Aristocrat Set

aristocrat set
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 13.4
VS Strike 14.6
VS Slash 13.4
VS Pierce 13.1
Magic 13.4
Fire 13.6
Ligt 15.1
Holy 13.4
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 91
Robustness 64
Focus 84
Vitality 71
Poise 21

Armor Set 9.0 Weight

Aristocrat Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Aristocrat Set is a lightweight cloth set that is worn by the Sorcerer Aristocrat enemies that can be found wandering the roads in groups across much of the map. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.


Where to find Aristocrat Set in Elden Ring

  • Dropped by Noble Sorcerers seen in larger groups of Wandering Noble enemies that wander the roads of most areas.
  • A group of three can be easily farmed in Kingsrealm Ruins near the Road to the Manor site of grace. Turning around from where Iji's workstation is, they are just beyond the gate that was formerly an Illusory Wall.
  • Another spot is the Troll-pulled Carriage's caravan on the roads north of the Agheel Lake South site of grace.
  • The Aristocrat Headband has a much lower drop rate than the chest and leg pieces.


Aristocrat Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring


Aristocrat Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips

  • An altered version of the chest piece, Aristocrat Garb (Altered), can only be attained as a drop from the Common Nobles, who are non-cloaked. It cannot be altered by the player.
  • There are three types of hat for this set, feathered hat aristocrat headband and old aristocrat Cowl, they can be found north of agheel lake South there is a Big group of them following a caravan
  • Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.


All Aristocrat Set Pieces for Elden Ring

You can check out all the Aristocrat Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.

Aristocrat Headband

aristocrat headband elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 1.9
VS Strike 1.9
VS Slash 1.9
VS Pierce 1.6
Magic 4
Fire 3.6
Ligt 3.8
Holy 4
Helm Wgt. 1.2

Aristocrat Garb

aristocrat garb elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 7.8
VS Strike 8.6
VS Slash 7.8
VS Pierce 7.8
Magic 6.5
Fire 6.9
Ligt 7.8
Holy 6.5
Chest Armor Wgt. 4.9

Aristocrat Boots

aristocrat boots elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 4.3
VS Strike 4.8
VS Slash 4.3
VS Pierce 4.3
Magic 3.6
Fire 3.8
Ligt 4.3
Holy 3.6
Immunity 29
Robustness 21
Focus 23
Vitality 19
Poise 7
Leg Armor Wgt. 2.9




Elden Ring Armor Sets
Alberich's Set  ♦  Albinauric Set  ♦  All-Knowing Set  ♦  Astrologer Set  ♦  Azur's Glintstone Set  ♦  Bandit Set  ♦  Banished Knight Set  ♦  Battlemage Set  ♦  Beast Champion Set  ♦  Black Knife Set  ♦  Blackflame Monk Set  ♦  Blaidd's Set  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Set  ♦  Bloodsoaked Set  ♦  Blue Cloth Set  ♦  Blue Festive Set  ♦  Blue Silver Set  ♦  Brave's Set  ♦  Briar Set  ♦  Bull-Goat Set  ♦  Carian Knight Set  ♦  Chain Set  ♦  Champion Set  ♦  Cleanrot Set  ♦  Commoner's Set  ♦  Confessor Set  ♦  Consort's Set  ♦  Crucible Axe Set  ♦  Crucible Tree Set  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Set  ♦  Deathbed Set  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Set  ♦  Drake Knight Set  ♦  Duelist Set  ♦  Eccentric Set  ♦  Elden Lord Set  ♦  Errant Sorcerer Set  ♦  Exile Set  ♦  Festive Set  ♦  Fia's Set  ♦  Finger Maiden Set  ♦  Fingerprint Set  ♦  Fire Monk Set  ♦  Fire Prelate Set  ♦  Fur Set  ♦  Gelmir Knight Set  ♦  General Radahn Set  ♦  Godrick Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Godrick Knight Set  ♦  Godrick Soldier Set  ♦  Godskin Apostle Set  ♦  Godskin Noble Set  ♦  Goldmask's Set  ♦  Guardian Set  ♦  Guilty Set  ♦  Haligtree Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Haligtree Knight Set  ♦  Haligtree Soldier Set  ♦  High Page Set  ♦  Highwayman Set  ♦  Hoslow's Set  ♦  House Marais Set  ♦  Iron Set  ♦  Juvenile Scholar Set  ♦  Kaiden Set  ♦  Knight Set  ♦  Land of Reeds Set  ♦  Lazuli Sorcerer Set  ♦  Leather Set  ♦  Leyndell Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Leyndell Knight Set  ♦  Leyndell Soldier Set  ♦  Lionel's Set  ♦  Lusat's Set  ♦  Malenia's Set  ♦  Malformed Dragon Set  ♦  Maliketh's Set  ♦  Marionette Soldier Set  ♦  Mausoleum Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Mausoleum Knight Set  ♦  Mausoleum Soldier Set  ♦  Millicent's Set  ♦  Mushroom Set  ♦  Night's Cavalry Set  ♦  Night Maiden Set  ♦  Noble's Set  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Set  ♦  Nox Monk Set  ♦  Nox Swordstress Set  ♦  Old Aristocrat Set  ♦  Omen Set  ♦  Omenkiller Set  ♦  Page Set  ♦  Perfumer Set  ♦  Perfumer Traveler's Set  ♦  Preceptor's Set  ♦  Prisoner Set  ♦  Prophet Set  ♦  Queen of the Full Moon Set  ♦  Radahn Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Radahn Soldier Set  ♦  Ragged Set  ♦  Raging Wolf Set  ♦  Raptor's Set  ♦  Raya Lucarian Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Raya Lucarian Soldier Set  ♦  Redmane Knight Set  ♦  Ronin's Set  ♦  Rotten Duelist Set  ♦  Royal Knight Set  ♦  Royal Remains Set  ♦  Ruler's Set  ♦  Sage Set  ♦  Sanguine Noble Set  ♦  Sanguine Set  ♦  Scaled Set  ♦  Shaman Set  ♦  Snow Witch Set  ♦  Spellblade Set  ♦  Traveler's Set  ♦  Traveling Maiden Set  ♦  Tree Sentinel Set  ♦  Twinned Set  ♦  Vagabond Knight Set  ♦  Veteran's Set  ♦  Vulgar Militia Set  ♦  War Surgeon Set  ♦  White Reed Set  ♦  Zamor Set

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    • Anonymous

      headband is the goat headpiece if you want to wear something gold but don't have enough vitality to wear a full heavy gold set like the tree sentinel

      • Anonymous

        I tried more than half an hour at the recommended spot, killed easily more than 200 Artistocrats. 12 Garbs and 12 Boots each, but no crown.

        • Anonymous

          Currently farming the crown. I got five garbs a pair of pants and more ruin fragments than I know what to do with

          • Anonymous

            Once I spent two hourse farming those dang wandering nobles for their armor, nothing, not a single piece.
            Then, on another character, got the ENTIRE set in three kills, not even farming, just killing them on my way to weeping.
            Thank you Elden Ring.

            • Anonymous

              there is also the aristocrat hat, dropped by the aristocrat wielding the noble's estoc
              Pyhs: 3.1
              Vs Strike: 3.1
              Vs Slash: 2.8
              Vs Pierce: 3.1
              Magic: 3.8
              Fire: 4.0
              Lightning: 3.8
              Holy: 3.1

              • Anonymous

                There is another piece thats dropped by Aristocrats wielding the Estoc. I believe its called the Aristocrat Coat
                Phys: 8.8
                Vs Strike: 8.8
                Vs Slash: 8.0
                Vs Pierce: 8.0
                Magic: 10.9
                Fire: 11.4
                Lightning: 10.9
                Holy: 8.8

                • If you're trying to farm this set, other aristocrat pieces, or kaiden armor, go to the waypoint ruins grace and hit the caravan there. Got multiples of all of them farming for the noble estoc

                  • The crown works well with the Cleanrot set if you want fashion but lack the Endurance to manage all four pieces + your weapons of choice. Gold with red accents is a personal wekaness of mine, hahaha.

                    • The crown works well with the Cleanrot set if you want fashion but lack the Endurance to manage all four pieces + your weapons of choice. Gold with red accents is a personal wekaness of mine, hahaha.

                      • Anonymous

                        There's also the Aristocrat Coat dropped by the guys who also drop the feathered hat. The trousers seem to be the same for both tho.

                        • Anonymous

                          There are three types of hat for this set, feathered hat aristocrat headband and old aristocrat Cowl, they can be found north of agheel lake South there is a Big group of them following a caravan

                          • Anonymous

                            these guys drop rates are atrocious even with silver fingers i have over 200 discovery but literally for 2 mins my farming are either dry or get stupid **** like herbs or flowers but for rarer mobs their gear drop almost in hoards its ****ing ridiculous i cant even get a raggy ass coat but can pick up 100 knight armors

                            they seriously need a hard drop rate nerf

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