up with 2 million runes by the end of it. I did have 10 lvl's into arcane but 4 HOURS?? that's wack fromsoft.
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One of the few sets that the pages hood looks good in. Many others have this weird effect where the hood seems to hover over the player characters shoulders. Combine it with leather trousers and some form of brown gloves, and it makes for great camoflauge.
- Anonymous
Solid early game farm is the one right outside Bestial Sanctum. You can use the waygate north of Third Church of Marika even without progressing D's questline, and you can get into the sanctum itself and touch the point of grace as well. Out the door, drop of the edge to the right, and there's a lone one patrolling near the birds on the cliff.
Farmed him at level 1 using the broadsword sold by the Nomadic Merchant on the beach in western Limgrave near the start of the game. Sneak up and backstab, hit him with the Square Off R2 for an instant posture break, go in for the kill, repeat. Decent early game rune farm, too. Drops a little above 1k runes per kill.
- Anonymous
This and the bandit hood gave me my DS1 & DS2 drip back which was the bandit hood + wanderer set.
- Anonymous
If you want to cosplay as the Penitent one from Blasphemous, this set help a lot
- Anonymous
So these guys are like two feet tall so how does the armor fit the player character?
- Anonymous
After farming these guys and the land octopi in the path to the haligtree dungeon for about an hour I managed to get like 3 shotels, 5 saws, 7 helms, 5 armors, 8 gloves, 2 octopus helms and 1 pair of pants.
I will never understand drop rates for as long as I live.
All I wanted was the pants.
- Anonymous
Cosmetic appeal aside, these have pretty amazing resistances for their weight.
- Anonymous
Low robustness for being all over in forbidden lands, I feel bad for the Lil frozen guys
- Anonymous
Other than the helmet, this is actually a nice, realistic looking set. The Iron Helmet looks fantastic with this set, you can even trade the gloves for Iron Gauntlets.
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Looks great with the vagabond greaves and gauntlets, if your going for hobo knight bling.
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They are also found by taking the spirit spring on the side of Lake of Liurnia just past the nomadic merchant. You can fight hordes if them and they do drop armor pieces.
You can also reach this area by taking on the fire monks first, then continue and there are several bands of them . GL
- Anonymous
They the helmet an mausoleum chest piece if your overcompensating for something or highlarious results
- Anonymous
I was right in farming the armor. When I saw those little guys, I thought on how cool the chest armor piece is.. Wish we can alter it.
- Anonymous
Whoever says the helm is goofy has no taste. Looks so weird and uncanny that it looks awesome.
The whole set screams some dark cult member highwayman. Love the elbow and knee pads on them. I just wish it was slightly darker like the ones the militiamen wear.
- Anonymous
Killed 200+ of these guys, 8 saws, 9 leggings and nothing else. Be warned it might be tough getting the full set unless you are super lucky
- Anonymous
If you're looking to farm this set there's around 4 of these enemies southeast of the Bestial Sanctum grace along the edge of the cliffs. One you reach the drop off you can jump down the left side onto the roots and there are about 5 more. Best place I've found so far
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I got the helm and chest from the group just west of the Malefactors Evergaol in Liurnia. Easy to farm if you use the spirit spring around the corner from the merchant.
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I really like this set minus the stupid helmet, looks like generic rogue armor, it looks good with the highwayman mask. I only wish there were a thief mask the same color since the black stands out against it too much for my liking.
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With all four pieces equipped, increases the damage of swearing by approximately 15%
- Anonymous
This set + Bandit Mask is the premier "Highwayman" armor set combo. If you're looking to make it better, I'd recommend 2 Short Sword, Round shield (The wooden one, conveniently gives decent protection while also thematically fitting the set at 89) and maybe a flail or nightrider Flail if you're looking for a dex build. Otherwise, if you're the brutish Highwayman, you could definitely go same shield, Morning Star or similar plain looking Str Weapon. The "Spear" and short spear looks nice with it, but I prefer the Militia Shotel even if it's a bit exotic for a Highwayman. Also some kind of Bow if you wanted to do any ranging.
I do warn that this Highwayman Aesthetic doesn't look great with extravagant weapons. This is why I take the hit and use the Round Shield because most other shields are simply too over the top for this more grounded fashion
- Anonymous
I just noticed it's shoes, not long boots... Shame, drip ruined. I really loved the kneecaps
- Anonymous
They give you different amount of runes. The base rune they give me is 1094 but when I keep farming them they start giving 1313 then 3000. I
- Anonymous
I wish this set was darker like the little guys. Their version is almost black whereas the tarnished's big boy version is a dull brown.
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Sickle weapon is called “Vulgar Militia Shotal” it is a Halberd weapon amd dropped for me off the guys near Bestial Sanctum.
- Anonymous
Has anyone found the Sickle weapon that they use, can it be found in game at all? The ones above the swamp area use it.
- Anonymous
Found a cave full of these guys
one of them dropped the chest piece
found in Caelid in a cave called “Gaol Cave” near Fort Gael
- Anonymous
Chestpiece stats for this armor
Vulgar Militia Armor
Weight: 7.7
Damage Negation
Physical: 8.8
VS Strike: 10.2
VS Slash: 9.5
VS Pierce: 8.0
10.2 magic
10.2 fire
10.9 lightning
10.2 holy
67 immunity
35 robustness
50 focus
50 vitality
6 poise
- Anonymous
Drops from the little guys at very eastern corner of the map. At VERY low rate.
holy **** its the maker