Confessor Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Confessor Set is a Medium Weight Armor that strikes a good balance between Physical and Magical defense. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Confessor Set in Elden Ring
- Starting Equipment for the Confessor Class.
- Sold by Nomadic Merchant in Mount Gelmir. [Elden Ring Map here]
Confessor Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Confessor Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- The Confessor Hood can be altered to the Confessor Hood (Altered) to remove the hood.
- The Confessor Armor can be altered to the Confessor Armor (Altered) to remove the cloak.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
Elden Ring Confessor Set Gallery
All Confessor Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Confessor Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I imagine how many times Rileigh the Idle confessed to a priest how many times he has killed the same guy whom was invading his realm.
- Anonymous
Confessor: "I sinned, priest. I confess I killed many bears kids, octopus kids, crab kids, kindred of rot kids, scholar juveniles, squirels and Kenneth Haight. I ask for pardon...". Turtle Pope: "Just use celestial dew and let me sleep".
- Anonymous
Lore wise, the confessors reminds me of the Jannisaries of the Ottomen empire. They may be almost slaves to the Two Fingers, killing tarnished without the guidance of grace and all that, but also doing so in a scarily efficient way to the point of fearing nothing more than utter silence.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The first class that I chose in Elden ring. Yeah, the confessor stats are good but the drip…
- Anonymous
use the gauntlets and greaves of solitude from the dlc. matches well and over 51 poise
- Anonymous
This might be the best looking starting class armor in all of FromSoftware games.
- Anonymous
change the confessor gloves & boots to haligtree knight gauntlets & greaves. Max bling.
- Anonymous
change to Haligtree Knight Gauntlet and Greaves to look even better
- Anonymous
Can someone please tell me if the raging wolf helmet goes well with the confessor armor chest? I haven't been able to buy Elden Ring yet to verify it myself
- Anonymous
Is it just me, or does the symbol on the hood seem similar to the gelmir emblem? Might be a connection, since Rykard was once an inquisitor.
- Anonymous
Looks like Baylon Skoll's armour from the Ashoka show. Time for a cosplay! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
What's the natural upgrade from this set? I've reached the Altus Plateau after 100 hours of game and I've yet to find something with better stats
- Anonymous
Let us burn down these heretics,brothers. Spare no one,the Erdtree will judge them fairly.
- Anonymous
It very cool looking, but since its starter stuff I don't like it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
There is literally no comparable armor set in the game. The balance between weight and stats is unique.
- Anonymous
If they are the confessors, then why can't I confess to Melina?
- Anonymous
Oh, so you want the cool set, do you? Gotta travel to Mt. Doom for that one. Watch out for tricksy hobbitses
- Anonymous
The one set responsible for most of the class choices for players in NG.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This set carrys you through the game easily.
And looks pretty cool too. ;)
Isn't this the armour set that Rileigh the Idle wears when you invade him?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
I really wish the hood wasn't also the shoulder shall for this outfit... cuz it makes using headgear with it not nearly as cool. I need another priestly looking robe but I don't know if any exist?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
The nomadic merchant sells this set for 1000 runes each in Mt. Gelmir
- Anonymous
this can be sold on mt gelmir go to ninth mt gelmir campsite from that go east and go down a ladder
- Anonymous
There you go, it's a little bit tricky, you have to use the right ladder or drop down from above.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Hey hey, I'll be going to start as a Wretch but I REALLY wanted to use some pieces of this set
Can anyone tell me how/where to get the set in game?
(Obs.: By the time I make this comment there's no information in this wiki about how to get the set)
- Anonymous
if the shoulder cloak was part of the armor and not the hood i would never wear another set