Fur Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Fur Set is a medium-light weight three-piece leather set worn by the Ancestral Followers. This Set of Armor is composed of three armor pieces: Helm, Chest Armor, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Fur Set in Elden Ring
- All pieces of the Fur Set drop from Ancestral Follower enemies.
- The pieces will drop off both the spectral and normal enemies of this type.
- They can easily be found in the Ruined Labyrinth and Mausoleum Compound.
- You will have a hard time missing them, and vice-versa, in Siofra River.
Fur SetArmor Pieces in Elden Ring
Fur Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
All Fur Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Fur Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
thought this was going to be something very different based on the name
- Anonymous
No-bottom jeans, and the boots, with the fur (with the fuuur)
- Anonymous
The headpiece is goated but felt so let down by the look of the rainment.
Could have gone for a dripped caveman look yet this shameful thing looks like you stripped the ashy unwashed carpet of a dirty 70s lounge bar and wore it.
- Anonymous
If you want to do an unga bunga bonk build, use this set + bestial incantations + great club
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Ancestral Woods is the easiest if you’re far enough in the game. Head east. If not Worshipper Woods site of grace works ok. Head south
- Anonymous
This set + Black Wolf Mask + Bloodhound Claws w/Braggart's Roar + Dragonclaw + Greyoll's Roar = Cleric Beast cosplay
- Anonymous
I don't know why they still have 2 and 3 piece sets of armor in this game. Why not make full sets of 4 for every armor? The only ones that deserve to be less are unique pieces like the deathbed dress etc
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Good farm spot i found is at the Siofra river Bank site. Head north west and you'll see three fur dudes next to each other
- Anonymous
See so many “female” tarnished wearing this as fashion souls, often accompanying the death bed dress. Please stop and just wear a different helm, it looks so bad lol. Or do whatever you want, it’s your game.
- Anonymous
Why no gloves? I hate it when the enemies only have 3/4 pieces to farm. Been farming for a pair of gloves that they don't even drop!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I feel like Mausoleum Compound is a good place to farm this, a lot of them spawn facing away from you in the direction of the minor erdtree
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I wanna use this for my Beast Titan rock throwing spell build
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"You will have a hard time missing them, and vice-versa, in Siofra River." Whoever wrote that, big props.
This + Large Club