Night Maiden Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Night Maiden Set is a cloth set worn by the Night Maiden enemies found in Nokron and Nokstella. It shares the Nox Bracelets and Nox Greaves with the Nox Monk Set and Nox Swordstress Set. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Night Maiden Set in Elden Ring
- Pieces of the Night Maiden Set are dropped by Night Maiden enemies found in Nokron and Nokstella.
- Two Night Maiden can be found in the Night's Sacred Ground area in the church with the large Sphere Silver Tear. Once this building's shortcut is opened, these two can be easily farmed by resetting at the Night's Sacred Ground site of grace. [Elden Ring Map Link]
Night Maiden SetArmor Pieces in Elden Ring
Night Maiden Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Night Maiden Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Night Maiden Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I spent so much time (15 minutes) farming for the dagger only to find out that it doesn't drop.
Miyazaki why
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I'm almost annoyed by how great this set looks like because I just can't go back to anything else now regardless of my build - its silhouette, colors, cloth physics, crown design... everything about it is just *chef's kiss* from design perspective.
- Anonymous
too light for good poise or defense, too heavy for blue dancer charm, just right for letting me feel like the pretty princess ive always wanted to be
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
really easy to farm with st trinas sword as theyre vulnerable to sleep, if youre low level
- Anonymous
what shortcut is this referring to? you just walk up the stairs no?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Love the chest armor. The gold accents on the cloak match the ones on the navy/crimson hoods perfectly and the combo looks great for a witch build
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
123 item discovery boosted with fowl foot, whole set in 20 mins
You can do it too.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
pfff i dont need good armor dude i need to focus on my FASHION souls bro, no dude ill be fine ill just max out vigor and endurance bro lol ill be just fine bro
- Anonymous
I made a comment about banging my head against a wall for the Nox night maiden armour chest piece at 15:23. The chest piece dropped for me at 15:34 with discovery of 245 from silver scarab talisman, silver pickled fowl foot and 20 ARC if you give yourselves over to RNGesus you too can get the armour or weapon drops you most desire.
- Anonymous
I got the crown, greaves and bracelets in the first two runs since then all I'm getting is bracelets no sign of the chest piece. I really hate farming for gear like this, I'd much rather have to beat an optional difficult boss than kill the same two enemies over and over hoping RNGesus is going to hear my prayer.
- Anonymous
Wow! This is beautiful!!! Wish they had more crowns like this!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
July 27, 2022
Got ALL of the Nox sets (3 different hoods & armors - Night Maiden twin crown & armor, Monk hood & armor, & Swordstess crown & armor) including 12 greaves & 14 bracelets which are shared by the 3 variant Nox sets. ALL pieces farmed from nearby the Grace Nokstella, Eternal City.
Swordstess pieces are easy, just kill the 2 riding ants & they'll drop these unique crown & armor with another Swordstess up the first set of stairs and thru the doorway on your left.
The other one straight up those stairs is a Night Maiden & drops the twin maiden crown & night maiden armor.
Across the river from the 2nd ant lady you'll find two Nox Monks that'll drop their unique crown and armor.
For efficiency this is the best place to farm for the pieces and in addition there are 6 silver firefly in the river (depends how far you go, cuz there's more further down the river...and a man living in a van down by the river named Chet) so you'll be restocking crafting materials for your silver fowl feet to boost item discovery. Took me an hour and ten minutes, got every piece, double armor (Monk, Swordstess, Maiden) & double crown (Monk, Swordstess) for the altered versions as well...but I'm ocd and need to have both versions in my inventory.
Don't listen to the comments further down spouting lies about items being patched out.
- Anonymous
July 27, 2022
Got ALL of the Nox sets (3 different hoods & armors - Night Maiden twin crown & armor, Monk hood & armor, & Swordstess crown & armor) including 12 greaves & 14 bracelets which are shared by the 3 variant Nox sets. ALL pieces farmed from nearby the Grace Nokstella, Eternal City.
Swordstess pieces are easy, just kill the 2 riding ants & they'll drop these unique crown & armor with another Swordstess up the first set of stairs and thru the doorway on your left.
The other one straight up those stairs is a Night Maiden & drops the twin maiden crown & night maiden armor.
Across the river from the 2nd ant lady you'll find two Nox Monks that'll drop their unique crown and armor.
For efficiency this is the best place to farm for the pieces and in addition there are 6 silver firefly in the river (depends how far you go, cuz there's more further down the river...and a man living in a van down by the river named Chet) so you'll be restocking crafting materials for your silver fowl feet to boost item discovery. Took me an hour and ten minutes, got every piece, double armor (Monk, Swordstess, Maiden) & double crown (Monk, Swordstess) for the altered versions as well...but I'm ocd and need to have both versions in my inventory.
Don't listen to the comments further down spouting lies about items being patched out.
- Anonymous
These replys are just untrue. If you can't answer the topic correctly don't. Its 3% on all. Though 2 were removed. All one can get is the maiden set non alternate. The crap ones. Plus the one you see before mimic uses a whip with full set of nox maiden. Sadly the head and chest like others have been removed. Nox head, chest gone.
- Anonymous
Explain FROMSOFTWARE developers WHY am I getting 9 pants in a row and nothing else. What king shitty random algorithms are you using for such drops.
- Anonymous
Love everything of this outfit except for the torso. The torso just looks weird.
- Anonymous
Put the silver tear mask on, i found the whole armor set in less than 5 minutes
- Anonymous
The swordstress on the stairs at the Nox Swordstress farming local (by Nokstella, Eternal City grace) dropped a Night Maiden's hood
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Please rename the Bracelets and Greaves to "Nox Bracelets" and "Nox Greaves" respectively. The Word "Monk" does not exist for these pieces of gear. Only for the head and chest gear. They Bracelets and Greaves are shared amongst the sets and do not have the word "Monk" in their name. That might stir up confusion when trying to farm their sets.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
like all enemy dripped armor don't bother this games drop rate is just worthless
- Anonymous
Got the whole set minus the bracelets from the first one I killed. Must've stole the dude below me's luck.
- Anonymous
got the crown and armor without trying but once I'm farming I cannot get any thing. That happens every soul game,black knights for Ds3 Is one of 100.
- Anonymous
Unsure if unlikely or 10% droprate from comments are lie, got about 50 kils so far.
Using the far spot on the first set I got head/legs.
48 kills later and nothing
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Drop rate is about 10-15% from my experience, not that bad but took me about 20 min to get a full set, you can replace the headpiece with a hood and it'll still look nice, navy hood looked kinda cool with it
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Look at me. I am the maiden now.