Death Knight Set

death knight set sote elden ring wiki guide
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 24.8
VS Strike 21.6
VS Slash 24.4
VS Pierce 24.4
Magic 19
Fire 19.4
Ligt 24.6
Holy 16.4
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 63
Robustness 106
Focus 41
Vitality 106
Poise 47

Armor Set 25.9 Weight

Death Knight Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Armor Set in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLCSets of Armor in Elden Ring are composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor. Not only this set has high damage negation and high resistance, it also boosts any skills and incantations of the Ancient Dragon Cult, making it best choice for builds focus on these skills.


Where to find Death Knight Set in Elden Ring

  • Darklight Catacombs, on a Death Knight corpse. To get this armor set make your way in the catacombs until you reach the first elevator. Head down the elevator and into the next room where you can head down the staircase on the right. Make your way to the beginning of the next staircase where you will see a broken portion of the railing, where you’ll want to jump down. In the room behind you you should find the armor set on a death knight’s corpse laying in front of a large pit. [Map Link] [Video Link]


Death Knight Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring


Death Knight Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips



All Death Knight Set Pieces for Elden Ring


Death Knight Helm

death knight helm helm elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 4.4
VS Strike 3.8
VS Slash 4.4
VS Pierce 4.4
Magic 3.4
Fire 3.4
Ligt 4.4
Holy 2.8
Helm Wgt. 4.6

Death Knight Armor

death knight armor chest armor elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 12.6
VS Strike 10.7
VS Slash 12.2
VS Pierce 12.2
Magic 9.3
Fire 9.7
Ligt 12.4
Holy 8.2
Chest Armor Wgt. 11.2

Death Knight Gauntlets

death knight gauntlets gauntlets elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 3.1
VS Strike 2.7
VS Slash 3.1
VS Pierce 3.1
Magic 2.3
Fire 2.3
Ligt 3.1
Holy 1.9
Gauntlet Wgt. 3.5

Death Knight Greaves

death knight greaves legs elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 7.1
VS Strike 6.2
VS Slash 7.1
VS Pierce 7.1
Magic 5.4
Fire 5.4
Ligt 7.1
Holy 4.5
Leg Armor Wgt. 6.6


Builds & Videos for Death Knight Set in Elden Ring



Elden Ring Armor Sets
Alberich's Set  ♦  Albinauric Set  ♦  All-Knowing Set  ♦  Aristocrat Set  ♦  Astrologer Set  ♦  Azur's Glintstone Set  ♦  Bandit Set  ♦  Banished Knight Set  ♦  Battlemage Set  ♦  Beast Champion Set  ♦  Black Knife Set  ♦  Blackflame Monk Set  ♦  Blaidd's Set  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Set  ♦  Bloodsoaked Set  ♦  Blue Cloth Set  ♦  Blue Festive Set  ♦  Blue Silver Set  ♦  Brave's Set  ♦  Briar Set  ♦  Bull-Goat Set  ♦  Carian Knight Set  ♦  Chain Set  ♦  Champion Set  ♦  Cleanrot Set  ♦  Commoner's Set  ♦  Confessor Set  ♦  Consort's Set  ♦  Crucible Axe Set  ♦  Crucible Tree Set  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Set  ♦  Deathbed Set  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Set  ♦  Drake Knight Set  ♦  Duelist Set  ♦  Eccentric Set  ♦  Elden Lord Set  ♦  Errant Sorcerer Set  ♦  Exile Set  ♦  Festive Set  ♦  Fia's Set  ♦  Finger Maiden Set  ♦  Fingerprint Set  ♦  Fire Monk Set  ♦  Fire Prelate Set  ♦  Fur Set  ♦  Gelmir Knight Set  ♦  General Radahn Set  ♦  Godrick Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Godrick Knight Set  ♦  Godrick Soldier Set  ♦  Godskin Apostle Set  ♦  Godskin Noble Set  ♦  Goldmask's Set  ♦  Guardian Set  ♦  Guilty Set  ♦  Haligtree Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Haligtree Knight Set  ♦  Haligtree Soldier Set  ♦  High Page Set  ♦  Highwayman Set  ♦  Hoslow's Set  ♦  House Marais Set  ♦  Iron Set  ♦  Juvenile Scholar Set  ♦  Kaiden Set  ♦  Knight Set  ♦  Land of Reeds Set  ♦  Lazuli Sorcerer Set  ♦  Leather Set  ♦  Leyndell Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Leyndell Knight Set  ♦  Leyndell Soldier Set  ♦  Lionel's Set  ♦  Lusat's Set  ♦  Malenia's Set  ♦  Malformed Dragon Set  ♦  Maliketh's Set  ♦  Marionette Soldier Set  ♦  Mausoleum Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Mausoleum Knight Set  ♦  Mausoleum Soldier Set  ♦  Millicent's Set  ♦  Mushroom Set  ♦  Night's Cavalry Set  ♦  Night Maiden Set  ♦  Noble's Set  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Set  ♦  Nox Monk Set  ♦  Nox Swordstress Set  ♦  Old Aristocrat Set  ♦  Omen Set  ♦  Omenkiller Set  ♦  Page Set  ♦  Perfumer Set  ♦  Perfumer Traveler's Set  ♦  Preceptor's Set  ♦  Prisoner Set  ♦  Prophet Set  ♦  Queen of the Full Moon Set  ♦  Radahn Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Radahn Soldier Set  ♦  Ragged Set  ♦  Raging Wolf Set  ♦  Raptor's Set  ♦  Raya Lucarian Foot Soldier Set  ♦  Raya Lucarian Soldier Set  ♦  Redmane Knight Set  ♦  Ronin's Set  ♦  Rotten Duelist Set  ♦  Royal Knight Set  ♦  Royal Remains Set  ♦  Ruler's Set  ♦  Sage Set  ♦  Sanguine Noble Set  ♦  Sanguine Set  ♦  Scaled Set  ♦  Shaman Set  ♦  Snow Witch Set  ♦  Spellblade Set  ♦  Traveler's Set  ♦  Traveling Maiden Set  ♦  Tree Sentinel Set  ♦  Twinned Set  ♦  Vagabond Knight Set  ♦  Veteran's Set  ♦  Vulgar Militia Set  ♦  War Surgeon Set  ♦  White Reed Set  ♦  Zamor Set


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    • Anonymous

      wish this set can boost fai a bit, so it will not be completely replaced by 2%all damage set and will not be more powerful than heart either. DLC didn't give any fai boosting equipment that gives mores than +1fai(meanwhile str, dex...). It's still a cool set and the bonus is not useless, just wish it could be a little bit more unique in terms of special function.

      • This should have been a bit stronger than rakshasa, ok that this has a bit more negations but still not worth it as rakshasa buffs ALL damage including regular hits. Dancer set at least is a bit stronger (10% full set).

        • Anonymous

          It's a shame we can't get a pre death of Godwyn version of this as in undamaged with the visor down and no skull

          • Anonymous

            "Each piece enhances skills and incantations of the ancient dragon cult by 2%, totaling at 8%"
            >doesn't boost thundercloud form, THE ancient dragon skill...

            • Anonymous

              The guy you pick it up from makes it look like a Bloodborne set. WHY DO YOU KEEP TEASING ME LIKE THIS FROM?

              • Anonymous

                radahn armor (not the cheese one) and the rest of this set = legendary drip + 6% lightning bonus + above 51 poise treshold. Shame that oathseeker knight helm dont match beacuse its mostly black, tree sentinel helmet match the gold color but its too big and the tree can't be removed.

                • Anonymous

                  The cape part of the outfit has a very slight blue tint to it which makes it go very well with the wolf crest shield which is also gold with dark blue.

                  • Anonymous

                    If you want to reach the 51 poise threshold without disrupting the appearance too much, Lionel's set is a great option. Although the plated parts of the DK set are gold and Lionel's plate coloration is black, it still fits pretty will with the black chainmail.

                    Substituting the gauntlets alone gets you 51 poise exactly. Substituting the greaves alone gets you 58.

                    Radahn's set is another option that fits well. The greaves have a black leather and gold armor coloration that fits well, and substituting the greaves alone gets you 54 poise. The gauntlets alone are just short of the threshold though, reaching only 49.

                    • Anonymous

                      Magic users, 1) drink flask of cerulean hidden tear, magic shrouding cracked tear. 2) get in close as possible 3) start swinging adulas moonblade.

                      He'll get stunned and struggle to do anything. If he looks like he's going to do something, roll into the attack. For extra easiness summon black knife tiche or mimic with just adulas moonblade. You're welcome.

                      • Anonymous

                        I think Oathseeker Helm and Leda's Sword fits pretty well, but I'll let you (The visitor) determine if it's your thing or not

                        • Anonymous

                          Would it kill Fromsoft to give medium sets like 5 more poise? I hate having to mix and match to hit 51. So many sets like this in the base game now DLC.

                          • Anonymous

                            godwyn's death lightning is on point with this. might also work well with the eclipse shotel, but a full deathblight build doesn't sit right with me

                            • Anonymous

                              The chest looks exactly like Galadriel’s armour in Rings of Power (chainmail adorned with eight-pointed stars). Considering that piece of crap was very well received in Japan there is an actual possibility Miyazaki watched and liked the show so much he decided to include this in the game. We are truly living in the worse possible timeline

                              • Anonymous

                                It enhances all lightning incants, but in the description specifies the "capital's ancient dragon cult" so I thought for sure that meant only the golden lighting spells and skills?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Yet another unfortunate victim of Fromsoft gutting armorsets and giving players inferior versions. It would've been cool if it had the glowing spectral cape. But it doesnt.
                                  Same way that Messmer set doesn't have the snakes. Look, I know it wouldn't make sense but it would be cool.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Sadly was able to confirm that although the set boosts Frozen Lightning Spear, it does not boost the Ice Lightning weapon skills.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I previously commented that Malformed Dragon Greaves match this reslly well and give 53 poise. I also realized that Lionel's Greaves also match really well (and look better imo) and they together with this set give 58 poise. I believe when reading the new poise changes in 1.12, someone said when using Great weapons (sword, curved sword etc.) that 58 was a recommended poise level regarding when hyperarmor is activated. Anyway, my personal favorite look at the moment with good defense and poise. That fashion looks wicked good covered in the blood of your enemies

                                      • Anonymous

                                        For true "if you can't handle me at my deadest, then you don't deserve me at my goldest" Godwyn enjoyers.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          anyone know if it boosts the regular thrown golden lightning bolt? im assuming so, but you can never be too sure

                                          • Anonymous

                                            anyone know if it boosts the regular thrown golden lightning bolt? im assuming so, but you can never be too sure

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Why can't anything be labeled and described specifically and correctly so we don't have ****ing guess. Is Lightning always Dragon Cult or isn't it? WHO knows=) Fromsoft either is too incompetent to just tell us, or they're trolling us and expect fans to do all the work for them AND then praise them for being vague and incompetent, hehe.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Since the 3rd Dragonkin gives you a Dragoncult Incant: does this Armor also buff the Ice-Lightning Weapons?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  you use the death knight set for extra dragon cult incant damage, i use the death knight helmet for a better skull alternative to royal remains on my necromancer character, we are not the same

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    For anyone wanting to hit PVE poise levels, Malformed Dragon Greaves match this set extremely well and give you 53 poise

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Easy fix, have it buff both death damage in general and dragon cult incants, heck this is a dlc item, let it be a bit busted

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Give us the damn cape. The alteration system has always been underused but it's criminal in SOTE (Rellana's ponytail, Death Knight Cape, etc)

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Did some digging in the params and found that these are the 5 Weapon Skills that get boosted by this set:
                                                          1. Lightning Slash
                                                          2. Thunderbolt
                                                          3. Blinkbolt
                                                          4. Blinkbolt: Twinaxe
                                                          5. Binkbolt: Long-hafted Axe

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            This set was MADE for the mad pumpkin helm. At long last something that actually looks good with it. Matches it perfectly aesthetically as well as providing a solid defense.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Im reading that people have tested the bolt of gransax and the dragon kings cragblade, but has anyone tested the dragon halberd or dragonscale blade with the death knight armor?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                For those who are confused: the set only augment dragon cult skills and incants from the capital, the golden lightning ones. So red lightning stuff like bolt of grannsax will not benefit from this set

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Neither Flowerstone Gavel or Bolt of Gransax get any boost from this set. Tested on the Pumpkin Head by Saintsbridge, and there was no difference whatsoever between with the armor and without.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    as of right now it does not boost Ancient Lightning Spear nor Thundercloud Form. tested with armor on and fully off and no change in damage occurred. tried with both fully charged and uncharged versions of the skills. it does boost all lightning incantations so far and specifically AoW that list the dragon cult.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      This does not boost dragon communion. It boosts the damage dealing incantations specifically labeled as "Dragon Cult Incantations" which are basically every lightning incantation, not just the red lightning ones. The weapon skills it boosts are also basically all the lightning ones like the ones on the Death Knight weapons, the Bolt of Gransax, Flowerstone Gavel, Dragon King's Craigblade and probably a few others. I doubt it works on all lightning skills like lightning ram though

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I feel like "Godwyn's personal guard" is the kind of thing you don't brag about given, you know, what happened to him.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          After some testing, it looks like the skills for both death knight weapons qualify as dragon cult skills for the purpose of this armor

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            So what skills get boosted? For incantation i assume it's every red lightning incantation but skills I have no clue.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              God do I wish we got some more heavy armor sets in this dlc. All we got was Commander Gaius', but that doesn't even come with pants.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I love this set, I just wish this wasn’t all we got for Godwyn lore. What do they mean by “cadaver surrogate”? What do they have to do with the Age of Duskborn? Do the knights not know where Godwyn’s real body to actually start the age is?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Dammit why is all this cool knight armor so light!? It should be heavier tier but it’s lighter than Maliketh’s armor it’s no fair I want to use the knight armor but you lose so much defense

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Important: After you climb up the ladder to get into the room with the armor (in front of you on a body on the ledge) , a Sorcerer is standing immediately to your right in the corner, ready to ambush you. Also be aware that a Lion Imp will walk into the room from the West alcove after you pick up the armor.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      The gauntlets and greaves for this look amazing on Radahn chest piece. Mine is altered but probably still looks great unaltered too. Throw in a helm like Royal Remains Helmet and you have some exquisite drip.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        When I first fought the Fog Rift death knight I thought they had a closed visor going up with a little lip on the top, which in my mind would've been cooler with the rest of the helmet, but a skull is still cool.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Little disappointing that the “death” knight armor doesn’t buff death sorceries… (I’m just salty cause I’m a death sorcerer)

                                                                                          • Per testing, maybe it multiplies with gravel seal/each other piece? Done against troll in stormveil
                                                                                            Knights Lightning spear -
                                                                                            Nothing but gravel seal: 1731
                                                                                            Seal and priestess heart boost:1987 (253/15% increase)
                                                                                            Seal and DK Armor: 2094 (363/20-21% increase)

                                                                                            Lightning spear
                                                                                            Nothing but gravel seal: 1248
                                                                                            Seal and Priestess heart: 1432 (184/ 15% increase)
                                                                                            Seal and DK armor: 1508 (260/ 20% increase)

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Looks like each piece of this set boosts the damage of Dragon Cult Incantations by 2%, so 8% total for the full set.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Anyone know if there's an equivalent for dragon communion incantations? Since this one boosts dragon cult, is there one that boosts dragon communion? Not including the transformation.

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