Festive Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Festive Set is a two piece cloth set worn by the Celebrants in Dominula, Windmill Village.
Where to find Festive Set in Elden Ring
- The set pieces are dropped by Celebrants in Dominula, Windmill Village. The regular festive set is dropped by those wearing the yellow hood and garb. Celebrants wearing blue have a chance to drop the Blue Festive Set pieces.
Festive SetArmor Pieces in Elden Ring
Festive Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- The Festive Garb cannot be altered by the player, but an altered version is available as a drop from the Celebrants in Dominula.
- The Festive Hood can be altered to the Festive Hood (Altered) to show only the ring of flowers.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
Elden Ring Festive Set Gallery
All Festive Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Festive Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
I'm sorry sapphic village. Your flower crown is too cute to let you live.
this game NEEDS to fix its drop rates, if you’re into elden bling like i am than you probably want loads of armor sets unfortunately 80% of these have like 0.5% of dropping, i’ve heard people defending this by saying “but farming makes the game fun!” and “it was worse in ds2” but for the average player farming is not fun and just because they made a mistake once does not mean they can make it again
- Anonymous
For the Drop Rates:
-Human Bone Shards
-Festive Robe
-Festive Robe Altertered
-Festive Hood
-Blue Festive Hood
-Blue Festive Garb
-Celebrant's Sickle
-Celebrant's Cleaver
-Celebrant's Rib Rake
The Celebrant's Skull is located at the left side of the entrance, follow along until finding a bunch of birds and you'll get the hammer.
- Anonymous
Drop rate is incredibly low for this one. At 240 discovery, then eventually up to 325 discovery and farming for 3 hours- and I've only managed to get 12 altered robes, 3 blue hoods and 1 blue robe. Wicked
- Anonymous
All the available drops are:
• Human Bone Shard
• Festive Garb
• Festive Garb (altered)
• Blue Festive Hood
• Festive Hood
* Celebrant's Cleaver
Drop rates are pretty low... mostly bone shards... but best farm I found was to spawn at Windmill Village, mount, go uphill, kill group of 3 and group of 9, then reset and repeat.
- Anonymous
Took 2h+ to get both festive hoods with 250 item discovery. Very low drop rate (or unlucky). Best farming place is the first two mobs of Windmill Village, then loop back to respawn at the grace. Can use something like hoarfrost stomp even with nerf for AOE nuke
- Anonymous
There's also a Blue Festival Garb, and they drop Golden Rune [3]s like candy. Celebrant's Cleaver dropped but no other weapons
- Anonymous
All the available drops are:
• Festive Garb
• Festive Garb (altered)
• Blue Festive Hood
• Festive Hood
• Blue Festive Hood
You can only alter the Festive Hood yourself, which gets you the last item of the set, Festive Hood (altered).
- Anonymous
I found the brown festive hood and it can be altered, the flowers look cool, its a purple headband 10/10 would get again
Best advice, soreseal + mimic tear + white scarab
Cannon of haima the lower camp then grace - its very fast and somewhat satisfying. At level 150 I placed co-op sign and got summoned once was a nice time :) would recommend farming again :D
- Anonymous
Ive found the altered, unaltered garb, and only the blue festive hood so far
the blue hood cannot be altered
drop rate is maybe not good? I have about 200 discovery and cleared it maybe 15 times got 4 garbs and 2 blue hoods
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I just got a Blue Festive Hood. Is there a variant of this set?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
What is the drop rate? I’ve been killing them for awhile and nothing
You dastards! A flower crown?! I beat this game five times and I had no clue!